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A Few More New Pictures From Raja's Birthday

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, June 13, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, June 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

Two seriously gorgeous dudes!
And the other Dude Looks Like a Lady...
(S.Tyler singing in my head, lol)

Anonymous said...

Daffyd Thomas, you bloody fool! You could have had...

Not Your Concern, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy, that was one long party. Sutan is sticking to Adam like glue, and so is Terrence, hope Adam is OK. You never know when he has had a few drinks, which way his mind works, and lately he doesn't look like he is having much fun. Sutan and Terrence are 2 of his best friends. Wonder if they will go to Pittsburgh with him, well Terrence will for sure, since he dances for Adam. Adam might be a little low, because he has said repeatedly, he only has an inkling as to what his next album will be. Which is why he cannot tell us anything about it, he doesn't know himself. Maybe he thought being single again was the answer , but that is not always all it is cracked up to be. There are some very lonely times as well, and he has written about his dark side, might be a dark side phase he is going thru. He mentioned there were a lot of pretty boys in Miami, so he is prolly hoping for some in Pittsburgh. Who knows?

Anonymous said...

of course there will some pretty boys in Pittsburgh my brother and two of his friends are going and two of them are just Adam's type and single.

Anonymous said...

He is not mugging for the camera in any of these shots. Just that same "not concerned" out there look.Good to stay close to friends that got your back.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is just tired of having his picture taken all the time. Seems like he can't get a second of privacy to enjoy himself without someone wanting to take a picture.


Anonymous said...

His posing like this for a reason. After all, he is such a drama queen.

Anonymous said...

A drama queen is one thing Adam is not...that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

Since you try to pose that you know so much, maybe it's time to get the name right:
It's TERRANCE!!!!! Geesh!

Anonymous said...

at 11:11 AM

How do you know he isn't? Because that's not what I've heard from people that have been there. Not in front of the cameras, of course.

Anonymous said...

A dramatic moment with the clingy Sutan and his oh-my-god-look. Terrance seems to be the only one looking his usual self.

Anonymous said...

Well in a few days we will have everlasting pics of Adam with dozens of pretty boys, and some not so pretty, that should cover most of Adam news for all next week. I am so excited for all next week LOL.

Anonymous said...

@12:14 Lol and Adam can pick up the most delicious boys.

Anonymous said...

Sutan and Adam look like they are getting more comfortable, they have changed clothes, not Sutans makeup yet. Woohoo!

Anonymous said...

Let's be angry together! We get upset collectively! Aww, this is hilarious, Adam.

Anonymous said...

11:23 those people would be your drycleaner's sister's friend's cousin's neighbor's son's school mate's teacher's lawn guys' girlfriend's great aunt's hair stylist's clients? Right? Name names if you're so smart.

Anonymous said...

So is the band going to be in Pittsburhg Pride Show?

Anonymous said...

Sutan and Adam look like two girls, Sutan being the one whispering into Adam's ear not to play with the person they are piqued with.

Anonymous said...

Usually someone tweets about the rehearsals, but not this time?

lorraine said...

Who needs to be concerned about Russia banning Adam Lambert? This is supposed to be a fan site that supports him and shares our admiration and love for him as a person and musician---and sometimes the snide remarks,intolerance,unkind suppositions etc make me so sad I can hardly stand it anymore. I think I need a break.....

Anonymous said...

not concern about backward russo govt. russo fans will find a way to watch adma lambert concert and etc. find his music.we all support our guy -adma lambert.

Anonymous said...

Adam just did a concert in March of this year. Before he went on to Helsinki.

Anonymous said...

The nightlife hard partying is catching up on Adam's looks. He took better care of himself when he was with Sauli. Looking kinda rugged. He didn't have time for Sauli, remember that's why thy went their separate ways. He always has time for the hang ons.

Anonymous said...

Adam's hookups with young twinks hurt his relationship with Sauli. I think Saulii had enough after Adam's New York trip and ended the relationship but they had to keep it under wrap due to pending Helsinki concert. So sad! Sauli was so good for Adam. The reason for the breakup that Adam provided about it running it!s course due to their busy schedules was so lame. He obviously has so much time to party and date of course. Same old party pics. He is such a great talent but it appears he is loosing focus. He is not saying much about era 3 because I think there is not much happening. Late nights and sleeping till noon and new romance with Bridger which will be short lived till he hooks up with another twink at a bar.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Dear Sutan/Raja Happy Birthday to you!!!

Anonymous said...

My own fault for continuing to read these posts that are really sick - nobody needs to read this garbage. Next time when I see photos of him etc. with friends I will scroll. To be honest some of the remarks on here are abusive. Imagine when Adam says in interviews "Glamberts have my back" he doesn't realise some of them have a knife in it. Although I guess these people that make these remarks are not fans just very unhappy, mixed up people.

Anonymous said...

7:53 it's one or two people trolling and saying the same thing over and over. So immature and senseless. Anyhoo HB to Sutan. I want a make-up job by him someday.

Anonymous said...

8:04 ha, ha, you need to insert about a hundred more over and overs.

Anonymous said...


This trolling and hate needs to stop. How do we email Admin to please block comments like this?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:06 PM
I'll contact admin...and let her know.....

Anonymous said...

In one of Sauli's interviews he said they were already single before the Helsinki concert, and not together. They wanted to keep it quiet until after Helsinki. So Adam was free to have fun in NY, nothing wrong with that. His fans still follow and love him, and will continue to go to all his concerts.

Anonymous said...

AND yet more imbecilic remarks showing total disrepect. Plus had to laugh at the Adam 'loosing focus' comment @7:29. You surely don't know your Adam!

Anonymous said...

Single and deceiving his fans before Helsinki concert but they were a couple when he travelled to New York. Sauli stayed in LA due to work commitments. Stop trying to justify his careless behaviour. Adam has lost focus. He needs mainstream acceptance to sustain a successful music career. He has the talent but the constant partying, the hookups, twinks, porn stars and drag queen associations is hurting his image.

Anonymous said...

But who has taken all these "sad" pictures, f.ex. this last one at Adam´s condo? They come "Via Hector Xtravaganza" - an organisation for photographers belonging to it.
I believe, most of these "severelooking" photos are really meant to be, you can call it "drama", if you like. (Not the paps picture with the car, of cource.)

Anonymous said...

ha! ha! @ Ann 10:15PM
2 funny your cooments!!!LOL!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

7:29 PM
You really are a piece of work. You have NO IDEA why Adam and Sauli broke up - only they know that - so STFU about it.

Anonymous said...

Adam looking sad - pigs arse!! Stop being drama queens.

Anonymous said...

Sutan would've made a gorgeous-looking woman,

Anonymous said...

@ 7:29 PM NY trip surely was the final stroke for their relationship but there was problems before it because Adam would not have behaved like a single otherwise.

Anonymous said...

And to add we don't know what kind of problems they had.

Anonymous said...

at 10:15 PM

Adam's present lifestyle doesn't promote his career, we know he is talented and a nice guy, but he doesn't appeal to the mainstream audience.

Still, his lifestyle is only one part of the problem and the other part is his fanbase back home; people think it mainly consists of gays, cougars and grannies. And that is not cool, never has been and never will. The good thing is that his fans always vote for him on every poll and buy his music.

Anonymous said...

Get out of the fan bubble. Most people have no idea Adam went to a drag queen's birthday party. And if they find out and dislike Adam for it then by Adam's own words that's not the type of compromise he is willing to make for his career.

Stop projecting your own goals for his career and your own residual homophobia on Adam. He knows what he wants and he can handle it just fine without your advice.

Anonymous said...

6 04
Adam isn't going to change, so why do you post this kind of thing over and over again? Adam makes a nice living. He is doing better than 95% of the others coming off idol. He isn't ever going to be some huge pop star in my opinion, and I think he is resigned to that now. He is just enjoying his life and taking advantage of the opportunities that come his way.

Anonymous said...

Adam's p r e s e n t lifestyle...
You just don't get it, do you!

Anonymous said...

@ 6:04 a.m. What's not cool about gays, cougars and grannies? They are people who know an exceptional talent when they hear it. They buy albums, singles and EP's.
Who do you consider cool fans? Please, I'd like to know who is acceptable? As far as his lifestyle, it's his life he's living. We have no say in it. Or the lifestyle of any entertainer.