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Adam Lambert: "Thank you all for being so amazing today!"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, June 15, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, June 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU ADAM for an amazing day!
You looked fantastic and sounded
great!!! Please come back to Pittsburgh again because we love you and I know you felt the love!
You looked so happy and seemed to be having so much fun!
Love you forever!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fan's recap:

Anonymous said...

Love the the fake mustaches in the audience. LOL

Anonymous said...

Someone acually said look at his mustache and it sounded like a complimant :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam went to any after parties or did he fly back to LA after the concert? Pics somewhere?

Anonymous said...

Adam always a genius. Have to say Ash is looking fantastic now.

Unknown said...

True that, and tommy is looking happy :)

Anonymous said...

Wrote U a post under Adam's vine
Again Thanks so much Dana

Anonymous said...

I love the way the drummer smiles -he so obviously enjoys himself when he's playing. Is his name Rick or Nick?

After hearing the obsessive whining over Adam's moustache and the pushy requests that he shave it off, it was kind of nice to see the fake ones in the audience.

TEAM 'STACHE had their say yesterday. It's not my taste either but the way some people go on you'd think that facial hair was a bigger issue that the NSA leaks.

Anonymous said...

Dana, I'm so sorry about your brother. I hope he is doing better
and yes I understand that you needed to be there for him because there is nothing more important than family.
Adam was fabulous last night. I was four rows from the stage. Gawd, that boy is even better looking in person if thats possible. Hopefully, he'll come back to Pitt some day soon and you'll be able to see him!
Love and light to you.

Anonymous said...

I have so gotten used to no make-up that it's the way I hope he stays.

Anonymous said...

Adam flew from PGH to NYC. Probably for some R&R - to see some BWay shows and hang with his BWay friends. We should be getting some pics of clubbing in NYC. I'm also hoping he might be there to do some work projects. (Is Nile in town?)

Anonymous said...

Sunday, June 16 - Adam is at the Broadway musical ROCK OF AGES. Have fun BB.