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Adam Lambert's Amazing Quote Goes Viral on Facebook

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, July 25, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, July 25, 2013

Picture by LGBT News:
Adam Lambert. Adam Lambert. ‪#‎AdamLambert‬ ‪#‎Glamberts‬ ‪#‎GlambertNation‬ ‪#‎Glam‬ ‪#‎music‬ ‪#‎Gay‬ ‪#‎LGBT‬ ‪#‎Love‬ ‪#‎Quote‬


Anonymous said...

hey I want to get in on this viral thing, just have to figure out how .

Anonymous said...

By posting this picture on your facebook and sharing it with your friends it goes viral.

Anonymous said...

I went to LGBT News fb. site liked and shared. The numbers really don't look viral to me but glad to do it anyways.

Anne Marie said...

Wish the world would heed this statement, it would be a better place. :)

Anonymous said...

An interesting subject to teach in schools, K--12th grades.

Anonymous said...

It's really nice to be reminded of the hairstyle, sultry look and tee of the guys I went to high school with!............JAK

Fortunately no pack of cigarettes rolled up on shoulder.

Anonymous said...

Love this picture of Adam, looks like he is right out of West Side Story, he would make a great Tony..


Anonymous said...

Hope lots of people see this!!! Facebook and beyond.

Anonymous said...

Think I'll have this put on a t-shirt so I can wear it to picnics with my conservative co- workers ....I just love stiring the pot... rose petal

Couldn't get back till now.... Love your ditty ....I do think we should write one together ....rose petal

Adamluv said...

@rose petal - like your T shirt idea and also about stirring the pot! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I have it tatooed on my shoulder blade.

lorraine said...

This is one of the sexiest pictures of Adam---EVER!!!! That DETAILS shoot was amazing. If I ever saw a guy looking like that walking down my Brooklyn neighborhood when I was a young girl---I would have fallen off my bicycle!

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm not that deep, but all I keep thinking is Adam Looks Really Hot in that Picture!!!!!!!!!!!!thud

Anonymous said...

My BFF's son owns a printing company and does have a line of t-shirts. I wish I could talk him into using this photo of's very retro and might be popular whether the purchaser knew Adam or not....Elvis and James Dean still have appeal and this is very 50's retro. I wonder if you have to get permission to use a likeness? I'll have to check on that.....JAK

HK fan said...

The Details shoot is my favourite shoot ever of Adams too...

lorraine said...

@ HK And to think of all the grief he got {from the guy at OUT magazine} after the DETAILS publication came out! You know, men are very capable of jealousy too,and in my opinion, that is really what it was all about. Adam was so drop-dead gorgeous in all those photographs. I look at them to this day and get carried away. Must be the black and white photography {my favorite,} the contours of his face, how tenderly he's holding the girl,the hauntingly beautiful eyes, the whole presentation...I don't know, it's still the best pictures anyone has ever taken of him!

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine get a hold on yourself, you are beginning to drool! Me too!

glitzylady said...

Adam's quote has been on my Twitter page header since the beginning. It's beautiful and I love him for saying it... It is truly the quintessential "Adam"...

HK fan said...

agree, unfortunately I have never actually seen them in the magazine, what I would give to have a copy of that one...

Anonymous said...

The Details photoshoot was MIND-BLOWING!!!!!!!! :-D