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From The Vine Video - Adam Lambert Looking Goofy!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, June 23, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, June 23, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam. Not again! Your fans hate it when you pull faces. You must be serious now otherwise they will bitch and complain again. You must ask their permission before you do this. Make sure they are happy with it.

Anonymous said...

Its pointless coming to this site now. Its hard to be positive when their is so much nastiness. Im out

Anonymous said...

There's enough sadness and tragedy in the world. Smile, be goofy, be happy, Adam! Life's too short.


Anonymous said...


10:52 AM,

What did u eat today???? Relax and just take something calm you down he!he!
No one is complaining yet!!:)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

would some of you rather see Adam crying and in distress???? life is short folks..and as Adam would say "its not that deep"..he looks happy and isn't that what we want?????

krismidas said...

I think we sometimes have a communication gap here. I'm pretty sure @10:52 was teasing and being sarcastic....


Anonymous said...

Adam where is Bridger!?

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure Adam is not concerned one way or the other what anyone thinks about the goofy faces he makes. For as often a his picture is taken and especially when he has been drinking or smoking pot.....what do we expect?

Anonymous said...

@ krismidas - you just have to face the fact that subtle humor and amusing sarcasm is over the heads of many on this site - pity.

@ 1:20 PM. Who gives a rat's heinie where Bridger is?

Anonymous said...

@1:49 PM Adam?

Anonymous said...

The play that Adam went to see, that most of us have not heard of, won a Tony award.
and @1:49 Adam doesn't give a rats ass either.Also for those who might care, Neither does Sauli, he has been partying a lot lately, with his new roomies. Glad he finally found a place to stay. So all is well and good.

Anonymous said...

have all you hap hap happy people been giving Adam and Angie's AI video some views?

Anonymous said...

This site is fun again!:))).For a while.

Anonymous said...

If any of you want to know of another place to talk about Adam, it's on Amazon music forums. You go to Adam's first album, FYE and click on customer discussions. Everyone is polite and positive about Adam. The only thing is you have to have an account with Amazon US.

tea said...

@3:31 PM
Thank you for that information.

Anonymous said...

goofy is the word alright. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam doing a sound check at bwaycares??

Anonymous said...

that is broadway cares/bares..starts at 9:30 New York..maybe that is why he stayed in NYC..someone tweeted doing a soundcheck and it was awesome. on standby for this one

Anonymous said...

Is Adam going to be on stage? I wonder if he will be sporting the Tom of Finland look. He already has the mustache.

Anonymous said...

Its a kinky strip tease show for aids. Very crude and very bare performers. Adam maybe singing, but I doubt he will go bare, he is not too proud of his body, usually keeps most of it covered. Most of the strippers will be dancers. This should really help his career, NOT.

Anonymous said...

Adam has sunk to an all time low, in the name of aids. I bet his hand will never leave his crotch, as he sings. WTG Adam. I am disgusted, and I don't care if no one agrees with me, I have a right to say what I think, equality remember. No wonder he did not let out the word about being involved in this show. Hope his parents, are still very proud of him.

Anonymous said...

6:05 My my aren't you the prude! Hah! That's probably why he didn't mention it. Too many busy bodies just ready to freak out. You do your thing Adam! Don't worry about the easily frightened ones. I love you and hope you have a great time with all these new experiences. Enjoy life!! Your time to shine is here! He is gay folks. Please try to understand. He can't be everything for everyone, but he has a big heart and tries his best.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts get ready to donate if Adam shows some skin.

Broadway Cares ‏@BCEFA 2 min

Get your donations in before show 1 starts. Text BROADWAY to 25383 - donate $10! #BwayBares2013

Anonymous said...

I hope the US continues to ignore his singing talent , These types of gays, are totally low life, and a disgrace to other gays who are decent people. A person can be gay and gain respect from straights, but not this way, the audience is just a bunch of filthy minded people who get off with this type of performances. Adam is one of them.

Anonymous said...

6:38 Well I guess you told him, huh?! Looks like the green monster has you by the balls. Try to be happy for him. Don't be jealous. You are very apparent. Sad:((

Anonymous said...

damn it sounds like it would have been a lot of fun. Sound check? Is his band with him? Or a track, I wonder. I have a cheap cell phone that won't let me text money. I would imagine this is no big deal for NYC.

Anonymous said...

some of you Westboro's should have been at the Pittsburgh Pride. The guys selling the shots were walking around in lace underpants and garter belts and no one was pearl clutching or bible thumping. It was part of the day and I bet I am the first one to mention it. I didn't think twice about it. They also had a drag queen and two dancers that were excellent.Why don't you party like it's 2013.

Anonymous said...

some posters on here are ridiculous. I know stating the obvious. please let the disgusted leave and never return. if you are so annoyed why are you still here, please pick on other people elsewhere

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've noticed that there are a lot of straight people who are a disgrace to other straights....JAK

tea said...

And that's the truth.

Anonymous said...

@JAK Well said my wonderfully wise woman!

lorraine said...

And bigotry continues to run deep -right here on the site for followers/fans of Adam Lambert.I hope he never checks this blog. He has been surrounded by enough hate on his concert tours-here and abroad.Yes, as JAK so aptly put it---There are a lot of straight people who are a disgrace to other straights!!!
I am anticipating meeting Adam at the concert here in San Diego on July 2nd--a thrill of a lifetime for me--and I really am TRYING to keep my heart and head in a positive, happy place-but it really is a challenging undertaking. I want to see joy when I look into Adam's eyes---not sadness brought about by ignorance, hate and vitriol.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam is having a great time tonight. Oh to be young, wild, and free. I 'm so proud of all the Glamberts who have Adam's back when troublemakers start their crap. Wish I could give you all a great big hug!

Anonymous said...

@6:38 You are obviously one of those folks in the US who ignore that "filthy minded " Adam Lambert and his music and that is fine. To bad you are unable to ignore this Adam Lambert fan site as well, but you didn't, did you?

Anonymous said...

JAK you are right, there are just as many straights who are a disgrace to other straights, as gays are to other gays, and Adam is one of the disgusting ones of the gays. I have followed him for the last 4 years, and what a disappointment he has turned out to be. He has a beautiful voice, but is so crude, and thinks we all want to know more about his crotch, and his drinking habits. He has lost all pride in himself as a decent human being, under the guise of helping the aids program. Which by the way, has made great progress in wiping out aids, for which I am thankful. Now we need to wipe out indecent shows for gays and straights. I am not a bible thumper, but I do have some pride in acting decently in public. What you do in private is your own business. Adams pride is all in his little wiener even though he brags that it not little.

Jadam said...

Some people are so nasty. Maybe they are very disappointed in Adam, if so stop watching all the videos etc of his personal and private doings, leave him be. He is what he is and has never pretended to be anything else for Goodness sake.
He is a goodhearted, straight up and honest man who wouldn't bad mouth or intentionally hurt anyone. Pity a lot of his so called fans are not the same.
I cant believe this is a fan site sometimes.
JAK Once again the words of wisdom.

Anonymous said...

8:24 house devil street Angel eh? The worse of the lot. Quit obsessing over Adam's crotch it makes you look so foolish.

Anonymous said...

That's Adam?

Anonymous said...

Just read on AO that Constantine was there, too. Let's not jump to conclusions. Put away the pearls before you start clutching them too fast. My my!


Anonymous said...

@8:24 P.M......JAK here....There are many things I find offensive, so I don't read them, watch them or participate in them. No one forces you to do so. Since you find Adam's performances and partying disgusting, but still seem to like his voice I think your answer is to only listen to his cds. Avoid the parts of Adam's life ( it is his life ) that offend you. If the discussions on this blog upset you, don't read them. There are many performers I avoid and if Adam's behaviour disturbs you, avoid him. It would be an easy solution.

glitzylady said...

No word if Adam sang, or is singing, naked or otherwise, at the AIDS benefit show tonight in NYC..yet.

The song he was heard sound-checking: THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER.

Truly a nasty, depraved, and "gay" song and people SHOULD be disgusted and disappointed in him........Because what's next, America The Beautiful?........

OH WAIT.....

Hells bells. Adam performed nude at one point in the musical Hair.... not that he's doing that in this show tonight......No one's heard one way or the other......

I saw Hair a couple of years ago in a Broadway tour in Seattle...and no one was yelling about it being disgusting, rude, etc...........

Adam, IF he is doing this show in NYC, nude or not, is doing it for a good cause. Please give me a break...

As the saying goes "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

Anonymous said...

Just what was JAK so wise about?
It doesn't make me a bigot because I don't like disgusting performances, I don't care if they are straight or gay, that has absolutely nothing to do with it. I just wish that Adam didn't act this way,it has nothing to do with if he is kind or loving or nice, his image should be important to him, if he chooses to be in the public eye. You all missed the point.

Anonymous said...

9:08 The point is you have a stick up your ass! Get it out! Now!! There you go. Feel better now? Poor thing:((

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, are you trying to be stupid, or does it just come naturally ?

Anonymous said...

my God has everyone that has escaped from the asylum here on this thread? How many of you are there? Will you be here long?

Anonymous said...

9:13 Hey, oh hell no!! You leave Glitzylady alone. Stupid will NEVER be a word to describe her. Smart, tolerant, kind, compassionate, loyal, dedicated, loving. These words describe her. Now get out of here and take your nonsense with you!! Go on. GO! Bye!

Anonymous said...

Freedom of speech folks and it's not becoming or necessary to scream/hurl abuse if you don't like someone else's point of view.

Anonymous said...

So Adam of America will be performing soon? There are lots of people there. I hope some of them will get the idea to buy his albums to support his career.

Anonymous said...

why do we get sucked in and respond to the troll on here that has probable written half these ignorant comments? That is why she lives here, we make it so enjoyable for her. She is strange.

Anonymous said...

OMG-how many times I have gone to shows in Las Vegas with the bare beauriful bodies on the stage, AND, it was considered very tasteful and artsy fartsey! The human body is not filthy folks-God Almighty made it. Some of you people would die if you were in Europe and Asian countries OR SOUTH AMERICA. Adam is from the theatre world where the human body is exposed as art. You haters will still get up in the morning and eat and crap just as you always have should you have seen a nude show the night before-just get a life, you Bible thumping idiots!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it best to let Adam live this phase of his life free from condemnation. It's just another phase; he'll move on at his own pace when necessity arises. Already he has said he missed out on the teenage phase due to fear, repercussion, disapproval. Perhaps this is his way, subconsciously to relive that carefree phase without fear or embarrassment. And subsequently the next phases as well to the fullest with no regrets in his later years.
Jesus said: Anyone of you here who has not sinned, cast the first stone.
In any case, people worldwide know his way of life yet embrace him and he feels welcome in these countries. Some videos show how his fearlessness, open demeanour have helped many in their moments of dark, deep despair to make a roundabout turn from the brink of death! Focus on Adam's positive contributions also, to be fair to him. Yes there may be things that seem disgusting to many but aren't all of us like that also? I prefer to focus on someone's strengths rather than their weaknesses because that to me is the best way to draw out goodness, honesty, love, rather than condemnations.


glitzylady said...

A brief glimpse of Adam singing The Star Spangled Banner tonight, at the AIDS benefit.....

Fully clothed BTW...

Very proud of you Adam!!! An amazing singer and a caring human being.......

glitzylady said...

From Broadway Cares:

Broadway Cares
The nation's leading industry based HIV/AIDS fundraising and grant-making organization.
New York, New York

Tweet tonight:
Broadway Cares ‏@BCEFA
Special guest for midnight, @adamlambert, is blowing the roof off @Roselandballrm with the national anthem! #BwayBares2013

glitzylady said...

A collage of Adam singing the National Anthem tonight:
Via @AdamLambertHelp

glitzylady said...

And a You Tube of Adam soundchecking...

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:32 PM
Thank you :))))

glitzylady said...

Meant to say @Anon 9:32 PM, the first one..........

HK fan said...

disgusting in your mind, not many of ours.
If any of my kids turn out like Adam I'd be a very happy mum.
He's well spoken, polite, loyal to friends and family, articulate, handsome, great voice, great personality, etc, etc.
What is so disgusting about singing at a huge charity event????
Think it says a lot about you though jumping to conclusions on the back of one tweet....

lorraine said...

Adam, thank you for your incredible rendition of THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER on the Broadway stage. You take my breath away!

HK fan said...

Eddy Barrena ‏@EddyRingmaster 1h
adamlambert rocking the #nationalanthem #broadwaybares2013 #bwaybares2013 #broadway #adamlambert @bcefa

Anonymous said...

All those UGLY & IGNORANT comments upthread and already before they have even seen Adam perform... Just so sad! And to use the freedom of speech as your 'defense'

Anonymous said...

6:38 & 9:08
"A person can be gay and gain respect from straights..." - must be one of the most awful lines I've read in a long, long time...
Both posts make my stomach turn, yak!
You've obviously missed the point a long time ago...

Anonymous said...

@Anon 8:24pm

You should NOT include JAK's good name/tag in your crappy and pitiful posts!

It took you 4 years to come to this conclusion of yours??! I could have told you Adam's not for you already during Idol... lol.

Would be LMAO but if these ignorant and intolerant posts are from REAL people... don't know what to say...just gobsmacked!!!

Anonymous said...

6:20 You wonder if Adam's parents are still proud of him?

Have your ever seen A Chorus Line? One of the most moving moments comes from Paul, a Puerto Rican dancer, whose family has no idea he is gay until they show up at the stage door of a cabaret he is performing in to deliver him his tour suitcase.

When they see him in drag they are shocked but their response, especially the father's, is heart-breakingly sweet. He walks up to the show's producer, takes his hand and says "Take good care of my son." I was 23 when I saw the play and I cried.

The link to the movie version is here (not as moving as the stage performance imho) but makes the point:

If you can make jokes about a parents feelings for their child!?

Anonymous said...

To a few of you here, Adam should be tried, prosecuted, tarred and feathered and run out of town for attending an awarding-winning AIDS benefit show, singing the Star Spangled Banner and, in effect, supporting an important cause.

We love to praise Adam for his guts and his courage as an openly-gay man, but the minute he walks the walks, instead of just talking the talk, some here get all upsset. Kudos to Adam for walking the walking and not being afraid to live his life and support others in an important, substantive way. I give him credit. And, as someone posted, there are plenty of high-profile stage plays that push the envelop sexually. They are often Tony winners. Pushing the envelop gets things done.


Anonymous said...

... best to let Adam live this phase of his life... What?!
Have you read your post?

This IS Adam's life, has been from the moment he 'found himself' (in lack of a better expression) and always will be!

Anonymous said...

Tuition fee upfront first, if you need a clearer explanation. lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam came across as being so sweet on AI, but he's changed, I no longer have respect for him or his life style, is it any wonder the US refuses to play his music. He knew he was onto a good thing when he met Sauli, he was nothing like the other rat-bag friends he keeps company with, Adam realised he was special, but a leopard never changes it's spots and what you see now is the real Adam who party's every night, drinks every night, and thinks he has the right to do what ever he likes and where ever. At this rate he'll age quickly give him another 5 to 10 years and he'll be washed up with nothing to show for it. I doubt he'll ever settle down or have a long meaningful relationship, he's too full of himself and his own importance. He might have a talented voice but it takes much more than this to be successful. As far as supporting charities, most celebrities including Adam do so because it's a great way to get publicity, it has very little to do with caring for others. Adam try's to push gay rights onto and fails to realise that all he succeeds in is to push them further away. Some of his behaviour is nothing but disgusting and vulgar and he does this on purpose, he loves to get a reaction. Well Adam it hasn't worked out to well in your own country and I can't say I blame people who are smart enough to see through you. Europe and China have still to discover who you really are, but for now I am just one of many who have lost interest, I'd rather follow someone more genuine and sincere. Take care Adam, your voice won't stay as sweet as you age, and if your not careful you could end up a lonely and wasted man.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:05
I totally agree with you. I read all you said, the only thing I might add , is that the charities are also a good thing for taxes. Adam is stubborn and if you say no to him, he will push and push until he has his own way, to the point of possibly ruining his career. No one is saying or disputing the fact that he is gay, we don't care, and don't want it pushed in our face. All gay people don't act like him, they are respected by both gay and straight people.

Anonymous said...

to 9:08

But you Fo like "disgusting performances" that's why you are hearing hunting for them. Really, do you need to go to so much trouble just to find a place where you can say "crotch"? Here's s/more just for you: Crotch, crotch crotch! BTW, we love every part of Adam cuz he's a born entertainer. Crotch included.

Anonymous said...

To 9:05

You have to come here to talk to yourself? Sad.
Viva Adam Lambert. He's gorgeous, exciting, glam and kind and the best entertainer, the best voice, the best courage, and a good man.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:05.........JAK have every right to your opinion, though it's certainly a gloomy one. You have expressed , in detail, all the things you dislike about Adam and have foretold his dismal future. You expressed a desire to follow someone more genuine and sincere, please do so. I only hope you find a paragon of virtue who will not have any faults or you will again be searching for that perfect unattainable entertainer forever.

Anonymous said...

9.05 stop talking to yourself and agreeing with yourself. That is absolutely the biggest bunch of bull I have ever heard. Sauli K. Was damn lucky to fine a sweetheart like Adam Lambert and he would have never got thie recent job he got with out Adam having him live with him in LA. For two years. Sauli a nice guy but is not the perfect angel you make h to be an Adam us certainly not all those nasty things you make him out to be not be a long shot. Adam a massively talented man, and he does not party every night, Sauli does plenty himself from what heard here no picture will be taken by the pap's of him like Adam, who sometimes is out to dinner or a show with friends. What you said was nasty untrue and utter nonsense. Adam a very talented nice man and Sauli K. Was damn lucky to have him for two years and as a friend he did nothing wrong to him at all.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a disgrace and I agree with many comments about some straights who are just as disgraceful. I have gay friends who are good decent people but they don't go out of their way to be offensive. These sort of events are nothing more than lured, sleazy shows. It's sad to see Adam stooping so low. I now understand why Sauli said he didn't like going out to nightclubs, unless it was with friends at a private party. He is a decent person and in my opinion far too good for Adam. Sauli will find someone decent and worthwhile loving I'm sure because unlike Adam he is a man with moral values and principles.

Anonymous said...

10:36 AM JAK,
I love all sorts of music and have many talented artists that I already follow and none of them conduct themselves in the same way as Adam. If you agree with Adams behaviour then you must have a filthy mind yourself. As far as a paragon of virtue goes, I do know someone very special, his name is Sauli. Sauli did not enjoy these sleazy places, he stated that in an interview, he has healthy interests and decent friends who know how to enjoy themselves without offending anyone and yes believe it or not he is also gay. Now I'll leave you to go back to worshipping Adam and his sleaze, why not watch some hot porno movies while your at it, or maybe you could pick up some DVD's with gay male strippers to watch given that you are so into everything Adam does. You silly old women, WAKE-UP!

Anonymous said...

10:47 AM
You are just as blind as the rest, Adam is extremely talented but he is not massively successful, but obviously you are to blind to see the truth, like so many others you put him up on a pedestal, probably because your own life is not as exciting it'self. For god's sake take up a hobby or project of some kind get out more and make friends or meet new ones instead of living in your fantasy world.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! Anon 11;40AM & 11: 54AM
Had a good chuckle reading both your dislike for our Adorable Kind Hearted Talented Adam!!!

What have u 2 done for Humanity may I ask???
have U both done any good lately? even to your own kind & family?
So sad to hear your negative opinions on Adam who have shown most of us how to share, donate & do good to live in a better world.

U 2 silly Ignorant beings!
We all including you 2 ONLY Live Once, 1 life, 1 chance to be NICE & Human!!!
Be Nice:)
Peace all!

Anonymous said...

I think they have a problem with GAYS!!!

Be careful, some one in your life may turn out Gay, Lesbian, transgender...
Don't hate, love one another:)

What goes around comes around!!!
A thing call KARMA:):):)

Peace friends!

Anonymous said...

How an earth this discussion from crotching leads to Sauli and his recent job!
Could you, please, leave the poor guy out this, at least!

Those who feel disgusted of Adam's stage performance, I'd say it tells more about youself than about Adam.

Anonymous said...

I have lots of Gay/Lesbaian friends & I m Straight matured Happy married woman:) Both my husband & I enjoy thier company very very much!

We get invited to all thier BD, Thanksgiving, Xmas & many festive celebrations!
They are like us , wants the same things, Happy & fun people most of the time. Great sense of humor, most have good professional careers with lots of money to enjoy life!!! Dinners, parties, vacations! Gays are best tippers when they dine out & r treated as decent human beings. Why u ask? they have no worriess to put kids to college, allimony, etc,,,,
maybe so now when USA allow same sex marriages

Straights are jealous of Gays cause Gays sure know how to enjoy Life!!! & fun to be with too.

With out Gays in our lives, the world will be Grey & Boring:(
Look at the creative people, artists, stylists, designers, etcc, most are Gays, the ones I know are anyways:)

Have a Happy Monday all:):):)

Anonymous said...

12:28 PM
No one has stated they are jealous of Gays, that is just ridiculous, what straight people may object to is that they too have a right to express their opinions. Gay people are pushing hard for their right to EQUALITY, and EQUALITY means just that equality for both Gay's and Straight people. The majority of people in my part of the world are all for equality and in many cases have urged our government to give Gay people their right to equality through same sex marriage. So no one is knocking or slamming Gay people, however, some both Gay and Straight are objecting to the nightclubs and strip clubs which a certain number of people go to, this does not only apply to Gay night clubs it also applies to Straight strip clubs as well. Adam needs to be aware of how some of his fans feel as some of us find these places quiet offensive. In the same way I know people who would be just as upset to see there friends, or husbands frequenting these places. And for your information I have 2 Gay guys who come to clean my home each fortnight, they are partners living together and the nicest people and do a fantastic job keeping my home so clean they have a real eye for detail, also my hairdresser is Gay and so creative I always enjoy getting my hair done. What people do in their private lives is their own business, but Adam is in the public arena now and must take into account that not everyone is going to accept seeing him in strip joints,and don't forget he also has a number of young fans, what type of example is he setting for them. If he wants the US to accept him he must try to cater to both Gay and Straight and when he speaks about Equality he needs to understand that equality stands for both sexes Gay and Straight, otherwise we will always have conflict, no one wants to have a war with one side verses another, that's not what Equality is all about. Being respectful of other people and realising that we are all different and we all have rights, and whether you agree or not, not everyone appreciates having strip shows shoved in their face.

Anonymous said...

at 10:47 AM

Heyyy, don't blame Sauli, he is a sweetheart and a child of nature, leave him out of this quarrel!

He doesn't have to be thankful to anybody for anything whatsoever. He just happened to fall in love with a pop star that all the ladies and gay guys are gagging for. It was by no means an easy road to follow.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:56 PM
Just curious: What are you referring to when you say "not everyone appreciates having strip shows shoved in their face". Are you referring to Adam "shoving them in our faces"??

Adam is gay (as we know...), lives in West Hollywood, and does visit gay clubs, as well as other LA, NYC, etc.. area clubs. He most likely feels more comfortable and "at home" there. Gay clubs tend to have some guys without shirts. I don't consider them "strip clubs". I'm straight, married, and I've been to a few gay bars from time to time. They're fun. But certainly not for everyone. I've never been to a strip club (although I might be talked into a trip to see the Chippendales given the right circumstances...). The pictures we see from the clubs he visits are most often pictures that people post of Adam. No naked people that I've seen so far..

The show that Adam sang the Star Spangled Banner for last night on Broadway was not a "strip" show. It was a legitimate Broadway fund raiser for AIDS research etc, the largest "industry" one in the US. It raised over $1.5 million. The "strategic parts" of both men and women were covered, somewhat minimally in some cases :)) but still not actually nude. The title "Broadway Bares" was somewhat deceiving as a description in reality. More like "Broadway Gets Down To Basics" I think!! Adam was lending his support to the worthy cause. As you said, we are all different, both within the gay and the straight communities. I'm not arguing with you, just trying to understand what you are referring to....

Anonymous said...

9:13 PM
It's people like you who force straight people to question whether Gay people should have equal rights, your foul words do a lot of harm for Gay rights, if you really do want rights then I suggest you learn to be more respectful, if some fans find this Broadway event offensive and harmful to Adam's career, then they have every right to express their feelings, you sound like a real little bully, you make straight people turn off Adam, is that what you want? Grow up and have some respect and stop behaving like a victim.

Anonymous said...

Adam in strip joints and strip shows???!!!!
WHAT have I missed??!!" Pleeeeezz, show me the pictures, NOW!!!! tsk, tsk, tsk


Actually LMAO - the posts here are so full of ignorance, prejudice and what not, cannot help but laugh... all this is so fuckin unbelievable!!!

Whether they are written by trolls or so called fans or ex-fans, does not matter. They have nothing to do with acceptance, equality, love and LIVING IN REALITY WITH ALL ITS DIVERSITY

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I have posted here today, and I have just been reading all the posts. It seems that fans of Adam are divided about what is classy and not classy. Also some one who is in the public eye should or should not behave appropiately because a lot of younger people look up to them. Adam has a responsibility as to how he acts. He has helped many young people to give them strength to face the fact that they are gay, when even family will turn against them. He cannot have it both ways, he is sending mixed messages, then act crudely when he wants to. What kind of idol is that. He has performed in countries who will not tolerate this, and he has to agree, or not perform at all. He chooses to behave himself and he does it well. Just shows that he at least can pretend to be putting on a family show when he wants to. He knows only too well what is unclassy. He has actually turned his head to the audience when his mother was there and said "Sorry mom" when he has gone too far. Adam acting in an unprofessional manner, has nothing to do with equality. To his credit he helped many young people to accept that there is nothing wrong with being gay, that's a good thing. But his message to others gay or straight is despicable .

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I disagree with you, if people want to raise money for AIDS there are better ways to do it, this in my opinion and in my friends opinion was nothing better than a sleazy strip show. You can paint and cover it over as you like but I'm not the only one who found the show in bad taste and certainly not helpful for Adam's career. Yes he did a magnificent job with the NA, however it's a pity he chose to do it at this particular event. It sends out the wrong message to straight people who may be trying to understand Gay people or wanting to get to know them better, not all Gay people attend this type of event and it's a shame to send out negative images at a time when Gay people are desperately wanting to gain equality. I did not say that Adam shoved anything in anyone's face, I think my comment is pretty clear as to the point I was making and that is that not everone appreciates having a strip show shoved in their face because as I understand the whole show will be coming out on video, and already my sister sent me some coverage of the acts on stage which were pretty vulgar. Adam has lots of younger fans and of course they will see him connected to this show and although he himself wasn't naked he chose to sing the NA at a sleazy event and this sends out the wrong message, because just by being there and singing Adam has engaged himself. Now you can say or think what you like about me but I am entitled to have my opinion, if you don't agree and happen to enjoy strip shows then go out and enjoy yourself but at least have the decency and respect to understand that not everone of Adams fans feels the same way.

Anonymous said...

So many of you posters live with bags over your heads. You need to get out of the house once in a while and see what the real world is like. It's diverse and wonderful. It might even get you off your meds!

Anonymous said...

@ 11:54 P.M. JAK here.....
Laughing at your mental picture of me. Never saw porn, not even watching Magic Mike movie on TV this week, never read porn, not even fanfic, never been in a strip club, never saw a naked male except for husband and grandson (a few preschoolers who wet their pants at school and had to changed) and marble statues and paintings in museums. Only have a drink when I go out to dinner (and am not
taking pain pills for arthritis) never smoked marijuana (tried a
tobacco cigarette in 1954 and it was vile so that was my one and only puff), didn't read 50 Shades of Grey (Gray), don't go to comedy concerts anymore, walked out on George Carlin and Richard Pryor years ago. Don't watch or listen to rap, life long Sunday School teacher, virgin bride.

I don't worship Adam, I enjoy his voice and am charmed by his enthusiasm and warmth. I don't approve of many of his actions, but neither do I judge him, his friends, his love life, his motives or lifestyle. Would I go to the clubs he goes, I would truly be a fish out of water.
I don't know or understand his life, but his life is NONE of my business. I am not his conscience, his mother or his keeper. He is responsible for his life. I hope he has success because in addition to a beautiful voice I think he has a good heart.

Can't wait for my friends to read your description of me....for 60 years they've called me a "prude."
I will plead guilty to allowing myself a few swear words and an occasional show of temper in my old age.

I am AWAKE, I am old and I enjoy being silly, you should try it, it makes your heart happy.

Anonymous said...

@1:55 PM
WHY do you and your sister go LOOKING FOR and WATCH these what you call 'sleazy strip joint' vids?!?
NOBODY is shoving them in your face!

I haven't seen any such vids here on this site!!!
Nor on the other sites I visit.

Why don't you just watch Adam sing the NA?! The man is fully dressed and sings like nobody in this world!
Or watch some other vids where Adam sings like an angel - there's plenty to choose from!

And please educate yourself on gay and equality issues.

Anonymous said...

If Adam thought this show would help his career, why did he keep his mouth shut about it. Nobody knew until the day of the show. It must have been advertised a lot because it was a sold out show. But no one mentioned Adam being in it. It was all hush hush, wonder why? The audience did not come to see Adam, because they were all kept in the dark too.

Anonymous said...

Well all the better, the audience experienced a total, magnificent surprise in the form of one of the best voices in music today!
Adam's voice is one in a billion, remember!

Ps. Why are you trying to twist this into something negative!? What kind of a fan are you? ARE You a FAN?!

Anonymous said...

I find this fandom a sitcom now.

HK fan said...

Adam was a surprise guest, it was a last minute thing. The organisers must have realized Adam was in town and found a way that he could take part.

having this show come out on video is not 'having it shoved in your face', nor are videos on youtube, it is your decision to buy, or to go searching for these vidoes, which it seems you and your sister have been doing.

I have been following Adam for 4 years, and have never seen or heard any evidence that Adam frequents strip clubs.....but so what if he did, he won't be the first guy (or girl) to visit them.
And your ' I have 2 gay guys that come and clean, and my hairdresser is gay' just sounds so condescending...

For those of you that think Adams stage performances are crude, unclassy etc etc, are seriously out of touch with what many performers are doing nowadays....Adam is vanilla compared to most of the top selling artists.

This 'sleezy aids benefit show' has been running for 23 years now, so it must be doing something right.

Anonymous said...

@HK fan
Perfect post!!!

Just hoping all these negative and crude (!) posters care to read the great reviews and tweets from professional singers and performers that Adam's got so far about his NA performance... and they keep coming! Sooooo HAPPY & PROUD for him!

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan - - Your comment about the" two gay guys who come and clean and my hairdresser is gay" really rang a bell in my ear of the civil rights days of the 50's and the phrase used by racists "some of my best friends are black"
It was an insensitive remark then and it is today.

@ 12:56 pm. Have you seen the film The Help? Which rich white housewife did you identify with? Are some of your best friends gays -- decent gays?

Anonymous said...

@Anon 12:28PM and @Anon12:56PM

There are so MANY 'WRONGS' in both of your posts that it would take too much time and space to try to correct them... I'll just say Un-f__kin-believable!

'both sexes Gays and Straight' - WTF?!!! LOL big time!

Why do you both (or maybe one and the same sad excuse of a .... being) write the word gay and straight with capital G and S... Do you really think that we are of 'different kind of human beings' or what?!

It is 2013 - how is it possible that sooooo many people are still sooooo backwards... and i g n o r a n t!!!