New Picture: Adam Lambert with Uwe Kröger
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Posted at : Tuesday, March 26, 2013
VIA Uwe Kröger: "A Fantastic Evening with Adam Lambert @ Motto / Vienna — with Riccardo Greco, Ana Milva Gomes, Atousa Mastan, Andrea Bocan, Adi Weiss and Uwe Kroeger."

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WHOAAA Adam - Pretty Boy!.nancdruuu2
Just read an article about JTimberlake and his latest album in my local newspaper. Several points were made about the music industry today and as I read them, I wondered how they would relate to Adam and his third album. It said:1."The music business has become more about the popularity of the individual and sales numbers aren't connected to the quality of the product". It was pointed out that there is a lot of crappy music that sells today. 2. In the new internet driven music business, sales of albums are continuing to decline. The internet is really a singles market." and 3. "Doing lots of touring,building up a following that is really interested in what you do" are essential to success. The only people who buy albums are those truly commited to the artist. These are interesting insights about music today and I just wonder how Adam will fare with the release of his third album in view of the above comments. As a fan since his Idol days, I so want album three to be the one that does it for him and brings him the recognition and acceptance he so deserves. Any comments about these remarks ? "Music superstars seem to be a dying breed" according to the article's author.
Kroger looks a bit like a young RIchard Chamberlain.....anybody left who remembers him?......JAK
JAK, I just had the same thought. Only I couldn't remember his (Chamberlain) name, lol. Not my fave actor, tbh.
JAK again.....I have also read about the sale of albums declining......that's why I think a flurry of great singles could just as easily give his career the push it needs. Look what one song did for him WWFM ! I cannot believe that a single as hauntingly beautiful as Adam sang Stay wouldn't be a huge seller. The album songs that don't make it to singles disappear into Glamberts only music collections.
Will Runnin and Take Back and By the Rules ever be heard if you haven't purchased US and UK deluxe albums?
it's very frustrating!
Think Chamberlain is great JAK, I see it. Ooohh The Thornbirds Miniseries... the Ethos, the Pathos, and even a little bit of Logos... Chamberlain had a long career... but I loves me some Richard as Ralph de Bricassart :)
JAK once again ...then I'll shut up....I promise.
I agrees R,Chamberlain was not a particularly good actor, but he was in two of my favorite mini-series. The Thorn Birds and Shogun........I watched that one again just recently and was amazed how much of the Japanese language I remembered from my first viewing!
Forget the more Glambert-only songs... the first single they chose with BTIKM was PERFECT for Radio, for Top 40 and AC/HAC... there is more at play with it's lack of spins, probably a cocktail of issues at play. BTIKM was a great pick for a first single from TP, especially considering WWFM's success. And the Bruno Mars connection and sonic/sound of NCOE was also a good choice, there is simply more at play. Frustrating indeed.
@JAK March 26 at 9:57 AM
This is the first 9:57! LOL The Thornbirds... we were both thinking it. Shogum was good too... but my oh my the forbidden love of Meggie and Ralph ;)
Yep...I remember Richard Chamberlain...oh god...does it make me old and experienced or just old:?:DD
Thornbirds ..ah so romantic and Richard Chamberlain was so charming and handsome . Forbidden love !! I'm gonna watch that today . Btw ,dont know how its possible, but Adam seems to be getting more and more handsome ea day .
I remember him ad well... I can remember as a little girl watching him as DR. Kildare( not sure of the spelling)... I thinks it's a shame that he felt he couldn't come out until he was 69... So proud of Adam got more courage most of us.... I was listening to an interview with Micheal Sarver... from Adam's season he was saying how strong Adam was in the face of public opinion... and how he had changed his views on people who were different than himself....that's so Adam changing the world one person at a time ....rose petal
I thought so of Richard Chamberlain as soon as I saw the pic.
But I don't agree Adam looks good here and don't like his hair.
@Anon 9:32 AM
Would it be possible for you to send the link to that article and post it here?? I'd love to read it and to pass it on..Or to find the original source. Thanks!
According to Wiki Uwe Kröger (born 4th of December 1964) is a musical star in the German-speaking countries of the world. Besides starring on stage, Kröger has taken part in galas and concerts as well as film appearances. He is gay and has lived with his partner for 17 years. Maybe they will perform in May in Vienna in that Life Ball-project.
And yes, he reminds Richard Chamberlain. I remember Richard from Dr Kildare and I loved Thorn Birds.
I remember Richard Chamberlain and also being very upset by the "forbidden love" of the Thornbirds.
My how Adam has changed my tolerance level - for the good, of course!
To glitzlady. I posted the article info at 9:32 am and here is where you can read the entire article. Type this in your browser: Justin Timberlake's "The 20/20 Experience may hit the...
The article is by Kara Yorio in a north jersey newspaper, The Record dated today, March 26.
Hope you find it. The entire article is very interesting and informative about Timberlake and the music business in general today.
I wonder if when they have the "Life Ball" . . . . if Adam is going to sing the "Life Ball Song" that opens the event . . .
Does anyone know if he will be performing or getting an award?????
or what the date for this event is.....
It looks like the Life Ball is in May 22-29.....
very handsoem adma lambert in this photo also this other guy.-his fans.
@Anon 11:32 AM (AKA 9:32 AM) :)
if half of his Twitter followers bought 1 album each that would be 1mil albums. music+performing. adam is here to stay, impressed (happy) to see so many young fans abroad, that bodes well for longevity. it almost seems like luck/mindless bad musci has more to do with sales than talent. that is truly sad.
how many JT albums have to be sold to recoup the Tv ads/marketing. I can't imagine they even break even so TV is huge exposure for touring
Wow!This article sounds scary!After all,Adam is very brave person. He plans to release 3rd album when 2nd didn't get even 500,000 copies sale!
Good luck, ADam.
I think what's being overlooked when analyzing music as a product sales is the effect of the "Great Recession" and its impact on disposable income. Second, there's an understanding amongst the cognoscenti that their cravings for "sound magic" can be more efficiently met by going straight to the source of the "stimulus of pleasure" which is more apt to be a "single" than an entire album. For my part, the only album I've repeatedly played because it offers so much for every mood is Adam Lambert's "For Your Entertainment." His second album, "Trespassing" offers some great sounds but IMO it would have been improved had it received less synth and more back-up instrumentals by live musicians.
Illegal copying & sharing of music and all of that plays into sales, and a potential lack thereof, for every artist also nowadays... it just hurts the non-superstars more than the supposed A-listers.
It does seem like so much of what we hear in music today is mindless, crappy, crass and pointless. And it is usually performed by some untalented individual with tattoos, piercings, and enough gold jewelry that could feed a poverty stricken neighborhood. Right now it seems that boy bands, Bieber and TSwift are in and that's because the tweens and teens are buying/listening to their music. Who knows what or who will be the next big thing in the music business. I am of the older generation so I still buy albums/cds of performers I enjoy. Adam is at the top of my list and I do look forward to his third album. But after reading the article posted about Timberlake and the music business, I just wonder how this third album will fare since TP did not do as well as anticipated even though it received positive reviews and critical acclaim. I think this third album is going to be the most important musical production that he will be involved in that may determine his place in the music business.
It's just too late at this point for Adam to be a pop star. He is too old to appeal to young kids, there are too many negative impressions of him out there, he isn't going to get played on radio, he isn't going to score a collab with a hot artist because he isn't seen as cool. I'm sure he is expensive to produce because he isn't going to be able to write an album on his own like an indie group might. Just too hard a sell in a very tough business. He needs to focus on other areas like broadway where his voice can shine.
Pop music is only one segment and genre of music. Let's not count Adam out just yet. :))
...Not that I wouldn't LOVE to see Adam singing a part on Broadway...because the hot bright lights of Broadway would be seeing a whole lot more of me! Even tho I live on the West Coast......
I am not saying he isn't going to make a nice living in music. Just that he isn't going to be the next big pop star. And I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't do another album with RCA
What I worry about is that he will stick with pop too long and not make the move to adult music soon enough. He could move to almost any type of music. R & B would be sexy as hell, any type of cool jazz and of course rock is not limited to teen fans. Grown ups like rock. I enjoy hearing him do anything, but I would curl my toes if he did an album of R&B and smooth jazz. Oooooooooooo, yeah honey, more more.
Sing to me! NS
At anon 3:06pm- So sad to read what you have written about Adam and the music business. I certainly hope it is not true. What a waste of a vocal talent that would be. I would love to see him on the Broadway stage,however. I know he would shine there. It will be very interesting to see what does happen with Adam's career and this next album. I will think positively.
Glitzylady, I think it violates copyright laws to post entire articles. You may want to delete much of that and just provide a link so you and this site don't get into trouble.
11:33, nothing has been officially announced yet.
Does it mean that Justin T has more fans than Justin B?Cause JB sold 400,000 in first week. And he has over than 26,000,000 twitter followes!
I think most of you forgot that Adam wrote 35 or 40 songs for Tresspassing.So, he still has some new songs to include in new album:)Also, we don't have any idea. about Asian sales. O think ADam made enough money to start recording new album so soon!
Anonymous 3:06 March 26.... It is indeed too late for Adam to appeal to the youngsters in certain parts of the world,but why can't he appeal to an older crowd... Like for example Michael Bubble... The older crowd has a lot of money to spend too... Much more than those teenagers and twens..
I noticed that Adam did a few gigs in an upper class (financially) environment recently in 2012, one in Melbourne and one in Bali...
Twitter followers does not equal record sales.
Let's leave the direction of Adam's music and career to Adam.
Adam isn't too old to be a pop star. Beyoncé, Christina, Adam Levine, Alicia Keys, Justin Timberlake, the lead singer from Fun., John Mayer, Matt Bellamy, etc are all older than Adam.
Most were already stars before Adam got started 4 years ago. Adam is always going to be controversial therefore no easy path to stardom. He is not going to be an icon, but he will always be a superbly talented singer.He could put out albums of covers that would sell. But that's not what he wants, I'm not sure he can obtain what he wants. He may have to settle for what he can sell, but that would be a blow to him since he is so determined. Very often you have to modify your dreams. I hope that doesn't happen, but to disagree with Paula,
"Fortune does not always reward the brave"!
Folks, at this very moment Josh Groban is trying to break into a younger market ... Maybe not the Pop market per se, but he's trying to "crossover", and not just to WC/HAC ... Look into that, it's true
maroon 5 only went huge with adam on the voice!!!
Adam could be one of the biggest stars for now. However, it seems that it wasn't his dream. Adam wants to be controversal. So,we must agree with his wish and continue to follow and support our Diamond boy for better or for worst:)
Food for thought. Adam and Susan Boyle put out their first albums at almost the same time. She sings covers almost exclusively. She recently bought a house for just under half a million US dollars and has a net worth of over 34 million US dollars. She has put out 3 albums, the last two sold 14 million albums in 14 months. She sells albums on almost every continent. Covers do sell.
Adults buy a lot of music, music they already know they like.
Do I think Susan Boyle has a good voice, yes, do I like it, no. There seems to be nothing behind it to me, no emotion, so I do not buy it, but a hell of a lot of people do.
@8:07PM Susan B didn't kiss girl on the stage day before her first album was released. This is one of the reason of her success:D Yes, she has great voice. But I would never buy any of her albums. However, like you said. People love Susan's voice and continue to buy her music.
About her house. What kind of house she bought for half of million dollars? It depends from location. In NY, California, Chicago,etc this is a price of 2 beds 1 bath doghouse:)
Let's compare Susan Boyle to Adele's 21. No covers there and number one on the charts for over a year. Adele has sold over 10 million albums in the US alone. Not kissing someone on stage has very little to do with it.
Once again people here think they know what degree of success Adam wants and the type of career he will be happy with. It should be what Adam wants, not what you want for him.
@Anon 4:52 PM
I'm not too worried about me..but I wouldn't want to get 24/7 in trouble. So I'll delete the article and post the link to it. I posted the article primarily because some have trouble accessing. So I'm going to follow @Daydreamin's lead and learn how to post "clickable" links. Should solve that issue.
"Justin Timberlake's "The 20/20 Experience" may hit the rarified mark in sales"
@8:57PM Agree with you. I think Adam doesn't want to take anything seriously. But I don't know how it works for his management. Somebody is still paying for Trespassing expences.
@ 8:27 P.M. Susan Boyles home was described in The Irish Times newspaper (she is Irish) as a swanky 5 bedroom home in Blackburn, U.K.
I LOVED The Thornbirds and Richard Chamberlain.
Even fictional priests were not celibate. Of course the so called first pope wasn't either, Peter was married. It took a thousand years for the church to slip that rule in. 12th century to be exact.
What were they thinking? It never had never has worked.
Adam is NOT pretty - he's supremely HANDSOME!!!
Susan Boyle - Blackburn is 210 miles north-west of London. She still lives in the family home - a council house - which she purchased in 2010. She has a good voice and there are people who love rags to riches stories. I wish her well and I wish Adam the same success as she enjoys.
P.S. Susan Boyle is Scottish (not Irish).
Yeah, Susan Boyle's council house isn't swanky.
I remember Richard Chamberlain in Dr Kildare - he was quite handsome - and I saw him in a recent film not so long ago (on TV - can't remember the name of it) and he's aged considerably (of course) but then he will be 79 on March 31st.
I don't think I have ever taken such an interest in a performer as I have with Adam Lambert. He had me from that first note on AI. Of course, those of us who are fans want recognition, acceptance and success for him in the music industry, more than he has at this point in his career esp. here in the US. Whatever the reasons(and I know we can all give a few), Adam doesn't get radio play or have big sales numbers of his albums and that makes me angry/frustrated because he is so talented in a field of crappy, talentless performers. What will it take to turn all that around? Who knows... but after reading this JT article, it seems the odds could be against him. I hope this is not so. The fans love him in the Far East and parts of Europe. He goes back to do additional shows and perhaps win awards there. Obviously Adam will determine what he wants for the next phase of his career and I hope it brings him the success he so deserves here at home.
Susan Boyle.s family immigrated from county donegal Ireland They are of Irish ancestry, she was born and raised in Scotland. She owns 2 houses, the family council house and a new home she purchased for 300,000 pounds!
A fact which did not please her family and the person charged with managing her money, she is guilty of extravagant spending sprees and has been put on an allowance since her judgement is poor due to damage at birth.
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