"Just A Fool" was cut by Adam Lambert for 'Trespassing' now on Christina Aguilera's album
Filed Under (Others ) by Admin on Thursday, January 17, 2013
Posted at : Thursday, January 17, 2013
Adam Lambert recorded "Just A Fool" but the song never made it to TRESPASSING. Now, the song is on Christina Aguilera's album! LISTEN TO THE SONG BELOW:

"Just A Fool" was cut by Adam for Trespassing now on Christina Aguilera's albumtwitter.com/BobbySukhraj/s…
— ∞ Mary, please ∞ (@ScorpioBert) January 17, 2013
'Just A Fool' was cut from @adamlambert's Trespassing at the last minute, Steve Robson spills the beans in Music... fb.me/2ypcWdMrV
— Adam Lambert Belgium (@AdamLambertBE) January 17, 2013
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Nice lyrics but it's better if only Xtina sing it without Blake>....
The blending is awful for me!:)
Xtina can rock it by herself though!!:)
Christina sounds amazing but she should've sung it alone.
I would absolutely LOVE to hear Adam sing it.
When I heard this sung by Christina and Blake on The Voice I already fell in love with the song.
I even said what a beautiful song by Christina.
Wish she sang it with Adam though.
I think Adam would have put this song on his album,but then went into the more funky pop direction. I would love to hear Adam sing this. Xtina sounds great but not really liking it with Blake though,makes it too country. there voices are too different. What is interesting is that Xtina is not getting much radio play. Not so much from her first single, Your Body, and haven't heard this one yet on the radio. Maybe too soon though. Wish her luck,love her voice, her personality,not so much.
Bet there were some really great songs that didn't make it on Adam's album. Wonder what the song he did with Ryan Teddar sounded like, probably a bit more rock. I would have much preferred this song than BTIKM that's for sure. Oh well onward and forward with new music for the third album but still enjoying Trespassing album
and FYE and always will!!!
Is there any way we can hear Adam's version of this song. I think Christina did a great job with it. Wonder why she didn't ask Adam instead of Blake. I do like Blake but not on this song.
I'd love to hear how Adam sang the song. Adam's third album will be full of great music, no matter what direction it takes. I am excited. Xtina is Xtina, but ADAM IS ADAM. End of story.
bad decision for Adam but good for Christina
Can you just imagine what this song would have sounded like if only Adam would have sung it.......
I'm celebrating my birthday today doing all the little things that make me happy-including listening to Adam's voice singing songs pre-idol to now, somehow being mesmerized all over again when he was standing on that stage singing Beth on AI.
If Adam did not think that this song was for him, that's that. There are plenty of good songs out there that I like, but only when Adam is singing, then the song becomes something really special to me.
I would love to hear Adam's version since it didn't make it on Trespassing. Somebody somehow leak Adam's version please.
As Jennifer Hudson and Katharine McPhee prove in the coming season of ''Smash,'' the ''Idol'' singer with the most votes doesn't always end up on top -- so, based on seasons 1-11, who's the real world victor We survey the contenders...
Lambert's 2009 debut album For Your Entertainment went gold in the U.S. and platinum in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. ''Glambert'' made history in 2012 when he became the first openly gay artist to debut at the top of the Billboard 200 with 2012's Trespassing.
by MJ Santilli
Wow from entertaient weekly, thank you for that feeling good now. Anybody with eyes can see Adam has done well! you go ahead and push the other's Idil Adam appreciates what you did for him. He given you much money for four years, he had more album's out 6 to exsact. You may try to hey back at him a bit for, doing what he should have done. No matter what now that it is between is management and RCA and Adam! Think Album decision will go better with more profits in the mix .RCA Adam and his own management will do a Bettet job, without middle man!
I don't really like Blake singing with Christina. Their voices just don't work together. I also would love to hear Adam sing this song. I think if he did a collabo with someone like Christina or Pink or Kelly C., it would be a major hit for both of them. Maybe he would consider this for his third album.
@ lorraine....Birthday Greetings!
Like you, I have been hearing Adam's voice in my head singing this song. It sounds great! My
type of music....no electronic gimmicks, just lush instrumentation. Christina does have an extrordinary voice but she occasionally sounds whiney and I thought she did on this. I would be willing to buy a single of Adam singing it....without having to hear it first!....I wish I wish!
Hope you had a nice day......JAK
Adam, how can this passionate song not fit the Trespassing album...it's so attuned to you...the angst, love and yes you have told us you had been there...Just a Fool, in love relations. I think you might have given away a hit song! Adam! You might like to include it in your next album, not too late. A good song can be sung by more than one artist. Christina and Blake (don't know him much) did a fantastic job. Yes agree with commenters that Christina should have sung more of it, a lot more, because her voice, much like Adam's is surreal and power-driven. Like this song a lot.
I'm not sure if this song is meant to be a duet when intended for ADAM.
But read somewhere that there was supposed to be a duet in the album but fell through.
If the song was for duet, how I wish he sang it with Christina or Pink.
Sigh . . . xyz
I don't like this song because of it's "Just A Fool" name. I haven't heard it on my HAC radio yet. Adam and his team did a right thing not to put it on Trespassing. But I would love to listen to Adam's version. Someone should leak it.
I really like this song and I can just imagine Adam's voice soaring through the vocals...real power like Xtina.
Happy belated birthday Lorraine!it
I really like the song but I also wish I could hear Adam sing it.
I love this song ... wish ADAM had saved it for another album or added it to his bonus tracks. I too would LOVE to hear his version. Maybe someone could post it on Ytube like Gaga's Fever or Bruno Mars NCOE or some of ADAM's other songs. Hope someone finds ADAM's version. Fingers crossed!!
OT ... I have spent the majority of today listening to ADAM on Liam McEwans ADAM LAMBERT HOUR while VOTING for him in the popdust.com poll. There was a running tally earlier but it has disappeared on my computer ... don't know why/how ... last total was 150K+ for ADAM .. 38K+ for Kris ... 80/20% ... wish the tally would come back ... nevertheless ... off I go to vote some more ... this is only round 2 ... lots more to come.
VOTE! Glamberts!! ~~thanx~~
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
@ Thank you, JAK. It was lovely,and hearing Adam sing was almost as beautiful as hearing my 5 year old grandson and 6 year old granddaughter sing to me over the telephone this morning.
@ daydreamin
Thank you. It was a lovely day.
O urrrg. I am a Aguilera fan of sorts. Her voice intrigues and fascinates and aften amazes. But this song. Not for me. Adam would doubtless massage it into something interesting.
I've got Christinas album, its quite good.
I absoultely love this song! 100 times better than the crap out there today. I also think it's a perfect balance with blake. Would love to hear adam's version however.
Finally got a chance to listen to this GORGEOUS song. Wow!! Like everyone else, I would love to have heard Adam sing this song...and duet with Christina.. Perfect! Can you imagine the power of the song with the two of them singing it?!!! I think Blake Shelton adds a certain feeling of "reality" to the song...the "everyman" sound, but Adam would have brought much more power and I think, emotion, to the duet. I would have been taken to another level. But oh well...
I'm a big Christina Aquilera fan..love her voice so much..so Adam and Christina dueting would be absolutely incredible.
And yes, I hope the "demo" with Adam singing surfaces somewhere. Its out there...
Ooops!!! Meant "IT would have taken it to another level". :))))
I think Xtina and Blake have knocked it out of the park with this song. I love the blend of pop and country voices, and, guess what? It's played on the radio constantly in my town. Carrie Underwood and Steven Tyler also have a duet on the new Aerosmith album. I'm NOT a country fan, but I loved that collaboration too. I think Adam would have done a great job with that song, even better if it had been in a duet. It's just a well written, catchy song.
Maybe the planned duet fell through because no one wants to duet a love song with him....
Adam can sing, Just A Fool, solo...his passion will shine through by its sheer power and genuine feeling. But if it needs to be done as a duet, Christina is an excellent choice. I'd rather hear Adam alone though. This song is a mirror image of WWFM. It has the vibe of a potential hit. Yes again it might be taken as a gayish song, sung by Adam but the lyric reflects the universal theme of unrequited love; so that will, in my opinion off-set it.
Just listened to the song (both the album and the Voice versions). I like it. I think it's more appropriate for a duet and they both sound great. I know Blake only as a coach on The Voice and he seems a very nice person and a good singer. I have nothing against country music... in moderate dose (just like every other genre). Thank God Adam has no genre... :-)
While I'd love to listen to a duet Adam - Christina, this isn't the song for it. I believe the song went where was meant to go. I'll look for the rest of her album. I enjoyed the last one (apart from those damn synths) Overall, good driving music. I have some personal favs on it and they all involve Sia. Can't wait to see what's on this 'Lotus'. Thanks for the prompt!
Just a thought...It could be Adam's present frame of mind, as to why he didn't pick the song. He's in love and probably didn't feel like singing this kind of heartache songs. But this song sure sounds like a hit to me. It's okay, Adam's songs all sound like hits! lol!
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