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Pictures from last night: Adam Lambert in NYC with Friends

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Anonymous said...

oh no!! making faces again. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam is really rockin the stash! I think he really likes it!

Anonymous said...

wonder which ROOM he wants his BOOM BOOM stuck in?

Anonymous said...

did he meet Angelina and Brad?

Anonymous said...

Love it when Adam is part of the elite-only club!

tea said...

one of my favorite fun Adam videos from the past

Anonymous said...

These are from a different club after the Boom Boom Room (which is a ritzy club at The Standard.)

Anonymous said...

Lord how I love when he makes faces. Instantly makes him human.

Anonymous said...

Adam was really rockin' that wombgroom last night!!!!!

Anonymous said...

they all look a little dazed and confused.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't have the happiness vibe that he used to have with Sauli around. It's like he is trying to have a good time. Wish they could find more time again for each other in the future. I miss "them".

Anonymous said...

8:33AM You mean did Angelina and Brad meet Adam Lambert! :)

Anonymous said...

Somebody always has to find a way to bring the ex into a thread. Leave it alone now. It's over. Adam is a grown man. He will be fine.

Anonymous said...

at 11:53 PM

LOL why ever not since this is about Sauli:

Or this one, Adam is more intense than ever:

Anonymous said...

@11:29 Great comment! Yes, indeedy!
@11:53 you got it! Shame others don't realize that Adam is indeed a man and not a little boy.

Anonymous said...

Brad Pitt flew into Sydney June 9 by private jet to attend the red carpet premiere of World War Z.
Glad Adam enjoyed the show.

Anonymous said...

Agree w you about 'the happiness vibe'. The lack of it, I mean.
Some say he looks so confident and self-contained, sure of himself now. Others that he looks all grown up, matured. Some say that all of a sudden he looks older... (snarky and evil comments or commenters aside, these comments come from genuine long time fans).

As a long time fan myself I admit I miss his happy face and smiling eyes (w more eye make-up than in current pics he looks even more stunning, imo) and I'm sure I'll see them again some day. But I can't see them in current pics, he smiles, but he does not look happy. Then again I'm sure most of us would not manage to look happy if we were constantly being phographed and followed.

He looks seriously handsome. Maybe it's all about being cool and grown-up. Unfortunately this look and the apparently 'long waiting period of new music' might make him loose younger fans or prevent him getting new ones...

I will be a fan as long as he sings and performs. But like I said I do miss his happy face so much!
It's all in the eyes, folks, in the eyes...

Anonymous said...

Internationally Adam hits younger fans for sure and they adore him. Whatever Adam does, his damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. People believe everything they see or read and speculation runs riot. Many love to wallow in the depths of negitivity, but can they call themselves true fans? I guess it's the nature of the beast. BUT the majority love this guy with a passion and are positive beyond belief. Adam is a genius!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam spends all of his free time in gay clubs with half naked, drunken men. Some of them are famous in porn business.

If Adam were a woman he would most certainly be called a whore.

Though I am a fan of his music I don't find it easy to respect his behaviour. His personality has been an important part of the whole "Adam package" and it has been easy to love him, but not anymore.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this thread is full of expert psycho-analysts who can figure out a whole person just by looking at pictures. That takes such great skill. Adam hasn't done anything to make me stop loving him. He can hang out with who he likes. He is not doing anything illegal or immoral. He hasn't changed anything about his honesty regarding his sexuality. He's been honest from the get-go. There were pix of him in gay settings way before Idol. If it didn't bother you then, I can't imagine why it would bother you now. His personality is as positive and sunny as ever. Seems like if he isn't smiling in every single photo, people think his whole life must be sad. To me, his generous, positive, caring behavior far out-weighs any perceived negative behavior. He has shown us over and over that he is a good person in his heart, where it really counts. So easy to love.

Anonymous said...

at 5:51 AM

Well, he hasn't got any hobbies really. As far as we know he is not an outdoor person, he doesn't do sports, he doesn't read much, is not into politics, doesn't cook, is not very handy and in his freetime he rarely goes to any other than gay events or clubs.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:46
I agree with you, other than his passion for listening to music of any kind, he hasn't got much else to fill his life. He spends as much time as possible in his evening hours drinking with friends, going from club to club, and occasionally going to movies. Surprisingly he seems to have very little self confidence in his worth. His so called friends boost his ego, and he needs that. I think Leila really helped him when he doubted himself. Sauli was the most honest in feeding his ego, with a passion of true love. Everyone said how he had changed to being so happy and contented, and somehow now that's gone, for whatever reason. He seems to be searching , searching to find that kind of love again. Sometimes it only comes once in a lifetime. The only pics we see of Sauli all seem to be work related, rarely in a club. You can call me what you want, I am not a troll, but I think we have two less than happy men here. Adam did his best concert, that I have seen for a long time in Pittsburgh, He seemed to put his heart and soul into it, but I did notice he wasn't drinking bottles of water, he had plastic cups, which in his case usually means some kind of booze, he has admitted to that. But it sure didn't seem to hurt his performance.When he greeted fans he usually had a bottle of water.

Anonymous said...

You know I think adam wanted to dump sauli since last fall and he seems quite happy to be free.

tess4ADAM said...

ADAM seems to be a mature young man who knows what he wants out of his life & career. He is still the same gracious .. caring .. smiling .. drop-dead GORGEOUS man as always .. WITH/WITHOUT Sauli. I don't understand WHY some of these commenters feel he is UNhappy. Not everyone goes around with a smile on their face 24/7 ... so WHY should ADAM be expected to do so? So he goes to gay clubs & hangs with friends that make him happy ... WHAT is wrong with that? Should he instead go to other clubs & hang with people that make him feel the opposite? I don't see why he should change his lifestyle to suit YOUR ideas! Good Gracious! Let ADAM lead his own life! He's been doing OK without any input from anyone. These threads at 24/7 have been become so dismal lately that I hate to read any of these threads anymore. From now on I'll just pick & choose & IGNORE all the DOOM & GLOOM comments!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Complicated topic. Adam and many others had early expectations that he would zoom to the top of the charts. It's a lot harder than that, as Adam himself has said. His musical success is a stuggle, despte his undisputd talents. I'm sure it's completely frustrating for him. Adam has acquaintances in many circles, but his closer friends are in the gay community. Celebrites of many types have long said that being famous can be very lonely. Adam has tried to keep his old friends, and wisely so. Success and fame is often hard to maintain. He is working to keep himself visible in the media. He is networking, attending high-profile events. He is becoming someone who "belongs" at these things. And just for record, I know many people who don't have specific hobbies or aren't really into reading or politics, etc. But I still enjoy their company and value their friendship. I don't think Adam is a boring person by any means. He has passions and opinions. He's not in his early twenties anymore. If he's like many people, he probably would like to meet someone who he is compatible with for the long haul. It's not easy, famous or not. And whatever his drinking level is, he seems to be handling it ok. Oh, Adam, you drives us crazy every minute fo the day.


Anonymous said...

8:55 AM

You know I think you don't know anything about Adam's inner thoughts, desires, hopes, ideas, secrets. Got it?

Anonymous said...

Haha well I was responding to those who think adam is so sad now without sauli which as far as I can see is based on absolutely nothing. He seems fine and is dating someone new. You could always tell from the way adam talked about marriage that he wasn't thinking of being with sauli forever.

Anonymous said...

@9:34 AM
They both look fine. They broke up in January and had time to deal with the split before the "official" announcement in April. Adam looks happy with Bridger whom he has dated from May 1st and Sauli always smiles nowadays (not making funny faces but smiling in almost every pic and vblog) maybe because of Ade, or of relief getting rid of Adam, lol (sorry couldn't help it).

Anonymous said...

9:34 AM
Do you think we will hear wedding bells ringing for Adam and Bridger (A & B)? The start of their relationship is not yet so open which might mean Adam is more serious with him and does not want to start the public hassle too early. All good comes silently.

Anonymous said...

lol wedding bells? i think we don't know one thing about him or their relationship. But my guess would be that he is too young for something serious with Adam. Young guys come to Hollywood to pursue their career dreams and to have fun partying and fucking around.

Anonymous said...

10:08 AM
Maybe he is different and seen the club life enough. He is a photographer. He could be useful when Adam tours; work and pleasure, you see. And being a freelancer they can arrange their time tables. Who knows. He could be the right one. At least he is American.

Anonymous said...

10:08 AM

Don't you believe that he could be deeply in love with Adam b/c he is young? Who wouldn't be, if had a chance. I would, lol.

Anonymous said...

We don't know him but there are lots of temptations for cute young guys in hollywood. if he is looking for a sugar daddy to help him get his career going he can probably find someone richer than adam.

glitzylady said...

It's amazing how much people can deduce from a few random paparazzi and instagram pictures of Adam and the people he hangs out with sometimes: Adam's hopes, dreams, love life, what he does on a daily basis, his reading habits, his exercise habits, his undisclosed (and most likely unknown to him..) future plans for marriage, and amazingly enough, even his various friend's aspirations, motivations for hanging out with Adam (apparently selfish on their part)...even though we have absolutely NO real idea at all about any of those things. I wish I was so smart.............and psychic....... :)))

Anonymous said...

@10:35 AM
So, you think it is impossible for a young gay guy to fall in love in Hollywood, and esp. to gorgeous Adam? Adam is not any sugar daddy but a beautiful man and IMO it is easy to fall in love with him for REAL.

Anonymous said...

10:35 AM
Adam seems to be quite rich: 800 dollar sunglasses and 1500 dollar Bellmain -jacket. And to think of that suit and shoes etc. He seems to have a lot of money to spend. Sugar daddy, why not?

Anonymous said...

Adam can do exactly what he wants during his free time, but I can't be a fan of a man, who lives a life I don't respect.

Anonymous said...

11:28 sooo how many threads are you going to post that same thing on? You could have been long gone. lol foolish people on here lately

Anonymous said...

10:51 AM
Lol you had no problem lecturing everyone about the deep, pure love that Adam and Sauli had even while it was very evident that they weren't together anymore. I guess you have no problem drawing conclusions about people you don't know when it suits your fantasy.

Anonymous said...

10:51 AM
Lol you had no problem lecturing everyone about the deep, pure love that Adam and Sauli had even while it was very evident that they weren't together anymore. I guess you have no problem drawing conclusions about people you don't know when it suits your fantasy.

Anonymous said...

I think it was sweet people didn't want to believe A&S had broken up because of some tweets, but they did break up so why all these people still dwelling on it?

Anonymous said...

5:51. Adam is GAY!!!He is not going to go to straight clubs. Gays go to meet other gays at their own clubs where they feel comfortable and yes you might find men showing off their bodies or wearing revealing outfits. That is their world not ours so stop with snarky comments and accept Adam for who he is. Adam will never fit into the mold that you and others think would be better for him and his career. Also the person who keeps bringing up his ex just get over it and move on just like Adam has done.

Anonymous said...

glitzy, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Fuck! (had to use the word, sorry!)
It's been over four years, since Adam broke the AI mold and the same UNACCEPTING atmosphere goes on and on... Some (or most, I fear...) of you still don't get it!

The man is gay. Period.
I think it is awful & hilarious when people who know nothing or very little of the 'gay scene' are trying to force the rules of their 'straight narrow-minded world' on gay people...

If you only want his voice, buy his records or watch youtube vids...
If you can't accept who he is and what his lifestyle is, go find someone who fits in your narrow-minded world...

The gayness is not gonna go away.
It's the straight folk that has so much to learn and accept.

Anonymous said...

These pathetic Finn women really need to move on. Same topic over and over. I hope Sauli never likes someone 6 years older or younger than himself. Wow what a scandal that will be. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam is a very handsome very nice talented like crazy man. He a sweetheart any guy would be very lucky to get him as a boyfriend. Adam does not in anyway look unhappy at all. He is just fine, he worked hard since Idol and I suspect he quite comfortable financially. I cannot wait for the Queen thing it will be great. It really time to let go of the past, it's also time to stop making up rubbish about Adam and running him down he done nothing to deserve it I respect him very much he a very nice man.

glitzylady said...

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

3:07 PM
I hope Sauli never likes some three years older teenager again.

Anonymous said...

9:43 really, it's better Sauli finds someone that acts like an old fart, age doesn't matter for that.

Anonymous said...

10:51 PM
No, it's better he finds someone who acts like mature grown-up and that has nothing to do with age.

Anonymous said...

oh guess what? it looks like Adam's neck is all cleared up already.

Anonymous said...

11:45 good luck with that one.

Anonymous said...

Alright Bitterberts on both sides of the pond!
Please START acting your age, you're worse than children in a sandbox!!!

Do you think that either Adam or Sauli is happy with you lot?! Think of the amount of gunk they see & hear from the likes of you...

Do you ever think what this pickering and BS does to YOUR brain?! Does this really make you feel good?! OR maybe you bitch and speak to everybody around you like this?!

Is this something you want to tell your children and grandchildren about?! Or want younger fans to read?! Or put in your job application and c.v. as your hobby?!

If you read this far (thank you!) it shows that you are capable of something better-er than 3-4 lines of BS.

Not our job to ruin something that was shown to us as beautiful & loving. Things happen. Love runs out.

Peace, Love and Sunshine to both Adam and Sauli in their lives!


Anonymous said...

Thanks LTAF! I believe they really had something special and beautiful and now they still have friendship (Sauli said in today's interview that they are still close and Adam is one of his best friends). So let's behave, both sides! They deserve more supportive fans, both.