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Interesting Tweet from Someone at the IDOL AUDITIONS today

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 25, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, July 25, 2013


Anonymous said...

I don't think so, if you mean today because he is in LA. If you mean down the road, Maybe.

Anonymous said...

now that is stretching it some don't you think? Funny just the same.

Anonymous said...

omg he probably heard the rumor from me. lol

Anonymous said...

From those earlier in the year news and Seacrest recent interview IMO Idol might have one or two Idols alumn on the judging panel. Will Adam be a judge? We'll find out soonish.

Anonymous said...

That person probably asked the security guard, if Adam was going to be a judge, and he might have answered he might be, is more probable of how the conversation went. I don't know how a security guard would have anything that appears to be top secret for now.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Security Guard, please don't mess with a Glamberts head! You don't realize what you have unleashed..LOL


Anonymous said...

Is the smoke starting???:)

Ryan said something intruiging and hopefully they hired people who has chemistry with each other he!he!

We will see:)


Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant "intriguing"


glitzylady said...

Perhaps the security guard has heard the same rumors we all have for the past months..and was just chatting with the person reporting that. Maybe the security guard is an Adam Lambert fan too :))) and is hoping along with the rest of us. So we'll see....

tea said...

Security guards like to mess with the fans minds. They don't know the answers. They've got to entertain themselves while they are guarding some way.

Anonymous said...

I agree with @11:00 how this went.

Anonymous said...

That security guard probably knows as much about the new Idol judges as you and I do...absolutely nothing. Adam's name does keep popping up in reference to Idol and being a judge, but we won't know anything until an official announcement is made. I'm more interested in finding out what Adam's role will be on GLEE and how often he will appear. The unfortunate death of Cory Monteith has pushed back the schedule and storyline changes that will have to be made. So we may have to wait a while before we get to see him on the show.

Anonymous said...

Whatever the scenario, it's still puts a new flash of excitement into the Idol rumor mill. I'd love to believe that this security guard actually did hear something "in passing" from someone who might really know. I know that's wishful thinking and a long-shot, but I can dream, can't I? LOL. I still have hope that he has a shot.


Anonymous said...

God, I can't type today. DRG

Anonymous said...

I think the panel for Idol will be JHud, Miley, Keith and Adam......that way all the bases are covered!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I also agree with @11:00 how this "rumor" got started. We can hope though! "Patiently waiting " for an announcement :)

Also "patiently waiting" for more details about Adam's role on Glee. :)


Anonymous said...

@GMT that's what I wrote at MJs Blog and I got 29 likes for my comment. The Idol sphere would like this to happen. Probably Adam and also us his fans are sick and tired of this same rumor happening since Cowell left Idol. AI make it happen already!

Anonymous said...

please vote for Brian May

Anonymous said...

HA,HA,HA OK Tarot cards anyone??

Anonymous said...

I think I know how he knew .... Prob his brothers friend's cousin mothers' hairdresser knew a lady who once saw Adam in a play and she told him ....sorry I got up smartass today.... hope the hairdressers friend is right..... rose petal

Anonymous said...

There is zero reason to think Miley is going to be a judge.

I think they could bring back paula, along with Jhud and Keith. I don't think adam at all.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the guard was teasing that he was inside today, but I like your reply rose petal. We don't even know if there are 2 or 4 judges. Ryan has said everything will be changed . Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

I think Miley Cyrus might be a judge on Idol this year...I saw a pic of Ryan, Miley and Kieth together doing an interview at the Grove last week. Plus Ryan and Miley are big buddies...Just wanted to put that out there.

Anonymous said...

I think Miley may be a judge this year too. She has turned up out of the blue. They have been milking her haircut for months now.

Anonymous said...

I just keep wondering what the reasons could possibly be that Adam would not be chosen.

Anonymous said...

I have trouble underdstanding Miley when she speaks. I've tried lip reading, but her teeth get in the way. Hoping she's not a judge.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine our rock god on idol, and now on glee, DWTS will soon follow ( I would love him on that show BTW) All he needs is the so-called circuit prime time shows. Remember how chris brown was on everyone of these shows. When your in your in and all the networks follow like a bunch of sheep lol This will be Adam's year finally , I just know it!!

Anonymous said...

Although I think he would be great, and would start watching the show again, American Idol consistently makes poor choices in the judging dept.. It would be a pleasant surprise, but I'm not holding my breath.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're right @2:00!


Anonymous said...

Adam wouldn't get chosen because he is not successful enough. They want someone with credibility to judge others. Someone who has won awards, sold millions of records. Someone who is either hot now like Nikki minaj or a legend like Mariah. Or maybe a record industry person like Simon. We already know if they want a former idol it will be Jhud

Miley was with Keith and Ryan because she is going to be at the iheart concert. It had nothing to do with idol.

Anonymous said...

They only need one panelist who has sold millions and is a major star. The others can be an industry person, a former contestant or a mid-range star in a key genre.

Last year on Idol and X Factor we learned that major stars can stink at the judging game.

One big-time judge will bring them in. After that, the panel needs to be knowledgeable, witty, invested in the contestants and good at getting along with others. Adam could easily fit one of those spots.

Anonymous said...

2:28 again. No way that security guard knows what's going on.

Anonymous said...

I don't even want adam in d judging panel,I feel his total focus should be on 3rd album,new record label#be a more credible# artist.AI in my opinion is dying project think J-hud.was considered b4 Adam.*sad*

Anonymous said...

@2:16pm. Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson sold millions of records when they got the position on Idol. Right? NOT. Majority of Idol fans are all supportive of having Idol Alumn as judges more specifically Adam.

Anonymous said...

you have to admit that tweet is cute.

Urethra_Franklin said...

"Might be" as in everyone under the moon MIGHT BE...

Anonymous said...

2 47

No, Simon cowell is a music Industry person not a performer. Randy Jackson has been around in many different parts of the industry for a very long time and been involved with many legendary acts. Look at his Wikipedia page if you don't know what he has done.

Anonymous said...

I will believe it when I see it. Held my breath last year until the rumor fizzled and felt terrible afterwards. Will not put myself through that again.

Anonymous said...

2.16 JHuD has not sold millions of records at all, Adam sold several million. Her claim to fame is The A Award. She got one Grammy few years back. She not an international star when was last time concert abroad? NM and MC practically caved the show in ratings the worse ever, they were terrible. They have said they need to go for chemistry over people like that, than just those kind pop stars. Two producer got fired over that awful panel last year, why in hell would the want To repeat that mess, worse ratings ever! They said panel would be different. Adam is an international star and they have him the idol producers, promoting idol in Chin which is doing well. Simon fuller producer American idol is same at china idol they are sure using Adam and his good success in Asia there only one period from idol that has it there. Adam success is rather underrated, and your gonna be real disappointed next couple years, I think Adam gonna have real success. The big deals if NM and MC just about ruined Idol, so sure as RS said the panel will be different. This is an Adam L. Site, not one of those winner as not done as well as Adam site . He most certainly will make appearances on China idol he may be on Idol, may not but he will be on Glee and Vegas televised festival which are both very good for his career which is certainly looking up! Jealousy is not a good thing, whether you realize it or not that's how you sound.

Anonymous said...

2 28
Yes, we'll they are supposed to only have three judges and seem to already have Keith and Jhud. So they have a white male performer and a former idol. I think for the third slot they will go with someone who is not a white, male idol. If adam had been more successful, he could have gotten the Idol slot instead of Jhud.

Anonymous said...

Yes, agree with 2:28.

Anonymous said...

Lol did granny sue wake up from her nap?

Anonymous said...

American Idol is #1 trending on Yahoo right now. It says possible contenders for judge are Jennifer Lopez and

Anonymous said...

JHud fills two requirements, let's face it.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....oh well, now that the suspense of when will the royal baby be born, will it be a princess or a prince and what will they name it.....has been answered.....we need something to be in suspense about. Glamberts are a lot like sharks (wait I'll explain).... They need to keep moving to stay alive......Glamberts need to be anticipating, speculating, fretting, wishin' and a hopin' to stay in a state of excitation !

BTW did they really need another prospective King George?
They have already had six!

Anonymous said...

They may have three judges they may have four, who knows. Let hope they sure do not have any thing like the MC, NM horrid mess again. Don't really care Adam only reason I would ever watch ever. Adam sure as heck is way more successful by a mile than some pass winner's of idol. Looking forward to Glee and the the televised Vegas festival, what a honor for Adam to be asked by such icon's.

Anonymous said...

Wow did young and dumb as stone wake up from hell, good old stupid lol!

Anonymous said...

if nicki minaj can be judge anyone can be judge. Lambert is perfect for the job. He would make the singers step up their game.

Anonymous said...

3.11 troll la lo la lo!!

Anonymous said...

I want all good things for Adam . . .I want him to make big bucks . . . he so deserves it !!!

Anonymous said...

We all know that Adam would make the best judge..however, we all also know that that is not likely to happen..If I lived for one thousand years, I would never understand why he is not extremely successful..he is the BEST, after all..we all know that..but I guess the teeny boppers and the rap addicts are the ones who buy CDs and push their artists to the top..I believe completely that Adam will be around for a long time..he WILL stand the test of addiction of Adam is so acute that when I step outside, I feel amazed that he and I share the warmth from the same sun..crazy isn't it???

Anonymous said...

The hollywood reporter says Jennifer Lopez is their top pick. They are just negotiating money. Likely to be Lopez, Keith, Jhud and possibly will I am. Says they did talk to Adam a couple weeks ago.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who talked to Adam a couple of weeks ago..The Hollywood Reporter" or the PTB at Fox???? could they afford to rehire JLo???

Anonymous said...

The Idol people talked to adam according to the hollywood reporter. But the new producer is not interested in an alum panel and says they need big stars like Lopez.

Lol, exactly what I said

Anonymous said...

JLo said she doesn't want to do it. They approached her but she said no.

Anonymous said...

Well, it seems that the new producers are as stupid as the old producers..isn't there a lyric from a song that goes.."when will they ever learn"??

Anonymous said...

Lol, wrong. Jennifer Lopez is dying to do it. She approached them. She is jjust holding out for more money

Anonymous said...

they p***ed away millions on that skank NM and the diva and still they don't learn...(btw..I like Mariah..but she is a diva of the first order)

Anonymous said...

who the hell actually knows what is happening behind the scenes..JLo acted like she did not want to be a judge any longer..but she is popular, and who knows..I think they need to spend less money on the judges and give the contestants a chance not to be out-shown

Anonymous said...

JLo wants 18 million dollars to return and I didn't even like her critiques on season 10 & 11. Will.I.Am is a great artist but honestly I don't understand a word he says. He will be like Randy Jackson. Love Keith Urban. He was great last season and truly the only one with great critiques. THR only says that Idol approached Adam 2 weeks ago but doesn't say anything else. If they approached Adam IMO he got it. Yes, baby he got it.

Anonymous said...

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Jennifer Lopez, who was a judge for seasons 10 and 11, is at the top of the list. But talks have between producers and Lopez’s people have broken down.

Anonymous said...

IF Adam was approached..he has gone on record saying that he would LOVE to get the I am not keeping my fingers crossed..but, I have to admit that still I hope for a miracle..RS acted like the judges panel as already been chosen..if so..PLEASE announce it already...I am also hoping to hear that Adam has a new record label and new music to record...and hoping that he will score a hit, or two..he needs it, deserves it..and we all want it!!!

Anonymous said...

Lopez might get it if Idol pays her over 18 million and after last year's horrible ratings I think she won't be able to make a deal and get what she wants.

Anonymous said...

Host Ryan Seacrest stopped by the San Francisco cattle-call auditions and revealed in an interview with FOX 411 that the new judges replacing Randy Jackson, Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj (and possibly Keith Urban?) have been chosen.

I think, based on what I have heard, the audience that watches American Idol is going to be very excited about the panel that we've put together for season 13. It's a very special season, and I think you'll see some good chemistry this year."

Sounds like it is a done deal who ever the judges are, they are keeping a tight lip about it.


Anonymous said...

@4:49 PM - can you post a link to this info..I cannot find on THR website.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but they also said they want a big star. So if they can't get Lopez they aren't going to replace her spot with adam. They will go for some other big star

Anonymous said...

Although, THR claims as recently as two weeks ago, sources said talks with season 8 alum, Adam Lambert were still ongoing.

Anonymous said...

Here is the THR article:

Anonymous said...

Adam is a big star. People turn their heads when he is on TV. There are tons of buzz about him on internet with every little thing he does or doesn't. He is interviewers dream. He is got the look and a voice out of this world. I think he got it. Four judges in my opinion. JLo deal didn't go through. From that GMA announcement of iHeart radio. It will be Urban, Cyrus, Adam, and maybe Hudson.

Anonymous said...

If the panel has indeed already been chosen and signed, then the fact that they may have talked with Adam two weeks ago is a moot point...

Anonymous said...

5 05
yes, dear. I know in your world adam is a mega star. But not in the real world where he is someone who just lost his label deal and couldn't even pull together a us tour. No, I am not a kris allen fan LOL

And no one has ever mentioned Miley. Another total fantasy based on nothing

Anonymous said...

I really like Keith he comes across as a very nice guy but I don't agree that he was a great judge.......just okay. I think Adam would be very good......he is quick and speaks well, he is also knowledgable about music.

I would be very surprised if JLo or Will.I.Am are part of judges panel. I read that JLo wanted more than MC got surely they would not be that stupid.


Anonymous said...

@5:14PM. You're not a fan of anyone at all. You're a troll who likes to stir bulls**t.

The fact that every online articles about Adam creates tons of buzz is a testament that he is a mega star.

Anonymous said...

I watched AI last season and while I liked Keith's personality, some of his comments like he just wasn't feeling it when the contestants were singing their hearts out, was lame.
I could not think of anything more boring than watching JHud and Jennifer Lopez! Just don't like them. Too full of themselves.
Randy, Mariah, and Nicki were a horror story! Too many divas who just want to hold court. Adam Lambert has it all and would be a fabulous judge! Look how good he was performing with Angie Miller!
He knows when it's the contestant's turn to shine. Well, that's my 2 cents......nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

oh hell I'll just wait until they announce it. I am more anxious to find out what Adam's role on Glee will be and what songs he will be singing at iheart.

Anonymous said...

Two years from now Adam will be one big star no matter what the same old D downer's say now. He no slacker now. Looks like Adam invited to Fergie's big old star studded A Lister shower with his boss Ryan Murphy, and tons if other stars. Adam on his way up, through Glee and more. Will just see about idol he sure would be a huge improvement over what been there last two years are so, with idol who knows.the fact they been talking to him certainly day's something will see. That shower loaded with A lister's and nice to see his boss Ryan Murphy there too, along with tons more stars and Adam. Love the magazine cover with the big Glee thing on it, there will be more name mag covers to come after Glee gets started. Need to look forward not backward, Adam career is looking up for sure. RS said the panel is set, so there should be no more holding out for money for JLo she got it or not. 5.05 groupe sounds good to me!

Anonymous said...

I liked Jlo but was not sorry to see her go as a judge. She was talented, beautiful but she got on my nerves.I liked Randy and Kieth.

Anonymous said...

Should we trend #AdamLambertIdolJudge so they can see how incredible he is? Let's do it Glamberts. Let's trend #AdamLambertIdolJudge on twitter right now.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why they think the judging panel needs BIG stars. During Idol's best years the panel was made up of people mostly unknown to the general audience, Paula was a "name" but not a big star and her popularity had been years before. They melded into a pretty good panel. I never tuned in to see or hear the judges, I tuned in for the contestants.

Anonymous said...

"Chemistry" is the operative word from Ryan Seacrest. In show biz as in science, when one entity combines with another, there is a transmutation, usually resulting in something sought or desired as outcome, in this case "special". Of all the names put out there who has proved "chemistry" with just about anyone, and is considered "special", Adam would have to be up there as frontrunner. As for the criteria of album sales, this has not been a requirement with any consistency or history. Finally, we shouldn't discount the security guard's words. Though not divulging the discovery as fact, he would not hint as much unless he came upon it while securing and lurking around (how many secrets are leaked). The tweet, crumbs of compassion to hold us for the time being, has more credibility than the recent SH speculations, which is just Fox's way of stirring the pot and feeding the frenzy. This is my crystal ball, tea reading prognostication with cherry on top. atm

HK fan said...

It does not matter how many records you've sold, how many awards you've won, or even how 'big' a star you are, none of that makes you a good judge....
as has been shown by Mariah, Jlo and Britney...

You need to be articulate, able to give honest critique, have a wide knowledge of music, good chemistry with the other judges all of which fits Adam, plus I think it would be a bonus to have someone that has been in the contestants shoes and would be a 'gimmick' that none of the other singing shows have done...

HK fan said...

Mileys name was mentioned as being in the running last year a lot, and has been mentioned this year too...

re the actual topic of this thread....the security guard probably reads the same newspaper articles as we do.....until its announced its all just speculation. saw another tweet from someone saying that David Bowies is the new judge.....we'll know when they decide to tell us.

Just personally hope its not JHud....don't like her, find her attitude really snooty and up herself., and definitely no to Clay Aiken, for ditto reasons.

Anonymous said...

AI wants this whole thing to just dangle in the media till the very last minute. They want to buzz to last as long as possible. They will pick judges that they THINK will be popular and draw in viewers. Last year was a disaster. They want to avert that this year, but the names being mentioned don't do much for me personally. Adam is the best choice, of course, but JLo is just boring to me. She's always tossing her hair and preening all over the place, IMO. JHud doesn't have a good enough personality. I just don't know. As has been said here, just because someone has sold multi-millions of albums, it doesn't mean they're necessaily a good judge. Not by a long shot.


Anonymous said...

To quote my grannie (who never said anything mean about anyone)
JLo was "like taking a bath in honey, sticky sweet".

Anonymous said...

I cannot see how any celeb is worth 18million to be a judge on the Idol panel. That price is uttterly ridiculous. And paying tons of money doesn't mean you will get someone who will be good....just look at the fiasco with Mariah and Nicki Minaj last season. I'm sure Keith Urban didn't get anywhere near the amount of money these two women received. Whoever makes up the new panel, there will be criticism from someone because you can't satisfy all of the people all of the time. But let's focus on the contestants and trying to select the best performer who has a chance to be a success in today's crazy and difficult world of music.

Anonymous said...

jlo-is boring so jennifer hudson- none of them was great except urban keith; oh ai is not good this days with out adam lambert.

glitzylady said...

Matt Carter's take on the latest Idol rumors:

" ‘American Idol’ season 13: Are Adam Lambert, Jennifer Hudson now out of the running?"

It’s possible that if you are a longtime “American Idol” fan and griped about what the biggest problem with the show is these days, you may facepalm so hard in reading this story that you knock yourself onto the floor. The show installs a new executive producer in Per Blankens, and he seems to be interested in focusing on the same problems along with Fox that plagued the show for the past two years: Judges that were unnatural, wooden in their critique, and could not properly relate to the singers.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Jennifer Lopez has (ugh) been in discussions about a return to the panel, though there is a clearly unsurprising hangup in money. J.Lo was paid $15 million or so the last time she was on the show, and there’s no way that her or almost any other judge under the sun is worth that. Keith Urban, meanwhile, seems to still be in talks to return, and we’re all right with that given that he was likable enough, and could do well on a panel that actually likes each other.

To us, there are really two major qualifications, and a judge on this show should have:at least one of them:
1. History in some form as a music producer, that way there is a level of comfort in giving honest opinions.
2. A history with being on some sort of talent competition, where you know a thing or two about going through something like this and can relate. Even Paula Abdul had to do plenty of auditioning in her early years. is a name mentioned in the report, and we’re actually excited somewhat about that prospect. Why? He’s a producer and a very smart guy, and we totally dig his style on “The Voice” UK. With that being said, we doubt he will draw many new viewers, since that show in Britain is hardly a hit.
As for the one-time dream of an all-alumni panel, it seems to be fading away slowly and surely. Adam Lambert was reportedly still in talks two weeks ago, but the rise in some other names cloud his chances; meanwhile, Jennifer Hudson may not even be a lock as much as she once was during the waning days of the Mike Darnell – Nigel Lythgoe era. We almost feel like Fox should have left these people in power if the replacements were just going to go for stars; while these two had their problems, their direction suggested that they were learning from mistakes.

Anonymous said...

@3:22 P.M., Yes, annoying and overrated!!

Anonymous said...

Not only Nigel Lythgoe and Ken Warwick have been fired but also Mike Darnell, chief of reality show on Fox and who offered JHud the judging job, but is now with Warner and is in-chrage now of reality show such as The Voice on NBC..
There's another in-charge of Idol fired but was asked to be around till end of this year, but forgot her name.

Anonymous said...

Please not Keith either. AI needs a fresh new panel. Adam and......

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Oh please! NOT JLo. She was a hopeless AI judge. She was all "I love you", "You know I love you" etc etc etc ad nauseam ad infinitum!!

I like Keith. He was the only sane one last year but I stopped watching the show because I couldn't stand NM, and Randy drove me crazy. I won't watch the show next year unless Adam is a judge.

Anonymous said...

JLo and S Tyler were both terrible judges. They didn't critique at all and she wants to come back for $18 million. That's ridiculous. She doesn't need the money and that's way too many $$$ to be part of the AI panel. I can see I won't be watching the show again unless Adam is a judge or he performs on AI.