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More Videos From Pittsburgh Pride

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, June 16, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, June 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

The back of Adam's jacket with a glitter design shape is very eye-catching and the outfit of sleeveless glitter jacket, tight motif pants, really stylish! More sexy moves for Fever would be enticing but the ones he did were sexy. I still wish the band would stop for Adam's high notes and powerful wails to come through rather than go full-steam from beginning to end of Fever. No doubt, Adam is a pop-rock singer but his immaculate voice, wails, high notes must be taken into account and not treated like other rock singers; like pauses to showcase his operatic voice and let it soar. I'm happy I attended his Trespassing concert in March. This one lasted about an hour, I think.


Anonymous said...

I hope he would have brought some new music from his album like Runnin'...

Anonymous said...

I loved this version of AYGGMY! He really doesn't need backup singers or dancers I think! His vocals and his natural dancing are HOT HOT HOT! He got a kick out of his own dancing I think! He was smiling and laughing after Fever and those hip thrusts and body rolls....sexxxxyyyyy! More Adam! I want More!


Anonymous said...

So he didnt bring new songs, but the feedback is so good after it ended people wanted more and he after his rehersal he took out his time to take pics woth alot of fans :) one nice guy :)

Anonymous said...

Hear the girl at the end of fever! "Oh MY GOD" "OH MY GOD" lol too funny!

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda disappointed that he only sang the same old songs..I realize he doesn't have any 'new' music out yet..but there are plenty of great tracks off both albums that he has never sung live before...wish he would premier some of them..I hated the article that claimed there was only a smattering of cheers, and boos, after his performance..and also, I thought this set was supposed to be 90 min., not 60...of course, he remains the best there is and I will love him hope for the human race is that people will stop with the ridiculous bull*** and realize that ALL people deserve equal rights and that we are all just members of the same club really..I am sick and disgusted of reading remarks that condemn own granddaughter is gay and she is one of the sweetest, smartest people in this world..I just need more Adam..

Anonymous said...

I noticed that there were no backup singers and dancers. He does not need them and at times they tend to be a distraction. As stated, he did not bring any news songs so that must have been a disappointment to those who have seen Adam and heard him perform before. But from the vids I have seen, he did sound terrific and looked amazing. And he does get a kick out of his own dancing; I've noticed that other times. It's as if he doesn't know how good he is up there. I haven't read any reviews of the concert, but I hope whatever was written about Adam was good. Looking forward to more vids from last night.

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't need backups for sure.

Unknown said...

Wow some still not satisfyied, and he not gonna write a whole album let alone a song for a event its a process just wait god dammit! I only want to hear positive comments let the show was great not I WAS DISSAPONTED SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Anonymous said...

I saw this review not very good one

Anonymous said...

Those who were there said that Adam didn't get boos like the article claims.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he got some boos cause the show was shorter than said and it ended suddenly which was kind of rude.

Anonymous said...

All of Adams Duck lips and lip pursing makes Melvin dance!

Unknown said...

Lol and the show did start late due to weather but I watched the whole thing did not hear one boo acually I heard adam i love you and wooooo hooo !!!! And tommmyy!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

For those of you reading the review posted by 5:10 am, also read the comments by the great and fierce Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

Missed the "ninja roll" on Fever . . . :(

But :) to see Adam perform!

Anonymous said...

I was there not one boo did I hear unless it was about the rain.

Anonymous said...

No boos, great form and voice. But please leave the signs at home. I hope the two people in VIP w signs read this and know how much they obstructed our view behind them. That was the most annoying thing (and the smoking).2

Anonymous said...

"It has to end sometimes"!!:)

Fans who asks for more are greedy and not thinking if Adam's voice ruin because of too much in one night1!

It's not easy to be flawless all the time when you live folks:)

Adam always give his best and I'm always satisfied what he delivers he!he!


Anonymous said...

Oops!:) I meant when you sing live folks!:)


Anonymous said...

Love the ROCK dancers or back-up singers needed

Anonymous said...

Just be happy and satisfied for once!!!
The man & the voice was there!!!

This was not Adam's concert or tour, he has to follow the program & schedule planned by others.

There are always complaints that most people don't even know what he's been doing since Idol etc. Now he was singing some of his most known songs. And considering the event, so of course it is better-er to sing upbeat songs, familiar to more than just hard core and long time fans!

Just celebrate this Rare Bird of Paradise!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't help noticing while watching the stream from this concert, just how damn rude some of the crowd were, you couldn't help getting the impression they all wanted a big party rather than listening to Adam and respecting his enormous talent. What is it about the US that makes them behave so rudely. In Kiev when Adam performed with Queen the crowds were huge but totally respectful at the same time, seems that Europe and Asia know what good manners are, I was totally disgusted when I saw the crowd bouncing a large beach ball around that to me was a total insult to Adam. I only wish he would move to the UK, I'm sure he could win them over and it's also closer to Europe and Asia well that's not that far away, and Adam, don't forget Australia and New Zealand these two countries love and adore you too, you don't need to rely on the US who appear to be nothing more than a bunch of bogans.

Anonymous said...

Adam is always great in person. I saw him 3 times over the last few years and he has blown me away each time. I just wish he could have had a tour like Glam Nation again.

Anonymous said...

I just love all the videos so far of the Pride performance..Adam is so amazing and beautiful to look at too..cannot wait to see him at universal ....

Anonymous said...

This wasn't an Adam Lambert concert, it was a festival concert where most of the people will not be as familiar with Adam's music. So it makes sense for him to sing his hits and covers and not bring out songs only fans will recognize.

As for the length of the concert, I saw on twitter that people there said the whole evening was running late and then there was an additional delay to cover equipment from the rain. Maybe Adam had to finish by a certain time due to noise and that left him little time for talk etc. Seemed to be a tight, fast, fun set to me. Wish I could have been there.

Anonymous said...

8:18 relax , Adam's concert was a lot of fun. There was no disrespect with the bouncing ball and banana.There was a lot of drinking there (I was one of them)and it was a great party atmosphere. Most of the time we complain if the audience is too subdued. Adam was in good spirits and I loved his whole program. It's nice you were concerned though. Love the UK, Nz and Oz too.

Anonymous said...

So happy to see Adam and his band again. I can't wait for new music to come out. They always put on a good show and didn't disappoint me with this show.