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Adam Lambert Saw Rock of Ages on Broadway Tonight

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, June 16, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, June 16, 2013


Magiclady said...

Is Adam in NY for something specific? or just playing with friends? Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

I heard it was a good play.

Anonymous said...

He mentioned on an interview I heard a while back that he would go to NY to see some friends in plays I think.


glitzylady said...

Loved the Rock of Ages musical when it was touring a couple of years ago... Better and very different than the movie.....(IMO)....

Anonymous said...

It's gonna be another bar and another drink and a lot of pictures!And everybody are gonna be happy because Adam is so tired to make any new music for new album. But he is suffering sbout love of his life Sault and having drink in every gay bar in every state he stop by! Adam you are awesome! Good luck, dear.Hope you can sell 5,000 copies of your new album. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Silly and sad 11:23pm. What could help is trying your hand at s creative endevor yourself. Find something that inspires you and give it a go. Much more uplifting than leaving petty comments on a fan site like this, especially about an exceptional artist like Adam Lambert.

Good luck to you.
xo laura

Anonymous said...

11:23 is a troll with horns and tail.

Anonymous said...

Please just ignore the trolls.
This place sucks now.

Anonymous said...

12:13 and 12;17am, Thanks, I know those you call "trolls" are just looking for ANY kind of responce ... and, well, sometimes I just feel like responding. I am not doing it for them, I am doing it for all the mainly younger fans here that are hurt by these cheap comments. It might help them keep this kind of immature hate in perspective.

Love to you,
xo laura

Anonymous said...

at 12:17 AM

LOL - I believe this is an ad financed site and without any controversy the numbers seem to be pretty low. Sooo perhaps a catfight is exactly what we need to keep this site alive and running?

Anonymous said...

I'm with you!
Let's shower this place with love & acceptance. Calling everybody a troll is not the solution.
Creative thinking and kindness are free!!!

Anonymous said...

I saw this play also and it was very good.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised that Adam hasn't seen Rock of Ages in NYC before this. It's been around for a while and I know that Adam has been in NYC for other promos and interviews. He probably just didn't have time before to see it. I wonder if he is going to see Kinky Boots since he has worked with Cindy Lauper and the musical did well during the Tony awards broadcast. I'd love to see Adam on the Broadway stage one day in some musical revival or a new production and would pay any price for a ticket to see him perform.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam on Broadway also, heck I'd love to see Adam anywhere. Such a talent!

Anonymous said...

JMO Can't imagine why a true fan of Adam would want to pigeon hole him on Broadway for X number of months or years when what he wants to do is perform in arenas where he can meet and perform before the masses en masse a la Queenbert. I want him to do what he wants to do which will make him happier and in the long run, us.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you.