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The Adam Lambert "Melvin" Advisory System

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 21, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, July 21, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam, you look handsome, every facet of your appearance. The clean-shaven face appeals to me more; your face has beautiful symmetry and the moustache upsets this symmetry a little. Are you keeping it for a certain purpose like your Glee role or the Queen gig; perhaps dressed up to look like Freddie.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA! Love Adam anyway he chooses and that applies to black, brown, silver, lavender and whatever hair too.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a beautiful chameleon.

Anonymous said...

Many have commented on the 'manly' look of Adam lately. No matter Melvin or not it's still Adam underneath it all.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't BB have an Elvis Tribute photo shoot coming up?Sorry if this has already be posted,but Elvis never had a mustache,did he?I prefer the clean shaven look for sure,but guess we'll know pretty sooon;also,anybody remember which mag that will be in?;noticed that he's also got only one fingernail on each hand painted now(..maybe none painted there for a while.I noticed that some women have their nails painted different colors on both hands,or all one color except one fad,I guess.)

HK fan said...

Adam did the Elvis glasses shoot ages ago...with the beard.
There are many photos out there of Elvis with a full beard, most from his movie Charro.

I liked the ginger scruff with his hair down that he had in Miami, that was soooo hot.

Anonymous said...

this is 1:09am.I found a couple of pix from the Elvis Tribute book by Chistopher Ameruouso..I was thinking it was a different book,since one of those pix WAS taken a long time ago,but in another one,I found,BB had a very light mustache..I wasn't talking about Elvis's movie roles for his facial hair,but did forget about Charro.Oh well..we shall see how he looks in Vegas.

Anonymous said...

It's all Adam and blessed him more for that!!!:)

Love it and he is my Rock....


Anonymous said...

The only look I like is the clean-shaven look. Regardless of how Melvin is worn, Adam is at his most handsome without facial hair.

Anonymous said...

SO FUNNY. He really can change up his look. Melvis looks like an LA trend right now.

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my. I am afraid if Adam dressed to look like Freddie at a Queen gig it would be disaster. Freddie's fans are as vocal and fanatic as Glamberts, I think Adam is conscious of that and constantly reminds interviewers that he is not trying to imitate Freddie, just honor him.

You may have noticed some fans are a little Cuckoo! : )

Anonymous said...

Adam is always handsome with his many different looks. This look shall also pass. The one mainstay is Adam is definitely Hot and Sexy!

Anonymous said...

I hope Melvin takes a permanent vacation soon. I long to see all of Adam's gorgeous face again.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam looks more manly with his stash and beard, I just love this look on him he is so so handsome. At the same time he looks gorgeous without it as well, but I don't like the heavy eye make-up. Maybe he is trying to attract more fans and by looking less gay he may be on the right track.

Anonymous said...

Yea you got some good advice there. I said that because I've seen an old picture of Adam done up in a Freddie costume. But I think if Adam dons a Freddie suit/costume but sings his own Adam style, it's not so bad because he's still himself. Like when he wore the Ali Baba cloak, it doesn't mean he's that person. Anyway, playing dress-up is Adam's expertise, no worries there.


Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam will ever dress up like Freddie or try to look like him, esp. onstage. It would only make the Freddie diehards go nuts. I'd rather Adam just look like himself.

Can anyone describe this picture briefly? I can't get it to appear, of course, but it looks like everyone is enjoying it. My favorite Adam look is clean-shaven, but of course, he looks mightly hot with Melvin, too. Wonder if we'll see Melvin at the Las Vegas Queen show? Hope it's gone before the Glee tapings!


Anonymous said...

Adam will be ADAM at iheart. What an honor to front Queen on the night!

Anonymous said...

Fans, let Adam be. He isnt wearing a stache to look like Freddie, Elvis or anyone else. Good Lord y'all.
He's being himself Adam Lambert and looks damm good.
Why is this such an issue?

Wonder if we'll ever find out what brand of toilet paper he uses, so we can vent over that. Ridic.

Anonymous said...

Who in the hell cares if Elvis had a moustache or not.
If that would be the reason, which I doubt, with Adam's testerone he could grow facial hair over night.
Get with it people, he loves his look. I think its Grand too.

Anonymous said...

Saw the pics on Atop. Yay! Somehow that site works for me for pix. They post them differently somehow. Don't known.

Anyway, it seems to me that we're moving into a new era here. TP is ending and new music, new opportunities and new challenges are coming for Adam. We will always love and hear music from FYE and TP, always. But a new era is beginning. Adam is a risk-taker. He'll try new things, like Glee. It's quite a while now since Adam's Idol year, and he is still working and singing and in the media news. That's a major accomplishment. Each day, new talent arises, some of it succesful, some not. It's a fierce competition out there in the music business. Adam has managed to survive longer than many. I think his talent will prevail and will result in a long career, regardless of the ups and downs. We've been through some rough times already and they won't be the last, but I love this journey with Adam and with all of us together. (Melvin or no Melvin!)


Anonymous said...

The hair will stay or go according to the Glee role.

Anonymous said...

I love his facial hair. It's a new trend. He looked amazing on stage at his last concert. A lot of male celeb. have facial hair now.

Anonymous said...

At first I did not like any facial hair on Adam...why cover one inch of that gorgeous face? Now, however, I've gotten used to it....the stache and a little on the chin. I agree it does make him look older but also a bit more masculine.

My fav of all the facial hair looks ( for those of you who can see the picture) was the hair down with the ginger fuzz....that one look is my wallpaper on my computer! Someone posted he wore that in Miami but the first time I saw it was when he went to China, I believe, and he was part of a press conference panel..I think he had just arrived and he looked exhausted but soooo gorgeous!


Anonymous said...

I liked the ginger fuzz on Adam with his hair down, so sexy and the soul patch. The dark mustache, not so much. And he looks best clean-shaven.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so handsome, facial hair or clean shaven. Personally I prefer the clean shaven look. And whatever makeup he may wear seems to be at a minimum, even the nail polish. There seems to be a more mature attitude about Adam as he performed on stage at that last concert. Not so much of that "craziness " or those "sexual moves" as when he had the dancers and backup singers on stage. Remember he is 31 years old and probably will not appeal to the tween and teen audience who go for the boy groups and young single performers such as Bieber, DLovato,TSwift,etc. His style, general appearance and the new album have to bring in listeners who appreciate his vocal talent and his stage presence. The Glee appearances and the IHeart Radio concert with Queen should be a big boost for his career. Let's see what the next month or so brings as far as the direction of Adam's career and his overall appearance.

Anonymous said...

Especially for the rock album!!!!

I would rather see him with MELVIN indeed!!!:)

It will rock my soul he!he!

Love Melvin!!!!


Adamluv said...

Cant see a thing for 3 days now but sight unseen, will always prefer no facial hair. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

No pictures for me either. Miss seeing our boy if only in a photo. Love the facial hair on him. I wouldn't say he looks less gay (how does one do that?) just a little bit more mature.

Lam-my @6:20 could you please post a link to the picture you say you saw with Adam dressed as Freddie? I'm sure the rest of us would love to see it. Thanks

Anonymous said...

OT - BREAKING NEWS! Sasha Baron Cohen just dropped out of the Freddie Mercury biopic, due to creative differences. Seems Sasha wanted to make an R rated gritty story of Freddie's life. Queen wanted to make a PG version to appeal to all audiences. Queen, of course, has the final say on this movie. Wonder who Queen will hire to replace Sasha??? Hmmmmm........

Jadam NZ said...

Whoa, An opportunity maybe??

HK fan said...

adamluv et all

the link for the above photo

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? Teens are loving Adam these days, more are searching his you tubes etc.
They love his look, facial hair, less glitter, more casual dress.

Its very nice and Adam must be very pleased.

Anonymous said...

It was quite a long time ago that I saw this Adam dressed as Freddie picture. Perhaps just google...Adam donned as Freddie. Not good at sending links. :)

I actually typed a comment about the possibility Adam playing Freddie in the purported Queen movie but did not publish my comment...repercussion. I think Dr Brian and Roger secretly would have wanted Adam to play that role...whoa! This is getting really exciting! The other award-winning actor had already started voice lessons to sing like Freddie and talk like him.

CT.....Yes that 'scruff' photo is from his China trip individual interview / press.


Anonymous said...

I love Adam's hair . . . on his head! He doesn't need a hairy face. If anything, it makes him look older but he may like that.

Anonymous said...

I found the picture...Google Adam Lambert dressed as Freddie Mercury...very cute, even portrayed the toothy effect. If Adam gets to play Freddie in this Queen tribute movie, the sky is the limit for Adam's acting career; will certainly catapult him to beyond, not easy to play this role. The only drawback may be the director, in talks; he sort of had a small tiff with Adam who critiqued Les Miserables. Artists are usually broadminded.


Anonymous said...

Nobody, simply nobody can sing like Freddie, ever.
Even tho he how much he gets into vocal lessons.
He is a legend, but I love Adam's singing anytime.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks as sexy as hell with Melvin, I say keep it Adam at least for a while and I agree, it really suits the rock and role image.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not a serious dramatic actor who would ever be considered for the Freddy mercury role.

Adamluv said...

@HK - thank you for the link. It worked!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love Adam but the mustache is horrid and detracts from his gorgeous face. I don't think it adds to a rock and roll image at all. Plenty of successful rock stars don't have mustaches and/or beards.

Anonymous said...

Adam is as sexy as hell WITHOUT Melvin.