Skinpress Demo Rss Names Adam Lambert and Brad Pitt 'Worst Facial Hair'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 12, 2012

Posted at : Monday, November 12, 2012

Okay, so this wasn't a very flattering headline but Adam has been named, along with Brad Pitt as having the worst facial hair in Hollywood. Brad Pitt won since he's #1 and Adam is #2. At least Adam is in good company with Brad Pitt!



Anonymous said...

I'm getting a good laugh from this.
ha ha ha!

daydreamin said...

Really? Such an ooooooooold picture! Brad Pit is still sporting his facial hair. Adam had this for what? A couple of days??!!

Anonymous said...

ha ha I have to agree with it sure was fun!!

daydreamin said...

YAY Kesha finally showed Adam some love!

ke$ha ‏@keshasuxx
Adam: ur hot. period. @adamlambert: @keshasuxx u look seriously hot in her new video!! Get it girl!

Anonymous said...

Second only to Brad Pitt; that's in itself quite an achievement. lol! Okay I'm not trying to side Adam all the time, lol! but most of the time, lol! Adam's moustache-do is artistic and he can play a kungfu master or a wise sage or even a magician in a Chinese movie...hmm lol!

glitzylady said...

Well..he's in really good company!!!

Anonymous said...

At least he is in good company. Have to say i didn't like the facial hair. Adam looks best to me right now!

Anonymous said...

This is an old picture of Adam. That look was then; he looks a thousand percent better now. We know how Adam likes to change his look with his hair, its color and the style of clothes he wears. That's what makes him so very interesting.

Anonymous said...

wow jealous troll droppings on the article. lol

Anonymous said...

I think that Adam hasn't looked better than he does right now. In the time we first saw him on Idol he has certainly changed and matured in his looks and style. I did like the blond hair recently although it did take some getting used to it. Now he is back to the darker color and I do like that the best. All of us can take a trip down memory lane and look back at old pictures of ourselves and cringe too and wonder what we were thinking. Adam probably feels the same way looking back at himself with the facial hair.

Anonymous said...

Not keen on either Adam's facial fuzz nor Brad Pitt's facial fuzz. This photo of Adam is ancient now but Brad Pitt is still supporting facial fuzz, even in the Chanel ad. Ugh! It's horrid. Guess Angelina must love it but it detracts a lot from his good looks.

Anonymous said...

Oops above! 'supporting' should be 'sporting' facial fuzz!

Anonymous said...

How come they pay attention on such a stupid details as Adam's facial hair and reject to play his songs and award him for his talent?

Anonymous said...

Well, I think Adam looked kind of dopey with this old look, but thank God it's long gone. I agree that it's good he's mentioned right up there with Brad Pitt, even if it's for something as silly as this. Adam looks SO good right now. I don't know what he was thinking when he went for all that dark, heavy facial hair. He's always gonna surprise us, Glams.


HK fan said...

At least Adam is still well groomed even with a beard, Brad Pitt just looks a hot mess. For a good looking guy, he's really let himself go (Brad that is).

I have the EMA's on in the background, Carly Rae Jepsen just sang call me maybe live, she sounded really rough...

HK fan said...

Actually, you can vote on the pics, eith fail, love, hot or lol....
Adam is actually not doing bad in the fail department compared to the others. We should vote hot, he's still hot regardless of a beard or not...

Anonymous said...

No way they could mention Robert Downey Jr in this list! He is perfect! And this is Iron Man facial hair! He is hoooooot!
Also, JB facials' just photoshop. Why they mention this idiot name in any poll?

Anonymous said...

Adam in exhaulted company and that look didn't last long. Brad has the worst beard(s) in the world they always look kinda ratty.

funbunn40 said...

Have to agree, as much as I love our boy,the pirate look was comical and just covered up that gorgeous face. Brad also looks so much better clean shaven. The scraggly beard in pics looks(to me) like they have a dirty, unkempt appearance. It's baffling when they're wearing a tux and looks like they didn't have enough respect for the occasion to clean themselves up. Josh Groban who is so talented and worldly also looks poorly groomed with his sparse beard. I have nothing against beards if they're full and trimmed, but don't get the pre-teen look. I do admire Adam's individuality and creativity, however, even when it very seldom goes wrong. Then it's just endearing and I hope he looks in the mirror! lol being mentioned with Brad Pitt isn' too shabby!

tess4ADAM said...

OKAY! So shoot me! I liked this look on ADAM ... kind of mysteriously & dangerously SEXY!! JMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I loved that look. Adam is ALWAYS awesome.

Anonymous said...

Just wish he didn't use too black for color, it would have been attractive.

Anonymous said...

I think Mel Gibson and Brad Pitt just became cuckoo for some reasons. MG has religious problems. Brad has mentally sick wife:)

daydreamin said...

Ashton Kutcher is another one that should have been on this list. NOT Adam. Hate Ashton's facial hair. I was actually OK with this look from Adam.

Adamluv said...

I voted "hate" on every picture. This look on Adam I didnt like at all.

Anonymous said...

8,34 and 10.20 Brad Pitts fiancé does not have mental problem's, he not married to her, yet! If you are referring to Adam has an idiot, you ate the idiot! Adam Lberts is a very smart,handsome and talented man. He also been in more polls than both of those stars. He in tons of poles. He won one little pole, believe it was billboard's 2012 most sexy music artist, he won that twice in 3 years, against your photoshopped JB. Adam Lambert is no idiot but you are! Trying to ignore trolls but not doing a good job of that.this is a promotional site for people who love Adam Lambert and his music, you go to to the site of one of these people you mentioned, leave us alone please! Robert Downy Jr. Is a great movie performer, but as far as being hot, think not, he very talented however!

Anonymous said...

I didn't dislike the facial hair. It didn't match with the hairstyle though. I don't like the pompadour hair. I hate everything that is teddy boy style.

Anonymous said...

Ok everyone can pounce on me and I am NOT a fan of romance novels. When I first saw this picture I thought of a dashing Spaniard riding on his black steed to save a senorita in distress. I think he's beautiful.