More Pictures of Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen Shopping at Whole Foods
Filed Under (pictures,Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Friday, November 9, 2012
Posted at : Friday, November 09, 2012
Pictures Via Jadelle1 and!
Make sure to look at the last picture!

Make sure to look at the last picture!
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Our little married couple. <3
Ahhh...Adam is so cute and he isn't happy about the paps taking his picture.
Gelson is my favorite supermarket they have the best meat and produce. Excellent service. You don't have take your stuff out of the cart at the check out. It's pricey but it's so worth it.
Gelson's is getting some nice advertisement.
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OMG Gorgeous Adam! I wish I could be the cashier mmmmm it would be a delight for my eyes. I love these photos, thank you to the paps at least we can see how is our Adam on his regular days even though hes is not always happy with that.
love to see pics but this does seem obtrusive.
24/7 it's at Gelson's not Whole Foods. Different supermarket.
Looks like they are buying enuff food for Sauli while Adam is in SA.
So maybe Sauli will have to stay home. Adam has hardly any time off when he does these mini tours, the traveling time, rehearsals, and the never ending interviews. I wonder why Terrence is rehearsing, will there be a couple of dancers?
So, Adam got carded.
regarding last pic. back at ya, Adam. :)
I just read some tweets on Adamtopis between Terrence and a few others. I seems like there WILL be dancers, including Terrence. It looks like Adam is stepping up the production of the SA shows to give them more visual punch. The venues are big and the crowd will expect a BIG show.
Our boys are gorgeous and cute and so domestic.
OMG . . . those shoulders . . .
Maybe they are going to have dinner party for friends . . .
didn't think they let paps inside stores to bother celebs . . . maybe this was a fan . .
They were shopping groceries for their anniversary dinner. Afterwards Adam tweeted he was a happy camper.
I didn't think the plastic bags( in produce)from the first few pix @ the grocery store had Whole Foods on them..couldn't read what it said,but now I know.It also didn't look like a Whole Foods Store.Adam and Sauli prob thought they could fool the paps,but somebody found them,didn't they?Adam wasn't too happy,but he said it was worth it,remember?We don't have any Gelson's here on the S.Eastern coast.
At least one of the pics had a reflection from some glass on it..Guessing the pics were taken from outside, by paparazzi, through windows..with major high powered telephoto lenses. The store would probably throw out anyone taking this many high quality pics inside the store. I'm sure they don't want their customers harassed by photogs. Certain stores are frequented by celebs in LA/Hollywood so paps are always about. And they have a network of informants to alert them to celeb sightings. Pretty much just another day in the life of a well known celebrity in LA. Its amazing to me that Adam is generally able to go about unnoticed in his day to day wanderings.
Back to the actual pictures: Love seeing Adam and Sauli sharing the shopping chores, looking at labels, discussing their choices. Beautiful boyfriends. Its fun to see just a tiny few moments of their life together, even though I feel like I'm spying on them just a bit.
AND, oh yes, I really love Adam's shoulders ; )))) And chest. Not to objectify him, just appreciating here, but he really has a great upper body physique......................................ummm.............................................................................................................. O-O...................
Okay, where was I? Got distracted there for a minute...Oh yes...Adam and Sauli at the store...and lastly, LOVE the last picture..Adam saying "Well, we survived another trip to the grocery store...Here's one last pic for the paparazzi".. ; )))))
No matter how you look at it, the poor guy can't even go grocery shopping without someone snapping his picture a dozen times. I think that's pretty intrusive and the last picture....... tongue and all certain is indicative of how he feels.
Can't wait for the SA shows and with dancers too......
BTW I bought myself a second copy of Trespassing so I can have it in my car and I was so happy to see it
was prominently displayed in my Future Shop here in Toronto Canada. I think I will go back and gift each of
my children for Xmas with Trespassing.
All 18 pictures of Adam at Gelson's:
FIASCO Magazine @FIASCOMagazine
Putting the finishing touches on Issue 22 - The Obsession Issue. Ludacris, Ke$ha, Adam Lambert, Sir Ian McKellen the biggest issue to date!
Interesting that paps hang out at grocery stores in LA. Well celebrities have to eat and most don't go out to eat that often as the restaurants in LA are very expensive and they have home lives. Read a nice article about Sauli and how he is well respected because he is a nice guy. Not to mention that Adam and Saulinare well accepted as a celebrity couple.
If I saw a guy that looked like Adam out in a store that I was at, I would be following him down the aisles watching him. Security probably would be
@DRG Wonder WHAT and HOW they will dance. Hopefully something funkier than during GNT.
Why is that store so empty? I bet they emptied it for Adam. :D I don't remember there ever been this many photos of them together at once.
These aren't fan pix. They're professional pap pics. It would be a sad day if the paps did NOT want to take Adam's picture. The fact that they do is a good thing. I also kept looking at Adam's chest and pecs. He is in VERY good shape and has probably been keeping up with his exercise and diet. He looks very good buff and oh so hot! FIASCO magazine should be great!
For those who don't go to Adamtopia, I misspelled it above. It is Adamtopia. I visit there often but don't post there. The dancing in SA should be interesting and I also hope different from GNT. Those shows should be fabulous and BIG! Lots of big shows coming up in the next few months. And the VH1 show will be three HOURS of AFL! Whoopee!
I'm thinking Sauli WILL go to SA with Adam. Hmmm.
I think he will too:) I hope so...they need together time after 1 month apart. Such a perfect couple...made for each other:)
The Vh1, thing seems to have shook the pap's up, and lots of article's in paper an on line, already put his clebrity up a notch. also brought out that looser, Perez Hilton who is becoming a broken record, when it comes to Adam. did not read article would not give that ugly Weezle, the satisfaction. Did see the tip of his blog when I started to come on here, said they forgot the name of the show when they pick the performer's. You can only guess what the little, snake, Weezle, rat, creep, said. he jealous and a low life, I do not despise many but I do him! He only just pushes straight artist woman, instead of having guts to promote is own! He probably would say only promote talent, well he has not done much of that so far! Adam is the best male talent out there whether you think so or not, you little worm! Sorry do not mean to start anything but rhis title rub me the wrong way big time, and you know it eating him alive Adam got this, he sure will never admit that. To bad Perez Hilton he got the gig Vh1 Diva's and he gonna do a great, job. All your ugly words will not blunde people to that, you and the haters, will not win this one or any other. I despise Perez Hilton! You know he was saying stuff about Adambesides maybe others, you know he probably targeted Adam, will not give him any hits, only read title and knowing the Weezle, you know he came up with same old jealous, crap. no one cares about you, shame on me for giving this idiot Perez time if day, I just despise him, so bitterly! Love You Adam! You kill it dec. 16! While you are impressing the world! Perez can go to a movie with his blow up doll!
Pics 4 and 6 - love how Adam looks at Sauli - happy face!!!
I love the last picture!! Shows his personality!!
At leaast they did block his liscense plate numbers.
do not understand why PH is still around. does anyone pay attention to him?
great exposure for the beenfit show w/ Cyndi Lauper the week before. alot of jetting around to come
PH isn't worth our time of day. Such a jealous little man.
@1:47 - your last line "Perez can go to a movie with his blowup doll" is priceless. Thanks for the laugh! It's time to worry when they stop taking your picture. . . . Adamluv
@Anon 1:47 PM
Not to stand up for PH AT ALL, but I did read his blog about the Divas show (curiosity got the best of me, as usual..) ..and he didn't say anything negative about Adam, in my opinion.. He implied Adam was the one who most deserved to be on the show, at least that's what I got out of his words re Adam..and I honestly didn't read it as anything more than a true and positive statement. His comment was regarding the lack of a "major" diva announced for the show so far. For instance Beyonce, Christina, Mariah, etc.... That's been said elsewhere as well. I think they're all great, but just my opinion. Not sure I'd call some of them "Divas" at least not yet! Not gonna diss any of them. And since I'll be there in person, I'll let you know what I think when I get back :)))))
By the way, with PH, there might have been just a little bit of snark mixed in...Or a lot..who knows..
I just love everything about Adam!!!
Good and bad it really give us strength to stand up for yourself!:))
Adam is an inspirational figure for everyone of us....
Live the life!!!!
Well, here's what Sauli himself has to say about the paparazzi taking pictures of him and Adam at the grocery store this week...From Sauli's Hollywood Blog (in Finnish) including some pictures of Sauli and Adam..Read the translated version: it very funny..and the pics are nice :)) Very nice.
An excerpt: Translation by Miachihu via Adamtopia
"It’s not really that bad and it doesn’t bother me, it’s more like the whole thing is just a laughing matter for me. hahaha!! We were already planning that next time we’ll invite the photographers to dinner since they seem to be so interested in cooking! Welcome!!
Read more:
If you double click on the link of the other pics anon 11:51 linked you get the FULL SIZE pics. I do believe I detect a bit of a 5 o'clock shadow on Adam! I dream to see a little face fuzz (darkened?) on Adam!
Why the paps are a laughing matter to Sauli? Does he under-estimate Adam as one of the Hollywood stars? Or possibly his Broken English don't comprehend it!?
Sauli, Adam is a Rock God and you are so lucky!
adam lambert- sometimes he very handsome this photohe looks so ugly;
There nothing ugly about these pictures, he looks cute and casual, not ugly at all! He looks fine with or without make up.his hair combed nicely, he looks nice with a bit Of beard, joking around sticking togue, afraid he will have to get used to it, he got kicked up a big notch this week, hosting this Vh1, thing. They chase him in whole foods a lot, but this was more than usual! Relentless.Adam looks nice in these pic's, his skin is looking much better. He looks so much better, than Ton's of celeb's, would just runnin around. Most have 50, people putting them together, for everything when they don't they look worse than most regular people, Adam Looks, nice. If you have nothing nice to say, keep to yourself, because what u said not true!
Adam tweeted he just finished with a long day of rehearsal. Looks tired. We have all had those kind of days,,,Work all day but there is always just one more thing you have to get done before you can go home. I know that look.
Cashier: Are you the real Adam Lambert?? Adam: NO! Let's continue on please:))
Cashier: Are you the real Adam Lambert?? Adam: NO! Let's continue on please:))
Adam was just hoping the female cashier is a Glambert. He wants his discount! now!
Ok I will fess up I am 1.47, Sue, I wrote it. For once I did not sign it because I thought I went a little nuts. I meant every word of it however! I absolutely despise PH, to the core. I am very protective of Adam has we all know! I also must apologize to all blow up dolls out there. I realize no self respecting blow up doll would be seen dead going to a movie with Perez Hilton! Sue again!!
@Anon 5:50 PM
Are you kidding me?? You're joking, right?? :))) Sauli was saying that he doesn't get upset about the paparazzi taking pictures, as opposed to some fans who ARE upset every time we see a pap pic. He's just kind of used to it..And finds it weird and amusing. Did you read the rest of his blog??? Adam himself has mused on the fact that the paps like to watch him walk to his car, walk out of restaurants, groceries, put them in his car, etc...etc...I'm sure Sauli and Adam joke about it and don't take it, or themselves, too seriously. Sauli's a good guy and a wonderful partner to Adam. He's just trying to make light of it. And I'm QUITE sure he knows how special Adam is. That he's a Rock God, and that both Sauli AND Adam are very very lucky men, to have each other. As my husband likes to say, "Life is too short" to take things like paparazzi too seriously, as long as they are polite and behave themselves. When they stop snapping pictures of Adam, we'll start to worry.
@Sue 6:57 PM
Hahaha! I suspected it was you. And I agree with you about PH. Cannot stand the man....
7.15 agree with you, completely. Sue
Thank you Glitzylady, you know I adore you! Sue
Loves Sauli's " sarcastic" sense of Humor on the papa :):):)lol!
Dealing with paps you either laugh or cry or scream. Sauli choses the best tactic. He is not unacquainted with celebrity, he is a celebrity in his country....JAK
Why engage a troll, Sue?
Madonna has gained quite a bit on the BEST ALBUM OF 2012 ( part 1)Jan-June.Please give Trespassing some more votes so he can get WAY ahead of her again
@Sue- ya I knew it was you to lol. You feel about periz Hilton as I do about Nicki Minaji! Sometimes we just need to vent. @Glitzlady- how lucky of you to get tickets to this VH1 thing- hope you get up real close. I'm so jealous. Make sure you report back with all details (I know you will)
8.50 guess you are right I get angry, got to control that! Glitzylady, you are going to the Vh1, thing I wish I was well enough. You are so lucky and I have no doubt, gonna be a hell of a show. You have the time of your life, I guess you are going to after show too? Hope so. I guess everyone knew I was Perez thing, by my famous mistakes, give myself away, I guess! Sue
By the way I am not to crazy about that goofy chic either! Sorry pain med's making me a little loopier than usual! Talking about Nicki M. Sue
So stupid. When celebs go out and to a specific store they know the paparazzi will be there. Adam knows this but I guess it is part of the business.
I am going to slap my hand and ignore that silly comment, of 10.05 and be a good girl! Sue
All the fans are drooling over these photos of the perfect pair Adam and Sauli without noticing they are both pissed as fuck. XD
Thanks 24/7 - interesting photos.
@November 9, 2012 10:23 PM
HUH?????? You're a nutter!!!!
@Anon !0:23 PM
Did you read the comments??? Not to mention you might want to read what Sauli said about these pics. I posted an excerpt of his blog, written and published today, at 4:35 PM above. And the link to the translation, plus the original in Finnish. They're used to it. And generally find it more amusing than anything. "Pissed as f**k"? Probably not.
@10:23 PM
Take your venom elsewhere.
I'm not into 5 o'clock shadows or so called designer stubble. It's clean shaven or a full beard for me.
Thanks Sue : )) As I've said before, I love your passion. Never stop being an advocate for Adam...And I hope you're feeling a little better. No fun feeling lousy.
@Brownie and Sue
I'm really excited to be going to the Divas show. Hoping to see Adamluv and others this time..Missed them in July at the OC Fair show.
Oh Lord I am out of here for tonight, very good night to all the nice people here! To the one's that are not I agree take your venom elsewhere. Sue
I do think Adam is annoyed. It's very cheeky to take 18 pics. How many do they need ffs? Remember when Adam got upset with the papparazzi in Florida? He started out by cooperating for a while and then said "That's enough."
Knowing that your every move is being recorded and wondering what you look like is a royal pain.
I have to admit that I like looking at the pics, though, so I'm an accomplice of sorts.
Darn it all to blazes I love Adam and Sauli sooooo much! The stuff those guys have to endure is endless. This time paps stuck right in their face. Now all the Glamberts will be zooming in and checking out the cart!
Oh Adams ticked for sure.
I loved all the pictures. You have to worry when paps stop wanting your picture. It could be annoying at times but not much more. I have heard some hearty laughs coming from Adam and the paps when they are talking to each other.
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