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Adam Lambert on his way to Pittsburgh

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, June 13, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, June 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Adam right behind U & U r clueless!!!
URRRRRRRRRRRRRRR,,,,,,,,,feel your pain!!!:):):)

Anonymous said...

U could not smell Adam:)
Fainting now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Must be in good disguise!!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Good Lord! What a missed opportunity! Oh well, I shouldn't rub it in ;) If that were me and I realized Adam was right behind me I'd have gotten a stiff neck from turning around and staring at him all the time. (wouldn't be able to help myself) LOL! Don't think I'd have been able to say anything but a meek little "Hi Adam" and blushed while doing it. LOL!


Anonymous said...

OMG please tell us more! Did you talk to him? Are you going to his concert? Please give us some more details!

Anonymous said...

at 11:59 PM

Did you talk to him? Can you read?

Anonymous said...

Damn!:) Girl:) 11:07 PM,

Missed opportunity but hey, there is always a chance and maybe more exciting for you the next time you flight he! he!.....

Don't worry just keep on rockin girl:)


Anonymous said...


Say it didn't happen!!!!!!

Now I know to look around when I board a plane.....

Anonymous said...

I hope I will NEVER meet Adam on a plane...
I'd be bouncing off the walls!!
Not good on a airplane.
Bounce, bounce, bounce...

Anonymous said...

Rick Jordan is there, too. No word from the others. Apparently plane delays last night. Hope everyone has a great time.

Anonymous said...

Boy did you miss out on that one!
Surprised you didn't feel the vibes of the Glambert in the air!

Anonymous said...

I've thought about this - Adam sitting behind me on a plane. What do you do, turn around and say - I love you, I'm a glambert, your biggest fan! It's hard to say because Adam should be entitled to some privacy. As much as he probably dreamed of his fame, I'm sure it must be a bit much for him some days. All the staring at him and picture taking!
I would probably turn around, say a couple of words and leave him alone.
Of course, speaking to Nancy Sinatra would be a much bigger deal than speaking to me! I would probably stop breathing and listen for his every word. Just being human you understand..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I really don't know what i would do if Adam was sitting behind me on a plane. I'd be afraid to act like an idiot if I spoke to him. How would i keep myself facing forward,guess I would make tons of bathroom trips to walk past him and get a good look each time! My heart would be beating out of my chest the whole flight!So better it doesn't happen lol.

Anonymous said...

I think a nod and quick love your work while exiting the plane would be polite and noninvasive.

Anonymous said...

@12:40 Yes I can read. CAN YOU??