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New Pictures!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pictures VIA @MKSOfficial: In LA to shoot the video for 'Flatline'


daydreamin said...

Lucky lucky girls! They all seem rather cozy. What I wouldn't give...

daydreamin said...

Pressparty article and video of these girls:
Click Here

Anonymous said...

Shoshanna's there for a reason people.

Anonymous said...

TOO COOL! Good Lord, Adam looks amazing ... and those BOOTS, excellent! Video shoot, I'm guessing? Or just out for fun? Either way, lovin' these pictures.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Well, just reread title, ha ... it says "shoot" for Flatline. Song or TV spot?

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Shoshanna is there because these girls are doing a video shoot and promotion for their single

Anonymous said...

Lucky girls! And.....Adams boots!!! Sexy guy!!!

Anonymous said...

Sugarbabies are making a comeback I believe.

Anonymous said...

Adams that ring a beautiful bell!

Anonymous said...

Looks like our@ glam prince" is wearing his sparkly crown on his feet instead of his'm not sure if I were the girl on the arm of yhe couch ... I could resist just sliding off in his lap....back to the boots....I FREAKING LOVE THEM....they seem to just scream Adam all the way ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Adam = Eye Candy! Another reason I love Adam Lambert, because he can rock those glam boots like NO ON ELSE! You go Adam - strut your stuff! In front of me pleazzzzzze!

Anonymous said...

Oh - I forgot - the girls were cute too! So excited I forgot my 2!

Anonymous said...

Love me some Sugababes. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the GLAMBOOTS!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Thought this was a cute article.


After news that ADAM LAMBERT would be joining QUEEN to perform at the IHEARTRADIO MUSIC FESTIVAL in VEGAS this September, the Lambert faithful - known as GLAMBERTS - went wild on TWITTER...

... and unconfirmed reports say that the GLAMDIMONIUM are planning to stage a complete GLAMBERT takeover of the music festival!

While reports are all unconfirmed, intelligence leads some to believe that the GLAMBERTS intend to purchase up all the available tickets to the festival when they go on sale this weekend! Additionally, it's believed that the GLAMBERTS have activated a network of fans who hope to win all tickets to the show during the contest times!

Could this be an effort to make the iHEARTRADIO Music Festival... into the iHEARTADAM+QUEEN Music Festvial!?!

PS: There should not be a perception of a negative spin on the above story as the author is personally extremely excited about the GLAMDIMONIUM GONE WILD which is going to take OVER VEGAS!!!! ORLAND DO YOU HEAR MEEEE!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

@4:47 A.M., Thanks for the name because I was on the verge of knocking my head against the wall trying to remember their group name. Yes, SugarBabes! lol Glad to see them back together. They were super hot before they broke up.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

OMG! Can anyone get any more GORGEOUS than ADAM!
answer-duh NO

Anonymous said...

I would like to see a pic of him standing up in those heels!!

Anonymous said...

Oh My! Goodness Gracious! Fetch my smelling salts, I do believe that rascal Rhett Butler has invaded my verandah and has made his wicked self at home.

I feel faint.......bring me my fan......and a cool drink.......make it a big heart is going pitty-pat.....loosen my corset, I can't breathe! >-->O................poor JAK !!!

Anonymous said...


This is electrifying indeed!!!:)

This is huge especially for us and fans around the world!!!!

PASSIONATE AND WILD!!! I can live with that he!he!

I'm extremely happy for the super lucky fans who will enter that door!!!

I can't wait to hear more greatness news from our beloved Adam... GLAMDIMONIUM!!! Rock on!!:)


Anonymous said...

Fans @adamlambert important to click LIKE for Adam on right side of Billboard page..he has less than 300 LIKES > …

Anonymous said...

Adam looking so gorgeous...THUD you are a dickens Adam and that is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads-up about that. That number needs to go up. Lets do it 24/7 community!


Anonymous said...

Glamberts Rock!!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

That link didn't work for me, so here it is again.

Anonymous said...

need link 6:34 AM

Anonymous said...

If it soesn't work for uou search billbboard Iheart radio lineup. It is the billboard article.

Anonymous said...

Those BOOTS! That SHIRT! That HAIR! I can't take my eyes off this man. He is definatley smokin' hot. The girls are all over him like bees on honey. I wish I was a bee.

Anonymous said...

My mind, body, soul and heart FEEL SO DELIGHTED & ELATED & WHAT NOT at the sight of this SUPER COOL & UBER-SEXY DUDE, also known as AFL!

I want to confess, I love Adam any way he wants to show his beauty & talent; however the strutting, flamboyant, GORGEOUSLY grand and glam Adam will always, always take my breath away... and I do miss the eye make-up, eyes baby eyes...

Anonymous said...

Oops. I'm 7:17. Forgot to sign. I can't get that link either, but I'll go to the site. Thanks.


HK fan said...

soundcloud of Adam talking with Ryan earlier

'I'm writing like crazy and in love with rock and roll again....'

Anonymous said...

What a way to start the day! Coming here and first thing you see is Adam in one of the most sexy pictures I've ever seen! OMG! Those boots, hair, shirt, chest, all snuggled up with those lucky, lucky girls<3333. Yes, he definitely looks quite comfortable and happy :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks HK fan for the link. I am ready for Rock Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

If that rascal Adam Lambert shows up dressed as that rascal Rhett Butlet....Girl give me a call I'll come save u.;)...... rose petal

Anonymous said...

He is always the most beautiful person in any picture, among men and women.

Anonymous said...

That makes me sooooooooooo Happy!! Rock & Roll, yeah baby!!!!! \o/

Please all powerful force above, let this happen and let this happen soon!


Anonymous said...

God Adam looks Hot as hell, all I have to say! Love those boots, they got Adam L. Witten all over those boots! Sue

Anonymous said...

Yay! He says he's going rock! It's a good time for him to completely change direction. We all know he can sing rock like no one else. This is going to be great. Loved the Kiev soundcheck, too. He's such a perfectionist. And he said his voice was tired. HUH? If that was him sounding tired, you sure couldn't tell. His voice has such power. Album #3 !!!!


Anonymous said...

Just had to add: Love how he told Seacrest that he is writing new music like crazy. Maybe album #3 isn't that far off after all.


Anonymous said...

Adam and his babes, great pic, sure they had a great time too.

Anonymous said...

Ryan said that Queen must "approve" of Adam since he is singing with them. Guess Ryan hasn't read all the things they have said about Adam, like he is one of the most talented performers ever!


Anonymous said...

California Mid State Fair. New Additions, Adam Lambert...

Anonymous said...

Cute twitter exchange between them.

Anonymous said...

Finally My Rock God will slay his Rock n' Roll roots!!!:)

This is truly beyond amazing indeed!!:)

My family will appreciate him more!!:) We love to rock!!:)


Anonymous said...

So adorable and HOT!!!!!

Did you guys see that Alison is the opening act for Adam this Friday?


Anonymous said...

hmm I went to that Billboard link to give Adam a like and it was already liked.?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tie my paws! Iffn I can't have Adam (sob!) I'll take his boots! O that face! Adam is the MAN and they are the LADIES! Hoping he fronts for Sugarbabes.

Anonymous said...

Official Ryan Seacrest interview with Adam:

Anonymous said...

That sounded more like bringing in rock elements than a rock album to me.

We will just have to wait to see how it turns out.

Anonymous said...

Allison and Adam always had a great chemistry. I hope they cont. working with each other throughout their lives. Ali has always admired AL and vice versa.

Anonymous said...

For months Adam Lambert has been secretive about the direction he plans to take with his new music, but he finally gave up the goods in an interview with Ryan Seacrest on Tuesday morning. It sounds like the pop star will be heading in a rock and roll direction for his next album. Adam told Ryan, "I'm writing music like a crazy person too. I'm in love with rock and roll again." He continued, "This whole thing with Queen has been really inspiring. So I'm gonna kinda revisit my rock and roll roots a little bit, the things that made me want to audition for Idol in the first place. That's been my inspiration."

This is exciting news for fans that Adam won over when he was originally on Idol, as he wowed viewers with his versions of Steppenwolf 's "Born to Be Wild," Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love," Foghat's "Slow Ride" and Aerosmith's "Cryin," among others. Of course his stint with Queen last year was also a huge hit, where he belted out hours of rock classics to screaming fans throughout Europe.

This change in genre may be exactly what Adam needs to win over America again, as his "pop" sophomore album was not as successful as one would hope given his huge talent. It is still unclear what hindered the album's success, especially since it debuted at number one on the Billboard charts. Many attribute the lackluster sales to the label's failure to promote it on radio or with a tour. Or, maybe Adam's largest fan base is a more rock friendly audience, which would make the new direction a smart choice. Regardless, many are eagerly awaiting a new album from Adam, whatever the genre.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the tickets sales for the July 19 show are only moderate at best. Too bad this show wasn't booked sooner. Many of us went to the other shows and can't do this one, too. Hope that there is a good showing of Glameberts anyway. Adam will put on a great performance. Hope there's a last minute flurry of sales.


daydreamin said...

Here is the link to the iheart radio thingamajig:
Click Here

Anonymous said...

Wasn't this the show that was announced just fairly recently?


Anonymous said...

I really hope our party boy is not leading a double life.

Anonymous said...

@12:35 What do you mean?

Anonymous said...

I believe a Rock album will get him a huge fanbase in the States. His voice is made to rock it out! I hope it is all Rock!

Anonymous said...

at 12:46 PM

Just referring to Cory Monteith and the recent TMZ article.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

chicks and chest omg

Anonymous said...

chicks and chest omg

Anonymous said...

Just NOW noticed (2nd pic) where Adam's right hand was... that handsome hand... wish that was my thigh, my leg... oh my...
Oh but where is his LEFT hand??? LOL

And where are his BOTH hands in pic 1???!!

Anonymous said...

As to where Adam's hands are in the picture....Like Adam says, "Sexy is sexy." I think being surrounded by sexy, beautiful girls suits him just fine.


Anonymous said...

I keep waiting for the pests to pop in and inform us that rock doesn't sell or get radio play. Maybe they are asleep. Shhhhh

Anonymous said...

What do you mean 12:35 about Adam and double life?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

at 4:14 PM

So sorry to have kept you waiting (LOL).
I really wonder if Adam is macho enough to enter the very masculine world of rock and roll. It just isn't very likely that he will be able to sell his songs to the non gay male, rock oriented audience.

Anonymous said...

You have a very prejudiced and narrow view on what is rock!

Unknown said...

Thats true in pic one it looks like his hands are in wonderful places lol

Anonymous said...

at 4:54 PM

I just assume that the guys who usually listen to rock and roll are pretty narrow minded when it comes to different music genres or artists with some sort of street credit. It's not about talent or good looks, guys want something rough to identify with. And I'm afraid that's not Adam who is always so beautiful, well-dressed and well-mannered.

But hey, let's not forget that half of the population are female, so perhaps women will buy all his new songs and take him to the charts.

Urethra_Franklin said...

4:42 and I suppose Queen and Judas Priest sold all their records to gays and women.

Anonymous said...

Gee Uretha, do you think there might be a difference between a singer people know is gay and one who is closeted? Lol.

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:02 The comment was whether "Adam is macho enough to enter the very masculine world of rock and roll."

Hes is very masculine and very capable of living in that world.

And just because those artists never came out publicly during their boom, don't think there weren't rumors and speculation which can be just as influential to a buying public.

I really hate close minded view points.

That's all I'm sayin.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if he bought those $1,500 boots for Las Vegas. They look great, and so does Adam. Wonder if he will keep Melvin. They might want him to on Glee, I guess we won't know for at least a month now, since they have been set back a month.

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree, few examples:

Look at Bon Jovi, one good looking, well dressed, well spoken man. He has been doing rock for 30 years now, among other genres. He just finished a world tour.

Rob Halford lead singer of Judus Priest is gay, they have been around for over 30 years. They are still touring.

Also it has been rumored that Van Halen's lead singer David lee Roth is bi-sexual. Last concert I saw with them a few years back he came out on stage with a top hat and kicking his legs up in the air like a chorus girl, while he was singing. They tour every few years.

Freddie Mercury of Queen was not "macho" at all.

I would have to say with Rock, it is the sound not the looks that matter more so then Pop music. I think Pop music is more about the looks then the sound, to be honest with you.


Anonymous said...

Adam has straight, gay and bisexual men as fans. Most of them probably listen to mainstream rock. Judas Priest are pretty mainstream. Adam says he wants all orientations and walks of life to embrace his music. I bet the Eskimo rocks out to "Trespassing".

Anonymous said...

Freddie Mercury can sing his ass off and all men embraced his music and talent. So many singers want to sing like him. Adam lambert is the best lead singer for QUEEN now.

Anonymous said...

Adam should just focus on acting and theater gigs. He is never going to get radio play or music industry recognition at this point. He is kidding himself if he thinks he will.

Anonymous said...

12 35 seriously? Adam is to smart to mess his life up with drugs.
As far as alcohol, he seems like a social drinker under control.
Let him be.

Anonymous said...

7 30 kiss my grits!

Anonymous said...

Men loved Adam while on Amer Idol
He rocked it out and the dudes loved him performances.
When he went to pop music, they didnt stick around.
Hopefully they'll come back and be on board with the best singer in the whole wide world.

Anonymous said...

DRG I am with you. Look into Adams eyes, well just maybe he got to hook his hot lips on one of those lovely ladies. He makes out with the girls when a little tipsy.
You go Adam, love for all.

Anonymous said...

Freddie Mercury and Rob Halford started and established their careers in the closet. They never wore expensive designer clothes or even if they did they didn't look like fashion icons - and front rows at their gigs were never crowded by middle-aged women.

It will be a lot harder for Adam to gain similar credibility in the eyes of the straight male audience. His immaculate hairdo, makeup and unfailing niceness will not be appealing to them.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...

I repeat, your views on what is rock, rock singers and people who love rock, rock singers and rock music are predujiced, narrow and close(t) minded

Rock'n roll, bro!

Anonymous said...

5:26, you are the narrow minded one. You need to broaden your horizons and meet men like the ones I know. They are straight, rock and roll types of guys who all voted yes to marriage equality and don't care what someone's orientation is. I don't even get the dividing music into female and male music but in trying to find examples of artist plenty of men seem to like - most fans knew Rob Halford of Judas Priest was gay before he officially came out. He has performed at Ozzfest since being publicly out. Michael Stipe of REM identifies as queer. Elton John doesn't seem to have lost straight male fans. The lead singer of Korn as well as Bruce Springsteen, Adam Levin, Jeff Tweedy, Kid Rock all support marriage equality. All these "masculine" enough for you?

Anonymous said...

1:29, are you 5:26? Are you saying Adam will only appeal to men who also like fashion? What? How is denim and leather high fashion?

Steven Tyler, Pete Wentz, Dave Navarro and Billie Joe Armstrong wear eye make up and/or nail polish.
Jon Bon Jovi is good looking, stylish and nice. Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake are stylish. Kanye and Jay Z wear designer clothes all the time.

Why am I wasting my time replying a stupid and narrow minded person?

Anonymous said...

"...and I SHINE WHEN I WANNA SHINE..." keeps ringing in my head...

That text from TRESPASSING* is perfect to describe Adam - suits to the pics in this thread and also serves as a HINT to the collabo wishers... HE DECIDES if and when & how he does a duet, a collabo!!!

My personal opinion is that ADAM'S VOICE AND SINGING CAPABILITIES ARE SOOO UNIQUE & EXCEPTIONAL that to make him blend with somebody or let someone else take the lead is WASTE of THIS ONE IN A BILLION VOICE!

I get and love LIVE performances, concert duets - would love to see him on stage with David Bowie - the fact that they are not studio recordings, but once in a blue moon happenings, makes them so treasured and memorable!!! Otherwise I prefer Adam SOLO, cause he can sing for two (at least, lol)...

*TRESPASSING should be RE-released in some way or another, it had toooo little time and support marketing & PR-wise, in every effin-wise!!!! Someday the whole album, like FYE will be collectors' items!

Urethra_Franklin said...

7:30 All it takes is the RIGHT song released as a single. And he's made!

Anonymous said...

Lol Uretha again with the dumb comments. That's the kind of naive thinking that shows you don't know anything about the music business. He has better chance of being struck by lightening.

Anonymous said...

Duh - speaking of dumb - you spelled LIGHTNING wrong!

Anonymous said...

Lol, you've messed with the wrong person... or right person actually... Hoping you get what you deserve!
And when you address somebody that has a tag, check the spelling and get it right!!!

Anonymous said...

@6:04 You must be quite new to 24/7 or you wouldn't take Urie on. She can (and will if it suits her) cut you into so many tiny pieces you won't know what hit you. She's been on this site from the beginning and I do believe she knows more than 90% of the posters here about the LGBT community AND the music business. But, you just continue on if you want to die by a thousand razor cuts. It'll be fun for us long timers to watch.

Maggie Longfellow

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:04 Case in point Rebecca Black, Psy, Carly Rae Jepsen---> If you think anything other than song choice handed them those hits, you're a complete dumb ass. As ridiculous as they all are, those tunes are catchy and get stuck in your damn ear. And here's the beauty of that list...ADAM actually has TALENT. Therefore he would never be a one hit wonder. See how that works...dumbass? RCA did NO FAVORS for him by selecting the singles they chose. Had they led with- oh I don't know, lets say...KICKIN IN...the trajectory of that album would have changed. Why? Because its an EAR WORM. Radio would have latched onto it like moths to a flame. Follow that shit with CUCKOO and we're hearing Adam's name come Grammy time, right around the time they release RUNNIN which should have NEVER been a bonus track.

Don't fucking tell me I don't know shit about the music industry. I know enough to know SONG SELECTION will MAKE or BREAK an album. END. OF. STORY.

Adam never need worry about his haters cause some of his own fandom have cornered that market. Just be excited about the new music! FUCKS SAKE! Get over yourself!

Anonymous said...

Lol rage away urethra and I will continue to laugh at you. I can see you have emotional problems in addition to being clueless.

Anonymous said...

@Maggie Longfellow
It's an honour to be on the same thread with you, you've been missed by the long-timers here (unfortunately so many of them gone missing or just lurking nowadays...) - good to see you posting!
Have been here a long time, too (just don't use a tag), greetings from 2:43PM

glitzylady said...

I agree with you completely.

@Maggie Longfellow
I also agree with you.

@Anon 6:04 AM and @Anon 3:56 PM
Good luck.............You'll need it....