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NEW PICTURES from China (11/21/2012)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Anonymous said...

Adam looks good in this different kind of setting with darkish, bluish lighting. And that Adam projection interspersed with white / purple lights on the stage is very impressive and prominent. I think that's more like a car much space. Anyway, the band is so far away, Adam sounds like he's singing a these versions, his voice is so pure with minimal band. Wow, those high-powered high notes sure bring out the Mercedes, lol!

Anonymous said...

This MAY be a car showroom w/bleacher type of seating( but with individual seats,I hope)I bet BB was very surprised to see what this placed looked like when he got there.All good pix of him,& his hair looks nice.Maybe he'll get some new fans from this city.I hope so.

Anonymous said...

Wow Adam looking good! Not many songs though.. too bad! I have never writen here or anywhere else either. I`m from Germany and I´m not young anymore. So I don`t use twitter or facebook. Anyway sometimes I read twitter I have to ask what`s the deal about Adam not folloing Sauli on instagram? Is that a bad thing? Is that a sign of something.. I don`t want to get involved anything and I respect privacy very much but I have read some nasty comments about that and I don`t know how things goes nowadays. Please forgive me if I crossed the line!

Anonymous said...

@10:30 No worries- I don't get all this internet stuff that much either (especially this instagram )? Maybe Adam hasn't gotten asround to following sauli yet- who knows, I'm sure they are just fine.

Anonymous said...

They have PRIVATE accounts for communicating.

glitzylady said...

About Adam, Sauli, and Instagram. The instagram pics that are posted on either of their accounts are linked to their twitter accounts apparently, so they will see each other's Instagram posts anyway, just like we do. My personal "take" on this whole silly speculation thing that we sometimes see on Twitter about "Oh no!! Why isn't Adam following Sauli on Instagram??!!" is that he doesn't need to. He sees whatever he posts anyway. Not to mention..they they probably send each other a whole lotta stuff WE don't see..and shouldn't see ; ))) ..anyway. I don't read anything into any of it.

@Anon 10:30 AM
Welcome!!! Please consider picking a "tag", a nickname to use here so we will know when its you! I wish everyone would do that. Its so much nicer to know who we're talking to. : )))

Anonymous said...

@10:30 That's OK, no problem. I won't read too much into it. Let's give them the privacy they very much need between the two of them.

Anonymous said...

Are you still tweeting @BarackObama, asking that Adam be considered for being put on the entertainment list of the inaugural festivities?

Anonymous said...

Adam and Soshanna tweeted this picture

I bet Adam would love that car

Anonymous said...

The Mercedes show is an interesting venue. Hoping that Adam and band getting big bucks for this show. Other artists do this all the time. Maybe Mercedes will throw in a vehicle. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

I love the cook being his fan:):):) Adorable pic!

Anonymous said...

@ 10:30 A.M. "Guten tag!"

Willkommen in 24/ 'tag' is JAK. A lot of us are not so young anymore, that especially means me!
Please choose a 'tag' and join us about "Guten tag?" Very appropriate. :-)

Jadam NZ said...

Welcome Anon 10.30. A lot of us are not young here doesnt stop us having a lot of fun. Sometimes it can get really crazy but just hang in. This always passes.As JAK said please choose a name tag, it is so much nicer to respond to.

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone who has wellcome me in your group!! Mayby i will choose a tag name if I figure out how. Does that mean that I write it in end of the text or what.. I know I`m so stupid!! Good night everyone! Lisa (Guten tagen is also good)

Anonymous said...

10:30, Welcome aboard! We love new fans here to share the love for Adam. Most of us regulars do have a tag so we know who we're talking to. We'd love to know who you are, too. This site is exciting and sometimes has its "moments," but we all share a crazy love for Adam.

Love these pics at the Mercedes show! Corporate gigs can sometimes be a test of the entertainer's creative skills. Adam does it perfectly!.


glitzylady said...

This is what the official Mercedes Benz site said of Adam's performance via @glam_alidol on Twitter (and the source of much of our info from China here): She just tweeted this:

alidol ‏@glam_alidol
@_izla_zandzz the official benz weibo said adam was amazing,unbelievable

Anonymous said...

Welcome from me as well... I've been reading this site for years but only recently started posting here .... we all love you'll fit right in .... as for being young I know I was once but don't remember just when that was... Lol....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Adam honey...If I had the money, I'd buy you the looks so good on you!......JAK

HK fan said...

Here's the beautiful picture of Adm with the fan....without the fan, just gorgeous Adam, love the eyes.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how to post pictures. Here is a link, a lot of very cool pictures are included:

Anonymous said...

Hi @10:30 AM,

Welcome to our Cuckoo Clan!!!:)

No worries about the age, we all young at heart because of our Adam.

Just Rock n' Roll!!:)


Anonymous said...

How I love to see Adam hit the high life and be adored. Asia is so passionate about it's music industry and so respectful towards those in the entertainment industry. Codes of ethics are upmost important and such talent oozes from so many singers and bands. They adore Adam already and after Korea in Feburary I expect to see massive support for Adam.
Just massive! Asia moves on the same page as Adam. (whereas the US are still trying to find it).

Anonymous said...

Wow, Adam of super class suits this amazing Mercedes Benz SLS AMG right to the MAX! Again his reaching WAY beyond the pop star appeal, right into the world of superclass international stardom!
All hail the Adam!

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's jacket, and loved the way he poured his heart into WWFM, so powerful.

Anonymous said...

How do you access the 2nd and 3rd video clips? Not having any luck here at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Great photos!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

What's the point of instagram? Is it just that the photos look better than twitpics?

Anonymous said...

I imagine it's just me but there's something about the chef that reminds me of Sauli. Before you all scream at me, of course they're completely different nationalities but I can see something similar about them.

Anonymous said...

4:14pm... When I saw the chef pic, my first thought was exactly like yours:DDDD reminds me of Sauli:)

Amy said...
