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Not Confirmed: Adam Lambert's Music is Being Banned in Russia?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, June 13, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, June 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

Is this because Adam is gay that they are banning his music? So sad.

Anonymous said...

that's too bad he has so many wonderful fans there. They will be missed.

Anonymous said...

Will they ban Queen's music too?

Anonymous said...

I think being gay is a huge issue in Russia, so if banned, that´s the reason. They miss out wonderful music. I feel for the fans!

Anonymous said...

They just now found out he is gay?

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for Adam if it's not one thing it's another. I wish I could give him a big hug when I see him this weekend.

Anonymous said...

How about Elton John? They're trying to tell him what to wear! haha I don't think Elton will like that!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Russia is going back into the dark ages. If feel bad for the Russian people and those that are gay and want to live openly. They just don't get ... it isn't a choice.

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for Adam's many wonderful Russian fans - what a shame. nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Please don't worry. They will find a way to listen to Adam's music. :)

Anonymous said...

Not Confirmed. If it's true I feel disgusted if it's because of sexual orientation. How unfair. Let's wait, maybe just a rumor. Does it mean they'll take all vids off YouTube too? Can they do that?


Anonymous said...

Adam is gay we all are proud of him but maybe he should not flaunt it so wise.

Anonymous said...

Fuck radio,fuck the media. Adam don't need you!! Music is so overrated today.its all Politics!

Anonymous said...

Missing big picture here. Putin is forcing Russia back into the dark ages. Those who want to hear Adams music will find it on the black market. But what about the countys own gay people? I hope Adam stays far away but knowing him he might decide to buck the tide. Thinking about the millions of Russians who under this dictator. The Dark Side

Anonymous said...

Russia is the biggist land in Europe. So it is not a small thing here. They don´t accept men kissing puplic way each other´s.I don´t know what happend when the band was there in March.

Anonymous said...

They made a law 2012 in Russia that it is illegal to be gay. So you understand what Adam´s concerts really ment for the community there, Adam went there also knowing about it and despite possible real threat of something bad happening during the concert. MS

Anonymous said...

China is twice the land area of Russia + has 3 billion people.

Anonymous said...

Putin is taking Russia back to communism just were Obama wants to take America. Scandals anyone?

glitzylady said...

Russia is going backwards. Not hearing Adam's music there, if true, is the least of their problems. From what I'm hearing, GLBT people are being persecuted, jailed, and killed. Adam's music ban, if true, is but another sad sidelight of the violation of basic human rights there.

@Anon 10:16 AM
Adam has said recently in an interview that his integrity as a gay human being is more important to him than record sales, etc.. Suggesting that he not "flaunt" his gayness probably isn't happening. Being proud of who is, is important to him. And probably not going to disappear any time soon. He makes me proud to be his fan.

@Anon 10:31 AM
It may all be "politics" but Adam could use some positive radio and media support. At least it would be helpful. Alienating radio and the media would be a bad idea. There is still a lot of good music out there....I love Adam's music but I also have a heck of a lot of other music in my music library. Adam Lambert fans slamming other artists music doesn't do Adam any good. He is a gracious promoter of other artist's music. We could take some lessons from many areas....

Anonymous said...

Please watch this video to add more view counts:

Press F5 to refresh and watch it again

Anonymous said...

I think I am more concerned with the fact that American radio was not Adam friendly with either album, but especially Trespassing. If true about Russian radio, the people in Russia have much more to be concerned with than whether a gay American vocalist is on their radio or not.

Anonymous said...

Exact words are homosexual behaviour is illegal in Russia.It was a big news itemn in Finland and there was a lot ot talk of the AIDS not spreading any further when it`s illegal to even discuss about gay issues. I tried to find out the area where the law is applied in Russia but couldn´t find info.It started in St. Petersburg 2012. MS

Anonymous said...

That new gay propaganda law in Russia is crazy...I am so sad...

Anonymous said...

New gay propaganda law starts concerning whole Russia...Putin still needs to sign it...and i have no doubt he will do it...disgusting...

Anonymous said...

Russian Putin fighting with people in Cacauses region and now banning Gay rights. What's next for Putin. Close its doors again. I'm sick of these dumb leaders making life miserable for their own people. I guess they want to remembered as rotten leaders in history books.

Anonymous said...

Tweet from Frank Sinatra's daughter:

Nancy Sinatra ‏@nancysinatra
Guess who I saw in the parking lot standing by his car. @adamlambert Really wanted to meet him.Didn't want to invade his private space.

Anonymous said...

Damn I feel bad for the gay community in Russia.

Anonymous said...

Adam's music is still available on Russian ITunes.

When is Elton John's concert in Russia? They made him not to wear his special outfit for his concert there. How crazy is that?

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam would mind at all if Nancy Sinatra invaded his space. They most likely would have had a nice chat.

Anonymous said...

Watch this video tweeted by Adam's publicist, Shoshanna:

@shoshannastone: Makes me smile …

glitzylady said...

The video that Shoshanna tweeted is also already embedded here on 24/7, three threads back...

"Young Transgender Fan Gives Thanks To Adam Lambert.."

Anonymous said...

Ah, the effects of fear and ignorance do run rampant in Russia, and elsewhere in the world. To think that this sort of mentality is still alive and well in 2013 just boggles my mind. It's like condemning blue eyes or big feet. You can be forced to hide them, but they're still there, just like they were when you were born. No amount of logic works with these ignorant people, and it's doubly bad when the ignorant are leading a whole nation and are passing insane laws. The fear of AIDS is so focused on the gay population even though AIDS affects non-gays as well. You can't make "being gay" illegal. It's ridiculous to even say such a thing. You can't outlaw any birth trait. I know what they mean. They mean gay behavior, but even the "hate" for gay behavior is so ignorant and paranoid. To think that gay people world-wide are still be ostracized and ridiculed and even tortured and killed is amazing. Yet, these so-called leaders continue to smugly spew their inane, groundless belies and entice others to join in. What a step backward for the human race. The worst part is, these dopes feel no shame. They just feel self-righteous and pompous. I know we're here supporting Adam. I wish his courage when he performed in Russia could be made more well-known. Our boy has guts.

Nancy Sinstra, the next time you see Adam, go right up to him and say hi. Then tweet about how nice and beautiful he is.


Anonymous said...

I wonder what Adam is thinking about this? He must surely know about it.

Anonymous said...

No wonder Putin's wife is divorcing him - he's an arrogant bastard!

Anonymous said...

This is a tweet from someone (who?) and has this been confirmed by Adam or his management team?
If true, this would be another perfect reason for the USA to embrace Adam's music and show that the US embraces talent, diversity and integrity.

Anonymous said...

other reason-russia is backward and communist country and crazy-its not adams fans fault-omg russo what ur thinking.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The concern of AIDS spreading further because of the new propagandalaw was real. Though the disease is among non-gays aswell,I remember it was estimated for allmost 1/4 of the gay-community in St.Petersburg to carry this disease(TV news here). And when it is forbidden to discuss any "gayrelated propaganda" to minors, it is only continuing ignorance that is assured and possible spreading of AIDS. It is also difficult for doctors and priests to practice their work.It looks grimm, but I hope the law won´t become nationwide.
Last year they fined two men in St.Petersburg for carrying a sign,
which said "Homosexuality is normal". The considered fine was for them 13000 euros,which was about the average wages for the whole year in Russia.

Anonymous said...

2:51 signed MS.

Anonymous said...

Adam has tons of fans in Russia. They made great fan videos to his songs on both of his album. They are part of the glamily. It hurts to know they won't be able to see Adam again in Russia. It is sad to see nations are going backwards because of these screwed up leaders.

Anonymous said...

Putin, who loves to be photographed without his shirt on is divorcing his wife, not the other way around. Apparently he's found a younger squeeze. What a strutting fool he is. And terribly frightening for the entire world at the same time, not solely gays.

Anonymous said...

I would say that Russian government will have a big problem soon.... This is not the end of liberty..... The Russian fans will be more persistent in a different way...

It's really sad but I hope it's not true though!:(


Jadam said...

If this is true, it is an unbelievable step backwards, so sad and pathetic.
Adam would have loved to speak with Nancy Sinatra. he would have been charming and flattered.

Anonymous said...

If you have the time,inclination and HBO,try to catch the

documentary of Pussy Riot.. Glimpse into crazy Russia

Anonymous said...

In Iraq and Iran, Adam's fans always find ways to listen to his music. Quite certain that his Russian fans are extremely intelligent and will find ways to follow his every move any which way they can. OMG, how Lucky are we to live in free countries!!!!

Anonymous said...

Not confirmed. Read the headline.
Sad if true. But not confirmed. Yet.

Adam's music banned in Russia, so therefore it will not be played...
Adam's music not banned in US, so therefore it will be played... NOT!

Anonymous said...

@ 11:05 a.m. You are certifiably nuts. Obama wants to make us a communist country? Do you believe every idiot you see on TV or read crap from on the web? Pitiful, truly pitiful the ignorance of so many easily misled Americans.
Are you brain dead?

Anonymous said...

Before judging, before we know more...

The place to start being concerned and anxious is right here at home of AL 24/7 News!
Every day there are posts where you can read of non-acceptance, homofobia and even hate.

Do the following 'examples' sound familiar:
Creepy Sutan or clingy Raja or freaky friends of Adam or Adam is too gay or Adam should not flaunt it or Adam should have less make-up or Adam should not have gay issues in his music or... on and on.

When will this stop?!?!
Acceptance starts at home!

Anonymous said...

Yes, please stop prejudging others here at home of AL24/7

tea said...

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 56m

@NancySinatra aww I wish you had said HI! ;)

Nancy Sinatra ‏@NancySinatra 6m

Now I wish so too. I will next time. xoxo @adamlambert

Anonymous said...


thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

4:53, Well said. Practicing what we preach is not always easy. Nice to see that Adam tweeted Nancy Sinatra back. Hope they met up again! She's a Glambert for sure.


Anonymous said...

Adam just replied to NANCY SINATRA!! Nancy Sinatra was married to a Lambert for 15 years. Her children are Lamberts (no relation to Adam). She worked closely with Elvis Presley. Adam reminds us of Elvis sometimes in some great pics. Nancy said that she wants to meet Adam but when she saw him in a parking lot, she did not want to invade his private space. Adam replied that she should have said HI!! I love all this full circle thing. I hope that they end up meeting each other and that we get amazing pics afterwards.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Sinatra's boots should have gone walking right to Adam for that Hi. Sorry couldn't help myself.

Anonymous said...


Nancy Sinatra has very good taste, Elvis, Adam doesn't get any better than that.


Anonymous said...

Good one, these boots are made for walking..LOL


Anonymous said...

Adam is who he is gay and proud.
Hells bells when will people get him!

Anonymous said...

Waiting for confirmation but if this is the case,so sad! Elton and Adam broke boundaries a while back in Kiev. Took guts to front for the cause then. .... really sad for the Russian fans indeed...
Over the last few days so many comments have been made almost homophobic with lack of understanding even within the US Glamberts. Time to get out of the Dark Ages, and seek equality for everyone. Pulling wool over eyes is not the answer, education is.

Anonymous said...

Good post! After all the comments lately regarding Adam and friends
it's obvious acceptance is still tough for some. A post on this site earlier even suggests Adam shouldn't 'flaunt' his gay side within his career. Lost for words on that one! I love the fact Adam is so true to himself. Adam is darn refreshing in this world of insincerities, infact priceless! Plus, he has amazing friends who are creative, talented and loyal. That includes the wonderment of Sutan who is a beautiful guy and a fellow Gemini! Maybe the gig this weekend will open some eyes at last.

Anonymous said...

By the way Nancy Sinatra's another Gemini too!

glitzylady said...

Nancy Sinatra is a huge Adam Lambert fan and has been since Idol. I follow her on twitter and she's smart, funny and wise (obviously..). And she follows back too. I think Nancy and Adam would have some great conversations. Hoping they get the chance to meet...

Anonymous said...

Are you getting ready for your trip to Pittsburgh! I'm so excited
for Saturday! Be safe in your travels and hopefully we can meet
one another!!

Anonymous said...

Been offline most of the day so just catching up...@anon 6:11 LOL LOL LOL!!! Perfect!


Anonymous said...

Hi Adele,
Counting down the hours, can't wait I am so excited. I've never seen him in concert. I told my daughter just today, that I hope I can catch my breath when I see him walk out on stage, I'll forget to breath! She said she will catch me if I pass out..LOL Hope to see you soon.


Anonymous said...

Nk,you are in for the treat of your life! He's absolutely gorgeous
and mesmerizing! You WILL FORGET TO BREATH!! And need I say more about that voice. When you hear him sing you will forget who you are and where you are!!!
I saw him in Cleveland and Erie when he was on the GNT tour. He didn't come to Pittsburgh. I would follow him to the moon if I could.
I want to go to the airport tomorrow to greet him when he arrives, but I don't have a clue when he's due in. I guess I should
pack a little suitcase and hang out all day ha ha! If I got close to him I'd probably just drop over dead. I know my heart wouldn't take
the excitement!!
See you soon!

Anonymous said...

Adam just performed in Russia at the end of March this year, then went on to do a concert in Helsinki. I think it just had to be family friendly, which he did.

Anonymous said...

4:53, you are so right about this site. It needs to stop. This is supposed to be a fan site. Will Admin help us make it that again?

funbunn40 said...

@DRG and Glitzlady, You have both exactly echoed my sentiments. I'm concerned not only for Adam fans, but for the safety and loss of freedom for all Russians, gay or straight. I've been around long enough to remember the Cold War and Kruschev's megolamania,creating fear not only in Russia, but in the US with the threat of nuclear war. Now Putin seems to pick up where he left off, creating fear and loss of freedom for the Russian people. Every country has it's problems with government, not only Russia. What's important is to remember that people in every country are individuals and many have the same hopes and dreams that do not represent what their govt. projects. Iran, Syria, Iraq and parts of Africa are also suffering constraints of individual liberty. The GOP in America are also trying to dictate their morality and restrictions. As Glamberts we do have a voice and a reputation of looking out for each other. I know I would be willing to sign any world petition, buy Adams albums to send to Glamberts in a supressed country to keep them plugged in to Adam and give them moments of hope and joy. Adam had such devoted fans in St.Petersburg and I'm sure in many parts of Russia where people just want to enjoy the music and peacefully live their lives as they see fit. Each of us could have been born in any of these countries. I try to imagine what it would be like.We are "our brother'd keeper" and I hope in some way we can support Adam, his Russian fans and all that are being supressed. We do have power...I also appreciate the input of those that are in that country or close by that knows more than my speculations. Thankyou MS

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:08 - I just watched the Pussy Riot last night and was shocked and disgusted as to how those women are being treated. Not a fair trial whatsoever and two of them got two year sentences in a penal institution, just for their protests for women's rights. Very scary country to live in. And yes, as Adam even said, we should be grateful to live in this country with our freedoms - even tho the GOP is doing their darndest to take away all women's rights one by one. That too is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Stupid bi-partisan comment!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 4:53 PM & @Anon 9:17 PM
Admin has been contacted regarding those concerns, which have been increasingly voiced.....

Anonymous said...

@9:31pm funnbunn40, Thankey for appreciation. We live close by Russia and we have diverse cultural exchange between our countries:),maybe the reason we think the Russians are very warmhearted, friendly people.In Russia there are big contradictions to many things we keep as clear human rights but I think changes happen for the better too all the time. People are intelligent and have their own minds there too:).MS

Anonymous said...

4:53 There is a big difference between individual expressions of hate towards a minority and the systemic marginalization of a minority. Both are terrible but insititutionalized hate gives the persecuted minority no recourse in the face of injustice. It also fosters a casual acceptance their secondary citizenship, which makes it harder to obtain even emotional support when bad things happen.

I hope western artists boycott Russia in the same way as they did South Africa during the age of Aparthied. Maybe Elton John will say something.

Anonymous said...

There is current anti-gay legislation in Russia that Putin is expected to sign. While homosexuality was decriminalized many years ago this new legislation will make it illegal to distribute gay "propaganda" or information to minors or to hold pride events. Many protesters this week were detained by police or beaten by members of the Russian Orthodox Church. I do hope international groups will bring pressure on the government and church to reverse this but I fear this will be a long battle.

Anonymous said...

We know about the law referring to posts before, abusing human rights is a real concern. It is also difficult getting truthful info from Russia these days. We don´t always really know who and what is behind all incidents happening there. That is a huge problem. I don´t think this is the forum to push firealarms either about the current situation in general in Russia. That is just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

i've been following accounts of the happenings in Russia on quite a few different sites. i might have taken this one seriously if it didn't come from the wank post on FYE. that comm is a joke

Anonymous said...

Sony Music Entertainment demanded to delete ALL foreign songs, not only Adam's. Sony didnt like that we could download it fo free!