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Another Picture from Moonlight Rollerway

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 22, 2013

Posted at : Monday, July 22, 2013

Picture by rhealitre:

Hanging with my boys @adamlambert & @mikemunich @jwujek's birthday party. #happybirthday #johnnywujek #adamlambert #rhealitre #mikemunich #jungle #fever #teamrhea #glambert #madam @realadamlambert


Anonymous said...

those guys go all out for a birthday party.

Anonymous said...

No comment except Adam has never looked better.

Adamluv said...

Wish I could see the picture. Just blank space. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

It is so wonderful to see Adam enjoying his life at gay clubs with all the beautiful boys that adore him and want pics with him.
Real people and real love, just as Adam retweeted not so long ago.

Magiclady said...

Me too! What is going on?

Anonymous said...

You aren't missing much. Drag queens.

Anonymous said...

Adam is gorgeous. Out with the boys a lot now.
He has some time off so he is enjoying himself.

Anonymous said...

In this day and age deliberate stupidity and ignorance should be illegal... educate yourself!

Anonymous said...


Sacha Baron Cohen Exits Freddie Mercury Biopic Over Creative Differences

Anonymous said...

@3pm:Uhhhh...what's there to learn? It's a drag queen. They're a dime a dozen in Adam's world.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Adam ever get tired of the queens? I know I'm sick of seeing them.

Anonymous said...

For those who have problem seeing the pics. Do this: at the end of each thread URL web address add or type this:


Then press the enter key. Hope it helps you to see the pics.
Make sure you don't delete the whole thread web address. You suppose to add the above code right at the end of the thread address.

Anonymous said...

Mike Munich isn't dressed as a drag queen;the other guy is,tho.

Anonymous said...

OT I just got my Aura magazine and I am so glad I got it. I ordered it at the last minute a few weeks ago. Enjoying the pictures now, will read on a nice day under my shade tree.

Anonymous said...

Check out thus gif. Chills or goosies! Adam looks so much like Freddie Mercury.

Anonymous said...

Oh we go....wild speculation of Adam playing Freddie in film! ..... JAK

Anonymous said...

3:00. I am educated. I happen not to particularly care for the drag queen situation. You are stupid and ignorant for not admitting how you really feel and for judging me. I am an Adam fan but pics like these do not help him at all. Admit it!

Anonymous said...

Drag queens are a part of Adam's world. If anyone is upset by the drag pics, scroll on by. The rest of us can enjoy the pics without the wining. Peace to All, nancdruuu2

Urethra_Franklin said...

Oh here we go with this fuckery (5:10) yet again!

Anonymous said...

Admit nothing but These are just a just a very few from the very large amount if Adam L. Friends and admirer's. he has gay friends straight friends, drag Queens, designers celebs of all kinds, just one in many that is his friend or just someone he taking a picture with. Not hurting him one bit. A bigot is not an educated person.

Anonymous said...

Adam seems to likes drag queens. I think he used to dress up when he was with Cheeks? Maybe it was just for Halloween.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam. Do not have to love everything he is into. I accept him for who he is. People need to quit calling people bigots, stupid, and uneducated just because they are not thrilled with something.

HK fan said...


heres the link, maybe you can see it if you copy and paste

Anonymous said...

@2.38 pm
It was actually a birthday party for Johnny wujek , a stylist I think, he was on Americas next top model as creative director.

Anonymous said...

What the heck is wrong with this site, I downloaded latest version of adobe flash player and the pics are still not showing, please correct this.

Leilani Aloha said...

Adam looks FABULOUS!!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to stop trying to be Adams mother. He doesn't need anyone's permission as to whom he can be pictured with. Some people are silly and appear to feel entitled to be Adam's judge. He is fully aware of what he does and will not let himself be boxed in. He knows some people will get turned off but he is not willing to be anything but himself. Those who can't take it have many other artists to choose from. Adam is rare, top quality, real entertainment. I admire him and his choice to be true to himself instead of trying to conform in the name of money, to the more conservative media. He knows he is polarizing. He accepts himself. Gotta love him for that!!

Anonymous said...

If even Adams "fans" comment so negatively, and react in such shock or disgust when they see bits and pieces of his reality, then it is totally understandable why the casual listener/fan gets freaked out. Adam is not for the timid or the narrow minded. I hope he never changes to try and please.anyone. That would be horrible.

Anonymous said...

I doubt there's a chance Adam will change. I accept him the way he is, I just don't dwell on this aspect of his life. To each his own......JAK

Magiclady said...


Adam looks like sexy/cute Adam not Freddie. Although I loved Freddie, I don't think he was ever as sexy as Adam. JMO

Anonymous said...

You are completely correct. If some fans cannot accept him for who he truly is as a person, this surely explains the up hill battle he faces in the US as a mainstream entertainer.


Anonymous said...

I can see jpg. If its an instagram pic in goes right to a instagram log in page. Never did this to two days ago.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I'm glad Sacha has dropped the Freddie role. I guess I'm running away from reality, but I wouldn't go see a movie depicting Freddie's very promiscuous activities. While it might be factual, I can understand Brian and Roger not wanting that to be what Freddie would be remembered for, perhaps they want the film to be more of a tribute than an exposé. A film about the formation of the band and music they wrote, not what went on Underneath!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so good happier than ever. Being single does him well. Also free of RCA.

Anonymous said...

"You aren't missing much. Drag queens" is obviously said with discrimination. You don't have to like all forms of entertainment but your comment reeks of hate based on orientation.

There is more than one person in the pic with Adam. The other person is a dancer/actor/singer who was previously on Glee. He is not a drag queen.

Anonymous said...

The type of Freddie bio-pic that SBC wants to make will be made someday by someone. It may be long after Brian and Roger have passed away or can no longer have a say in the matter. Freddie is too close to their hearts. They lived the Queen experience with him for decades. Freddie's story certainly should not be a white-wash. Anyone who knows anything about Freddie knows that he died of AIDS. The question here is how graphically Freddie's life story should be told. Freddie's sex life, depicted in an R-rated way, would certainly pull in large numbers of viewers. Sexual life stories usually do. I guess Brian and Roger want to preserve some dignity in the story as well. SBC can be very funny and is talented in his own way. But he's generally out for shock value for its own sake. When no one is there to say "no" anymore, I suppose a SBC type Freddie bio will get made. But not yet, if Brian and Roger have anything to say about it.

I can't figure out how some long-time fans of Adam still seem to have a problem with pictures of him with guys in drag. There have been many. It's part of Adam's life. He knows that what he does gets seen. He chooses not to hide it. Doesn't bother me.


Anonymous said...

For those of you who can't see pics, have you deleted your browsing history and then restarted your computer?

Anonymous said...

Adam is stunning.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks REALLY stunning! Of course. Adore him, forever!

Anonymous said...

I have no qualms about men in drag but however I do admit I don't understand it. It looks like that guy came to the party dressed like that, not to entertain. The other guys seem OK with it though.

Anonymous said...

Freddie didn't live an R-rated sex life, he lived an XXX-rated sex life. I don't think that story ever needs to be told.

Anonymous said...

I hope this blank picture problem gets straightened out soon. I use my laptop, but have my iPad close by. When I hit a blank...I look up the thread on iPad to see the picture! Really weird....JAK
Wait a sec....I mean the situation is weird, not me!!! But then again, I guess I could qualify for weird status. ^o^

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with saying we don't like something whether it is Adam's work or someone else's. We shouldn't just be robots or bobble heads. We can still be fans of Adam's but not agree with everything he says or does. He understands that.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam so much. Being his fan has made me much more accepting of different lifstyles and eager to learn about the gay lifestyle. I used to be less tolerant and kinda judgmental until I fell in love with this remarkable man. I'm ashamed to admit this. The really difficult and heartbreaking part is that All my friends, coworkers, and family all feel the way I used to. I have absolutely no one I can go up to or call up when there is Adam news. I can't call Any of my radio stations to request Adam's music because they All flat out say they will not play his music. I know the LGBT community has made some major progress and that makes me so happy, but there is still So much intolerance, prejudice, unfairness, and closedmindedness. That's why I come here, social media, to see and read the love and support and excitement over this gifted and talented performer. Adam has taught me alot. I really wish more people were receptive to him. All the positive, encouraging, and loving fans are truly inspiring. I count on your positive posts more than you all realize. Thank you for your love and acceptance, and thanks for being available for me to vent to.

Anonymous said...

That's why many of us are here, our families don't want to hear another word about Adam. I burned my family out the first year so finding this blog was my outlet to talk about him. -o-

Anonymous said...

This is why Adam CANNOT be mainstream (or boring) or the cutesy boy next door image. Adam is Adam and beautifully so. His gay and wonderfully proud! This is why the US have held him back because people are STILL so homophobic.

Anonymous said...

A good week in WeHo would enlighten. It's such a awesome place.

Anonymous said...

Adam is out the box and that's what makes him a unique treasure. Love to see Adam having fun amongst friends and fans.

Anonymous said...

I would love to experience WeHo but I live in South Texas. Hopefully someday.

Anonymous said...

I love the family feel here. Yes, sometimes a little dysfunctional, but what family isn't. Most of us are here because of our love for Adam. He is our glue. He holds us together. He knows some of us get a little crazy sometimes, but he loves us anyway. You can see the love for us in his performances, and he is always quick to defend us and to gush over us i interviews. Love him as he is. He is just right.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:37 PM
I agree: I've spent a little time here and there in West Hollywood in the last year, during a couple of trips to LA, and I love it. Seriously.

Before I went to San Diego for Adam's show a few weeks ago, a couple of friends and I stopped off in LA first, & spent some quality time (2 non-stop days) in WeHo. Stayed in a very rock-star/Hollywood/music community oriented hotel, in the general neighborhood of a certain rockstar we know and love. Went to an excellent (LA Times recommended an applauded) play at an intimate venue that the multi-talented Terrance Spencer was in as an actor, which dealt with serious GLBT themes. Had dinner at The Abbey (the gay bar & restaurant that the above mentioned rockstar occasionally graces with his presence ...and who was out of town at that time...).... And did some Hollywood-ish things as well: Shopped and "people watched" at The Grove (spotted Judith Hill from The Voice walking by, and who knows who else...), walked Hollywood Blvd,... Of course many of us (some from this blog) met up at the Brass Rail gay bar in San Diego for a night of fun before the SD concert.

I also just went to a fabulous celebrity impersonator show in Seattle this past weekend where all of the "Divas" are men in drag....And look amazing! Part of the show is spent highlighting people from the audience who were there celebrating special occasions, particularly weddings..Several of those celebrating their "stag parties" were both men and women who were marrying their same sex partners, something we in WA State can do these days. Loved seeing such a diverse group of people in the same place, having fun and cheering for those who finally have the option of marrying their matter what their orientation.

It's all in how you look at it...You can accept and enjoy the differences...or you can take a pass. Personal choice, no judgement meant. But you may just be missing out on meeting some new and interesting people...and maybe some new friends along the way...

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:52 PM
I truly hope that one day you have the chance to meet at least one other person that feels the same way you do about Adam. I've been blessed to meet some amazing people along the way in the time since I first saw Adam on Idol 4 years ago... And we've become close personal friends, not just because we do "Adam" things together (we do of course!) but we also chat via email, visit each other, travel together: because we genuinely like each other. Some "Adam friends" and I just spent the weekend in Seattle (near me..) to hang out and eventually go to the Bruno Mars concert last night (AMAZING and WOW! by the way...I recommend it highly). We first met on a blog before the GlamNation tour.. We took that first GIANT step and agreed to meet for the Seattle Sodo GNT, then I met some peeps from this blog at the Puyallup GNT, I traveled to Canada by myself (which was something I wouldn't have thought of doing before that...not because I couldn't, but just never had a reason to do so: Until Adam came along and rocked my world just a little more than it ALREADY rocks..) to see Adam before the GNT's at River Rock...and have since traveled to several events over the past few years with my new friends. My husband is an Adam fan and goes to Adam concerts too, but wisely stays home when I go on a "girl trip"... He likes my new friends BTW and we sometimes get the husbands together (we try to keep the Adam discussion to a minimum in the presence of the significant others...for the most part anyway...We do slip into Adam flail once in awhile tho..).

So, I'm hoping you can perhaps find someone to do that with too, if you are able. And if that isn't possible, then please do come here and post and flail with us....... And if you feel so inclined, make up a "tag" so we can continue the conversation..... I love knowing who I'm chatting (and cheering Adam on) with!..

Anonymous said...

Adam looked happy in a relationship also. He is a happy person!

Anonymous said...

9:52, I really appreciate your honesty and self-awareness. I amazed by the number of fans who say they used to be prejudiced or unaware of LGBT issues or judgmental but now they are not and it's like they want an award for being Woohoo! I'm not prejudiced any more, yay me! I can't figure out why they aren't embarrassed or ashamed of their past behavior or lack of tolerance. Thank you so much for admitting it. Times are changing quickly and you are part of it now. Some of your friends and family may come around from seeing your acceptance, some may need to have a family member come out as gay to change their thinking. I truly believe the tipping point has been reached for the LGBT community to be accepted. Glad you are along for the ride. <3

Anonymous said...

OMG, what a wild party on a Sunday afternoon. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Adam goes where he will not be judged, and the people he poses with in these pictures, some in resplendent drag, want to have their pictures taken with a celebrity they obviously admire. And who wouldn't? They are no different than the Meet and Greet photo ops with all manner of people I've seen Adam with. Should Adam refuse being photographed with those in drag because it's bad for his image, and, as has been suggested, betray everything he represents about respecting others for their individuality? Adam, it should be noted, is seldom the one posting the photos, which means he has no control over them--not that he would even think of editing or censoring them so as not to offend delicate "fans". I'm sure Adam is not tone deaf to the hits to his image by cleaving to his decorated friends. But his equal opportunity photos that trespass and "make their faces crack" are possibly his way of teaching acceptance of people who are different by inuring us to their sight. "I am I, yes sir, I am I," in the words Gertrude Stein, as in the world of our courageous and outrageous Adam Lambert and company. Deal with it. atm

Anonymous said...

Adam with a drag queen photo isn't making the evening news. Fans of Adam have to search this stuff out. It's not a big deal.

Anonymous said...

The place was rented for a private late night party moron. It wasn't in the afternoon

Anonymous said...

I am also an Adam fan who uses this and other fansites as a lifeline for my passion. I can mention Adam sparingly and briefly to my sister or a friend, but that's it. They don't "get" it and aren't into any of his news anyway. When I mention something rather major, like the Glee news, they are happy and surprised, but don't really dwell on it. On this site, I can spill my guts and open my heart to those here who know how I feel. Even the pot-stirrers here generally love Adam. I see a small group of fans in my area each year at a party. A few of them travel together to shows, etc. I really value their friendship. I really feel for those of you who don't live near anyone they can share Adam will in person. Thank God for this site.

It's probably occured to many here and to Adam himself that he may never fill the big arena venues. He may never have a string of #1 albums. He may never be a regular guest on the most popular talk shows. That's not to say that he won't keep recording, performing world-wide, making appearances, etc. But it may mean that he will hover just below the top acts. This why I hope he can develop a non-singing career along with the music. Acting, advocacy for the LGBT community, etc. These things could keep him relevant in the media in a number of ways. The fact that he was honored by the major and city council of L.A. is pretty big, IMO. He is making his mark doing off-stage work, too.

It's always amazed me that so many non-fans reject Adam automatically, with no regard for his talent and no curiousity about his music. The gay thing just consumes their attitude towards him. At the same time, these same people have no problem liking and buying the music of singer whose personal and public behavior far out-reaches Adam's in terms of legality and inappropriateness. Go figure. Bottom line, IMO. Adam will NOT act less gay. He will not stopt being open about it, no matter what people think. He is a living example of putting your money where your mouth is, talking the talk, but also walking the walk. I can't think of another gay celebrity who has taken such a risk. Adam has taken the risk and is paying the consequences. He knows it, but at the end of the day, he has to live with his own conscience. Meanwhile, he is living a rich, exciting life, being exactly who he is, no apologies. Many of us should be so lucky. It's my guess that it will take more than a hit song to get mainstream people to accept him. It will take other kinds of positive exposure. So many people ahve already made up their minds about "that gay guy from Idol who kissed that guy. Ewwww." Adam knows this.

Adam is accepting, generous, kind and brave. 9:52, love your post. You speak for so many of us.


Anonymous said...

I love West Hollywood, I holidayed in LA and saw so many of the places that Adam has stayed at, in a way I felt as if I was tracing his foot steps, even got to see where he lived before becoming famous, a very modest little apartment block close to the Pantages Theatre, booked tickets to see 'Billy Elliot' at the Pantages just to catch a glimpse of what it was like when Adam performed there in 'Wicked'. Visited the Grove and the Pacific Theatre to catch a movie the 'Titanic', I remember seeing Adam and Sauli walking into this theatre, and later around the water fall when Adam was taking goofy photos of the paps, he's so funny. I also went to one of Adam's concerts in behind the parking lot on the 'Jimmy Kimmel' show and met some wonderful fans and we still stay in touch via email now. I can't wait to go back and see more, Hollywood is such an interesting place, loved my trip and love Adam big time.

Anonymous said...

What I see in west hollywood is a lot of empty people with empty lives. Lying by the pool in the daytime and drinking all night long. Posting endless pictures of themselves trying to look hot. Hundreds of people trying out for the same few opportunities to make it big. Crushed dreams. Reality setting in as people are no longer in their twenties. Depressing

Anonymous said...

But just to add, I do think living in a community with other gay people is healthy. Hopefully as more people come out across America not all gays will feel they need to live in a place like weho just to find friends.

And I would be happier to see adam open a clothing shop or a bar then continue to beat his head against the wall trying to make it in the entertainment business. Hopefully he is looking a few years down the line and making some plans

Anonymous said...

Off Adam topic but not movie Hollywood. Just read that the Matt Damon and Michael Douglas movie 'Behind the Candelabra' the Liberace story was considered 'to gay' for US Theatre release. HBO showed the movie and got great ratings. It appeared a 'big success' in Europe (Canne Film Festival) and is being well received internationally. Seems censorship is alive and well within the US.

Anonymous said...

That is not censorship, it's just business. I doubt there is a big market for a Liberace story. They would do much better with a story about Freddy mercury

Anonymous said...

Remember the US took a long time to warm up to Freddie.

Anonymous said...

DRG, at least in the circles I hang out in Adam being gay isn't the issue, it's the reality show/karaoke association.

Anonymous said...

Gay isn't an issue...fear and lack of education is.

Anonymous said...

Adam came off idol, had a lot of attention, didn't get enough professional advice, made some horrible decisions which sealed his fate. It was done out of ignorance not bravery. I'm sure he would do things differently if given another chance but its all too late now. And I don't mean that he would ever be in the closet or deny being gay.

Anonymous said...

8:46, It's too bad that so many people feel that way. It's odd that the singing competition show thing carries a stigma, when other "franchise" sorts of shows do not. Isn't Selena Gomez from the Disney machine? Isn't Christina Aguillera a Mouseteer girl from way back? Am I wrong on these? Are there other examples. Somehow, these singers don't seem to suffer from coming from a kids' type of franchise. But the singing show alums do? At least some of them. Kelly C.? No. Carrie U.? No. Daughtry? No. Adam Lambert? YES. What's the difference? Why hold this against anyone? It doesn't mean you're an inferior performer just because you've been on Idol, just like being a former Mouseketeer doesn't make you an inferior performer. There's no logic to that kind of thinking, but you just can't change people's minds.

9:10, I agree that in retrospect, Adam might regret doing what he did. But now he's trying to forge a career and look forward, not back.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, it's important to look forward, that's what Adam is doing. Adam's career is not over in a long shot, there'll be plenty of opportunities for him, and I'm sure he'll be picked up by another recording label. He has a large number of professional contacts in the industry who regard him very highly. I believe Adam when he says that things are only just beginning, his true die-hard fans of which I am one will always be there to support him.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe in some of the comments here, it's never too late and thank god Adam see's it that way too. Artists must be true to themselves, it's what makes them unique in their own way. If we love Adam then we need to give him all the support we can, he gives so much of himself, and as fans we owe him that much.

Anonymous said...

Hate to burst all those gay advocate bubbles, but not all gay guys spend night after night in gay bars & not all gays hang out with drag queens or are infatuated with them. Some actually lead normal everyday lives and fit in with regular society and are perfectly satisfied doing so. The constant need to flaunt one's sexuality is immature and insecure. As is the constant need to defend such actions. If they want to be treated as equals, then stop flaunting in everyone's faces and act like everyone else. Some straight people here need to get a life or lead the straight one they have & stop trying to fit in where they don't belong. It's actually quite sickening.

Anonymous said...

I don't think his career is over but his chance of being a pop star is probably over. He should focus on theater, improving his acting so he can get more jobs like glee. I could see him hosting a show on MTV or vh1 or the fuse channel.

Adamluv said...

@HK - thanks for trying to help me but it didnt work. I do appreciate your attempt! Couldnt see the pictures but find it very sad to read the negative comments about "drag queens". It is hateful and mean spirited. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Straight sex is thrown in our faces all the time, everywhere. Pictures of Adam with gay friends in a gay club is something that we as fans see when we look up Adam on fansites, etc. We are doing the seeking. What we find is a result of our own actions. Gay people, like straight ones, come in all degrees of sexuality. Uber-sexual straight guys can be just as obnoxious as any gay guy. It's not exclusive to the gay world. Not every person, gay or straight, wants to "blend."


Anonymous said...

This is the tip of the iceberg in Adam's amazing career.

sigmond fraud said...

It's such an interesting study watching people expressing their opinions, but stating them as fact.

Anonymous said...

I knew about gay people and the LGBT community but knew little about drag queens with the exception of the very funny French movie, "La Cage AU Faux" translated into an histerical comedy with Robin Williams and Nathan Lane (The Birdcage). After becoming a fan of Adam I wanted to know more about "drag." I watched Ru Pauls Drag Race with delight at the humor and sadness over the backstories of the contestants. To watch an ordinary looking man transform into a beautiful and I mean BEAUTIFUL woman was magical and had me on the edge of my set. Also watching these men interact with each other with such love and understanding with tears and humor brought me to a new understanding of the drag world. They knew they were derided and laughed at and looked down upon by straights, but had such a passion to be accepted in their own community. Watching that show changed me...changed my heart. They are outlandish to some but to me they are wonderful human beings who have been long misunderstood and now I get them.

Anonymous said...

Adam's way ahead of a 'pop star'.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, this place is full of know it all's. And those who think they know it all. And those who wish they knew it all...

Anonymous said...

I am 3:19 During the three seasons I watched Drag Race for me the hardest thing was the breakup of one queen by "her" gay boyfriend because now all of his friends had found out "she" was a queen. It brought me to tears. The best moment was when Raja (Sutan) won. You talk about a beautiful person, it's Sutan. He was the caring, loving, hugging "girl" everyone else went to when needing advice. Sounds like Adam, doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

Dayam...there are a few (or maybe just one?) really unhappy, negative people here today. They need to go start their own blog and spend all of their time bashing on others rather than leading their own lives (which apparently are very sad). I think that, given the right breaks, Adam could end up an EGOT winner. Although I haven't really seen him act yet. Wow, I dream as big as Glitzy! ;)

Anonymous said...

This IS Adam. Love him for who he is.

Anonymous said...

'ignorance' not! Adam has bloody guts to stand true to himself amongst an industry of game play.
So proud of him! Traits to be commended!

Anonymous said...

The fact is that it is not easy to sell Adam and some of the things he does make the job even more difficult. Party pics with half-naked guys, drag queens and what not will not help him at all.

Adam is a great guy but there's only so much he can do himself to educate other people. He has to adapt and modify his public image, at least to some extent IF he still wants to become a world famous singer.

And a change of scenery might do him good. Even if he thinks weho is his home at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Mainstream general public don't see these pictures, only the Adam fanatics who search them out. Moi included!

And of course, you!