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Recent Adam Lambert Pictures Update

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, June 19, 2013


tea said...

More fun pix. ^_^ Thanx a bunch.

Anonymous said...

loving the black and white shirt.

Anonymous said...

I wanna do all these NY shows now.

Anonymous said...

IMO Adam looks a bit tired (his eyes). No wonder; three nights out smiling to cameras. He is younger than I, but I would be exhausted to be out every night meeting new people and trying to be connecting and socializing.

Anonymous said...

I'm on Adam overload and I'm loving it. Like the new look and that shirt looks great. He only looks tired to me in one picture.

Anonymous said...

I guess Adam also went to see Motown. That's a show I have tickets for, but it's not until the fall. I wonder if he'll see Kinky Boots or Pippin, both great Tony award winning musicals. He certainly seems to be making the rounds and catching up with friends while in NYC. I guess that's what he needs to do: networking, connecting and socializing. It's so much more interesting and exciting than most of us experience on a daily basis. Good for him.

Anonymous said...

Could Adam look more adorable! I love that shirt on him and also love the way he connects to people! Oh and that smile - THUD!. He's living the good life for us all!..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Yes he could. I don't like the shirt and his eyes are tired. But it's okay to connect with people.

Anonymous said...

wow have we seen that shirt before? super thud...

Anonymous said...

And he is hiding a hickey. That's why that collar. Who did it? Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

Grown-up look, teen-age behavior (large, dark hickey(s); not seen in these pics but on the one with a read-head girl). Oh, Adam! I'm starting to loose my interest in you. And more parties to come in NY, I heard.

Anonymous said...

Shirt all buttoned up. And now we know why. But I have not seen his bf Bridger in NYC. Or does he hide somewhere?

Anonymous said...

Well if that's what tired looks like wish ....I looked tired all the time .... im lovin the shirt the ...the stache ....and all that makes the fantabulous man tick.... rose petal

Anonymous said...

yes please have my husband have the tired look and we might talk about some hickeys. LOL

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Adam hanging with friends and having a great time.
Your right, he is living life to the fullest!


Anonymous said...


That is not my idea of living a life to the fullest! I would be bored in a week. But what do I know. I love walking in the woods, watching sunsets, enjoying nature, reading books, going shopping, going to movies etc. And meeting my friends at home, making food with them/for them etc. That is why it is so difficult for me to understand Adam's life style. But for each his own.

Anonymous said...

12:29 oh boy you are so full of yourself.

Anonymous said...

12:45 Hey don't be so judgemental. When I read her comment I could here the song I Believe playing in the background.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:50

Anonymous said...

Your right just because Adam may not enjoy doing the things you like to do, doesn't mean he is not doing what he enjoys. I am happy he is enjoying and living life the way he wants to.

Plus he is very intelligent so I would think he reads, he loves shopping and goes to the movies, I am sure he has seen a sunset or two in his life, so maybe he is not so different.


Anonymous said...

12:50 lol

Anonymous said...

Being diverse is what makes us interesting ....what's the old saying ... wouldn't it be a dull world if we all liked the same thing.....Adams life style makes him happy....I would love it husband would hate it.....understanding and accepting others is a bueatiful thing ....someone really special said .... Free your mind and the ready will follow ..., good advice IMO only....rose petal

Anonymous said...

@11:30 AM A hickey? Is Bridger with him in N.Y?

Anonymous said...

Bridger is someone he is dating, not his boyfriend

Anonymous said...

@11:30 Well no wonder Adam looks tired.. He has been working so hard all night long hopefully with Bridger :D

Anonymous said...

Opps.., free your mind and the rest will follow .,,gonna learn to proofread someday .., I promise ..,,rose petal

Anonymous said...

Is that a hickey, a bruise or a stain?

Anonymous said...

It looks more like a bruise.

Anonymous said...

A fight with Bridger?

Anonymous said...

Why do you guys insist that Adam has a boyfriend (Bridger??)..we do not know anything about his private life..the mark on his neck could be anything...why would someone give him a hickey knowing he is in the public eye and has pics taken all the time??? if someone did..I hope Adam would terminate whatever relationship he has with that person..hope AL is on AI...

Jadam. said...

What a lot of twaddle don't you think if Adam had a "hickey" as you so delicately call it, do you not think he would cover it with makeup.
Also this boyfriend thing where does that come from. There is no evidence whatever. Geesh.

Anonymous said...

Lol it is obviously a hickey. He did have it covered by his buttoned up shirt but the pic we got was him leaving the party late with the collar undone.

Unknown said...

Its definitaly a hickey look up images of one it looks similar to one and who cares who its from he is a grown ass man

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

ok Adam Jacko I'll check out your channel after the kids go to bed and I can relax!!

Anonymous said...

Aren't hickeys for the teenagers?

Anonymous said...

if u are hangin' with MC LYTE u have bound to made it.

Anonymous said...

MADONNA gave him a hickey.

Anonymous said...

@3:33 Adam's love life is on a level of teenager.

Anonymous said...

Well no wonder his relationships don't last.

Anonymous said...

Don't get riled up about a hickey, lol. Adam's said (Pittsburgh interview): "It's kind of a little bit fun to rile people up."

Anonymous said...

Lol dating someone doesn't mean you are in a relationship

Anonymous said...

Lol dating someone doesn't mean you are in a relationship

Unknown said...

Exatly no commitment

Anonymous said...

At 3:33 PM

Yes, hickeys are usually only for teenages, but I think Adam has remained to their level...

Quite embarrassing behavior from over 30 yrs old man. So pathetic...

Unknown said...

Hey teens aint supposed to have hickeys its grown shit

Anonymous said...

OMG, here we go again. The trolls can't resist, people can't resist answering them and the crude and tasteless can't resist leaving crude comments.

BTW, very cool that Adam went to see his very good friend's Broadway musical and that he went backstage and met everybody. The little boy seemed very excited to meet Adam:
Adam Lambert (American Idol's Season 8 Runner-Up) came to Motown and saw my show and I got to meet him. He said I was AMAZING and my singing was ON POINT! Wow, what a compliment! Thanks Adam :)

And then off to a release party for Madonna. I bet that was surreal!

Anonymous said...

4:09 man you are really getting off on the hickey aren't you? Looks like you want to talk about it all night long or something. That def is pervy.

Unknown said...

Lol 4:24 and who cares its adams personal life

Anonymous said...

Let's face it - Bridger would not fit into this A Lister world Adam is living in. Bridger is a WEHO type guy, and he should stay there.

Anonymous said...

FYI, hickey is for everybody who is enjoying it so fuck up to all of you who lives backwards!!

So what if it was a hickey you just jealous because you can't afford one ignorant morons!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lol nobody is more weho than adam. Crashing a couple of party's doesn't make him an a lister.

Anonymous said...

What you people are calling a hickey - in high school, we used to call a sucker bite. It meant that you (the one receiving it) are the sucker, because the one doing it to you didn't respect you enough. It upsets me that anyone would do this to Adam, knowing that he has to go out and face the public every day.

Anonymous said...

Oh brother. Why did I click on comments. Silly me to think it might be about the pictures or Adam getting to see several Broadway plays with friends. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Yea, but Adam don't respect those who respect him, so..

Anonymous said...

The person who did it probably just met adam so he doesn't have feelings for him one way or the other.

Anonymous said...

6:36 dream on !! lol

Anonymous said...

I would love to attend Sir Elton John's pre-Oscar party held every year in WeHo. That would be my ultimate.

Anonymous said...

Really now----hickeys? A discussion of hickeys? Any minute now the Satan Lady is going to show up and declare it's a sign of being possessed by the Devil.

Ah hickeys----I remember how proud I was of my first one!

Anonymous said...

7:59 PM
Are you still proud if you get one? Isn't that i bit teenish?

Anonymous said...

It's just a hickey. I mean we all had them sometimes when we were young. And we all have been drunk. Stupid fans think Adam is having the time of his life just because he is drunk and he has a hickey. Good grief..

Anonymous said...

Talking about equality: If Adam was a 31-year old woman, would you admire "her" life style as much as you seem to admire his?

Anonymous said...

8:21 PM
Exactly. When we were young (about 15-20).

Anonymous said...

@8:21 PM
That may be his idea of having the time of his life. He seems to love it. So, he must be on the top of the happiness right now. And it shows!

Anonymous said...

It is nice to see that fans flail over Adam's hickey and being drunk. Many are like "awwww, how sweet" and "yeah Adam" "go Adam". Adam must be happy to get so much support.

Anonymous said...

8:46PM I'm not sure. To me it looks like he could be taking meds and they're not suitable.

Anonymous said...

This thread went off the deep end way up the line. Whoa. I don't think that the kind of parties Adam's been attending are the kind you can crash.

DRG (hickeys, oh please, LOL)

Anonymous said...

8:50PM They are not supportive fans. I think those fans are the control freaks.

Anonymous said...

Hickeys are called love bites where I live.

Anonymous said...

YO! Someone loved biting Adam's neck. Can you blame them?? ;-D

Anonymous said...

9:26 PM
And "sucker bites" where I live.

Anonymous said...

@9:26 PM

Nothing to do with "love", but lust.

Anonymous said...

I live in Europe and I'm familiar with the love bite. Never heard of hickey before.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again! Darn give the guy a break.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe what you girls talk about. Hickeys? We're not his what if he's tired. Maybe he just had a drink! Oh no not that!

Anonymous said...

The "not so young" cray fans on twitter are still flailing about the hickey. I really don't get why they are so excited about it.

Anonymous said...

You can't see anything in tonight's pics so maybe that wasn't a hickey but rather an irritation from his collar or a shadow in the photo. DRG is right, Adam has been at some very exclusive parties and backstage this week. Why do these posts always have to deteriorate into this garbage? Why can't we just enjoy the pics of Adam on the red carpet or with Broadway performers?

Anonymous said...

That was pretty giant for a hickey. I think some kind of irritation is more likey but obviously it's more fun for some people to speculate or tweet Adam about it.

Anonymous said...

If some of you are so disappointed and uninterested then piss off. Adam is obviously not going to change his life to please you so stop ruining these threads and go support someone else who lives they way you think they should live. Its that simple.

Anonymous said...

Some of you really know how to cause trouble. I'm starting to wonder if Adam is the acting like a child or if it's you. It's not that deep.

Anonymous said...

Gosh. Adam gets told off for everything these days and not by the media. By his fans. It's pointless having these fans when all they care about is a hicky, if that's what it was. Honestly you guys need therapists if you are that obsessed with a singer.

Anonymous said...

For a brief time last night I was afraid that the words Adam and hickey were going to trend on twitter. Thnx God no. It is a pretty juvenile obsession.

Adam is "between potential life partners" at the moment (being facetious with that term btw). You have to kiss a lot of frogs etc. I prefer to see this as Adam searching for the next big thing in his life. :)

Anonymous said...

Good point. Somehow I personally think not. The fascination would be so different.
Yep, if fans can't take the Adam heat then it's time to follow someone else for sure. Adam will not change his 'lifestyle', nor should he. His sincere and out there and that's refreshingly beautiful.I

Anonymous said...

The 'not so young cray fans' need to over it.

Anonymous said...

Adam def has access to make up that would cover this bruise if he wanted to. Let's give it a rest. And those of you who assume everyone has been drunk at some time in their life are off base as well. I have never been drunk and neither have any of my close friends, I'm past 60 now and if anything might drive me to drink some of the comments on this blog might do it. Any day now.

Anonymous said...

just maybe a girl gave him that hickey and he aint tellin' no damn body.

Anonymous said...

Yea, most times the older fans are the most embarrassing. Now being like proud moms that their Adam's got a hickey. They are most interested when Adam is getting laid. I feel sorry for their kids.

Anonymous said...

Lol, when the kids find out their mommy is writing porn fics of Adam.

Anonymous said...

8:45 AM
I've noticed the same. The older women flail how wonderful, lovely etc. it is that Adam has a hickey, wow! And they try to solve the problem what time he got it (after MDNA after party or...?) and then the most important question: WHO did it? I know that they are just having fun, but I just don't get it. (And I am not young myself any more, lol).

Anonymous said...

Has anybody checked his twitter or instagram for a new follow???? Maybe a guy in new york that is young cuz of the hickey?? lolol How do we check his twitter or instagram activity?

Unknown said...

WOW I DONT LIKE THESE "FANS" Imma go to a real fan club

Anonymous said...

Some of you guys here are like voyeurs, obsessed with "peaking" at Adam's personal life and then critiquing everything he does as if you have some kind of private knowledge regarding who he is dating, how long, what kind of relationship it is, etc. When it comes right down to it you know no more than what he tells us in twitter or in his interviews.