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New (Old) Picture: Adam Lambert with a Fan at Summer Sonic 2012

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, November 10, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, November 10, 2012

Source: Tokyoinsider


Anonymous said...

I left my heart in Tokyo, down by the river don't you know? I had to let it go, nobody know, know, knows..

Anonymous said...

That's the only shirt of Adam's that I don't like...not that it matters, he's astounding in anything!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

The McQueen shirts are my least favourite too. Also the suit and no socks, the look that GQ would approve..

Anonymous said...

If I remember right, Eber gave that shirt to Adam as a gift. It's not my favorite either, but when your dad gives you something......
Nothing spoils Adam's looks for me.

Anonymous said...

11:36 (JAK) Really, really agree with you. Don't like that shirt AT ALL! But, hey, LOVE the guy that's in it, so all's well.

HK fan said...

I'm not very keen on this shirt either.....

glitzylady said...

About that shirt ; ))

Number one: I LOVE that shirt since its the one Adam was wearing when I met him at the Bing Louge in Portland in March (sigh...)...And he looked absolutely gorgeous in it..Even more so in person, as you can imagine. Really wonderful color for him..

Number two: Eber didn't get Adam this shirt. Its a fairly expensive designer shirt made by the late Alexander McQueen.

Eber tweeted a picture of a very...colorful...shirt that looked like it came directly from the 1970's or so. But this one is definitely not it. Eber was joking with the shirt he tweeted and I as I recall Adam wasn't too enthused about that shirt.

Anonymous said...

It's not the clothes that make Adam so beautiful but he sure has a way of rockin' everything he wears. Poncho excepted.


Anonymous said...

Ok, I stand corrected. I assume that shirt looks a lot better in person than it does in a pic. It's just a shirt. No biggie.


glitzylady said...

I love the shirt because Adam's wearing it : ))) And because it reminds me when I met him: and hugged him and his shirt : ))))) I'd probably even love the infamous "tunic" if I'd met Adam when he was wearing it.... :)))

Adamluv said...

Not a fan of this shirt either nor the poncho outfit but most everything else yes. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I love blue on Adam so I love this shirt, I also love the blue blazor jacket he wears sometimes with a white shirt and tie. I met Adam twice and on both occasions he was wearing black, the second occasion he had a black long sleeved t-shirt with silver pattern plus his platinum hair he looked stunning.

Anonymous said...

Now that Adam left Sauli home in LA like a domestic maid, and headed to South Africa with his Glamily, I really think that Sauli and Niko should start cooperating again. They were such a good team and they also made money when they worked and toured together. I read from Sauli's blog that a British stylist liked his style. The picture shown to Mr Gok was from the Lee Cherry photoshoot where Sauli was wearing a black tank top. I prefer that style on Sauli too. Don't know for sure, maybe the clothes are from LA, but the top looked a lot like the ones Niko used to have in his clothing line, lol.

Anonymous said...

What I'm suggesting is that Niko should rebuild his clothing line again and Sauli could be his partner or a model or something. :)

Anonymous said...

Are you a free lance career counselor?

Adamluv said...

@10:03 - your comment "left Sauli home in LA like a domestic maid" is a curious statement? How many singers take their wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend with them on a tour or 1 nite show? I doubt very very few so why should Adam be any different? IMO this shows that Sauli is an independent guy with interests and talents apart from "just" being the boyfriend of a celebrity. More kudos to him! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Oops, it wasn't Niko's own clothing line as I thought. It's a US clothing label he wears. Anyway, you can see the influence from this in Sauli's photoshoot.

Anonymous said...

I really think Adam has had a huge lot to do with Sauli's style, Adam has really inspired him, if you look at older photos of Sauli when he and Adam first met compared to the way he dresses now I'd say a lot of his style is inspired from Adam. I remember Sauli saying that he had decided to get gauges as the other earings were so out dated, and Adam being so into modern and edgy fashion has most definatly played a big part.