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Adam Lambert OFFICIALLY Joining GLEE!!!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Anonymous said...

My nerves are effing shot following AFL.

Anonymous said...

damn I don't think there was one whisper of a leak on this one.

tea said...

It did come out of left field. Well kept secret.

I guess this means no Idol Judge.

Anonymous said...

Yay! A new direction and a pretty major milestone/breakhrough for Adam. I don't watch Glee, not my cup of tea but now I'll watch every episode that he is on. It might just be Adam's stepping boulder onto the big silver screen. I was wondering why he seemed so happy lately and said he has a great internal compass; yes the compass led him to another treasure cave, not the Ali Baba one. This password is: Open Glee! lol!


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Great news to hear. I guess he will be in the NYC sequences with Rachel and friends. I hope that they don't typecast him as a gay character. At least we will be able to hear Adam perform. I don't care what songs he sings as long as he sings each week he is on. No details yet so we don't know how many episodes he will be in. Even if it is only a few, that is terrific to hear. They're probably filming the new season some time soon so there is still a possibility that Adam could be a judge on Idol since they don't really start into October or November with the panel.

Anonymous said...

Well, this news certainly made my evening. What a great way to end this miserably hot, humid day here in NJ. I have been a fan of GLEE from the beginning, but have backed off somewhat from watching the show. I guess I just lost interest esp. in some of the silly, unrealistic plot lines. Adam Lambert will bring me back and I can't wait to see the kind of role he will play and the number of episodes he will be in.

tea said...

Eber tweeted Adam
Miles Tougeaux ‏@milestougeaux 51s

@adamlambert this isn't another one of those singing shows is it?

Anonymous said...

Saw a pic of him walking with his carry on. May be he was setting it up, while he was in NY recently.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for Adam! This is truly a great career decision. AI is not happening as it is a sinking ship and I will not be watching. But Glee is still hot and I have never quit watching it. Adam will have so much exposure and his talent, looks, personality and brilliance will shine through on TV each week! What a day to be a fan of the best artist of my life! I love Ryan Murphy for giving us such great news. Very excited!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we will hear anything from Adam on Twitter about his role on Glee. Haven't heard or read much since July 4th so maybe they had to work out all the details before Murphy made the announcement. It should bring more viewers to the show and we will have a chance to hear Adam perform and maybe renew some interest in his music and albums.

Anonymous said...

Well, this news certainly made my evening. What a great way to end this miserably hot, humid day here in NJ. I have been a fan of GLEE from the beginning, but have backed off somewhat from watching the show. I guess I just lost interest esp. in some of the silly, unrealistic plot lines. Adam Lambert will bring me back and I can't wait to see the kind of role he will play and the number of episodes he will be in.

Anonymous said...

8:02 Adam has tweeted it already.

Adamluv said...

@Adam Jacko - Love your comment. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Will we finally say "goodbye" to Melvin?

Anonymous said...

"...joining the cast of Glee..." suggests to me it's a pretty long term scenario, like a regular character for the series, oooh-la-la!


Anonymous said...

Might be where this idea of an 80"s album or songs came in.

Unknown said...

Thanks adam-luv and by the way Im on life support now ill be okay ;)lol

Anonymous said...

Oh no, poor sinking ship is going to sink further...Adam would you have time to do some damage did cause the leak, you know. lol!


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear this news about Adam on Glee. I wonder if it will be a recurring role or a few guest shots? Since Glee comes back in mid September, I guess they will be shooting soon for the new season. But we don't exactly know when Adam will appear or any of the details about his character yet. So many rumors and speculation lately about Adam's career, that this just came out of the blue without a hint of any connection to the show.

Anonymous said...

Hmm Glee has been getting quite a number of awards as a tv series and the characters portrayed. Yes this might just be Adam's first potential major award avenue. :)


Anonymous said...

Ok! Now that I have picked myself up off the floor, I think I have enough breath left to type. Whoa! What news! I wonder how long he's known this? This changes so much. It's TV exposure on a still-popular show on a major network. It sounds like it's a real continuing role, not just a guest appearance. At least that's how it looks to me. This makes the Idol thing kind of a moot point. Looks like he'll be busy doing something else. Yay! As for a new album, touring, etc., being on this show should really raise his visibilitya and ALLOW PEOPLE TO HEAR HIM SING!!!!! People who haven't ever heard him sing or who haven't heard him sing in a long time. Good exposure that could help lead into a successful album. Remember he said he auditioned for Glee way back when the show started. He didn't get the job. But things have sure changed.

Adam should be tweeting about this pretty soon, right? Wonder if the beard and 'stache will go. Kinda hope so. Well, I will fall asleep with a smile on my face tonight! He sure has been keeping this a secret.


tea said...

There was talk about this, how did we all miss it?

Anonymous said...

I don't know whether to be glad or not. I personally felt Glee was a sinking ship. I'm telling myself it will be a new audience for him which will give him a boost. I'm wishing hard that's true. I would prefer to see him play himself on the show.

tea said...

The article I just posted was from 2009.

Anne Marie said...

He might have left for NYC, saw him walking with his carry on, possibly to the airport. The papps will be after him now for sure.

Anonymous said...

When he tried out for Glee before, didn't they say he looked too old for high school. So may be he will be in college now LOL His dad will be proud, because he only attended college for 5 weeks after high school. Loved his dad's tweet, about " is this another singing show?"

Anonymous said...

so to all the negative remarks about Adam the last couple of days HOW DO YOU LIKE HIM NOW>

Anonymous said...

Floats like a butterfly
Stings like a bee
No time to sit under
The yum-yum tree
Cuz he's joining Glee
One two three!


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing Adam will be in New York with Rachel and Kurt. That way he can be an adult maybe working with NYADA. And hope he gets many chances to show the audience his amazing voice! I've enjoyed Glee from the beginning. Having 3 granddaughters, I think Glee has done an amazing job handling some difficult scenarios about kids and their challenges. I think Adam will be a wonderful addition. Hope he gets several episodes and gets to SING!!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here......Well we've been wishing to hear him sing with a female with a strong voice.....Lea definitely qualifies and it doesn't hurt that she's been a Glambert for quite awhile.
Good job secret keeping Adam! I am anxious to see how this all unfolds......I haven't watched Glee since first year......
I guess I'll have a lot of catching up to do.....I don't know a lot of the new characters. Adam, I'm sure to recognize!

glitzylady said...

One of the first things that came to mind after hearing this FABULOUS news about ADAM BEING ON GLEE!!!! was: could this have been the source of the rumored "Covers" album??? Hmmmmmmm........Glee does nothing but covers (and VERY WELL I might add....) so I would assume Adam will be singing some covers...And Glee puts out new albums regularly with all of the covers they do on each episode of the season, and they sell massively..., so perhaps an Adam Lambert Does Glee Covers album... And certainly inclusion on the Glee albums as well. ... I KNOW people would buy it.. Because Glee sells.....

HUGE opportunity for Adam to GREATLY expand his fan base, his worldwide star factor, his younger fan base...,....SOOOO much awesomeness to contemplate. And this will undoubtedly take Adam to that next level of success and celebrity. Not to mention help to pay the bills.. His biggest break since appearing on Idol.




Anonymous said...

Where is this pic of Adam with his carry-on?

Anonymous said...

Adam said he had stuff he wasn't telling :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

8:25 Glee is not a sinking ship it wasn't just renewed for this season but a few more on top of that. I guess Adam was looking for a job in NYC and guess what he found. I will be anxious to hear all the details I am hoping for a on and off role for him.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert on glee?im happy for him; next hes one of the american idol judge;

Anonymous said...

Awe I am so happy that Adam will be back in front of my television set. I can't wait to hear Mr. blue eyes sing and act. Hope this helps with bringing some new fans too. So when Album three comes out we can see him tour again. Really miss seeing him live!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam was so happy at his last concert in San Diego. This was the news he was hiding! LOL I think it's wonderful he's going to be added to the cast of Glee. Didn't say it was a "guest appearance!" Yes! Yes!! I'm so happy for him!

glitzylady said...

AND a big boost for Adam's albums: For Your Entertainment AND Trespassing. Probably as we speak, and throughout the Glee season.

HK fan said...

spend few hours away from the computer and come back to this excited, my stomachs doing somersaults...This news seems to have come out of nowhere.

But speculation that his vine that got deleted was him trying to say something

@inscrutable7: OMG RT @jadis11: GUYS, do you remember that Gum, Listerine, Eggs, something Vine? Was he spelling GLEE for us???

Me and my youngest like to watch Glee together....don't think I'll tell her..will wait and see if she notices!!!
I assume he will be in NY, maybe something to do with Funny Girl with Lea Michelle, the lead male or the director or something...

HK fan said...

ツCourtneyyy. ‏@ItsCourtneyyxx 58s
Gum..Listerine..Eggs..Lana Del Rey aka Elizabeth. Spells Glee. I see you @adamlambert I see youuuuu. ;)

Anonymous said...

The last part of the deleted vine was "Lana del Ray." No, Adam does not send us secret messages!

HK fan said...

HK fan said...

ChrisColferSavedMe ‏@colfertweets

ChrisColferSavedMe ‏@colfertweets
Jesus I need to calm down.

ChrisColferSavedMe ‏@colfertweets
I just want him to sing all his songs on Glee they’re all so perfect okay adam lambert song marathon time

ChrisColferSavedMe ‏@colfertweets

literally if you’re not excited for Adam Lambert to be joining glee you need help. He’s a god.

carolynj said...

Wow. I'm soooo happy for him. He has often said that he enjoys new challenges and would like to try TV or cinema. Now this--what an opportunity! I think he is a very hard-working performer and this surprise just shows us anxious fans the talks and deals going on that we have no idea about it.

Anonymous said...

9:38 how right you are, this has probably been in the making for months. Adam's nerves have to be shot too.

Anonymous said...

Chris Colfer has crush on Adam. Yay! I see tons of fanfictions!

Anonymous said...

This is great I can go to be happy!!!!!!!


leilani Aloha said...

Wow! Nice surprise!!!:)
YeS! happy! happy! happy me!:) Dancing w/joy! LOL

Anonymous said...

9:52 lol

Anonymous said...

9:52 lol

Anonymous said...

Do you guys know his pictures will be on cities' billboards? And he'll be on TV. OMG, best news ever!

glitzylady said...

And here's one more ***interesting*** thing to consider:

Adam is going to be on TV, on Glee.

Dr. Brian May of Queen said recently that there may be another Queen/Adam Lambert reprise "probably on TV..".

So hmmmmmmm.....wonder if that might just mean: Adam singing with Queen on Glee. Maybe, maybe not..but I love to contemplate THAT thought!!!!!

ANYTHING is possible! WooHoo!!!! :)))

Anonymous said...

glitzylady - Orrrrrr it might just mean that Adam will be on Glee AND do a mini concert on TV with Queen!!! That would be even more awesome!!!! SO much to be excited about! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Very, very happy for Adam. This is exactly what I thought he was trying to get. Being on this show is a nice shot in the arm for him.

Anonymous said...

Next time Adam says he has things he's not talking about maybe some will believe him.

Great opportunity to gain a lot of new fans in a young demographic.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:03 PM
That too...and as you say: even more awesome!!! And perhaps both :)) Doesn't hurt to dream, right??!! Loving the possibilities........

Anonymous said...

Take that you gloomie doomie's, so excited. Was sick of hearing all the nonsense going on last couple of days and then this wonderful news. I always had faith in Adam remarkable and as I said earlier he will be in this business for years one way or the other. This is wonderful news it will help on so many directions. Help his albs already out, any one in the future, is status Hollywood hopefully lead to more and more opportunities. It's gonna get his face out there really help is music and star status. I never been happier I was depressed this helps me even feel better physically. Yea, KA fans who been trashing Adam take that. Don't mean to be mean but all the negativity, mr. lambert can keep a secret. So, thrilled I can bundle under the covers with my little dog and rest easy tonight, that's how much I care for this man. I beyond happy for him, yea!!!! Sue

Anonymous said...

OMG! I've been away for hours and come back and see THIS ? This is such fantastic news Adam!!! It doesn't say "guest appearance" it says "joining Glee". Squeeeeeeee

Oh I hope we get to see him regularly and hear the VOICE! What a great opportunity for Adam. It's was the best kept secret so far! He's wanted this for a long time and he so deserves a good break. I think this may be it ( well this and fronting Queen again on TV and touring). We can dream can't we. Oh, and if the Idol Judge gig comes through for him, all the better. Hope he has time to work on album 3 LOL!


Anonymous said...

Heaven answered my prayers!
So excited!!!

HK fan said...

oops, sorry those tweets aren't from Chris Colfer...but a fan, still cool tweets though.

Anonymous said...

Chris Colfer is very versatile and creative. He wrote, produced, and starred in his own movie. Whoa! He has just written another movie not made into film yet; goodness gracious Adam might just secure a part in Chris' next movie; about asylum, quite dark I presume. Adam will get to know Chris a lot better and this kind of connection is invaluable in the movie doubt it may be a small venture, but big things start small. Glee has opened a big door for Adam. But not forgetting Adam holds a little key to the China connection which might appear inconspicuous now. Adam has just stepped into a web of far-reaching maze of doors from the main entrance door of Glee.


Anonymous said...

I've been away too for the whole day from my laptop and feeling low but just before going to bed I opened and this!!!
So thrilled! So excited!!! So happy for Adam!!!
And reading all the comments here I was feeling for all of you how happy we all are for Adam's success.
It got me teary eyed for all of us and for my Adam.
Thank You, I know there is really a God!!!

Anonymous said...

tea and HK, chill out! You are missing little details like dates and names in your excitement, LOL :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so giddy for all of us with this great news. Loving Adam gives me such gut wrench at times, but the jet-propelled roller coaster ride is too thrilling to jump off. With this sweet sip of the Adam juice, am happy to report I am my gleeful self again, and all I see are stars. atm

Anonymous said...

Adam will ROCK everyone!!!:)

Imagine when he shows his big chops!!!:)

Life is good!! I'm so happy for him and for the fans around the world!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Hey Pal! Where have you been? But you're always around for the karate chops. lol!

What "big chops" are you exactly referring to; everything about Adam is big. lol!


Anonymous said...

OMG this is such super news..cannot wait for Sept 19..hope Adam is on that is just so cool

Anonymous said...

Never watched GLEE before, but now I will. I hope this doesn't mean he can't be a judge on Idol, too.

Anonymous said...

I'm still in shock over this as it is so wonderful for Adam and us! I know Adam has more than hinted that we would want to be on the show so I can just imagine his excitement now! This kind of exposure is so great for Adam! His fan base will now include even more younger fans! I think this is a natural step from his last appearance on PLL which was a great success! Everyone will fall in love with Adam when they get to see what he is really like! This is what he needs in the US and he will finally get the chance to display his many talents like he did on DIVAS. Adam is naturally funny and, of course, adorable and charming! I can't wait to see him and hope he will be on every episode! This is so great!!!!!!!

HK fan said...

sorry, I don't understand your comment.
what dates and names???

HK fan said...

apparently Lana Del Rays real name is another E...

Not my idea, just repeating what I've seen on twitter

Anonymous said...

I'm actually speechless

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant idea!!!! Adam has such talent - singing, acting, budding comedy-- that the United States will finally have the chance to see what a wonderful and talented person he is.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Fuck! Now I have to watch this dumb ass show!

Anonymous said...

He can't do Glee and Idol. Even if both shows were in LA, it would be conflicting schedules all the way. He is clearly set in New York, with the Chris Colfer/Lea Michelle story line so it would be impossible.

NVM. This ups his profile so much that Idol will wish they had him, which is always better. Who knows what the future brings?

Looking forward to all the late night and breakfast show interviews, where he will shine.

Anonymous said...

@8:05 PM
I certainly hope so .... maybe for Glee.

Anonymous said...

Well Chris has that right. Adam is a 'God'... when it comes to vocals.
No wonder Adam has kept quiet for so long...and that must have been differcult! A brand new route with great exposure for him not only for the US but internationally too. Maybe now taking Adam into US homes every week people will know him as the brillianto talent he truly is. Thankfully AI went by the wayside! AND as for the 'covers' there'll be plenty of those now. Which every way Adam has to turn to hit that stardom he deserve so be it. One day it'll be Broadway and in a starring role and I plan to be there!

Anonymous said...

Gleeful. :-D

Anonymous said...

6:14, they film the show in LA, not NYC.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they do shoot in LA. They might do some exteriors in NYC, but the major part of Glee is shot in LA. Can't wait to see the role Adam will have and whether it is recurring or just in some of the episodes. It will give the viewing audience a chance to reacquaint themselves with Adam after Idol and hopefully to bring in new fans. What a nice bit of news for the talented, charismatic, personable Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

awwwwww, and here you were looking for something with more exposure. lol
This will be good for building your character.

Anonymous said...

When I recover my ability to form intelligent thoughts I'll be back.... for now sorry my mind is blown.... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Right on, Wheeeeeee!!!

Anonymous said...

Good visibility overseas, too. Glee is a popular show internationally. All good!

Anonymous said...

the super talented Adam Lambert joining the cast of Glee this fall.faints

Anonymous said...

While we were pondering the sound of album three
Adam surprised us all and signed to be on glee .
So will it be from the past , music sure to last
Or will they again set him free,
To bare his soul for you and me.
In the end I just don't care
As long as he is always there ,
To fill my heart and world with song
To lift me up when things go wrong ......rose petal

Anonymous said...

I watched every season of glee, but last year. This is great news, I think Glee has slipped alittle in ratings, Adam being on should fix that lol


Anonymous said...

Glee's shown throughout the world in many countries.

Unknown said...


jackie said...

After all the doom and gloom on this blog lately this has made my day . Wonderful news. Congratulations Adam this will open you up to a new fandom the world over. Yippeeeeeee If anyone deserves this you do. Love you to bits. From a rabid

Anonymous said...

@Adam Jacko
Glad the life support worked !!!..... News like this can be dangerous !!!....oh and u crack me up ....happy adaming....I know that's not a word but it should be.... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Maybe my dream of Adam in Jesus Christ Superstar will come true after all! I can definitely imagine this being performed on Glee! Happiness!!THUD!!!!!!!!!GO ADAM!!!

jackie said...

After all the doom and gloom on this blog lately this has made my day . Wonderful news. Congratulations Adam this will open you up to a new fandom the world over. Yippeeeeeee If anyone deserves this you do. Love you to bits. From a rabid

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:56 My cup runneth over with character. I just hate this damn show. But, I shall watch...

Anonymous said...

rose petal
We might have co-written a ditty unexpectedly. lol! I read my little rhyme and then yours. They flow into each other. lol! Hey not to worry, the deer-head staring at you won't even have the slightest chance to distract you from Adam. I've seen one of these deer-heads and the eyes really stare as if to say: Where's my body, nincompoop! lol! You sound so upbeat.


Anonymous said...

Good lord! My modem goes down for a couple days and BAM!! @ Urethra; yep, character you have in spades! Glad you're willing to take one for the team.
@ Glitzy; you gotta stop with the're going to give me a coronary of happiness, lol!
I hope they have him playing a character and not himself. He needs to prove his acting chops so he can keep soaring. Maybe a teacher (as already suggested) at NYDA and a possible love interest in Lea Michele?!? Hey, if it's working for Neil P. H., why not? That's why it's called acting. All of a sudden, I cant wait for summer to end. Never thought I would EVER say that!

glitzylady said...

You and me both!!! The possibilities for Adam are endless, at least in my dreams :))))))

Unknown said...

I love only adam lambert!!!

Anonymous said...

I need adam lambert, he has great talent, love him:)

Anonymous said...

Adam is the best singer, i aways supported him for the performing with glee. Love adam sang Marry The Night.