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PopCrush Poll: Who Would You Rather Sing-Narrate Your Life? Lady Gaga or Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Head over to PopCrush HERE to vote!


Anonymous said...

That's a no brainer.

tea said...

I tried a 2nd time right away and it wouldn't let me. I'm going to try different waiting intervals.

Jadam said...

OT Adam has been very quiet lately no photos, no tweets. He must be busy doing something, cant wait. Never underestimate our boy he is full of surprises.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll pick Lady GaGa I couldn't stand for Adam to do my boring ass life.

Anonymous said...

Apparentely RCA moderator is deleting all comments and topics about the rumor on Adamofficial website calling it bogus rumor and any discussion of this rumor isn't allowed.

Anonymous said...

3:30 great, now he probably isn't working on an album at all. Be careful what you bitch about people.

Anonymous said...

Adam is keeping himself busy. He will tweet sooner or later. Just you watch.

Anonymous said...

I just went to AO and read a big thread about the 80's album. They were trying to come up with songs from A-Z. all in fun.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My present everyday life?........neither. I'd pick Joy Behar, sarcastic and funny or maybe Lewis Black, sarcastic and funny!............JAK

lorraine said...

Adam just retweeted someone else's video-I think it's called "Young Love" by Eli ?
Adam still being Adam -letting other people's work shine. I've never known anyone so generous towards others. He helps me be a better person every day-and I mean that!

Anonymous said...

Adam is always so generous with praise. He is the kindest man. But he also deserves praise from other artists. And the support from mgmt, his label and promo team. It is his turn.
Adam Lambert is THE most talented human being alive.

tea said...

I was able to vote a second time. Can't tell you how long I waited to vote until I post and get a time stamp. (I don't know what time zone 24/7 is in) If you like you can subtract and figure it out. I don't think I have to do that simple task for anyone.

Anonymous said...

stupid are we that bored

Anonymous said...

You're the only one that's bored.

Anonymous said...

Of course I voted for Adam, but he should not win, Gaga has a million more fans than him. What an odd topic for either one.

tea said...

I stole this link from AO

Anonymous said...

The showrunner and co-creator of glee just tweeted Adam is joining Glee!

Ryan Murphy ‏@MrRPMurphy 16m
I am thrilled to announce that the super talented Adam Lambert is joining the cast of Glee this fall.

tea said...

Here's an article about Glee

Anonymous said...

They don't know yet if it is a guest appearance or several shows or actually join the group. I am up for anything, they have a good following I think. May be they need Adam to boost their ratings. Good choice any way.

Anonymous said...

It starts in September. Saw a pic of him walking with his carry on bag. Doe they film in NY or LA?

tea said...

Gonna be a ton of articles, here's, another.

tea said...

Another lunch pic, HOT!

another Glee

daydreamin said...

The show is filmed at Paramount Studios in Hollywood (per Wikipedia)

Anonymous said...

What a coup for Adam to land a job, however small, on a major network. He might have to shave off Melvin, if he has to play a younger person. I have never watched the show, but I might take a peek now, LOL

Anonymous said...

Well that's not a secret any more, it's trending world wide. Yahoo

Anonymous said...

According to the internet... Adam will be on GLEE next season. Hope that is true!! :)

daydreamin said...

Oops, just read that Glee has also had some filming in New York.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... it must be true. Ryan Murphy tweeted that Adam will be on GLEE an hour a go!! Go Adam!

Anonymous said...

wtf? how cool is that? pretty freakin cool.

Anonymous said...

Glee my new favorite TV program.

Magiclady said...

Wow! knew something was up! Gonna love Adam on Glee, and new people will be able to see how talented he really is!

Anonymous said...

WTH I could care less if he makes a 50's album now. I hope it is more than a guest appearance. Get started with the acting lessons Adam.

Adamluv said...

@JAK - I love Joy Behar. Sad she's leaving the View since she's the only one I normally always agree with. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

The tweet above from Murphy says joining the cast not guest appearance.

They film in LA and do exteriors in NYC like other LA based tv shows.

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv.......JAK here.......I'm going to miss Joy on The View. Elizabeth is leaving too, another blonde for Fox comment!

Anonymous said...

Neil has facial hair, too.

Adamluv said...

@JAK - hear ya! The blonde will fit in nicely with the dummies on Fox News. . . . Adamluv

Unknown said...

I love only adam lambert<3 <3