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Adam Lambert's Reverse Paparazzi Video

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dec 11, 2012 | Just a friendly chat w some Paps. Ya know... No biggie by AdamLambert on


Anonymous said...

I get a little nervous when Adam turns the tables on the paps.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious but sad too that this is what Adam has to see every time he walks around. How many of us could put up with it? Even though we love every little bit of Adam news, sometimes he must just want to run down the street screaming. He certainly has fortitude.


funbunn40 said...

Hey, turnabouts fair play, Adam obviously in a playful mood and not intimidated by paps!

daydreamin said...

Wow. Those bright lights everywhere he goes. That would drive me nuts. I don't blame him for doing this. It is nice to be able to see exactly what he goes through.
I'm sure he was a bit tickled when it first happened but it obviously gets old very quickly. At least he always has a good attitude. If they weren't there, he wouldn't be someone important!

Anonymous said...

I am glad that Adam is finally conversing with them, It's to his advantage to chat. Better than being grumpy and trying to avoid them. Besides it entertains us too. LOL

Anonymous said...

Being followed is a sign that you "matter" in the celeb world. He knows that it's good that he's followed. He's so personanable. The paps probably enjoy him. He's never surly or rude. This is a good way to maintain his rep as a good guy with a good sense of humor. Celebs have to worry when the paps DON'T follow them anymore. Loved this whole encounter. Vintage Adam having fun.


Anonymous said...

I guess when the paps stop following you to take your picture, then it shows you are not as relevant or important any more. But Adam was not intimidated and turned the tables on them. It is to his advantage to keep them on his side and give him some good publicity. He's back home and I forgot he will appear at theJingle Bell Ball on Friday so there will be more vids to come before the VH1 divas show on Sunday. He's been on a whirlwind press junket the last few days publicizing the show and will end the year in Bali for New Year's Eve. Then it's back to the Far East in 2013 and the other countries where he will perform. I guess we have to wait until the spring or summer to have a Trespassing tour...maybe. In the meantime, I wonder if another single will be released from his album. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

@DRG You are exactly right!!!@7:25 Oh yes,the Jingle Ball,I almost forgot. Adam is so busy which is just what we want for him. Great exposure and I truly hope another single does get released and becomes a hit. Adam deserves that so much!

Anonymous said...

Very funny, Adam :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, tables are turned. So great to see that Adam draws the paps like bees around a honey pot these days!

HK fan said...

You can see why he always has sun glasses on when he's leaving the airports!!!! All those flashes....