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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Anonymous said...

cuckoo! ;)

the guy who got in the pic behind Adam must be telling everyone he knows + the internet. will we find out his identity?

Anonymous said...

ha ha Boom Boom Boom yourself.

Anonymous said...

Adam is feeling no pain - good for him!.....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what happens in the boom boom will always stay in boom boom.

Anonymous said...

8:50 LOL !

Anonymous said...

Was he there before or after 11:00 pm?, Seems like it makes a difference. But Adam seemed very impressed that he was going there LOL. The one place he might have liked to have some pics of him rubbing elbows with some famous people. Wonder if there are more shows and partying for his little holiday. He must have planned this months ago, to get good seats at the shows. I don't think NYC show tickets come very cheap either. Enjoy it while you can Adam, looks like you are going to have some busy weeks with Queen ahead of you. At least I hope so. At this rate he is better off single and having no serious relationships. Just having some fun with a few men he casually likes. It must be really hard to find someone who truly likes him for himself, and not for his fame and fortune. So many stars have this same problem.
Even Sauli wants his own fame and fortune, and not Adams. I think someday Adam will want some candy on his arm who is famous already, but that rarely works either.

Anonymous said...

10:11 AM

I'm sure Sauli liked him because of himself, not because of his fame and fortune. Adam once said that the sexiest part in his bf (Sauli) is his heart b/c "when you feel someone is so genuine and real in emotions I think that's the best thing in the world." But Sauli wants to make his own career too. He said he does not want to be just a "house wife".

Maybe Adam will find someone who wants to be home and is willing to concentrate on supporting only his career. It's not easy when there are two celebrities in the same family.

Anonymous said...

Me - me, Adam pick me...I'm willing and experienced at being a stay at home housewife. As for the sex thing, we can work it out!

Anonymous said...

Tye Blue moved to another place, wonder if Sauli went with him. Must be hard to swallow to be homeless. In a few weeks Tye is moving again thanks to more friends.

Anonymous said...

I must be getting dumber by the minute. Most of the posts on this thread are total gibberish to me...

That much I do know. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Try using OT in the beginning of your posts when spring something totally unexpected or unrelated to the thread topic, please...

Anonymous said...

So many bitchy comments all over this blog ad infinitum.

Anonymous said...

I'm sad that there are so few comments in general in most threads!
Where are you peeps?!
Are you abandoning Adam or this site?!

It does get better!!!
Well, who was it now that said that?
Hmmmm... :)))

HK fan said...

this site....
The last few months its just full of crappy, same old, same old comments.

Anonymous said...

5:00 PM

Well, Adam's life seems to be "the same old, same old" and the threads about music vids or other topics seem not to interest people for some reason. There are often only a couple of comments there.