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Official E! Video Featuring Adam Lambert and Others

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

A little bit of Adam. Hope they put the rest up soon.

Anonymous said...

I love Nick Cannon

Anonymous said...

Gilbert and AL should go out. that voice couldn't be no worse than Cheeks.

Anonymous said...

Won't let me open this clip but fortunately, I've already seen it.

Rebecca said...

I don't want to be mean but it really pisses me off when people like Anon 6:16 come in here and make rude comments that are hateful but are to scared to post their names they hide behind anon that is just uncalled for. I mean if you can't be respectful in stating your opinion then don't bother and don't hide if your going say thing have the balls to back them up. sorry for venting but i'm getting tired of rude hateful people.

Anonymous said...

6:16 PM You're not welcome here, please go away and join people who are just like you and stay with them.

Anonymous said...

Pfft. 6:16 is mild in comparison to what I just read in other posts.

Anonymous said...

6;16 is a troll
Don't pay any attention! Sad as that's the only outlet 6:16 has in life!! Or has a very bad sense of humor
Poor thing 6:16!

Anonymous said...

Cheeks does have an annoying voice. I would run for the hills. KMA

Anonymous said...

it is kinda funny that anon 9:53 calls everyone a troll. I think you are a troll yourself. I think you get their sense of humor, you are just to damn proud to admit it.

Anonymous said...

hey becca you're an asshole. KMA

Anonymous said...

I am assuming KMA stands for kiss my a**......right!
You have chosen a suitable tag for your remarks.

Anonymous said...

Kerska Maelene Aldersson with 2 ss. u?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I sniff a wrong ass on here.

Anonymous said...

Cheeks is the one with the bendy?

Anonymous said...

anon 12:08 u still an ass

Anonymous said...

an ass is an ass with or without a tag attached.