Adam Lambert at a club in Hollywood last night
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Posted at : Wednesday, May 01, 2013
VIA @sulagaevala: Adam Lambert is genius. #Love him! @ Avalon Hollywood

VIA gossipphotography HUGE QUEENS @adamlambert @jeffreestar #Evita

VIA gossipphotography HUGE QUEENS @adamlambert @jeffreestar #Evita
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I love that he enjoys having fun.
This was actually a charity event.
Adam Lambert supports @operationunite! #Adam Lambert
Kay Graham, Adam Lambert, and Missy Elliot all out at carnival tonight to support their dancers. Fucking beautiful. Love that.
Choreographers Carnival
Operation: UNITE will premiere its brand new video.
Tuesday April 30th at Club Avalon in Hollywood, CA
Taking the fight against cancer to the dance floor! Dance workshop series/events supporting dance/movement therapy & personalized cancer care facilities.
USA - The world ·
Adam never goes out with Tommy? We get to seen them together on stage but not much elsewhere...
Adam's appearances and work for charities and social causes is widening. So glad to see it!
New hairdo, yay!
Lol he was at two bars, neither of them were charity events. The charity was at the dance show and just asked adam to take a picture
where is your dragon attack jacket when you need it Adam? lol
9:30 only two bars? Hell I can bar hop better than him. LOL
Always so proud of Adam! Looking adorable as always!!!...nancdruuu2
No, both events were at the Avalon. The Carnival and Operation Unite's video premiere were at Avalon.
The Carnival was some big dancers show and Operation United is a charity involving dancers. Carnival advertised the video from Operation United so it looks like a joint event in the same location to me.
Love seeing Adam out and about, networking and having fun!!!!
The second picture is from Evita. The first picture is from Avalon where the dance event was. Two completely separate things. Tickets to the dance event at Avalon were not for charity.
glad someone got some nice pictures posted for us, no matter where they are. This place has me spoiled.
Glad there are at least two people on this site that know every move Adam makes and why he was there, what he was doing. Two different versions makes it really worthy of believing. STALKERS
Adam looks great. I hope his hair is one color and not those blonde highlights in the front. Anytime he is without TJR, I am happy. He looks like he is having fun. Love HIS look.
Weirdness is all I can say. What is this? I will just ignore it.
I love any pictures that are posted of Adam out and having fun. We may not always like the people he is seen with(esp. the drag queens), but he is never boring or uninteresting. He certainly has very colorful friends and it seems as if they all know how to have a good time. It is certainly a different world from my ordinary, everyday existence and I guess I can live vicariously through these pictures and Adam's experiences. Oh, to be young and carefree again.
Yes, def do not understand the drag queen thing. It freaks me out and wish we didn't see those pics. As far as TJR, if we never see pics with that guy, it will be a great day.
I've noticed us doing quite well ignoring the ridic posts the past few days, good on us! It's always fun and interesting and mind-expanding to debate legit career items and to share different Lambert related thoughts within appropriate boundries, but a shit-stirrer is always quite obvious and transparent. Good on us reasonable 24/7 users. Hey, it's really cool to see Adam being 31 like many an other single 31 year old man would be doing. Good for him.
So Adam and this Jeffree Star could there be a old new romance?
"I did f*ck Adam Lambert three years ago, so that's funny that he's going to be famous now. He was obsessed with me because of how I looked. But now he'll be a millionaire overnight, so I hope he has a great life. His Rolling Stone cover was an airbrush."
starr wants some bone action
Jeffree, what a nice guy. EWWW. Hope you didn't start a new trend of fugly gays putting a notch on their g-strings.
I'm 1:13 and just to show I am not a total pearl clutcher, :), I will comment on the Jeffree Star thing... Jeffree wants the same sort of success that Adam is gaining. Being a smart guy, Star knows he'd have an uphill battle with mainstream, but I'd take a guess he'd love to have the sort of fame that say a RuPaul has. From my observations, he is not a bad dude, but seems to not be without his jealous side for sure, imho (and I do not know him at all to be fair). He could have chosen originally to not talk about intimate issues regarding Adam, but like Rayjay with Kim Kardashian(ok, I'll never use the K word again here I promise ;)), Star had to go there to "use it" for his gain. I like some of Star's music actually, and there's a certain older Adam fanvid that uses a Star track that I particularly like... and you hard core Glamberts might know which one ;)!! But imho Jeffree does not even come close to possessing the kind of innate talent that Adam does. Like Lambert, he's toiled a long time to gain any notariety whatsoever. All in all, Lambert's success might be just a bit of a tough pill to swallow. Who knows, I certainly don't, I don't know Star at all of course. Hey, for all we know, he could probably divulge a whole litany of stuff that may be private to Adam and he, Star, has not really done so, so good for him. I wish him well, he is an interesting human being.
That was written 5 years ago who cares.
Adam needs to go ahead and dress up.
He seems to be into that stuff.
Anyone who doesn't realize adam has fucked literally hundreds of random guys really isn't paying attention.
that one guy in the picture really loves tattoos. I think he has my brother beat.
ot: I put this on another thread but I better put it on more than one. Does anyone have the link to watch Adam at the GLAAD Award show? thanks ahead of time will check back later. Time is flying by.
Scorpios could bite the head off a bat when angered. WE get pissed off very easily. Starr is a Scorpio
LAMBERT should bang some chicks for the hell of it.
why bring up old news except to be negative. I'm actually quite surprised how few 'kiss n tell' stories there are about AL's past.
I agree 4:26 about the kiss n tell stories. A good thing. But whatever
He seems to get around. This can't be good for his career.
So much for the ignoring trolls.
5:46PM Adam gets around just like a straight guy gets around. and your so surprised! lol
This is not a Tommy site. This is not a Sauli site...I am so tired of people trashing either of these men. These are the people Adam choses to be in his life and be friends with. I know if anyone were to put down the people in my life I would have there back in a minute and so would any of you. Support Adam and the talented musicians and dancers that work well together to give us there all in every performance.
Ignore the trolls! Jealous no talented no life trolls. These people could not come close to the good looks and talent of Adam Lambert. They feel they think saying mess about Adam will make them someone just makes them look even more like the silly little nobodies they are.Adam famous handsome talented and you will never be in his league. You just have the sad distinction of being a dime a dozen Internet troll.
Trolls aren't jealous of Adam, they like upsetting the people here. And they know exactly what to say to upset each segment of fans.
It's all about ENVY and JEALOUSY!!!
The general consensus seems to be Jeffery is a douchy attention whore.
And trolling is about upsetting other readers/posters, not about being jealous of Adam.
Here is the link to the Glaad awards May 11th, NOT May 14th (at least that's what my ticket says lol). Apparently it says there will be no Ustream of the Red Carpet. I will try to bring my camcorder.
Click H E R E
Blogtalk radio has someone from GLAAD talking about Adam and his fans.
Click H E R E
Oh thank you thank you all the jeffrees and other free spirits for bringing COLOUR, GLAM & GLITTER in front of our computer and phone screen staring eyes!!! And most of all THANK YOU ADAM FOR BEING WHO YOU ARE!!!
Wouldn't life be a bit dull if everybody looked like you and me in front of our screens, dressed in pj's, sweatshirts and what not... LOL!
Oh, let me go count the ways how I love Adam-effin-Gorgeous-Lambert!
Are posts like 1:16 p.m. going to be printed on a regular
basis on this site? As each wanna be wants to get attention
for themselves will we have to hear this kind of comment?
This is a fan site, can't this type of comment be refused, erased? Please!
I hear Lambert has fucked guys and girls and hasn't made any apologies about.
Obviously not. Are you happy now? You got to use the "F" word.
I think I said this on another thread, but I believe Jeffree Starr is the one Neil Lambert had a Twitter war with when Neil heard Starr treat a fan in a shabby, rude way.
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