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PEOPLE Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive 2012

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 15, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, November 15, 2012

PEOPLE has revealed that Adam Lambert is the sexiest man in INDIANA.

"The American Idol runner-up spent his early years in Indianapolis before relocating to California with his family. But Midwest Glamberts welcomed the rocker as their own when he brought his Glam Nation tour to Indiana in 2010."

Source: PEOPLE Magazine


Anonymous said...

He deserves all the recognition indeed!!!

What a great man to honour:)


Anonymous said...

Adam will always be the Sexiest Man Alive for Every Year - in the eyes of his Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy for him that he's been recognized as sexy ... again! This is just more exposure for him. I just wish they would have used a better picture, as there are sooo many out there (esp. by Lee Cherry) that could have better displayed his sexy beauty.

Anonymous said...

Adam found out quite to his surprise, he was viewed as sexy; he didn't think he was sexy and realised that's how females view him to be. To me his sexiness is a lot deeper than just his outward sexy appearance which is alluring and definitely has a huge part to do with it. :)

Anonymous said...

8:16 -- That's because if they had used a recent pic of Adam Lambert, they would have had to name him #1 (numero uno!) sexiest man alive :)))

And that, everyone, is the rationale for using a 3-year old
pic of Adam Lambert instead of a recent one!!

Anonymous said...

I 'm very happy for Adam.
However. Seriously? Are they gonna published this photo in magazine or keep it on the line? I think a lot, A LOT of people will disagree with all of this sexy man recognition! Coudn't they find any other photo of our Diamond Boy?

Anonymous said...

Kudos to People Mag. someone there knows their sh*t. Wow and that dude from Indiana, woots.

Anonymous said...

High quality scan pictures of Adam in Japan In Rock magazine:

Anonymous said...

Adam deserves this for a world title.

Anonymous said...

As I see it, all these promotions and choices are based mainly on what benefits the company most and are not terribly accurate concerning recognition, achievements or even with regard to sexiness, talents etc. It's all just business gimmicks which further zero down to having influential connections and then eventually it's still money that rules the business corporate world. And now, even real musical talents have been snared under this money-making umbrella. So until such time, Adam is backed by a high-level money-making corporation of some sort, he'll just have to soldier on, pretty much relying on his own exquisite talents and yes, his sexy sexy! Which is quite a lot already even by themselves with not much godfather connections. And one day when he looks back, he can proudly say, he did it all on his own steam, with some big good guys along the way. :)

Anonymous said...

I think most of Adam's photos can make him the sexiest man of America. So this photo was right choice.

Adamluv said...

Sexiest Man Alive = Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

I went to a signing for my CD, and I can honestly say that although these are beautiful photos, he looks even more handsome in person.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody have the People's Sexiest men issue yet?If you do,is that the only pic of Adam in it?If he came in 14th,then there should be a larger newer pic of him in there also.I hope so.Let us know,ok?Thanks.Making 14th was still very good.

Anonymous said...

Adam making 14th Sexiest Man! Who were the judges? I can't think of any sexier man than Adam Lambert since the first time I laid eyes on him. He's totally gorgeous!!!!!!!!!
(of course I'm still glad he made the list!) Congratulations Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone...houseguests have moved on to now visit Mickey Mouse.
So I'm going to share what my mind was creating while I was smiling and pretending to listen to childhood memories of 3 much loved people who grew up together in the1940's Akron Ohio! ....... JAK :)


They come in every race..some are blonde and fair of face..There's tan and tall..there's black and small..there's cute, bright, even perky..there's plain, wise, even jerky.........
Some are tipping toward hysterical..some are borderline heretical..Some let loose and swear out loud..some are prudish,judgementally proud........
There are those who foam with emotion..such is the level of their devotion..there are those "he can do no wrong"..he is an incomparable master of song......
Some are calmer and realize..he's a charismatic singer with 'to die for' eyes..Some vow they love him, yet tear him apart..some are dumb, some are smart.........
On occasion a viper enters their midst..coils and strikes with menacing HISS..On occasion we stomp them into the does no good, they're still around.......
They cry "foul, you're being unfair..I really love him, I do, I swear!"..They snarl "he's cheating on Sauli or he's drunk to excess.. but honest, I only want his success."............
Those are the ones who endlessly say.."he'd be #1 if he'd do as I say"..Those are the ones who weep and wail..predicting his doom.."he's certain to fail."...........
Some should go away, relax and therapy, take a pill!..
On many occasions Glamberts are wonderfully funny..and then the blog is bright and sunny...........
Witty quips fly back and forth..from East and West and South and North..I've found on intense and sober reflection..we are quite a diverse collection...........
I'm sure Adam is very aware..we are made up of sages and loonies who care..We feel we've discovered a stunning treasure..who brings to all ages a joyous pleasure.........
Glamberts come in every size..teeny petites and thunder thighs..we imagine he's our child, our friend or fantasy such we gather and tend to hover..........
Glamberts are loyal, some are scary..some are doleful, some are merry..there are countries Adam's conquering by the score..there are 50 Shades Of Glamberts..or maybe even more!

Anonymous said...


Love your 50 Shades! I believe you covered all the Glamily and the Glamsanity.


Anonymous said...

@JAK Simply brilliant! You must be the Queen of multitasking while entertaining and mental straining!

Anonymous said...

Ladies, you are so funny! Didn't you pay attention that they listed the states alphabetically ?So Adam isn't #14, Indiana is. I think they didn't include Delver and District of Colombia:)

Anonymous said...

Sorry,I meant Delaware:)

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know what Adam is doing/looking at (that black pan) in picture #6 in that gay bar? Really curious.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Thanks folks!...JAK :)

Unknown said...

Yes I agree. Lee is an amazing photographer. I wish there were more pics of Adam and little Riff.