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Ryan Seacrest Battle of The Boys: Adam Lambert VS Justin Bieber

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Adam Lambert, One Direction and Justin Bieber are all leading Ryan Seacrest's "Who is your favorite male artist of 2012?" poll.

Adam's write-up on Ryan's site:

"Adam Lambert is one of the most successful contestants who came from “American Idol“, especially considering his loyal fan base of “Glamberts”. Adam released a new album this year, Trespassing, which debuted number one on the Billboard charts."

Please head over to Ryan Seacrest's website HERE to vote for Adam!


Anonymous said...

Well, Adam is way ahead now! I just voted. Here is our Adam, right in there with the top names in pop music. Right where he should be, I need not add. Let's keep Adam up there so Seacrest knows what's what.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like Ryan's saying Adam is successful inspite of the Glamberts.

I voted.

Anonymous said...

This is OT - but how come there has been no mention on this site of Adam's CNN appearance? I taped it and just watched it. As usual, he was his charming self and looking oh-so-fine, with the same outfit from the Wendy Williams show. Anyway, he was great and am just surprised that there wasn't more said about this appearance, since he was on our TV again!!!

Anonymous said...

L 12:18 - I think it was posted already. I saw that CNN clip on 24/7.

Anonymous said...

L/12:18pm, the CNN vid was here. I think Adam's busy schedule is just moving too fast for us :)

Anonymous said...

Poorly constructed sentence but I think Ryan meant part of Adam's success is due to his fans.

Anonymous said...

saw some recent pics of JB and he appears to be wearing similar look that Adam has rocked for years- black clothes, gloves, hairstyle, etc.

Adamluv said...

@12:57 - thought the same thing. And to Seacrest, isnt the biebs success due to his fans?????? Maybe he also wrote that and I just missed it? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

JAK here....hummpff... "Battle of the Boys"??? Adam is not a boy, he's a man.

Ryan is not a smooth talker, I've never understood his success and appeal as an announcer and host. ?

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Anon 12:21 AND 12:55 -- Don't know how I missed it!! Guess I should not have doubted that 24/7 would be on top of things and of course show his appearance on CNN! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm always happy when Adam is on polls with the biggest selling stars, even though he doesn't sell like many of them do. It shows that Adam gets a lot of attention as a real person, a personlity, as well as being a singer. He is larger than life, more than a singer. I love how female interviewers, regardless of age, find themselves giggling and fawning over him. He just brings that out in people. I love this guy.


Anonymous said...

JAK @ 1:35 . .I'm with you on Ryan Seacrest . . . I really think he is quite jealous of Adam . . Adam is tall, dark and handsome, talented . . while Ryan is short and I don't think very talented at all. . . but Ryan is mega wealthy . . what can I say...

Anonymous said...

Do you vote by playing the video?????

Anonymous said...

I think abroad Adam keeping up with some of those big names in sales, especially Asia. Did not see JB. Or one direction at the huge MAMA award's! Also do not see them hosting and performing on a big Diva show Sunday, don't think he there yet JB. That he could handle dhat he handling Sunday! I say in next couple years he will be the biggest concert draw there is abroad. At least some people in America are realizing Adam's talent! Adam hands down out of every person that year isn't miles most sucessful of all those contestants! And one of best if not the best performer out of idol! I suspect you add all countries together Adam. Sales are quite Good! Hopefully Diva give him a boost in American sales, I definitely think its gonna put his worth up as a performer in America, hear MAdaonna wants him to sing her song, she went up a notch in my book!! RS meant one reason he was so sucessful is how loyal of a fan base he has, he may not stated clearly, but that was I got out of it! Adam doing so well, we should be just so proud and happy for him right, people are sucessful in different ways, There is no Bettet performer than Afam Lambert, at least some in America are realizing that! I am personally crazy proud of Adam, who is working is ass off!! That was no Better performer than Adam, period! Sue

Anonymous said...

If you are also voting for Adam on Pop Crush best of 2012 poll... Adam is in 2 categories... best album and best live performer. JB and OD are beating him in both!! You can vote every hour if you are so inspired. Glad to see Adam is so far ahead in the Ryan Seacrest poll! :)

Anonymous said...

The Glamberts are everywhere on the polls and it's crazy:)))

We are the amazing fans among them all he!he!:)))

Passionate indeed!!!:))

Thanks everyone.....


funbunn40 said...

I've been spending most of Adam time voting on all of the many links that have been posted Thanks to all that make it so convenient to support and vote for Adam on all of these polls that at least get his name out there to fans that follow other artists.