Adorable Meet and Greet Picture from OSAKA!
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Posted at : Tuesday, February 26, 2013
VIA @ryksk:
@adamlambert Thank you adam.It was pleasant yesterday .please come to OSAKA again
@adamlambert Thank you adam.It was pleasant yesterday .please come to OSAKA again

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Adorable body language. So Sweet.
So Cute!!!
Love this pic!!!
awww he is the cutest thing ever.
Good morning from Finland!
I was driving to work and on the radio was Cuckoo!! Great, fine song and very ROCK!!! : ) M
M, thanks for that news I forgot Cuckoo is a new single over there, So glad they are playing it. As Sauli would say,YAY. lol
Adams shines with the kids. Reckon it's because their so sincere and honest that he can associate with those brilliant traits adults seem to lack.
someday that little boy will get a kick out of the meet and greet pass going almost to his knees.
Sauli will be on TV 1st of March!
We have popular talk show Korkojen kera (With the heels) and
this friday Sauli is one of the guests : ) YAY LOL
Such a cute kid. A photo he may cherish always.
This is how someone beomes a fan for life. So cute.
Adam's so great with kids! He treats all his fans alike no matter what their age. Just another reason to love Adam Lambert! nancdruuu2
Heartwarming! ^_^
I agree !!Gonna add that to my 10 million other reasons to love Adam Lambert...rose petal
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Two cutie-pies!
Great story about fraternity brothers who found out one of their members can't afford his gender transition surgery and are raising money to pay for it.
"We are here less to raise money, and more to tell a story. The story of transformation, and story of self-discovery, and the story of brotherhood."
Check out playlists and pictures of the last 6 WAG concert here:
@7:12 - heard that wonderful fratenity story yesterday on the news here in LA. Stories like this give me a small glimmer of hope for the future. Thanks for the link and making 24/7 peeps aware of it. . . . . Adamluv
Adamluv, you're welcome :) And I think it's a big glimmer of hope. Times are changing quickly.
@12:16am Thanks very much for the news of Sauli - hoping for a vid or some pics soon.
I went to Emerson College. It is a wonderful, enriching place of tolerance, diversity and freedom of expression - in addition to a darn fine learning institution.
10:17´s some more info for you about Sauli...
@sunshineSauli @saulikoskinen1 #KorkojenKera live stream available world wide. Friday 8 pm UTC/GMT +2h
This is an adorable picture, that little boy is precious, and that handsome tall boy is pretty darn adorable too! Hi, Rose Pedal! Sue
Love your hoodie . . . little guy!!!
10:21 thanks for the link I'll be watching.
I'm sure Adam was drawn immediately to the boy's shirt!
I love this picture!
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