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Picture of The Day: Adam Lambert's Embarrassed Look

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

I have never seen Adam embarrassed before, but plenty of his fans at his concerts have looked this way, LOL, LOL

tea said...

I don't think he's embarrassed. He's just covering his surprise at the comment he can't believe he just heard.

Anonymous said...

The remark was gross and beyond the pale. Not sure there was a single person not shocked. Anon 9:03 nothing Adam does embarrasses me.

Anonymous said...


I think 9:03's point might have been that THEY (or some of US) might feel embarrassed about OUR OWN reaction(s) tosome of Adam's lovely ways about him!!! I am not 9:03, just guessing (from personal experience ;)).

Anonymous said...

9:03 is a troll.

That comment was nothing unusual for Gottfried. Adam's reaction was cute and funny.

Anonymous said...

The remark made me gasp in horror......I probably would have covered my face too. It wasn't 't something you would want to be seen laughing at.

Michael Douglas should have chosen a much more subtle way of getting the message out there about HPV. Think how embarrassed his wife must be.

Anonymous said...

Adam is beyond adorable. I have seen him do this once before but can't remember what for. Love this man.

Anonymous said...

Adam has more class in his little finger than GG does. Adam's reaction was spontaneous, I think. Sometimes, gross-ness is just plain gross-ness. I know about GG's humor and I've seen him before. I'm not shocked, but just kind of sickened my him. I probably would have done what Adam did. And yes, it made Adam look so cute in an innocent sort of way. (not that he's innocent LOL)
Loved Adam's "date" with Joan!


Anonymous said...

If you watch Fashion Police on a regular basis, there have been many times guests have covered their faces in response to the comments Joan sometimes makes. No big deal on that show, and GG was funny as hell.

Anonymous said...

How funny this was. Did it bring back memories of Adam's deep sea diving date or dates?

Anonymous said...

Adam is so adorable! I'm sure he was embarrassed and surprised! It's not exactly everyday conversation except for Joan! I'm sure she loved it! It's the "joke" that will never go away. I might have to divorce Michael Douglas if I was his wife lol. Anyway, Adam's date did sound like a lot of fun just like him and wow did he look so hot!..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Darius looks surprised too! I Have to laugh at his expression.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam will be live on this radio station. I saw the link yesterday and bookmarked it to check it today:

In about ten minutes

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Fan Club says Adam's interview will be on at 4:05pm ET:

About 35 mins. From now

Anonymous said...

10:25 AM - Adam covered his
face with both hands when Ryan announced him as a finalist with Kris Allen.

Anonymous said...

Sharing this from Adam Lambert Fan club on facebook:

ADAM LAMBERT Mention: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Stage preview: Actor George Dvorsky comes home for CLO! ...A role the he often hears is a favorite of fans is his Tommy Albright from "Brigadoon," which Mr. Dvorsky performed here in 2001.

"I also did it in 2004 in Houston, and Adam Lambert was Charlie," the actor said of the former "American Idol" finalist. "He was this little red-head, freckle-faced 21-year-old who sang the most beautiful version of 'Come to Me, Bend to Me.' I saw he's going to be here [for a Pride Fest concert Saturday]. Adam stayed in my apartment when he first came to New York, and then we lost touch. ... I hope I get to see him when he's here."...

Read more:

Anonymous said...

In reference to above article, check out the following video of Brigadoon, Come To Me Bend To Me, when Adam was 22:

Anonymous said...

Adam will be on 1020KDKA Pittsburgh radio in couple of mins. Tune in via the above posted link.

Anonymous said...

He is on now

tea said...

@ 12:30 PM
Thanx for the heads up and link to the radio interview.

Good to hear Adam as always.

choons said...

Adam's just having an OMFG moment at a tasteless "joke" that wasn't funny - just juvenile.
He looks so cute though.

Anonymous said...

Check out the interview with 1020KDKA radio:

tea said...

Dang! Adam's hair looks GRRRRRREAT! This is the first time I've wished I could get my hands in it and boy I'm I wishing like crazy. Thanks GG for being the catalyst for this view Adam's hair.

Anonymous said...

Please, please all posters on this site. When you post this picture of Adam taken (I think) by Lee Cherry, please for my heart's sake post a disclaimer. When it just pops up, it takes my breath away. Thanks, this is be kind to the elderly week.

funbunn40 said...

This remark was so disgusting. Wonder if media and conservatives will be as outraged as they were about Adam's AMA performance.We'll see... This remark was personally insulting and in terrible taste to Michael Douglas and especially his wife, Catherine. I'm sure Adam was surprised and couldn't believe what he heard on national tv. Adam is respectful toward others and this was really inappropriate. Adam knows the difference.Just want to hug him. he's so adorable.

Anonymous said...

I really liked some of the previous hairstyles he had. Maybe he thinks they are outdated. I really loved the shaved head hair to one side hair and the black hair with the blue streaks.
the brown is good,but not dramatic like the black.

Anonymous said...

Shocked and surprised of course!:)

Adam is a gentleman and sweet guy indeed!!:)

I remember when Ryan announced his name he covered his face indeed!!:)


Anonymous said...

Adam finally gets to do a show that is not gay and I be darn if Joan didn't have to mention it.

Anonymous said...

Article about Adam's 1020KDKA radio interview and don't forget to listen to embedded interview link:

Adamluv said...

Love Adams spontaneous reaction to GG's comment. OT - recently read that Joan and Melissa will be on Celebrity Husband Swap. I know, I know they use the word "wife" but so sexist and offensive. they are to trade places with Bristol and Willow Palin and take care of the formers son Tripp. Wonder how Joan will handle the childs use of the word "f*****" which I guess he used quite often on his moms reality show. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@AdamLuv. Thanks for that info. I want to watch it. Do you know time and date of it?

Anonymous said...

Gilbert's comments were bleeped out on the FP Show that I saw - so I don't know what he said.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert: Though he says he hasn't been approached to join the panel, consider Lambert the "viewer's choice" judge. The Season 8 runner-up's flamboyant, inventive performances (and appearance) made him one of the most talked-about Idol contestants ever, so having him on the judges' panel would almost surely provide a ratings bump. He's also got the David Cook inventive song arrangement criteria checked off, and has been a guest judge on the Chinese version of Idol.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

TALCvids 23m
Idol Finalist @adamlambert Gets Serious On The Afternoon News « CBS Pittsburgh

[includes official radio interview]

Anonymous said...

Adam's AT&T Advertisement Poster at Pride Festival, Indianapolis, Indiana:

tea said...

Integrity more Important than Sales

Anonymous said...

Shred of Hope- Win a T-Shirt Designed by Adam, Auction begins on June 20th, 2013

Anonymous said...

Shoulda' plugged his ears instead. lol We all shoulda' plugged our ears.

Anonymous said...

Let's us all remember that it was Michael Douglas who went on late night shows to talk about his upcoming movie about Liberace and his life "Behind the Candellabra." During those appearances he himself said that the cause of his throat cancer was his practice of cunnilingus. No one held a gun to his head and demanded too know. Douglas made himself the butt of jokes on the news and in print. Give GG a break and remember that what he said about Douglas was not on ABC, NBC, CBS or Fox Channel, but on a cable network where apparently anything goes. If anyone needs blaming it would be Douglas for his TMI. I feel sorry for his wife Catherine Zeta-Jones.


choons said...

Here's an article about the Shred of Hope T-shirt auction. Adam is listed as a superstar!
I would love a shirt by Adam or Alan Cumming or Jake Shears.

Anonymous said...

What's all the fuss. HPV shots are given to children now, as part of preventive care. Insurance co. Are paying for it. What Michael Douglas said could be true. It is factual. Do some research.........It's a serious problem, and it's being joked about. Women can be screened for it at their GYN's office. There is no real screening test for men, but it can also cause genital warts, and cervical cancer.

Anonymous said...


There's no fuss from me! I was repeating a fact that Michael Douglas revealed. And about those HPV shots that are given to children now...what is an 11 year old girl going to look forward to in her future child bearing years? Don't know? Yeah, that's the problem. No one does.


Anonymous said...

Love Adam's radio interview. He sure puts things in perspective. Sure, he wants financial success, but he also wants to look back on his life and know that he made a positive difference in the world. Hope he gets both!


Anonymous said...

funbunn, come on, you can be realistic. There is a difference between the AMAs on broadcast tv and it's huge audience and Fashion Police on cable. FP knew exactly what Gottfried is like. He is known for making provocative and tasteless jokes.

2:16, What do you mean "does a show that is not gay"? Are you are usual poster about Adam is doing too many Pride events? One of Joan's cohosts, George, is gay. Being LGBT is totally accepted on the show and jokes like Joan's are not uncommon. You are making something out of nothing.

Everybody says they want to see Adam on tv more and it happens and then we get all these complaints. Some of you will never be happy.

Anonymous said...

Joan loves gays, she just makes fun of everyone equally.

Anonymous said...

That Shred Of Hope tshirt thing looks really cool and is for a great cause. No pic of Adam's design up yet.

Anonymous said...

Give the old lady a break (although she looks fabulous at 80). She is from old school and she is a comedian. Did you see Fergie smashed a birthday cake on her face? I think she has soft spot in her heart that nobody knows except people who are close to her.

Seems you guys didn't watch the whole show. If you missed it beside Adam's part there were other hilorious moment on fp.

Anonymous said...

@ 4 50 Did you read what you wrote before you posted it?

This is what bothers ME about what you wrote:

"What Michael Douglas said could be true. It is factual." So you
say that it COULD be factual? What?

Please tell me and the rest of us uneducated fools what causes breast cancer? What causes cervical cancer in a teenage virgin? What causes a baby to be born with cancer while its mother and father are cancer free? Until you can answer with proof, please restrain yourself from advising anyone on this site to "do some research." It's very condescending.


Anonymous said...

Adam's not embarassed. A little lack of class would make me cover my face like that for a few seconds too, and I'm out the box.

Anonymous said...

What is sexist and offensive about using the word 'wife'?

Anonymous said...

Why did Michael Douglas talk about how he caught the condition in the public arena .... it was in such poor taste. You could be forgiven for thinking he blames his wife .... shameful.

Anonymous said...

Joan's a great friend of the 'gay' community. She even fronted the float at the Sydney Mardi Gras when Adam was in that country. I always loved her glitter comment with the mention of Adam a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how big of an audience FP gets but the promos must get a lot. I had 4 people call me up and tell me Adam was going to be on FP. I thought it was interesting Fergie was on too. Adam, Fergie and Kelly O all at the Life Ball judging the voguing contest. Networking pays off, plus it helps that JR seems to be very fond of Adam.

Anonymous said...

We don't know the cause of many types of cancers but there are known links to other kinds of cancer. There is a link between HPV and oral cancer.

If you wish to read more:

Michael Douglas' frank discussion about the human papillomavirus (HPV) and oral cancer has put a spotlight on the dangers of the sexually transmitted virus. While using a condom may reduce risk for HPV, doctors are reminding people that the best way to protect oneself from the disease that can potentially lead to cancer is to get vaccinated at an early age and, if possible, go for routine screenings.
"Anyone who has led a normal sex life will get HPV, and develop antibodies to the virus. But, a minority of people who have contact with the virus who don't effectively clear the virus from their system will develop other diseases."

For the most part, once a person is infected with HPV, their body builds natural immunities against it and fights it off. But, some strains can lead to cancers of the oropharynx (back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils), cervix, vulva, vagina, penis and anus. Two strains of HPV are connected to 70 percent of cervical cancer cases, while two others cause 90 percent of genital warts. Doctors still don't know why some people who get HPV go on to develop other diseases, while others don't.
full article at:

Anonymous said...

Some of you do need to educate yourself about the link between HPV, sex and cancer. I think Michael Douglas should be commended for speaking publicly about a potentially embarrassing thing in order for people to learn how common it is and what you can do to try to prevent it from happening to you. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

I've read that Michael Douglas has retracted the reason he gave was the cause of his cancer.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with MD PSA but that comedian was gross and that was what he was going for. It didn't really bother me I just thought he was never going to shut up. I'd much rather fall asleep in Adam's bed watching FP. Joan has good taste.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with MD PSA but that comedian was gross and that was what he was going for. It didn't really bother me I just thought he was never going to shut up. I'd much rather fall asleep in Adam's bed watching FP. Joan has good taste.

Anonymous said...

Quit preaching.

Anonymous said...

9:17 I haven't read anything yet but I hear his people are doing some backpedaling on his story.

Anonymous said...

Does Joan Rivers have a boyfriend?

Anonymous said...

I did read that a rep for Michael Douglas said Michael was talking about the possible causes for oral cancer which include smoking and drinking in addition to oral sex. Doesn't really matter what was the cause of his cancer, he did provide a platform for people to talk about HPV.

Anonymous said...

I know what to expect of Joan Rivers and GG when it comes to comedy, so I wasn't surprised. Kathy Griffin is the next guest on FP so,don't watch if you don't like raunchy offensive and tasteless jokes. I loved seeing Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam brought a touch of class to the show and of course lots of glam. Laughed after covering his face he shaking his head and said OMG. My sentiments exactly.

Anonymous said...

I feel for Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Anonymous said...

@9:23pm. LOL! She said she is dry like a bush and any in/out is gonna cause a bush fire. So no boyfriend for her.

funbunn40 said...

Joan can be funny and raunchy and she's given me a of of good laughs over the years, most of them by poking fun at herself. GG's joke mentioning Catherine Zeta Jones bothered me because she just got out of rehab for depression and maintaining treatment for her Bi-polar disorder. His words portrayed a graphic description of an act with her as the recipient, which IMO would be humiliating. I can appreciate raunchy humour and I thought Richard Pryor was hilarious in his hey day, but his language was usually the issue with really funny general human nature behavior. I just thought GG hurtfully crossed the line. As far as Michael Douglas is concerned, I think the media put an extra slant on his words. He gave the HPV virus info as a link to throat ca as a result of oral sex which could have been a factor for him along with smoking and excessive alcohol use during his lifetime. He didn't infer that this occurred since his marriage to Catherine and I'm sure it wasn't his intent for that to be misinterpreted. I think he was asked what he thought contributed to his contracting the ca and he answered on the spur of the moment, I'm sure now regretting not clarifying his response at the time. There is a definite link that shouldn't be ignored and it did create a dialogue that may in fact save some lives. Just my thoughts on the subject regarding GG. Adam was his usual charming, cute self and Joan obviously likes him. She ribs the gay community, but actually supports them. The majority of her humour is directed at herself.

Anonymous said...

11:04 PM
LOL .... I heard her say that. I'm not sure I want to be 80!! ;-D

Anonymous said...

It's gonna take a whole lot more to embarass Adam than this. Joan is an huge supporter of Gay Rights
and I sure wish people would realise that.

Anonymous said...

I am 4:50. I work in the medical field and we do oral cancer screening on people every day. We also encourage young adults under 26 to get HPV shots. What Michael Douglas said may be factual, because one is not always sure why they got cancer. There are reasons that may predispose you to it. Some breast cancers are caused by a mutated gene, Brca 1/2. Others genetics may be involved, as well, and research is being done every day. Some genetic cancers may skip a generation. The best thing to do is be informed about all the possibilities. Does that make sense to you?

Anonymous said...

Darn I love Adam. Yep, apart from the jests this is an issue that needs addressing in the medical field.

Anonymous said...

It was a tacky comment. People think they can say anything these days, in or out of the media, and whether it's humorous or not.

Anonymous said...

Darius looked a bit shocked to. It was tastelss but it was GG - that's how he is and that's what they were aiming for.

I feel badly for Catherine Zeta-Jones. People are thinking of his wife when Michael Douglas says this. He is very ill. She has stayed with him through thick-and-thin and has just come out of treatment for depression. Poor thing. It is a serious subject. The media is playing it for shock and gossip value.

Anonymous said...

4:34AM, no, Michael is recovered now.

Anonymous said...

Tacky or not, FP knew exactly what they were getting with Gilbert. Everybody's reactions were the appropriate shock. Adam's was just cuter :)

Anonymous said...

Celebrities' health issues are no more important than everyone else's health issues.

Anonymous said...

6:04 true but his wife has a major mental illness and I hope this didn't put more stress on her. She counts too.

Anonymous said...

4:50 and 4:05

I repeat since you say you work in the medical field, and I hope that means that you don't simply schedule appointments:

And about those HPV shots that are given to children now...what is an 11 year old girl going to look forward to in her future child bearing years? Don't know? Yeah, that's the problem. No one does.


June 11, 2013 at 4:58 PM

Anonymous said...

I am 4:50 and 5:54. No, I am a licensed healthcare provider . Our guidelines are the CDC. An adult female won't be having babies if she developes cervical cancer. There are always risks with any vaccines, but they outweigh the possible consequences. Why don't you go to the CDC website, or open a medical book before you start ranting.