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E!'s Fashion Police with Adam Lambert on June 10 2013

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, June 10, 2013

Posted at : Monday, June 10, 2013



ADAM LAMBERT on E!'s Fashion Police Both Parts June 10 2013 HD from GaleChester11 on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

This bachelor skit is sooo upbeat. I actually like all three of favourite is the same as Joan Rivers'. lol! But I like bachelors 1 and 2 a lot. lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam looked FABULOUS! Haha!

He is such a natural in front of the camera. So poised and photogenic. I love it, tho', when he put his hands up to cover his face when Gilbert commented that he would gladly get HPV to "lick" Catherine Zeta Jones. A bit shocking, and Adam's reaction was so funny!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Who could resist Bachelor #3? So handsome, poised, charming...sigh. Such a perfect ending to a perfect date...he tucks her in bed and they fall asleep watching Fashion Police! LOL!LOL!LOL! What a sense of humor! Love him to pieces <333


Anonymous said...

A Face

What's in a face that millions love
The deep-set eyes, aristocratic nose
The well-shaped, defined smiley lips
Or perhaps that moustache strip
Hmm, not quite sure about that bit
Is it the pompadour hair
Or the floppy fringe he wears
That jiggles as he moves, jabs or stares
But when he sings, we are mesmerised
A pitch-perfect sensual voice internalised
People will queue all through the day
Just to catch a glimpse of this finely contoured face
LA Mayor exalts him to Hope of Los Angeles
He accepts it with grace, flair and expertise
Mayor honours him with an affectionate kiss
Adam delivers a succinct speech of love to reminisce


Anonymous said...

Love you, ADAM!

Anonymous said...

The "American Idol" alum participated in "Joan's Mating Game" for the comedian's 80th birthday episode.

Read more about it here:

Anonymous said...

LOL, during the show while on twitter I saw plenty of comments from non-glamberts that they love Adam's look and the mustache. LOL, I love it too and glad to see the general public agrees.

Jadam said...

Its 8.10pn here in NZ 11th June and at 10.00pm "Fashion Police" with Adam will be on. That's pretty good didn't realize we got it that quickly.

Anonymous said...

If I could go out with this particular bachelor #3, I would feel like a Queen! (for reals!)
Lol...never gonna get it, never gonna get it... keeps ringing in my head... :)))

Anonymous said...

This is what we need to hear and see just full of laugh and humour indeed!:)

Bachelor #3 is a real gentleman and sexyyy!:)


Anonymous said...

That show is sooo awful! Who watches this crap? Why would Adam ever do this stupid stuff?? Well at least he looked good-except that tiny gay enunciation here & there.

Anonymous said...

@3:12 AM,

YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND ONLY YOU!!!! You are full of crap and envious with this episode!!!

Anonymous said...

3:12 AM, Why are you so ignorant???? You prepare guns and violence for sure!!!!


Anonymous said...

Once again people either do not recognize a troll or refuse to ignore the troll.

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Anonymous said...

I don't mind to have a date with Adam Lambert without really dating his wallet... No problem to have a Kenny Rogers dinner with him and a simple facial.. as long as he sings accoutically WTYWFM and Aftermath to me... swoon... dead... LOL...

Anonymous said...

I´m reading this post and Adam is singing on the radio Trespassing : )

Anonymous said...

Awwwww 5:01, that's so cute. Me too. I would buy dinner and take HIM to Barneys.

Anonymous said...

If only I were joan i would have ran passed that screen and kissed the shit out of him

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Write up on Adam's Big Win

tea said...

I'm totally with Adam on the covering my face for the Michael Douglas comments. It doesn't seem right to laugh but how can you not. Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Adam was just so great on the show. I loved his perfect from him and it shows how charming and poised he was. It would be a perfect date for him and any lady. Could not stand that GG guy...what a jerk. Adam covered his face with the Zeta Jones comment and said, "oh, my God." Adam looked very handsome and sexy. Perfect way to end the evening seeing him on FP.

Anonymous said...

Delta Foundation Pgh ‏@deltafoundation
Adam Lambert will be interviewed LIVE on NewsRadio Kdka this afternoon at 3:30 PM about his performance at Pride

Anonymous said...

Very good ... I haven't written anything in quite a while ...,depression is a monster it's self....Adam is always so .....well everything .....hoping for good video from Pride concert maybe I'll find my way back from Underneath ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam was on TV a lot more. Such a beautiful fun guy. He's a natural.

Anonymous said...

Class man to the max! That's my Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam was beautiful and charming, of course! How could he not? Loved how he covered his eyes at those really gross comments. Made him look very sweet and very human. GG can really make me cringe, too. Glad to hear that Adam is getting good feedback from non-fans. It is shows like this, silly as they are, that could get Adam some attention and maybe get him a gig on a talk show or something. This show is dopey, but apparently it has lots of viewers. Lots of new people seeing our Adam.

He did a great job and remained classy in that sea of tackiness. And his dream date description was SO ADAM!


Anonymous said...

Fashion Police is a popular show and I do enjoy watching it. Even better when Adam is on it.

Anonymous said...

#3 my favorite, so much fun!

Anonymous said...

I gotta say, Gilbert was pretty hilarious! He's so wonderfully crude! lol

Anonymous said...

Rose Petal I hope you find your way out of the darkness soon. I know depression can bring us all down at times. Listening to Adam's music always lifts my spirits. Hope the videos from Pride help you.
THis video on Fashion Police was so funny. Of course I would have piced #3.

Anonymous said...

Thanks ....ive turned to Adam's music many many times ....he can usuall lift my spirts...I'm sure I'll be better soon a matter of fact if I could hang out with #3 .... There no telling how much better I might feel .... rose petal

Anonymous said...

@rose petal Adam has helped me a lot in times that were a bit troubled or I felt down. His smile and personality is contagious. Well I want Bachelor #3 for a date too and please tuck me into to bed and sing me a lullaby!

Anonymous said...

What woman wouldn't want a date with someone like Adam? He is charming, poised, witty and so handsome. I have several gay male friends and they are the best for conversation, politeness, and charm. And they know so much about the theater, movies and music. It has been said that many of the society "dames "in NYC have gay male friends as escorts/dates to many activities and functions because they are just the right type for those affairs and the lady doesn't have to worrry about a pass being made at her or even more. I am just mesmerized by Adam and it was great seeing him on FP even under that silly Mating Game premise.

Anonymous said...

9:19, are you kidding me? Can you be more stereotypically prejudiced and offensive?

Anonymous said...

So funny and adorable that Adam said he'd have Joan have her hair "set"! Hilarious, and kinda spot on :)! He didn't use the word "done" or "styled" or whatever... but "set", sorta perfect, and so charming... typical Adam.

Anonymous said...

Rose Pedal sweetheart I hope you feel better, depression is serious. I am extremely depressed myself right now, so I know how you are feeling. I been through hell and back last month, bypass, extreme back pain, much more I just very down. There are some very sweet people here you can talk too, but there are a few that are not nice and afraid they will say something not so nice if you express how your feeling. Rose Pedal you can always talk to me, I miss you and hope you will be better. Have not posted much either! Please get better, here for you Sue!

Anonymous said...

Rose petal, I don't know the nature, severity or cause of your depression, but sometimes depression can be classified as "clinical". This could mean that just looking on the bright side of things might not help. Sometimes it is caused by an actual physical problem such as a neurotransmitter imbalance. Please see a doctor to learn more. If an imbalance is the cause, drug therapy can alleviate the symptoms or cause them to disappear completely.

Anonymous said...

@Rose Petal and Sue - Please know that you are good people and not alone! Much love and good thoughts to you both! Adam helped me a lot when I was not well. His music and message is so healing! Good Luck with all you are going through..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Dear Rose Petal and Sue.........depression is such a bitch! I do not suffer from depression myself but I have two loved ones who do and it is so difficult as a family member to watch. Both of my loved ones have a chemical imbalance and I'm so thankful to their doctors and the right combination of drugs that have helped them live productive lives. Drugs may not be the answer for everyone but getting help is. Wishing both of you a brighter tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Thanks to all for your well wishes ... I have clinical depression ....I was raised by very crazy people .... I take both anti-depressants and anti -phycotic Meds ... I have this tape of constant doom that plays over and over in my head ...most of the time I am ok ...but it is fight everyday ....when I found Adam I was so excited ....for me he's been better than therapy ....I can say this cuz I have a lot's also very comforting to have all of u who love Adam and understand how I feel.....a few yerars ago I couldn't have imagined telling u all about this ..,but Adam had taught me to love and except myself ...and I love him for it.....thanks again ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

This was the first time I watched Fashion Police and I laughed so hard throughout the program I had tears running down my face. Joan's thought about Nene Leakes looking like a tree she drove her car through in Yosemite made me howl. The only problem is that I've driven through that tree and it's in Sequoia. The show was hysterical to me and I've DVR'd it to watch every day. Also when Kelly said about Darius taking Joan down to the the boat..."I thought he'd say 'drown you' " my nene leaked. I haven't laughed for a full half hour of such silliness in so long. Truly, truly funny.


Anonymous said...

I forgot to say that when Adam said "Fabulous!" was one of the best parts of the show. Loved him and his OMG face hiding.


Anonymous said...

Thank's everyone also. Adam has helped me too, more than anyone knows. I won't go into it all , lot going on. Thank for every body here thoughts I really appreciate them so much! Sue

Anonymous said...

MFG, I loved Adam's shout of "fabulous," too! It was kind of muffled with all the other sounds going on. But it was so in keeping with his character for this show. He really nailed it.


Anonymous said...

I am sending love and light to u sorry to hers about all you've been through as of late.... I'll be fine ...I've dealt with this my whole life ....I'll be back to my old self snd smart ass as usual soon ..... and ditto gor me I'm always here for I...,,rose petal

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anonymous June 11, 2013 at 5:13 AM. You have sweet dating plans too..

Anonymous said...

@9:42: 9:19 was spot on. You're the ignorant one.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert interview related to the pride show he will perform on soon...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rose pedal it feels good to know you are here, it really does. Sue

Anonymous said...

Hey Rose Petal!
Thank you! for your acknowledgement. In retrospect, I now have a clearer idea about what happened regarding your Monster poem. Yea I understand it a little more now why you wrote it the way you did; which is actually very beautiful from this 'new' angle I'm seeing it; which also meant I felt the depression in your poem unknowingly and so subsequently wanted to uplift it a little. lol! Thanks Rose Petal...I like to understand things; I'm a 'digger' lol! Hey you can talk about your feelings to us any time. Yea it has already been said, depression is very serious and can get out of control. I think you are very strong!

You finally got your operation done, a really huge milestone crossed. And yes yours too is a very serious condition. You can tell us how you are progressing any time. You need a lot of rest, got to be extra careful!


Anonymous said...

Somebody here makes a prejudicial comment and everybody ignores it? Saying "I have gay male friends and a gay man is best for conversation, politeness, and charm. And they know so much about the theater, movies and music" is like saying "I have black friends and they are the best for knowing about rap music, fried chicken and watermelon." You should be offended by both.

I'm shocked and appalled.

Shame on 9:19AM and 3:38PM

Anonymous said...

@6:34 PM..oh please, get over yourself..I personally do not know any gay men..but I would love to..I feel sure that I could relate to them and I would not have to worry about them making a pass as I am no longer interested in sex...not all gay men, or any men, or anyone at all, can be labeled the same..but a homosexual male would most likely be more interested in things that most women are...

Anonymous said...

Haha!! That FP with Adam was hilarious (if a little crude)!!

Anonymous said...

Love the part where Adam covers his faces even though the reason for it was really uncalled for. To talk about something as serious as cancer and HPV and turn it into a crude joke about real people is going too far.


Anonymous said...

6:53, you don't get it either. It has nothing to do with making a pass at someone or sex. It is the assumption that all gay men are good conversationalists, polite and like music and movies. Kind of like saying all old ladies are no longer interested in sex and are ignorant and prejudiced. Neither is true and the sweeping generalization is offensive.

Anonymous said...

I hate all these political correctness!

Anonymous said...

It's not political correctness it is respect for people.

Anonymous said...

Rose Petal
I can probably guess why you chose this name
A small part of an efflorescence yet beautiful and game
On love, struggle, finding your equilibrium; maimed
One step at a time, takes you from Underneath, Runnin to the surface
A drop of water each day soon fills the cup that over runneth
With strength, determination; it's a long long way...but I feel you're okay


Anonymous said...

It is stereotyping. Stereotyping any group leads to discrimination, prejudice and bigotry.

tess4ADAM said...

@rose petal & sue ... listen to ADAM's song HOLD ON ... the lyrics are very uplifting. Just Hold One & everything will be okay. Don't give in .. fight with everything in you to WIN. I KNOW you both can do it!!

Come out of the darkness
I know that you will find your way somehow
Trust you're gonna find it
Just HOLD ON .. Just HOLD ON ..

Love 'n Light thru ADAM

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)