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Gorgeous Adam Lambert fan art by @creativesharka

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 8, 2013

Posted at : Monday, July 08, 2013


Anonymous said...

Another great portrait of our guy!
Love Adam's smile! Great Job!

Anonymous said...

Totally just looks the same! Gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could do that. You are so blessed with a talent like that.

Anonymous said...

It is really well done especially she captured the nose and the spirit.

Anonymous said...

It's good from the nose and up. Mouth all wrong. Try again cuz U got good technique.

Anonymous said...

pretty darn good!!

Anonymous said...

pretty darn good!!

Unknown said...

looks like him but kinda scary like a puppet

Anonymous said...

I thought the mouth was off also.
But your almost there. Keep trying. I couldn't do that my self.

Anonymous said...

No, no,no, he looks embalmed!

Anonymous said...

The artist has incredible talent, however, from nose down-all off. If it was intended for a rendition of Adam as a puppet, it could pass, because puppets are allowed to be distorted in features. I reiterate, very talented artist.

Anonymous said...

Good try! Keep trying. I do appreciate. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

Very nice picture, but you must expect some critics on here. My take was that it looks like you could actually peal off his skin.

Anonymous said...

no, just no.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the incredible effort. Eyes a little too small. Cheeks a little too fat. But good, overall.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing harder to capture in a drawing or painting than the face. There are so many different planes that need to be reflected. Plus the "soul" radiates from the face and eyes and how hard would it be to capture and reflect that? To who ever drew this, ignore your critics. They probably can't even draw a circle. Anyone in the arts would appreciate this effort. And a valiant effort at that!

Anonymous said...

why is his cheeks so big

Anonymous said...

scary looking

Anonymous said...

No way. Sorry, but no. Adam is too damn gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Am very sorry but I hate 99% of fan art and this is an example. Just not good. Hope Adam doesn't see this.

Anonymous said...

@3:21 PM I agree.

Anonymous said...

I'm appreciative of all the incredible artwork of Adam we've seen over the last year. Great talent. Adam would be proud for sure.

Anonymous said...

this is just horrible....should not have been posted..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nope. Adam is SO much more than what this pic depicts.

Anonymous said...

I'm in the arts and I think it's awful. Adam is easy to draw because he has distinctive features, we've seen some talented drawings of him over the years. The biggest mistake is when someone tries to copy a photograph. If you have a photograph why do you need to produce an imperfect replica? Draw Adam in a pose you create in your mind. That's art!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks like some middle-aged man in the picture, but hey he almost is that aged.

Anonymous said...

One thing the not so good painting shows is that Adam's face looks fat and wide with facial hair. He really needs to get rid of the Scruff McAdam look.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

You are so right, the facial hair in horizontal lines squash his face. I keep hoping he'll notice that, it completely changes his ethnicity. Is that a word? Sometimes I barely recognize him in photos.

Anonymous said...

I'll be honest ..... It's not great art.

Yes, ethnicity is a word.

Anonymous said...

And I spelled it right? WOW
I'm proud of me.

Anonymous said...

Adam has some really talented fan artists but this fan art is very unflattering.

Anonymous said...

It's not cheating to use a dictionary

Anonymous said...

Oh God, NO!!

Anonymous said...

In some of the pics taken in NY his eyes looked crazy.

Anonymous said...

Creative sharka, you did good, and because Adam's so darn perfect, it's hard to capture all that perfection, no matter how good the artist. Art is the artist's rendition of reality. Modigliani's portraits elongated his subjects because of defective eyesight, not artistic vision. And look what distortions happened to Picasso's subjects during his cubist period; I'm sure his lover did not thumb her nose at his masterpieces. And no way to guage whether Da Vinci's paintings were anywhere close to reality; no cameras available then. For all we know, Mona Lisa flashed a frown. So sorry for all the snarky critiques. It's still better than the restoration work on Jesus Christ's image that made it on the news about a year ago. Just keep on truckin', girl. Love your spirit, and I believe so will Adam. atm

Anonymous said...

@ atm.......good comment......It is definitely time to quit ganging up on @creativesharka. We all look at an artist's endeavor and see something different. I liked your examples.....I happen to love Modigliani's paintings and am not a fan of the famously celebrated Mona Lisa. I stood in The Louvre and stared at the painting and thought 'big deal'
.....' A plain woman with a simpering expression and a fake looking backdrop'......I almost swooned in ecstasy at
Michelangelo's sculptures, cried standing in front off La Pieta, but wasn't impressed with the Sistine Chapel ceiling, his women look like men with breasts slapped on
their chests. ......... So, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!!!!........JAK

Anonymous said...

Make that of not off La Pieta........I've gotta get my computer back soon......this small screen is a pain....JAK