Adam Lambert mention in today's NZ Herald
Filed Under (magazine scans ) by Admin on Saturday, June 8, 2013
Posted at : Saturday, June 08, 2013
Adam mention in today's NZ Herald…
— coconutghost (@coconutghost007) June 9, 2013

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Does anybody know which song of Adam's she wrote?
#PittsburghPride kicks off NEXT Fri. - Pub Crawl at 8p! Full schedule here (feat. @adamlambert):
Adam's billboard in SD. Coming soon!!
She was on Good Day LA last week and there was a sign? ad? (dont know what to call it) that read - has written songs for Christina Aguilera and Adam Lambert. Was happy to see the plug for Adam and even more happy that neither the words AI runner-up nor gay were in front of his name. It read as if everyone just knows who he is!!!!! All good, all good. . . . Adamluv
I also loved the words "...major pop artists Adam Lambert and Christina Aguilera....."
SO nice to see that.......................
@Anonymous June 8, 2013 at 11:08 PM
According to Wikipedia, she wrote on the song "By the rules" which is a bonus track on the British and Japanese albums
12:16, thank you.
The She talked about is Ginny Blackmore (if somebody else has trouble seeing/reading the - time to get a new phone, new eye glasses, new me... :(
I absolutely LOVE "By The Rules". <3 Thank you, Ginny and well done!
Is there a live version of By the Rules somewhere? And do you think we will ever get a live performance of Map? It's a lovely song, one of Adam's best.
Speaking of Adam's best, I and my friends always thought that "SLEEPWALKER" was genious and also if you ever had the chance to had seen Adam perform it live with his amazing interpretation of the song's lyrics, you would have been floored! That song never got its fame that was so due it.
@ Anonymous June 9, 2013 at 12:37 AM
Ugh, I love sleepwalker so much it should have been a single.. or maybe it should be on the movie "50 shades of grey" ??
@ Anonymous June 9, 2013 at 12:37 AM.. You are welcome... Sorry, forgot to insert it in previous post.
I adore Sleepwalker. Adam's live performance of it is beyond words.
I think For Your Entertainment should be included in the music for Fifty Shades of Grey .... it's soooooo appropriate for the movie.
As far as I'm aware, Adam has never sung By The Rules and/or Map live. These songs are so, so beautiful.
"Major pop artist" has made my morning! Adam just keeps on getting himself mentioned with the big names. Four years out of Idol and he's still moving forward. Exicted about Pittsburgh and and Orlando and SD!
Adam IS a major pop artist! I love by the rules so much so props to ginny!
And for me he is iconic and legend for the new generation indeed!!:)
Just being curious here, what do you know about Adam's role in writing the songs? I mean, he has talked about writing his songs but has he written any songs by himself?
Pop Goes The Camera, Want, and bunch of other ones before Idol. Aftermath, Out Laws Of Love, Broken Open, and etc. after Idol.
Take Back, Chokehold. My fav. on Trespassing.
Anon 7:13
Support Adam and BUY (at least) both of his CD's, there you have the info you're asking for (of course it's available somewhere in AL blogosphere, too, if you care to look for it).
at 8:13 AM
Like totally on his own, without any collaborators?
Nothing on his CDs was done without collabs
I am taking a class and everytime someone asks the teacher about something. She says that's your homework find out about it and let us talk about it next time.
@8:31am. That's your homework. Do your research and let us know.
Lol well that's a clue that the teacher doesn't know shit.
at 8:43 AM
I'm just a bit confused because Adam often talks about his music as if he had written everything himself.
And no, I'm not so invested that I would start digging out the info myself. I just thought that someone knew how it is without searching through any databases.
About your teacher; obviously she is just incompetent and doesn't know the answers to your questions. It is true that doing things by yourself is a good way to learn but I do wonder what she gets paid for? Try to be a bit more persistent with her next time.
I don't know about his song writing skills but I love the final product. My very fave right now is Map and I don't think he had a hand in writing that. The writers are listed on the album sleeve or maybe can be found on the internet. I can't read the tiny writing on the c/d insert. lol
Yes he wrote on map. There are some personal lyrics there
RE Adam, his music, who writes his music, how much does he write, etc.:
A while back, there was an article about the way music is written and produced for albums today. One of the things that really stood out to me was the MASSIVE amounts of money that are spent on "writing teams" put together for the major stars ie Rhianna for example, etc.. in the process of putting together music for an album. Some singer/artists are also singer/songwriters..and most have some input, as does Adam. But the record companies are also willing to put together writing teams to guarantee that their investment in the bigger selling stars will pay off down the road in sales.
This is the article: Using Rihanna as an example:
"How Much Does It Cost To Make A Hit Song?
June 30, 2011
"Getting a song on the pop charts takes big money.
Def Jam [record label] started paying for Rihanna's recent single, "Man Down," more than a year ago. In March of 2010, the label held a writing camp in L.A. to create the songs for Rihanna's album, Loud.
At a writing camp, a record label hires the best music writers in the country and drops them into the nicest recording studios in town for about two weeks. It's a temporary version of the old music-industry hit factories, where writers and producers cranked out pop songs...."
It goes on to give estimates of $$$ figures involves in the costs that go into writing, producing, and rolling out (promoting..) just one "hit" single.
Bottom line cost for just ONE single: $1,078,000
Since a singer gets paid more money if they are listed as a co writer some contracts state that they are to be included even if they only write one line. Elvis had that deal on most of his songs. No way to know how much or how little Adam contributes to the writing process.
Whooo! Lots of money goes into writing songs and getting them out there. Adam has worked with big name writers and producers. Let's hope his label is willing to give that same support this time around. I think he is still thought of as a strong bet. I know, I know, I know, I know, that TP didn't sell that well in the U.S., but its overall sales world-wide have been good. Good enough, I think, to get another album out. I know we're all anxious for it happen. Adam is telling us very little this time around.
TP did sell well in the u.s no 1 on billboard 200 and NCOE was on another chart I dont recall the category
Some teachers take Socartis approach to teach their students to research about subjects without blindly accepting certain concepts written on text books by one individual. That's why a lot of classes have multiple projects to encourage students to dig into available materials to find unbiased answers to their questions.
To answer your question about Adam song-writing ability. In general even the best artists have collaborators. From Lady Gaga to Madonna to Eminem to Lil Wayne to Rihanna to Mars to Swift etc.
I was quite excited to read The Herald on Sunday, this week and see Adams name mentioned along with Ginnys.
I did chase up information till I found which song. "By the Rules"
Ginnys name was mentioned on the album cover right near the end.
It's a good song but good songs don't necessarily get played today. Damn shame.
SLeepwalker one of the most boring songs in history (much like the rest of his crappy music)
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