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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, June 12, 2013

It was Raja's birthday last night!

VIA realadamlambert: Secrets in our Hair

VIA realadamlambert: None of My Concern

VIA noextrai: @sutanamrull should be at the center of everyone's universe. The world would be way fuckin prettier that way. right & shit @realadamlambert ? Happy birthday, girl

VIA noextrai: It ain't about you two ok. It's about the guy in the back @sutanamrull @realadamlambert Goddammit.

VIA nojusthenry: This guy is pretty dope. @realadamlambert was chill as they get. Dats cool as a mutha fukuh in my book....


Anonymous said...

Wow! This last picture of Adam takes my breath away!THUD!nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Sutan is rather scary looking here. HB Sutan.

Anonymous said...

Adam,,,,,can you get any more gorgeous? Thud.


Anonymous said...

What's going on Adam?

Anonymous said...

Drag queens are boring because they never change. They all look the same and behave exactly the same manner as they have done for decades.

Sutan benefits from being seen with Adam whereas hanging around with clingy Sutan can actually prevent Adam from getting onwards with his career.

Just stating the obvious.

Anonymous said...

lol just stating stupid shit. Nothing about Sutan affects Adam's career.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 9:40AM!!

Anonymous said...

that picture of Raja makes me ill It brings back to many memories of the tube I had down my nose with my recent surgery.

Anonymous said...

Sutan and Adam have been good friends for MANY years. Sutan is enormously talented - with his own make-up, Adam's make-up, and others. You can check it out on YouTube.

He is also very funny. He posted a pap picture of him and Adam walking down the street: Adam looking handsome as usual and very cool, and Sutan with a goofy smile and pose. He labeled it "Adam walking his dork." Hilarious AND self-aware.

Sutan's creativity was on display for sure during RuPaul's Drag Race. He was amazing!

Some of you may not understand drag, but many gays have fantasized and played dress-up pretenting to be women. Drag Queens just take it to the tenth degree. And, yes, men can be sexually attracted to them. It is a sexual thing in that many who dress as women finially feel normal.

We humans are interesting people ... and there is room for us all.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Does Sutan/Raja have a boyfriend?

tea said...

I would have bet against it being possible for any hotter or sexier pictures from Adam. But the second and last pic have reached new heights.

As for the one that sez it's not about about Adam, well, it just depends on who's looking at the pic, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Lovely guy...sad pictures, but lovely guy!

Anonymous said...

@11:06 AM
You're a sad person, really sad.

Anonymous said...

These pictures are about friendship. No negative commments here are going to ruin my enjoyment of them. Sutan is a good friend of Adam, talented and happy. Many of us here, including me, applaud Adam for being just who he is, without apology. Well, this is part of who he is. I am not scared or bored or put off by these pictures. Those last few of Adam, kind of solemn (not sad) are breath-taking to me. Sutan will remain a friend of Adam regardless of anyone's opinion here. Looks like it was a fun party!


Anonymous said...

JAK here....further proof of my geezer years...(by the way, they are not so bad).....that second picture jolted me back to the 40's as a child and sitting in movie theaters with my Mom watching Clark Gable.......he was called The King long before Elvis. I saw that very expression on Gable's face in so many films. Not a bad comparison!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam cropped the pic because some crays were thinking it was Brad. Tut-tut, fans are not supposed to flail about Adam's ex's. How come fandom police don't practice what they preach.

Anonymous said...

I love Sutan/Raja he is super talented .... I admire anyone brave enough to express themselves how ever they choose ....freedom of expression is a beautiful thing... Gotta say that guy hanging with Sutan the one with the bitchen mustache is fine :):):):):)....rose petal

Anonymous said...

11:15 am

Don´t get it. He is human and he does look sad. Why is it so terrible? Denial is sad.

Anonymous said...

OT ENERGY RADIO UK just played 10 songs by Adam in a row, an hour of amazing music. Please thank them on their site message board or twitter or there facebook. They will be doing this on a weekly or monthly basis,can't remember which one they said.

Anonymous said...

the guy with the tatts on his neck looks nothing like brad

Anonymous said...

Looks like they were having fun. Good for them.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so happy!! Yeah right...

Anonymous said...

Pic from Terrance of the gang.

terrancespencer Happy birthday @sutanamrull last night at #evita with my gorgeous friends @realadamlambert @tommyjoescissorhands #iloveus not sure who the other 2 are lol

Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT VERY HANDSOME look good without nail polished clean looking better this way.

Anonymous said...

at 9:40 AM

You are so wrong, the American suits that have the funding Adam so desperately needs to become known beyond the LGBT community and his female fandom, think twice before investing on anyone hanging around with drag artists. At least three times if the guy is gay.

There is no need to be angry with me about not everybody being as open-minded as we are.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam looks ok and sometimes happy, but I don't get the menopausing crays on twitter who think he is living the happiest time of his life at the moment, just because he isn't in a gay relationship. Their own relationships must suck big time.

Magiclady said...

gotta agree,the 2nd and last pictures are too hot for words!

Anonymous said...

12:37 pm

Exactly! Sometimes he looks happy, sometimes sad...don´t we all!! If somebody actually would ask Adam if he´s now the happiest he´s ever been, I doubt he would say yes.

Anonymous said...

The lone photo of Adam is heart-rending. Because of its context, a gleeful guy next to him, and Adam's V sign, I'd like to think the sadness was an act, a pose. If it's an accidental glimpse into his soul, a glitch in photography that captured a dark thought, the contrasting views make the photo even more poignant. Where Adam is in this period of his life, a career crossroads of sorts, as he ponders his next move, it's not hard to see the incongruity of the full image. It's the "Better Than I Know Myself" duality moment. atm

Anonymous said...

Have you guys not figured out yet that Adam makes faces for the camera?

Anonymous said...

1:09 pm

Okay so you think all there is to Adam are fake poses in pics...I think he feels a lot and is not afraid to show it in pics either

Anonymous said...

Adam is pondering between that guy and Bridger...

Anonymous said...

12 32

Lol I'm not a bit angry. Laughing cause you are nuts. Adam talked about hanging with drag queens on American idol. . There were pics of him dressed in drag all over the media. Everyone has always known he is who he is. Hanging with sutan doesn't affect him one bit.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again. Pics that do nothing but screw up Adam's career. Wish he would leave his private life private. And that stupid Tommy really has affected his career adversely.

Anonymous said...

We all have a right to our opinion. Quit calling us nuts, menopausal, etc. This is what keeps Adam from being heard by the masses. The closed minded straight men will not back an artist that flaunts his orientation. Sorry, but it is true. He needs to keep these pics away. We don't need to see every aspect of his nightlife. Smart he is; this however is not. He however looks great in these pics. So does Terrence but everyone else can go away please.

Anonymous said...

You are nuts and annoying. Nothing you say here is going to change what adam does. He is never going to stop going out with his friends and enjoying his life. No one even sees these pics now,except hardcore fans. Not that it would make any difference because he isn't doing anything inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

1:55 certainly does not bother my straight male spouse to see pics. he is not judgmental; perhaps some enlightenment is in order for most of the males in society. one can only hope that people would open their minds, or better yet stick with country music. for him, it's about the music, and he is not into pop music (yet he will go to an Adam concert with me).

Anonymous said...

idolforum adam lambert

Anonymous said...

2:10 You are annoying because you are bitchy. I didn't say he was doing anything inappropriate. I said he should keep his private life more private. And you are nuts and an idiot for not saying it like it is. It isn't helping his career. So there!

Anonymous said...

I guess time will tell if Adam hanging out with his gay friends and drag queens will affect his career. I don't think these pictures are out there for the general public to see, are they? But with all the social media outlest, maybe they are. Are the suits, the money people, the closed minded straight men, the record people looking at them and holding this against Adam? I certainly hope not. And as someone said, he is not doing anything inappropriate. I suppose we will just have to wait and see what happens with a third album and with his career in the next year . It would be a shame if his personal life affects his professional life because he is such a talented performer and an amazing individual who cares so much about those around him esp. in the LGBT community.

Anonymous said...

2:27 Beautifully stated. Now that is the correct way to make a b statement and you did so eloquently without being argumentative. TY

Anonymous said...

maybe just maybe everyone on this blog needs to get a little bit more of their own "private life" off of this site and leave Adam to his, myself included. so BORING in the comments sections lately

Anonymous said...

Well whatever happens with his career it isn't being affected by him going to a drag queen birthday party. Lol. Do you think if his next album tanks that will be the reason? Why are Kris Allen and DAvid Cook doing much worse than Adam when they are super staight, middle american and in Kris's case a conservative Christian. Those people you think are holding all the cards aren't supporting them. Adam has been helped by his ability to stand out and be different.

Anonymous said...

Adam can sing. If they could sing like him they be would be on top of the world.

Anonymous said...

Adam can sing. If they could sing like him they be would be on top of the world.

Anonymous said...

TALCvids ‏@TALCvids 44m
‏MT @GirlPhenom I'll be streaming Adam at Pittsburgh Pride! Here's my channel: Pls let people know :)


Anonymous said...

Please "like" Adam Lambert UK radio supporters on FB here … follow them on twitter here @energy150778 & request his music

Anonymous said...

2:27 I agree. Adam is so talented and yet he does not appear to take his music career seriously. Where are the music collaborations or musical guest appearances on tv shows? The appearance on Fashion Police was a joke. Adam is now a b list celebrity. He is not going to be taken seriously as a musical artist if he continues making bad career choices. He also needs a better band and drop the dancers. Bad image for him. Look at Bruno Mars for example as he has great musicians and a clean professional image on stage also I wish to add do you hear of Bruno constantly partying in clubs?

Anonymous said...

Lol Bruno Mars was arrested for felony coccaine possession, and was drunk off his ass when taken into custody.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OT: Nigel Lythgoe was interviewed after his axing from AI's producing job. He said that he sees JLo, Keith Urban and Harry Connick Jr. as the best judging panel for season 13. IMO, that's totally WRONG -- will not attract a younger, renewed audience that way.

Anonymous said...

3:10 PM
You know, having the biggest range isn't going to make you a pop star. Adam has gotten lots of support, lots of breaks. He isn't being treated any worse than anyone else by his label

Anonymous said...

Just listened to new song by Mackelmore and Lewis called Same Love. Their songs Thrift Shop and Can't Hold Us Up are big hits on top 40 stations. It's about accepting gays in society and a girl sings the chorus who just happens to be named Mary Lambert. She sings about another girl keeping her warm. Curious to see if this gets played on the radio. It was a test song on CHUM radio in Canada. Way more liberal than U.S. If this gets played in the U.S. I would think that would help Adam get radio play. don't know if Mackelmore and Lewis are gay though,don't think so. That might make a differences.Just never heard a song like this before,maybe things are changing for the better.

Anonymous said...

3:44 PM
E News is reporting that Jennifer Lopez will not be a judge. And that they are waiting for the new producer to come aboard before making any further decisions.

Anonymous said...

Adam is simply sexy and gorgeous eh!!:)

Love this guy and his intelligence...


Anonymous said...

Adam, you're looking like Clark Gable, only MORE handsome.

Anonymous said...

3:46, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis are both straight. Macklemore was raised around gay uncles. He had the song "Same Love" released last year for the Music for Marriage and Freedom to Marry Ref 74 campaign in Washington state, his home state. Adam did tweet a link to the video. It has been getting more airplay again and I am happy to see that. Besides being pro marriage equality Macklemore is against the homophobia entrenched in the hip hop culture. Just two more great guys making a difference in the world. Their success is even more remarkable as they are indie. I wish them every continued success and happiness.

Anonymous said...

The Lambrits ‏@lambritsuk 2m
RT @magsmagenta: The Lambrits Daily News 12/06/13 … Adam Lambert @adamlambert

Anonymous said...

The general public won't see these photos unless they go looking for them. Unless you are a fan of somebody and closely follow them most people don't care what a singer is doing in his time off.

My straight boyfriend has no issue with pics like these. I think that reflects the general public consensus especially in the under 30 group.

Also, what was that Adam just said on the radio interview about integrity more important than sales? Try letting Adam live his life his way. He will be just fine.

Anonymous said...

3:29 you obviously have no idea how the tv appearance world works, have no idea what Bruno is up to and missed all the industry people saying what a strong work ethic Adam has and how they like working with him. Stop making up shit to worry about. Or are you a troll?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comments about Adam not being treated any worse than other artists by his label. But I also think this includes the industry also. After era 1, he was considered old news and that's why his music wasn't played on the radio. Yes, the gay aspect did affect at some stations, but I don't think discrimination was the main reason. I know this is a taboo thing to say here but like it or not, Adam is not the greatest singer on earth.

He is insanely talented but so are many other artists who never make it big. Glamberts need to continue supporting Adam but I hope the fandom doesn't turn into a place where Adam is made look good by putting down other artists.

Anonymous said...

Lol if you are talking about Kris and Cook I don't think either of them has a chance in hell of making it in the music business except as an idol novelty act. And that has nothing to do with Adam.

Anonymous said...

someone asked why do all of Adams shoes turn up at the toe. The answer is obvious, Adam wants everything about him to be bigger, so he wears size 11/1/2 size shoes, when he only needs size 10, he pushes his height by wearing heels, cus he wants to be taller than others, (except for Sutan, lol) he claims that bigger feet indicate that he has a bigger hmm!
He wears his hair taller also to give him extra height, and last but not least, he prefers smaller pretty boys to date or hmm! We all have our own idiosyncrasies and those are his that he has been quite public in talking about in his various interviews. I listen carefully to what he says, that others might skip over, LOL

Anonymous said...

Anon @4:43PM- Adam Lambert may not be the greatest singer on earth according to you, but he is certainly one of the best in the music business today. He doesn't lip synch, doesn't need to be auto-tuned and as seen on the AI finale can sing a beautiful duet with one of the contestants and let her shine in the performance. He knows exactly who he is, what he wants and will not conform to others' rules and ways of thinking if he is not true to himself. There are very few people out there who can suffer the "slings and arrows" of society and still end up standing on their own two feet and willing to proceed with what they believe to be true. Adam marches to the beat of his drum and more power to him. That's something to be admired today.

Anonymous said...

Like your comments at 4:43

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I liked the comment made at 5:56 about 4:43.

Anonymous said...

5:56 Thank you for your comments!

Anonymous said...

Lol well that's all fine but none of that is going to get him a hit record or get him played on radio. It's not like they put the best singer on the radio. I think it's over for him unless he gets some huge break that allows him to get attention like being an idol judge, getting a tv job or movie role like Jennifer Hudson did.

Anonymous said...

All these comments are fine, some even funny, BUT what will he do with his life and voice. Singing is all he knows, and he knows singing better than most great singers. When you are struggling to make your mark in this business, you don't take time off for a lot of personal pleasures. I don't know what is going on in his head right now, but he seems to be obsessed with LGBT and other worthy charities. He needs to be obsessed with his musical career now, he can take time off when he has made a name for himself. Right now only his fans know who he is, he definitely needs help writing some new songs. On his own I don't think writing is his best talent, he was so popular on AI because he could show his great voice, and showmanship doing covers. What great hits has he had writing his own songs. Adam needs to spend more time working with collaborators, who will help him write some hits, worthy of radio play, and stop trying to write about his own personal life. I know, I know, you are going to say I shouldn't try to tell Adam how to run his life, these are just some suggestions, cuz he seems to have put his real career on the back burner, and I would love to see him with a new single or album, followed by a tour. I am sorry if Sauli was the only one who inspired him, that was great but they have each chosen a different path now. The bottle will never give him the inspiration he needs. Hate to see a beautiful young man with so much to offer, let it slip thru his fingers. The time is NOW Adam to take your career seriously, your friends will always be there and will support you.

Anonymous said...

time will tell

Anonymous said...

I'll tell him all about these projections for his career when I see him in Pittsburgh on Saturday. You never know I may just run into him lol. Wishful thinking. I hope Keisha will be with him I can't wait to see her after her 70 lb. weight loss.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's chances of being a judge are slim to none. KU isn't going anywhere.

Anonymous said...

He is just taking advantage of the opportunities he has been offered, many of them are lgbt related. He can't get high level collabs unless he has the label and their resources behind him, and even then the good people and the good songs are going to go to high profile artists or people they think will be the next big thing. It has nothing to do with sauli. Inspiring him. Geez

Anonymous said...

To 7:01......I can see the points you are making. Adam does work hard to promote his music, but maybe he is happy with his career. Not every musician has to be that ambitious , there are a lot of indie groups that play small venues, and still can make a living in the music arena . Rhianna and Justin bieber are making tons of money, but do you think they're happy with their lives. So we need to stand back and let Adam do what he wants. Why does everyone think he drinks all the time? Heavy drinkers usually stay home and drink alone, so at least he's out having fun. Let's give him a break, and support him in whatever he chooses to do.

Anonymous said...

@7:01, You don't see everything Adam does. Ten million a year isn't enough for you and that's only what we hear. Who really knows how much he makes with everything else. Don't forget he is an international star. How much do you make? Adam isn't just on this earth to make everyone else happy. He has an excellent management team and I think they know what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

@7:01, And what do you mean only his fans know who he is. He is a household name.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when Adam will be arriving in Pittsburgh? I would love to be at the airport to get a video and pictures!

Anonymous said...

Where did you read that Adam made 10 million a year? Did I miss this somewhere? If he did make that much, that is great. But that is not going to last a lifetime. And I don't believe Adam is one to just sit back and let time pass him by without doing something involving music. He was born to be on the stage,performing, whether it is at a concert or on Broadway. As a fan since day one of Idol, all I wanted was to hear him sing and I still do. What he does in his personal life should be just that...personal and private. Can't wait to see the vids from the Pittsburgh concert to see what songs he will perform, how he will look and who will be there in the band, as backup singers and as his dancers. It should be 90 minutes of sheer entertainment and fun.

Anonymous said...

7:01, how do you know what Adam does the other 20 hours out of the day? Or 24 hours on days we don't get any public pics? You living with him? You have no idea what he is working on or thinking about so STFU.

Anonymous said...

You are dreaming if you think his name is a household name. Almost all the people I meet have never heard of him, and some remember him being on AI, but have lost interest. He definitely does not make $10,000,000 a year. His first year he cleared 1,000,000 according to Forbes. You forget he has a tremendous overhead to pay out. He insured his voice for $40,000,000 and that he has to pay like any other insurance. He gets what is left over after everyone else has been paid, actually not too shabby since he was living in a run down studio apt 4 years ago.
Since then he did the Queen concerts and the Asia, mini tour. Yes I would say he has $2,000,000 or $3,000,000 in the bank or invested. He still needs to look to his overall future, everything costs a lot more when you move in more lucrative circles.

Anonymous said...

OOPS, that should be 2 0r 3 million. And 40 million on his voice. LOL Regardless, he is making good money, a lot more than when he was singing in Wicked.

Anonymous said...

Adam has one if not the best voices in the music industry.
I believe he has done very well as a international pop/rock star. I would like to see awards given to him for his music; not just his LGBT causes. I also feel that going to Katy Perry's mgmt team was a mistake. They are obviously concentrating on her and not him. He also needs a new band without the long standing member.
He should be the next Michael Jackson or Elvis but his talent has been overshadowed by his sexual orientation. I am so proud of him for doing so much for his community. This is America and although strides are made, the music industry has not caught up. HE IS IT. No one has his talent or showmanship. Excitement personified. There is nothing holding him back if he had the right people working with/for him. He is a singer/songwriter/entertainer/actor/artist. He is smart and articulate. He should be the biggest star right now!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. He should be, but why isn't he? I hope he can see something in his future that he is holding back from us. Personally I am not interested in his sexuality or how he supports others sexuality. I want to see him making music again, and thrilling the crowds with love songs, sad songs and upbeat happy dance songs. He can do it, but don't wait too long. The only hope we have for a 3rd album is in 2014.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm kind of hoping it takes a while to get the next album out so people like 7:01 and 9:43 go away.

Anonymous said...

9:47 pm

Why?? They do have a point you know.

Anonymous said...

No they don't. None of us know what Adam does with all his time. He could be spending 10 hours a day on new music but they prefer to say he isn't working hard enough without knowing the truth.

Anonymous said...

Nor do you, but you seem to know all the facts.

Anonymous said...

Adam interview from Pittsburgh. He's not telling!

As for what direction the next one goes in, he says, "I do have an idea, but I'm not gonna tell ya." He doesn't have a timeline on it yet either.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Hey front row people, maybe take second row this time and let some new people closer and help Adam expand the audience?

"I'll be able perform for some people who wouldn't normally buy tickets to my regular shows, and it's great to be able to expand the audience."

Read more:

Anonymous said...

at 8:20 PM

As fans of the man we tend to read what we want to, ie. selected Adam news. At the same time a lot more is going on in the music business without us paying much attention to it. As a consequence our view of things is bound to become biased and rosy when it comes to Adam's career and overall popularity. The masses don't know Adam. Two million followers on Twitter - compare the figures with Bruno Mars 16M, JT 21, Katy Perry 37M,
JB 40M, just to mention a few.

I love Adam very much. Just facing the facts.

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of unnecessary angst on this thread.

Anonymous said...

@4:12am This thread is strange, like there was someone answering one´s own posts.

Anonymous said...

@3:27 and 4:12, I agree with both of you. Thanks for a dose of reality @3:27. I'm sure Adam is all of the wonderful things his fans say about him. He does seem to have a remarkable work ethic, hence, all the nice things artists who work with him say. To me, the songs on Trespassing were no worse than other songs I hear on the radio. Some are better. If some of thise songs were sung by Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Pink, etc, they would have gotten radio play. But there are other artists out there also who have music that is far better than the usual crap on radio. But they aren't getting played either.
And obviously a good voice has nothing to do with it(Taylor Swift, Kesha, for example). So, I guess I don't know the reason he doesn't get the media attention he deserves. Maybe the "suits" don't think he has mass appeal??
Do you guys spread the word about Adam to your friends and family members, to people who have not heard about him? What do they think about him? Tell them to spread the word. Get his music heard.

Anonymous said...


"He is insanely talented but so are many other artists who never make it big. Glamberts need to continue supporting Adam but I hope the fandom doesn't turn into a place where Adam is made look good by putting down other artists."

Adam works hard to cultivate fans of other artists, then they arrive on Adam sites and YouTube videos to find Glamberts are dissing their favourite artist.

He is a major talent but a lot of major talents never make it onto the radio. Life is unfair. That's the way it is. Adam's doing much better than he was and much better than a lot of people.

Whining about it doesn't help and it may even drive new fans away.

Anonymous said...

Well said 5:46. I missed your comment. Signed 6:14 :)

Anonymous said...

I think RCA will support a third album, but not with the multi-millions that they spend on the most top acts. Adam can't rely on singing only. Like others, he has to market himself in other ways. A big hit song from #3 could really make a difference. I hope he gets to work with some big producer/writers again. TP got lots of praise and sold well over-all. I agree that if TP's songs had been released by other top singers, they would have been hits. Adam's promotions team has to find a way to make him cool to like by the mainstream. No, he will not become more "neutral" in his sexuality, despite what we argue about here. He is who he is. I think Adam is doing more behind the scenes than we think. Nobody knows more than he does how important it is to get new music out. It's his bread and butter. All we can do is support him in every way possible.


Anonymous said...

WE can all speculate as to the reasons that Adam doesn't get radio play or have better sales of his albums esp. Trespassing. It received wonderful reviews from the critics and yet nothing much happened with it even after Adam did all those radio promos across the country. There are some great suggestions as to what he should or should not do as far as his music career is concerned. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens next and continue to support him and his music . I have been a fan since I first saw him on Idol and want more from him with a third album. In the meantime, I guess I have to be satisfied with vids from these concerts he is doing this summer.

Anonymous said...

Good and realistic comments, DRG and 6:20.

Anonymous said...

ITA - a 3rd cd but not as much $$$ spent. Adam has made a lot of good friends in the business. He will receive good musical support from people like Roger, Brian, Nil etc. It will be a solid piece, for sure.

Anonymous said...

I know a number of teens and early twenties people on my street and in my family. I've talked with some of them about music. They've all heard of Adam. They aren't necessarly fans but they hold no animosity toward him. Interestingly, they are not all big fans of the biggest singing stars, either. They know who Rihanna, and Bruno and Katy are, of course, but they don't necessarily buy their music. They don't know what these singers are doing currently, even though they all listen to current music in general. It's who we follow with a passion that matters to us most. My niece, now 18, was an avid Bieber fan, but now she's out-grown it. She said she doesn't really care anymore. I know the top singers have millions of music-buying fans. They must. They're always at the top of the charts. The top singers are cool to like. There is no stigma attached to liking them and telling your friends that you like them. We all know that this is not the case with Adam, for many reasons. As good as his music is, as good as his voice is, it's just not that cool to like him. He's got to find a way to change that without compromising his whole being. There was a recent item posted here by someone saying that Bruno was recently arrested for cocaine and public intoxication or something???? Well, if that's true, you can bet it won't make one bit of difference in his sales. Asam does have younger fans in the U.S. We fans of all ages know about all his great assets. Something high-profile has to happen: Idol judge, a break-out hit song, a high-profile, positive media event, SOMETHING that shows non-fans who he is. Most people couldn't care less about his LGBT awards, and aren't even aware of them. But they'll hear a great song heard over and over on the radio, a song that gets LOTS of play, and they will pay attention to the song and to who is singing it. If the song grabs them, they won't care who is singing it, even if it's Adam. Look at the total no-talent goofs who get hits songs, like Psy, etc. A good song transcends who is singing it. Adam knows this. His management knows this. We know it. Once the public accepts a song, they'll keep looking at that singer for something new. Four years about of Idol, and Adam is stronger than the vast majority of conestants from any singing show. He fits into no mold. Hard to market. But he could still be a profitable money-maker for RCA. I don't think they'll give up on him. Network TV is very key. Sorry for my long musing, but I just had to vent.


Anonymous said...

Very nicely said DRG. Agree totally. BUT, how can everyone not love that cute face. :-)

Anonymous said...

@9:31 Not so! Sutan is a great friend of Adams and one hell of a beautiful is Raja.

Anonymous said...

Not fun coming here anymore. Speculation is ridiculous. Not true fans. Just enjoy the pictures.

Anonymous said...

@1:48 Not loving your 'Stupid Tommy' comment at all. Do you know any of these people? Seems not.

Anonymous said...

Prehaps when fans get to the Gay Pride this weekend they will begin to understand just how beautiful the LGBTQ community really is.

Anonymous said...

@1:48 Not loving your 'Stupid Tommy' comment at all. Do you know any of these people? Seems not.

Anonymous said...

Thank you DRG for your very realistic comments. I agree with you.


Anonymous said...

DRG @6:59, that was the best and most realistic comment I think I've ever read regarding Adam on this site.

Anonymous said...

Well I have said several times on this site that something high profile needs to happen for adam to keep his career alive. It's not enough for him to just put out another album. And that's what I think he is trying to get by auditioning for idol or a tv show, broadway play or hosting gig. I also think that is why he stopped with the makeup and nail polish. Those kinds of things are competitive and hard to come by. I do think he is working on things that we don't see. I just don't think he has an agreement yet with rca on another album. Jordin sparks is still with rca and hasn't put out an album in four years but she has done movies and plays and other things to keep her name out there.

Anonymous said...

Adam has enough talent to diversify into many areas of media. He needs to be taken seriously my the PTB in the media, TV, film, music, etc. His LGBT work does help give him a legitimate serious persona that gets respect. He's not just a brainless, flighty singer. Performers "make it" when some kind of spark happens in their career. Adam's first spark was Idol, but he needs another spark.

Anonymous said...

He has not stopped with the makeup and nail polish. He wears it when he feels it fits the moment. On stage, in China the fans like it,etc.

Anonymous said...

He has not worn nail polish or significant makeup in the last month except for the lifeball. Complete change for him.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Hudson is making her third album and she was on season 3 of Idol, seventh place finalist. I saw on her Instagram that she is working with Red One. Lady Gaga's producer. He was the guy Adam was going to work with after Idol but for some reason it didn't work out and he ended up with Max Martin and Dr. Luke for his first album.

I agree that he needs a big spark before getting his third album out. Either in a movie or a big endorsement. Idol judging won't happen for him and I don't think it will make much of a splash.

Anonymous said...

I simply keep up with my Adam prayers!