NEW PICTURES: Adam Lambert leaving the hotel in Helsinki today
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, March 24, 2013
Posted at : Sunday, March 24, 2013
VIA @ALambertFrance/

VIA @nanneko

VIA @nanneko
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LOVE your SMILE :) :)
I guess Sauli is headed home to LA, and Adam is headed for London. Hope he is collaberating, with Brian May and maybe Sam Sparrow. Wishful thinking!
did he hurt his leg??? he is walking funny
That coat is sexy,guess Adam won't need it in L.A. Hope he will be getting together with Max Martin soon to work on his next album! Lots of great things in store for us with Adam,a true superstar in every sense of the word!
How do we know he's going to London?
I guess he was seen at the airport getting ready to board on London plane:) But I´m only repeating what others said. Sosh said something about exciting things on the horizon, didn´t she??
I very much doubt Max Martin would give Adam the time of day these days. Adam is going to have a very tough time if he really intends to work on new music. I bet he would jump at the chance to do broadway right now. And that's not dissing him but this business is just very tough.
10:02 am...
How can you tell he´s walking funny??Or is there somewhere a vid?
I hope Adam has some work related things to do in London. A new album on it's way!!
Sauli left earlier in the morning towards L.A. They are starting to film his TV show.
@10:30 am
I´m curious to know why you think that Max Martin wouldn´t be interested in working with Adam? After all he has the best voice (and well just about everything)there is...
Max is very in demand and he gets to pick and choose his artists. Adam really wanted to work with Max for his last album couldn't make it happen. Now he is coming off an album which didn't do well so it would be even harder to attract him.
@10:40 Really? Lol
Yes, really. If you think Adam is going to be working with any top name music people now that he has shown he can't get played on radio you are delusional. Way too much competition
Adam is looking very happy and fine in those pictures. He never stops, does he.
@10:51 AM He can get played on radio. His 1st album showed that.
negative planters aplenty here. lol
This is my opinion and hope. Adam has received strong acknowledgement for his vocals, his live performances, his work ethic, his winning personality, and more. He has had much success in some areas, less so in others. I don’t think his record company is anywhere near giving up on him. His potential is huge. Although there are some “instant” successes in the music business, there are many others that have struggled for years to get recognition. We that follow Adam are invited into his world to see the missteps and climbs of building a career. He’s an unusual sell, but the potential for greatness is there because the talent is extraordinary. As fans, let’s just support and trust him.
Adam's songs get played on the radio in many countries. Not in the US and Sweden though, lol.
anon 10:31 it must have been from all that tangling of the torso.
Is Adam really going to London or does his plane just stopover there on the way to LA? There are no direct flights to LA.
LOL at the person who thinks Adam not having a top 10 hit off this album will affect who wants to work with him. Adam continues to be well regarded in the industry, winning over more people as they meet him. I'm hoping Adam works with Nile Rodgers again.
Question for those whe where boots. Is that a style or why do the boots curl up on the end. Just asking Thanks
11:11 AM Tomorrow we will know. But there are no direct flights from Helsinki to Los Angeles and Sauli said he likes to fly via London or Amsterdam but not so much via NY.
So, Adam has been seen in front of Hotel Kämp several times but I missed him. Yesterday it was so close, lol. I missed Adam and Sauli going to the cap just for half an hour. I was there walking and just as I was back at my hotel I saw the tweet that they were there. But I saw Adam in Hartwall Arena and that memory is glued to my brains.
1:14 AM
Lol if you think it doesn't significantly affect what is going to happen next.
@Anon 11:21 AM
Its the style of the boots..Adam's had those for awhile... :)))
those elf boots again? sheesh
Hi 11:21 and 11:41
The boots that turn up at the toe are very stylish and can be very expensive. I doubt that Adam would wear anything but the best. I see them in stores everywhere in California's exclusive stores. Perfectly acceptable.
Adam likes different things, with a different twist.
Your sound so familiar!! Gini ;)
awww I like those boots alot. Adam looks so cute in them.
JAK here.....He wore "elf" shoes on idol...I thought they looked ridiculous....toes turned up like the wicked witch in OZ.
BTW......Max Martin produced Adam's two biggest hits
...............WWFM and IIHY.....
Oops, you said something negative about Prince Adam Jak. I see the all the claws coming out. Better run.
1:43 PM
I think everyone knows Max produced Adam's biggest hits and that's why Adam wanted him on his second album. But he couldn't get him then, and it's far less likely he will be able to get him now
Such an adorable, sweet cutie.
Carolyn @ 10:59...After reading your comments, I agree with what you have to say. You can be a fan and still not be happy because his "successes" have not been as great as we would have wanted for him. The talent is certainly there and his stage presence is mesmerizing. The music industry is a tough one and it is hard to predict what will be a hit, who will be the next big sensation until someone new comes along. It is true that we should trust Adam and his judgment and continue to support him as he takes the next step on his journey into superstardom.
Starting early this year..
All I want for Chrithmath ith a new album, a new album, a new album.
All I want for Chrithmath ith a new Adam Lambert album, so I can with you Merry Chrithmath.
Merry Chrithmath everyone!
I'm confused: Is his coat grey and his scarf blue or is his coat brown and his scarf grey? Or maybe I just need glasses.
2:55 boy you sure are a nasty one
@ 7:01.......JAK here.......No, she was making a joke......
One with a bit of truth in it......sadly.
I don't hesitate to say what I feel for fear of being stoned.....wait, let me rephrase fear of being jumped on. Adam doesn't have to be deified to be admired and like all of us he is far from perfect. And face it a joke about his shoes is hardly a sign of disloyalty. I've said before that I never say anything about Adam I would hesitate to say to his face, he's a big boy. Doesn't need defending. Even from truly hateful mean people, who invade occasionally, their comments diminish them not Adam.
@MFG I've read somewhere that the coat is olive. I think the scarf is grey. Don't know...
Only those artists who serve the Illuminati are very very successful. Justin Bieber would not make it to the top at the very start if not for the Illuminati.
I'd rather Adam make it slow than sell his soul. I pray I don't see him giving those Satanic hand signs all these top charters and multi-platinum singers always project they are with the devil.
The illuminati and satan are in the music business? If Adam sells his soul just how much faster will he succeed?
BTW how much is satan paying for souls nowadays?
It's hard to believe that Justin has been around long enough for his soul to be black enough to interest the devil.
I'm curious, do you believe in the boogieman too?
the religious loons have arrived
Lol @6:33 which rock have you been hiding? The music business is Satan's kingdom.
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