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Adam Lambert Shirtless in New (Old) Bali Pictures!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam shirtless! I definitely approve of these pictures! I think it's kind of cute that Adam does not seem to like to pose shirtless. I hope he knows he looks fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Well, it had to happen. I remember this being a long shot. Glamberts now collapsing all over the world! HA! Personally reckon he should cover up for many reasons but also for the mystic.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Adam without layers. And lots of sunscreen :) Cute.

Anonymous said...

That body's reserved for guys not eye dropping females.

Anonymous said...

Adam is loaded with freckles.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So WTF has happened NOW - yesterday I could still see pics and vids, and NOW, N O W.... N O T H I N G!!!!! Aaaaaaarrrrggghhh!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love these pics. Adam totally relaxed. Can't say I don't mind the skin at all. :-)

Anonymous said...

yum frickin yum

(@ second 7:47, ridic thing to say)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, Adam is lookin' fine. Love seeing him just laying there so relaxed soaking up the sun. Nice body need to cover up all the time. LOL!


Anonymous said...

nice pictures but there was a lot of turmoil going on in Adam's life at that time, makes me feel kind of sad. I better look at the pictures a couple more times to help me get over it. lol

Anonymous said...

of all the pics I would LOVE to see, this damn site will not let me..WTF is wrong with this blog?????

HK fan said...

the links for those that can't see up top

Hope this helps.

HK fan said...

missed one

Anonymous said...

Love the pics when he is jet skiing or at the beach-no hair gel! He is so naturally sexy and beautiful .BTW @7:47AM - not many are going to get to see that body up close male or female. No harm in enjoying the pretty!

Anonymous said...

Nothing helps. Anything with the word instagram in it just goes to a log in page. Somebody save it turn it into a jpg and repost please.

Anonymous said...

He is so sexy! I really love the first picture. :)


Anonymous said...

I am loving the first picture the best as well - wonder why.haha. Right now I'm kind of day dreaming of a calendar of such pics of Adam. If that's wrong, I don't even

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, for those of us that cannot see any of these pictures posted on this site, would you, could you please contact the administrator of this site to see if they can do something to help us out. I've read somewhere on this site that you converse somehow with them. Please help us!
With much appreciation and thanks!

Anonymous said...

That's not wrong at all. I love the first picture as well, just dreaming about what I would do if he was lying there in front of me like that! wut..wut.. girl can dream...


Anonymous said...

HK fan, thanks for the instagram links, but they don't work either. When I try to sign up for Instagram, it won't take my email or my password no matter what I do. Hope we solve this picture issue. It's affecting a lot of us. Sounds like Adam is lookin' very sexy!


Anonymous said...

Instagram onlys works in the US?

I live in the US and I can see the pics...

Anonymous said...

ok, I just logged on again and all of a sudden I can see the pictures. I don't know why. I don't know what's changed, but I hope it sticks.


Anonymous said...

DRG - I think the admin added JPG versions for those who couldn't see Instagram.

glitzylady said...

Perfect timing for the Instagram "fix" whatever it was :)) Adam is just so cute in these pics... That's all I'm saying ;))

I'll definitely contact Admins if the problem returns...

Anonymous said...

I'm in Australia and I'm getting these pics just fine, I hope the rest of you manage to sort out your problems with it. Adam looks so sexy in these photos he has a beautiful body, he should be proud to show himself off more often, god he looks gorgeous. These pics are going straight to my desk top so I can dream of Adam, what a darling he is.

carol said...

I can see some of the pictures today but for the last three I have not been able to see any of them. Something is terribly wrong with this site please who ever is in charge, fix it. This is one of my favorite sites but it is very frustrating to have to work so hard to see these pictures. The few that I could see are really great. Thank you>

Anonymous said...

Ou Johnny sure looks likes he wants him some Adam. Step back boy.

Adams shows are way better with out them dancers.

Anonymous said...

LOL eye dropping females always have a shot have no fear

glitzylady said...

I haven't had any problems with seeing pics and vids but noticed something was going on an hour or so ago.. Guessing Admin did some sort of fix at that time...

leilani Aloha said...

Bali! one of my fave place to visit! Coming soon in Sept!

Ha! Ha! Adam's hair is always so so Perfect !!!
He's so adorable & handsome! Ala naturale!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks whoever posted working versions of the pics. So funny Johnny is getting an eye full!!

Anonymous said...

I just love his frecklessssssssss!!!:)


Magiclady said...


Magiclady said...


Anonymous said...

BB looks good,and I Like his freckles too!

Anonymous said...

11:23 & 12:17 I agree and can't get Johnny's drool off the inside of my monitor!

LAL said...


He has a great body, I love to see
him being as open about his body as he is with his life. He once said he used makeup to hide behind. Now he hides behind the mustache and the huge sunglasses that these days cover his beautiful mouth and eyes.
It's a treat to see his dear face Clearly again-- along with more of his fine body!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks great, such a cute face. His body is quite good, does not need all the muscles. He looks better than all of them. Love the freckles! OT even tho I had med problems I look some what younger than my age, so maybe I can squeeze by and love Adam anyway some what longer. He such a handsome man he looks so cute in these pictures! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam has the perfect chest and body. Stay this way always, Adam! You are amazingly sexy! What a great lift for today.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks sexy in his bare skin, great body. His smile is so cute and he appears so relaxed. Nice vacation!

Anonymous said...

Finally seen him shirtless!! lol except when he was painted all green.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you for doing whatever it took to make these pictures available to us all!! I appreciate it so much. Adam is too beautiful to miss for any reason!


Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you for this wonderful gift. I love all the pictures. Adam is breathtakingly gorgeous! But we all know that already. I love his freckles and I now find myself staring at anyone who has freckles and wonder what it's like to see Adam's up close. Is this weird?

Anonymous said...

What is the big deal... He spends half of Crawl Through Fire shirtless.....where ya been??? :)

Leilani Aloha said...

LoL! Johnny's saying " damm Adam your hair looks awesome even in this " Bali High humidity"!!! :):):)