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New Picture! Adam Lambert is in Hong Kong now!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 22, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, November 22, 2012

Via @brianlondon's Instgram


glitzylady said...

Great looking group!!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the nice picture Brian.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving,everybody!

Anonymous said...

why is adam always overseas for thanksgiving

glitzylady said...

Adam and the crew: Adam's latest Keek video: Being a little crazy ; ))) Adam saying Happy Thanksgiving...with a little tongue action...!0M2Eaab

Anonymous said...

Oh it's thanksgiving? I didn't know! I have never really understood what is purpose of thanksgiving. Are you supposed to thank somebody for something?

Anonymous said...

Thank you, glitzylady!Adam is hilarious! I think they aren't crazy.YET! Just pretend:D

Anonymous said...

Lost any respect to Oprah. She said that JB is new King fo Pop after MJ! And the biggest star after Elvis, Beatles, and MJ!
Never care about Oprah's. But now I hate her.

Anonymous said...

Oprah based it on the multitude of fans but forgot it's about being the musical genius above all the rest of their peers plus the adoration of the generation young and old sweeping them off their feet in awe.
Bieber is NOT!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wish I went with my husband to HK!
Well, wish he would hear of ADAM being there, in news print or TV because he admires him as well.
Happy Thanksgiving to all here!!!
And to the admin of this site for giving joy to the fandom.
Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

ha ha just watched the Glamily Band and Adam wish everybody a Happy Turkey Day from Hong Kong on Keek.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:28AM because Adam's Werrking!!!!
My friends says that to me all the time when my husband's away for most Holidays working off shore rigs!. Instead of comforting me, instead of putting crab ideas in my head & feeling sad, I'll response that We don't depend on calendars to have fun, quality time together. :)
Every day is "Special Holiday" spent with your loved one/ones" when u are together:) Quality Time baby!
That's our motto!:):):)
Happy Thanksgiving All!

Dim Sum Rose

Anonymous said...

Adam being his crazy, playful self on that last Keek greeting! I'm so glad those guys have each other to celebrate with since they're so far from home. Looks like they are very relaxed and having a good time!

A very Happy Thanksgiving to all of you here on 24/7. Thank you to Admin for all you do to keep us happy. I'm so thankful to have found Adam 3 years ago....what a gift he is to so many people around the world!


Anonymous said...

Adam being his crazy, playful self on that last Keek greeting! I'm so glad those guys have each other to celebrate with since they're so far from home. Looks like they are very relaxed and having a good time!

A very Happy Thanksgiving to all of you here on 24/7. Thank you to Admin for all you do to keep us happy. I'm so thankful to have found Adam 3 years ago....what a gift he is to so many people around the world!


Leilani Aloha said...

Adorable Sexy pic of Adam & Glamily Band!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all u Beautiful people!!!
Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!

Anonymous said...

I have my family. Adam has his Glamily. I have 14 coming for dinner today. Turkey is smelling really good in the oven! Can't wait to see vids from the next show!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

DRG (Oprah doesn't know what she's talking about.)

Anonymous said...

@DRG You are lucky! I have just 2 in my house. My husband and my Mom. OMG, it's gonna be so boring:(
By the way. Oprah doesn't have any idea which she is talking about. But she has fanatics fans who believe and any word she says.

Anonymous said...

Ashley getting down on this keek !! So funny.

Anonymous said...

I used to admire Oprah greatly, until she bought in to the idea she's a legend. It happens.

Anonymous said...

Many reasons for me to have a Thanksgiving. Dad 88 yr old and still here, nephew first TG in 16yr out of prison,grandkids and children all healthy and me too.

Anonymous said...

I can't get the keek. When I enter that link I get a Happy Turkey Day from a 14 yr old girl!

Anonymous said...

directly to Adam's Keek.

Jadam NZ said...

Happy Thanks Giving to all my beautiful cyber friends.
Dont worry guys Adams time is coming slowly bit by bit he is conquering the world, maybe your USA is the last bastion but I have no doubt it will happen.
A Grammy nod would be so great at this point.
As for little Beiber lately when I have seen him on TV etc he seems like a sad skinny little boy, no doubt he has talent but definitly not Adams vocal prowess but unfortunately as we all know that doesnt mean too much in this era.
But Adam is happy and doing what he loves.
I think maybe at this stage a Trespassing video is to late, maybe one more single and a video would work released together,maybe one of the slower gentle heart wrenching songs or even Cuckoo.
Just as an aside. My daughter has Trespassing CD in her car the 3 boys 6,10,12 take off Pink or whatever she is playing all the time and put Adam on. They know all the words and love most of the songs.MY Point? They have been exposed to these songs and have had the opportunity to get to know and love them. That is what is missing for Adam. The music video, radio play, gigs in US on Ellen, Leno etc.
Oh well its all been said I know, the music just needs a chance.

Anonymous said...

Why the Oprah and Bieber hate? There is room for more than one great performer in the world. Bieber is not my cup of tea but he has plenty of respected people in the business that say he is very talented just like Adam has that. We hate it when people disrespect Adam's talent so why disrespect Justin's?

Leilani Aloha said...

Totally agree with anon 12:26PM

glitzylady said...

About Oprah and her statement about Justin Beiber:
She's being realistic regarding the current Pop Music scene. Justin Beiber is the darling boy of Pop Music right now. He sells music, he appears everywhere. He has millions of young fans, the under 25's that Pop Music and Top 40 Radio seems to be courting right now. He wins the awards, based on sales, radio play, and popularity.. And he's reasonably talented in my opinion. I recently downloaded his song "As Long As You Love Me" shhhh!! : )) because I actually like it.. Who knew??!!! LOL!!

THAT SAID, it remains to be seen if Justin Beiber is the next "King of Pop" for the long term. He is certainly the PRINCE of Pop right now. Adam is far more gifted as a singer..but has not caught on in a big way in Pop Music in America: YET. I think Adam has MUCH bigger things in store for him, to be honest. Pop Music only being ONE of the things he will eventually be known for and involved in. I think he has so much potential to be be greatly beloved as a worldwide Icon and Treasure, and not just in Pop music. As a beautiful and courageous human being as well.

I like Oprah very much..and I'm not mad at her at all for just stating the obvious...She has been good to Adam in the past and I'm pretty sure she would agree with us that Adam is amazing and mega talented. Remember that she had Adam on early in 2010...I loved his time on her show..and am grateful to her for giving him that opportunity when he needed a little boost. She was obviously as smitten as the rest of us..and I suspect she still is..

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:26 PM
I completely agree.. There is room for many many talented people in music. We all have our preferences, and there is something for everyone. I have a very large music library..with a wide range of music genres and singers. There is room for everyone in the music world. I'm sure Adam would agree with that. He is complimentary and gracious to so many other singers.. Including Justin B. We can honor Adam by doing the same. Doesn't mean we have to like every other singer out there of course : ))

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam is drunk...

Anonymous said...

It most certainly does not!!

Anonymous said...

Tommy looks way better now I think. I hope he gave Nick Rhodes his look back for good.

Anonymous said...

Why when Adam's being playful, funny, dorky, quirky, etc... many thinks he has to be DRUNK!!!
Don't be so Shallow minded:( be happy that Adam's happy doing what he likes, to Sang!!! & perform for the world!!! Yay!
We love Adam for being Adam, pls don't try to change him:):(

leilani Aloha said...

Keek shows our Adam very happy 'cause he's in Shopping Paradise HONG KONG !!!:):):)

Awesome Todate Clothes, Fashion , Electronics & FOOD!!! NY of the East!!!

Oohhh how I wish I'm there!:):):)
Was there 3 x b4 I move to USA!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is the King of everything for us folks so just enjoy and ignore the rest ha!ha!

He is really funny!:)


Anonymous said...

I love that pic!!It almost looks like they were told to stand that way..Adam's head slightly bent to the left..also,is that Brian?,too)The keek pic was funny..just Adam being Adam! lol!

Anonymous said...

Sorry,don't know the name of the Chinese guy..HE was the other one w/the bent neck and head.( He's tall far a Chinese guy,yes?)

HK fan said...

omg, I'm breathing the same air as Adam!!!!
Its tough knowing he's in HK but that the chances of me seeing hi as just about zero...I was in town yesterday, didn't see anyone that remotely looked liked him.
That Chineseman on the left is really tall, its very rare to see someone like him out on the streets, I wonder if he's famous, a basketball player or something?

The trouble with the shopping lelani, is the same problem as with Japan...small sizes. Still he could get a new jacket tailored!

re JB. I don't hear of him as much now as my daughter has defected to 1D, tweens are so fickle (just hoping she still likes them by xmas as I;ve got quite a few 1D related pressies for her!), and whilst I don't dislike him, to put him in the same catagory as MJ, Elvis etc is a bit much. And whilst I enjoyed his concert and he did do some singing live...he wasn't the most dynamic, seemed to be going through the motions a bit, definitely didn;t giver 110%.

Anonymous said...

I wonder which hotel ADAM is staying in HK.
I'm sure he will taste the best dim sum while there.
HK is best for eating and shopping but agree with @HK fan, just like Japan, the problem of small sizes.
My daughter just left when ADAM arrived in HK and hubby still there on business trip.
Wrong timing I decided not to go this time around.
Hope you have luck, HK fan!


Anonymous said...

I take a very small size so maybe I should move to China or Japan although the sizes are probably too short for me. Sizes 6 to 8 where I live are way too big on me now because clothes' sizes are bigger than they used to be.

Adamluv said...

Bieber is certainly not the king of anything but maybe now a rapper want-to-be with his clothes, chains, hat, bending over and arm dangling between his legs when he performs. He is what his manager tells him to be. . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Outside the US, Oprah is no longer the influential person that she once was. Things change when you don't appear on a daily show on one of the 4 major US channels.

Anonymous said...

Did you all see those red(leather?) pants on the AMAs that Bieber was wearing?He kept pulling the crotch down.I can't understand why he STILL wears his pants so low..they're laughable!Even Salina tried to get him to pull them up some( mos ago),but he wouldn't even do it for her.I think they'd prob both be better off apart.It looks like she agrees now.

Anonymous said...

Adam met Bieber and commented on the way he was very impressed with how well grounded he is, especially given he is much younger than Adam and been under the spot light for longer, he still remains a really nice guy.

Adam is always very considerate of other artists and their fans, it's a pity people here can't refrain from giving unnecessary comments when discussing artists other than Adam, it only serves to give the Glamberts a bad name, and does nothing to help Adam.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for great pic of the glamily and happy to see them all having enjoying their time off with each other . Gobble gobble

Anonymous said...

Oprah lost me as a viewer when she began all the metaphysical jargon.
New Wave was a snore.

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for 24/7 and the many positive, clever, intelligent, big-hearted Adam fans that show up here. And I'm thankful for Adam!

Anonymous said...

4:06 you must be running for public office with your pc comment.

Pan said...

You're right, room for many talented singers and one, very important condition, Value to not be turned upside down. Don't you think that lately our sweet Euterpe has been turned into a material girl, that she has accepted too many mediocrities disguised in artists but shrewdly guided by a manipulative PR? Isn't the pop scene too crowded with Princes, Kings and these "royalties" have no other merits than ...being young? I call them "doughnuts", sweet and tasty outside, empty inside.
Odd, all the other arts , however oversimplified and consumerist may they be , never forget , sooner or later to reward the Values.
In his long and winding road to the top, Adam has a magic wand, his voice.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:42 P.M. sigh- - - I think the last time I wore a size 6 - I WAS 6! -o-

tess4ADAM said...

Just one thought from me ... just because OPRAH says it ... DOESN'T make it so. It's just her opinion ... NOT everyone agrees with her all the time as is evidenced here on this thread. So she thinks JB is a king .. prince .. court jester ... WHO CARES! Certainly not this Glambert!! PEACE .. Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@ Pan....personally I think that Euterpe has gone deaf, a shame since she can't hear her own flute!

glitzylady said...

I originally wrote a longer piece as a reply to you, but upon reflection, I realize that I cannot really say anything any more precisely than you.. I do agree that Euterpe, The Muse of Lyrical Music has been a bit sidetracked in certain areas as of late. All I can say is: Thank goodness for Adam Lambert and his Voice. He will be heard and celebrated by many...and perhaps remind the distracted Euterpe of what music is all about....

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