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Longer Version of Adam Lambert on Wendy Williams

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, December 10, 2012

Posted at : Monday, December 10, 2012


Anonymous said...

I've already watched it 4 times today, but I guess once or twice or thrice again won't hurt! It is definite in my mind, he needs a daily talk show. If that's too greedy, then a weekly one.

If anyone gives me a Christmas gift from Black and Decker....they are gonna be in big trouble!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Oh crap! I´m so jelly...cannot see it in Finland:( Vids anyone please:)

Adamluv said...

WOW - 24/7 is fast!!!! Just saw Adam on my TV and he looked gorgeous and as you can see/hear was Mr.Charming and Witty as ever. If you've never watched the show, it's usual for Wendy to do the shoe cam. Thought it was good exposure for Adam but just wish interviewers would do a little homework on their guests (my only complaint!) His interaction with the young fan was ADORABLE and the young woman sitting next to her was so excited either for her friend or for seeing Adam - maybe both! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@12:34PM Really? I'm able to see it. Adam is looking good and relaxed. I don't mind the stubble at all. Looks hot.

Anonymous said...

You're right, JAK. I also pray that he gets his own show someday. He's better than 99% of the hosts and guests out there. I love when he hugged the enraptured girl and he said, "It's ok, take deep breaths." He has said this before to fans who are speechless and almost paralyzed when meeting him. He's so darn nice and understanding about it all. Gotta go and watch it AGAIN.


Anonymous said...

1:01pm....sorry my bad!!! I was ahead of myself!!! I meant not able to see VH Divas...Yes I saw Wendy Williams...he was great in that show:)

tea said...

A daily talk show for Adam isn't to greedy. That's what should be.

Anonymous said...

I like it when he defended Kris Allen and said ..."he is not an attentionwhore like me"....

Anonymous said...

Off Topic.

Still no AdamOfficial. Anyone know what's going on?

Anonymous said...

This is what it sez when I go there.

NOTICE: This domain name expired on 12/09/2012 and is pending renewal or deletion.

choons said...

um so, it's nice that he's getting face-time but no mention of his MUSIC? Trespassing album? recent Asian tour? he's a singer, not just a pretty face. He is a natural in front of the camera for sure but having to rip open black and decker appliances for screaming women is a bit tacky. Sorry friends, I love you and I love Adam and I'm sorry to offend but ...

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 1:50p.m.

Yes....haven't been able to access all day. Some people on another 24/7 conversation have stated that AO is working fine for them.

Anonymous said...

GIFT GRAB, my ass & LOL!

Did you count HOW MANY TIMES Wendy GRABBED or almost grabbed the Fierce One... Happens to all of them, female and male interviewers...C H A R M E D and totally M E S M E RI Z E D they are, indeed
(@Canadian, could not resist loaning "your" indeed here!LOL)

GGD Gal, loving Lambert A Dude

Anonymous said...

Adam was his usual charming self. Wendy didn't seem to know a lot about his background, but I guess everyone is not a fanatic like we are. It would have been a wonderful idea for DMG to have arranged to give out copies of TRESPASSING to all audience members. An opportunity lost! After having seen Adam in person, they would have fallen in love with the album. Maybe even purchased some to give as Christmas gifts.

Anonymous said...

Wow- lots going on for our BB CNN interview,wendy show, NY show- He looks awesome and he's back on our t.v. This diva thing is putting adam back in US stasis. Th rest of the world been great, slowly but surly Adam is winning over AMERICA YEAH

Anonymous said...

He was there VH1 DIVAS people!!! Sheesh.

Anonymous said...


I tried Adamofficial this morning and it worked fine but not now..same message ,"domain expired or is about to renew".

Adam was so charming and full of personality on both the Wendy show and CNN. What a pleasure seeing him on TV. I cannot wait for the Vh1 Divas show! He's gonna be amazing.


Anonymous said...

Can somebody bring the original World Music Awards back to the top again w/a click-on link to VOTE and VOTE for Adam?..It started working again early this morn...we need to get in millions of votes,or try,anyway!!

Anonymous said...

Remember, he's got the Jingle Ball this Friday, too, then Divas on Sunday.

1:54, I understand your point, but anything Adam does on TV is promotion for himself, even if it's opening kitchen appliances. He even made THAT fun. He's known as a media personality besides being a singer, so anything he does that gives hismexposure is good.

I wonder why some people are getting AO and some aren't. I can't, but I'll keep trying. I can't imagine it's just gone forever. It's the official website. Must be a tech glitch.


Anonymous said...

Adam was getting paid to promote the VH1 DIVAS program and that he did and did a very good job. It sort of worried me on one program he said they hadn't rehearsed it yet ,and the show is Sunday.Eeek I only have one set of nerves to give and they have been gone long

Anonymous said...

I can't get Adamofficial either.

Anonymous said...

Tweets & some info RE AdamOfficial:

@shoshannastone Do u know if anyone's aware that Adam's official site is offline in US bec of expired domain name?!?!?!

shoshanna stone‏@shoshannastone
@sastenio we know!

foxeylady ‏@Glambert2821
@shoshannastone @sastenio Is it a temporary glitch? Will it be back?

shoshanna stone‏@shoshannastone
@Glambert2821 @sastenio yes!

Anonymous said...

@2:07 PM,

He!he! I'm here my dear!!:)

Adam Lambert is everything we need to stay alive in this freaking world indeed!!!! He!He!:)))

I love Adam so much and he really inspires people by being genuine and true to himself...:)


Adamluv said...

For those with Direct TV here in LA - her show repeats tonite at 9 PST on the BET channel. Just saw it listed. Woke up with Adam and going to bed with Adam. Like how THAT sounds!!!!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam had so much fun opening the gifts and seeing how excited the audience was to be receiving them.

LOVED his big WHOO HOO!!!!!!