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VIDEOS: Adam Lambert Performances at Pittsburgh Pride!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, June 15, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, June 15, 2013


Anonymous said...

He has the best man legs ever. His body is looking GOOD!!!

Anonymous said...

He definitely does not need back-up singers.

Anonymous said...

So glad to see Adam up on stage and singing with his beloved band.
It's been a long time waiting. We want more.

Anonymous said...

Adam is in top form and his special synergy is bouncing off him. The band needs a bit of variation otherwise the same banging mesh of sounds can be quite monotonous if it goes on for an hour and a half. That was how I felt, a little, at the live Trespassing concert. I heard the beautiful Shout Shout sound check. He did some stylistic wails...a more energised version than the one I heard live. Adam's outfit is nice and yea legs apart, one on the speaker is sexy; and those stretched pants fit his legs!


Anonymous said...

On a u-stream site, they were surprised he left the stage without any goodbyes or thank you for coming. But it was 11:00 pm and their time was up. They started an hour late also, so they did an hour show. I heard it was very up beat nothing slow. I am not sure if I have ever seen Adam wear a watch, I have looked for that over the last 4 years, strange. I think Adam was in top form, hope this gets his juices flowing to create some new music, the natives are getting restless. LOL

Anonymous said...

C'mon lammy you can say legs one more time, can't you? we all know he has them. lol

Anonymous said...

He knows how to entertain the audience and he is worth every penny indeed!!:)

Just amazing voice!!:)


Anonymous said...

beautiful concert, I was there. It was a long evening with much entertainment. Joe M was very good. Adam's set was just the right amount of time. It was refreshing to hear a live band and Adam also had a backup singing track. It was packed with a party fun crowd. So glad I had the opportunity to go. Oh Adam looked fabulous but he is very thin.

Anonymous said...

This is just for you.....legs legs oooh-la-la legs!! lol!

It's not usual for him to just leave the stage. At our Trespassing concert he came back on stage twice for 2 encores. Could have been a time factor.


Anonymous said...

JAK's pushing 2:00 a.m. here and I'm so glad I stayed up till these vids came in. This was a ROCK performance.....I loved it! No dancers, no back up....not a pop performance.....rock! I really believe shows like this is what the most of the people want from him. An occasional ballad....even rockers throw in a ballad or two.

And the pants, oh my..........he sang well too! ^o^

Anonymous said...

Setlist, please somebody?!!

Anonymous said...

What I have read many fans were disappointed to this concert. Maybe cause they have seen better ones.

Anonymous said...

I saw this tweet with setlist

Very short one and concert should have last 90 minutes??`

Anonymous said...

Thank you to the posters of vids so quickly! I hope there will be even more. Adam sounded great and those dance moves....sexxxyyy! Dancing in those pants, well uh, made it more sexy LOL! I read many tweets from Glamberts and they were ecstatic, dancing, screaming, sure did not sound disappointed to me. I think, once again, there was a time factor and that might be why he didn't banter back and forth with the audience like he does sometimes. His presence on stage, vocals and dancing is sure enough for me!


Anonymous said...

Too bad that apparently the rain made the show start late and made it end early. That sort of thing ticks people off. They thought they'd see a full 90 minutes. When this happens, a short explanation from the singer or the management beforehand would make people a little more understanding. I'm sure he did a great show, however short, but to some people, esp. those who are not his main fans, it seems like he wasn't giving 100%, which isn't true. Is he doing a full set in Orlando, with full band? Back-ups? I'm assuming he will have the full entourage in San Diego, which is where I'll be.
I can't open vids here. I guess my computer doesn't open that format. Thanks to all!


Anonymous said...

Well I was there & was a little disappointed to be honest. Not in anything w his actual performane cuz he's just otherworldly. But I spent a lot of money & time to be there and stood around for about 4 hours. I ended up leaving the front area cuz it was too crowded but I had an unobstructed view. He started at 10 & abruptly quit @11:15. No thank u or anything. It was kind of bizarre considering he flew across the country to be there. Anyway I also thought the many near naked gay men was a little much. I went out of my comfort zone to be there just wish he had sung a few more songs & ended more considerately.

Anonymous said...

7:43 It is strange that he didn't end the show with a simple thank you. It's not like him. It's things like that that can leave a bad taste in people's mouths even if the show itself was great. I did see a few of the vids on another site that worked for me and he looked and sounded fantastic. Just a few more songs would have satisfied people. I wonder if time contraints kept it short, although for a show like this, I rather doubt it. In any case, an explanation would have helped.


Anonymous said...

I was so excited to come here today hoping to read all the great reviews , of last nights concert. So far on this and one other site all I've read is complaints , well not all but a lot of complaints. Not sure what to think, hoping most there had a good time .

Anonymous said...

I guess we have to remember that this was a festival with several, not just Adam. He wasn't going to sing a huge long set.

Anonymous said...

I guess people have to remember that this was not an Adam Lambert concert. He was just part of the activities for this Pride festival. According to reports, the rain played havoc with the concert time and Adam could not do anything about that. Someone will always have a complaint about Adam and his performances. Others just can't get enough of him. For those of us who follow him on this blogsite to watch all the vids from concerts and appearances this past year, yes, we would like some new songs in his setlist. Yes, we want new music and that will come in time. I just love watching him because he does seem to be enjoying himself and having a good time on stage. I think he surprises himself sometimes with those sexy dance moves and we can see him laugh about it. Maybe this wasn't his best concert, but it was certainly good to see him perform again.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:21 AM
But wasn't it meant to be a 90 minutes concert? It was advertised that he will perform 90 minutes. I understand if people were upset if no one explained why the concert was shortened. And he left the stage without saying "thanks" or "bye"? Weird, that would not have taken much time to say those words.

Anonymous said...

Don't mean to be rude or unkind, but... Some fans are just showing their age and lack of (recent) experience what's it like to go to a big happening and especially to a Pride event...

In big happenings
- you're always waiting for hours
- it's always crowded in the front
- your view is most often blocked, at least some of the time
- not getting exactly what you were waiting for (schedule, equipment, weather etc. problems)
- too much expectations can bring you to sort of an anti-climax...

But to think that near naked gay men are a bit too much... Gurl, maybe you should have stayed at home or at least prepared yourself a bit more... It was Pride!!!

And I feel sorry for myself for not being able to be there!!!

Anonymous said...

Just from the videos I would say it was a great concert. I missed seeing Adam and the band. Things happen at concerts, rain delays etc. You just have to deal with stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

My daughter and I were at the concert last night and it was great! It may have been cut a little short but his performance more than made up for it. He also did say thank you at the end- we have it on video. I think sometimes people's expectations are so high that they will never be satisfied. The crowd was a little crazy but that's all part of the fun!

Adamluv said...

@1:45 - amen to your comments! . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

I agree that for those who have never gone to a Pride event, it might have been a bit of a surprise to see scantily clad men, and women, (and a few naked ones...) walking around. Having been to a few Pride events myself (Seattle Pride Fest and Parade) in the past few years, I can say that just about anything is possible. Some advice to those going to any Pride event: Enter with an open mind... :))) Kinda like going back to the 60's just a little bit: Peace, Love and Rock & Roll. And a whole lotta fun!

Also, this was an Adam Lambert concert event, and unless there are assigned seats, fully expect the area closest to the stage to be very very crowded and sardine-like. Because being close to Adam while he's performing is really an amazing experience, and being close is like a little bit of heaven, as long as you aren't short (like I am..) or claustrophobic...If its a "general admission" concert, expect to stand in line for hours (bring a folding chair) if you have hopes of being close to the stage. You'll get to know those other fans around you REALLY well....At the Seattle Sodo GNT in 2010 I kept accidentally grabbing the a** of the (cute) guy in front of me because we were packed in the front rows so tightly that I couldn't raise my arm without touching him sort of inappropriately. I kept apologizing and he just laughed.... And by the end of the evening, standing through an opening act and then Adam's set (which seems to last about 10 minutes even tho its much longer than that.....and you want it to last FOREVAHHHH!!!!! ), you are hot, sweaty, you can't feel your feet (especially if you decided to wear 4 inch heels, thinking it would make you taller so you can see over those 6 footers directly in front of you ....HA!), tired, but hot damn!!!! You're ready to do it again the next day if the opportunity comes up........................ Because it's Adam Lambert we're talking about here.. I much prefer assigned seating (even tho "seating" when speaking of the actual performance is an oxymoron: Everyone stands..) but you do what you have to see and hear him sing just one more time............................

From what I hear, the rain was the big problem at this Pride event, delayed the start of Adam's set, and there was most likely a specific "end" time that had to be honored for his part of the evening. And he did say thanks and goodbye to the audience apparently. We're never ready to say goodbye to Adam....

Can hardly wait to say "Hello" to him again... thankfully soon, in San Diego!