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The Hollywood Reporter: Sources say Adam Lambert "Idol" Talks Still Ongoing

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, July 25, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, July 25, 2013

VIA The Hollywood Reporter:

Among the other ideas floated is an all-alumni panel. Sources say Blankens and newly arrived producers Jesse Ignjatovic and Evan Prager -- whose past experience producing live television events like VH1’s Divas special and the MTV Video Music Awards is seen as a major asset the a reboot -- have somewhat soured on the all-alumni idea. Still, as recently as two weeks ago, another sources said talks with Adam Lambert were still ongoing. The season eight fan favorite has said on multiple occasions that he would be "thrilled" to join if asked.


Anonymous said...

It's going to be embarrassing if Adam isn't asked to be a judge. There have been so many repeats of his statement that he'd be thrilled. I wish the press would just shut up about it. Of course asking the press to shut up about anything is hopeless. Please AI make an announcement!

glitzylady said...

I just posted this Matt Carter blog on another thread: His take on the most recent Idol rumors..

" ‘American Idol’ season 13: Are Adam Lambert, Jennifer Hudson now out of the running?

"It’s possible that if you are a longtime “American Idol” fan and griped about what the biggest problem with the show is these days, you may facepalm so hard in reading this story that you knock yourself onto the floor. The show installs a new executive producer in Per Blankens, and he seems to be interested in focusing on the same problems along with Fox that plagued the show for the past two years: Judges that were unnatural, wooden in their critique, and could not properly relate to the singers.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Jennifer Lopez has (ugh) been in discussions about a return to the panel, though there is a clearly unsurprising hangup in money. J.Lo was paid $15 million or so the last time she was on the show, and there’s no way that her or almost any other judge under the sun is worth that. Keith Urban, meanwhile, seems to still be in talks to return, and we’re all right with that given that he was likable enough, and could do well on a panel that actually likes each other.

To us, there are really two major qualifications, and a judge on this show should have:at least one of them:
1. History in some form as a music producer, that way there is a level of comfort in giving honest opinions.
2. A history with being on some sort of talent competition, where you know a thing or two about going through something like this and can relate. Even Paula Abdul had to do plenty of auditioning in her early years. is a name mentioned in the report, and we’re actually excited somewhat about that prospect. Why? He’s a producer and a very smart guy, and we totally dig his style on “The Voice” UK. With that being said, we doubt he will draw many new viewers, since that show in Britain is hardly a hit.
As for the one-time dream of an all-alumni panel, it seems to be fading away slowly and surely. Adam Lambert was reportedly still in talks two weeks ago, but the rise in some other names cloud his chances; meanwhile, Jennifer Hudson may not even be a lock as much as she once was during the waning days of the Mike Darnell – Nigel Lythgoe era. We almost feel like Fox should have left these people in power if the replacements were just going to go for stars; while these two had their problems, their direction suggested that they were learning from mistakes."

Full article here:

Anonymous said...

Last time Adam was asked about rumors while he was in NY, weeks ago, he clammed up totally about it. Sounds like he's done talking about it.

Anonymous said...

Last time Adam was asked about rumors while he was in NY, weeks ago, he clammed up totally about it. Sounds like he's done talking about it.

Anonymous said...

J. Lo, Adam, Will I am.
All smart, charming and DIFFERENT from one another.

Anonymous said...

He clammed up about whether the rumor was true.

Anonymous said...

Found the signature strange on this picture.
Seacrest needs to pick AI up fast.

Anonymous said...

Her idol source does not mention adam. The two weeks ago source was prob adam himself or his manager when they broke the RCA story. So I think he is not currently in the running

Anonymous said...

Wish all this speculation was over about AI. Just not JLo again!

Anonymous said...

I guarantee you that show is dead in the water unless Adam is one of the judges. Wish they would ask me my opinion. I turned off the show because these high paid divas made me ill, Randy stayed in, they jerked Adam around with rumors as judge and no one comes close to Adam's talent...and the only thing to save that show is Adam Lambert. This is truth.

Anonymous said...

Adam repeating his statement about how he is thrilled about Idol speaks volume of his humility and loyalty.
At first it seems embarrassing but if you know him or dig deeper, he is being true to himself and it's his authentic humble self why I love him so much.
I always say a prayer to let always good triumph over evil in his life and career because all I see about Adam is only what's good.

Anonymous said...

I don't want adam there!.he is so much better than that.let him focus more on his music#3rd album#.AI is a dead franchise nyways

Anonymous said...

I am all puzzled that they fired all old ex. Producers and the new ones are again following in the foot steps of the old ones. Throwing millions of dollars. Where the one who did save the show back in 2009 is living few blocks from AI and doesn't require too much money. Hire Adam already!

Anonymous said...

bottom line..none of us will watch AI unless Adam is on..the other people on the list are really just has no personality..JLo is a one track "baby - boo hoo" OVER PRICED woman without singing talent..the ONLY one I can get on board with is Keith Urban..he is a sweetheart and seemed to be honest in his critiques...JHud is also without much personality..but the thing is...the aforementioned people, sans Adam, will probably be the ones just confirms what a messed up world we live in..I have to say tho..that I have read on some sites messages by those who hate Adam and claim they will not watch if he is on..those poor, stupid people...

Anonymous said...

There was no rumour. Only speculation by Brad Bessey and possibly a few others when Adam got Glee. Bottom line, the show is keeping a pretty good lid on the rumour mill, possibly because the new people are deeply connected yet.'s name is popping up enough to sound like a solid rumour. J-Lo suggests that J-Hud is on the rocks. Two ladies on a 3-judge panel? No way.

Who knows if Adam is in there. He would be a good fit with Keith, J-Lo and from a demographic point of view.

We will have to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not going to be on Idol the white guy is KU, what part of that don't you guys get?

Anonymous said...

Love my Adam but just really don't get why any of you would even want him on AI. He still has a ways to go in his career.

Anonymous said...

We want him on Idol as a means to further his get him more exposure....

Anonymous said...

When are some Glamberts getting it through their thick heads that Adam's music isn't selling. He needs a platform for his music. That platform could be Idol. Look what what happened with Adam L.'s music sales for example. Once they could only sale singles. Now they sale albums. If not Idol than let it be another similar platform to showcase his music and great personality.

tea said...

For anyone who wants to read a new nice article about Adam.

Adam Lambert in Glee, iHeart and Followed by Glamberts

tea said...

@ 4:08 AM I never thought that way. It does sound right, tho. And they still have a country music representative.

Anonymous said...

hoping beyond hope that Adam will appear on Glee for more than one episode..he needs the break that he so deserves..and RADIO needs to play his music..hope to hear new music from him soon...

Anonymous said...

4.08 is such a pain in the ass,there. Bound to be someone else is site you can spew your trash on, most what you say is bull, over and over!

Anonymous said...

They said he was joining the cast not guess star, so certainly that's more than one episode. Think eventually permanent hopefully, because of the tragedy and the deep need for someone with real talent to pull a new story line, think Adam will have bigger role now.there will be delay because of CM, but I think it will probably put new spin on character discussed. Probably start end if year few episodes to lead into new story line next year. Anyway eventually Adam will be in it, sure not just one time. Ryan M. One if guest at shower for Fergie's Adam attending.

Anonymous said...

If Adam is going to be on Glee for a number of episodes(and we don't know how many), I don't think that FOX would also have him on the Idol panel at the same time. They might consider this a Lambert overload(although I wouldn't think so). Announce the new panel already and put us out of all the speculation about who they are. And I am sorry, but no one is worth 15 million to be a judge on the show least of all Lopez who left after her time there and the money she made. The show should be about the contestants and the judges should be a cohesive, personable, knowledgeable group without all the bickering we were subjected to last season. All of these singing/talent shows are becoming the same without reallly producing a viable, successful winner with a few exceptions such as Phil Phillips of recent Idol fame.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam concentrate's on the singing career and not mentoring
on AI.

Anonymous said...

Hope some of you don't or won't have kids cause you discourage your kids to do anything.

Adam needs a big platform to be visable so he can create more music and have concerts. Radios don't play his music. TV and movies are great opportunities for him for greater visibility than radio.

I believe he is part of Glee cast as for more than one episode. One tribute to Cory is done and viewers put closure to the tragedy, they'll have Adam as a new cast member for whatever role they'll grant him. Writers and creators of Glee are capable of figuring this out.

IMO Adam should also be on Idol. That way Glee viewers will tune in to watch Idol and vice versa. It will be a win/win for both shows.

Radios have no other choice but to play his music. He'll have a new record label. New music and then touring.

Anonymous said...

I want Adam on Idol cause his picture will be on billboard close to my work and that will be my morning boost to tackle my workload for the day.

Anonymous said...

Maroon 5 was a no-big-deal band until Adam Levine became a judge on The Voice. That catapulted M5 to the top and made Levine a top star. Aerosmith has been a successful band for decades, but when Stephen Tyler became a judge on Idol, Aerosmith saw a good rise in sales. Bottom line, Adam Lambert needs this judging job big-time. Doesn't matter if we like the show or not, or if we like the other judges that they may choose. Adam needs the exposure and that's the truth. Glee won't do it all for him. He can be on Glee, judge on Idol and get new music done, too. Lots of performers do multiple projects. I can't see why FOX would think that having him on two of their shows would be and "overload." Adam's success in promoting his third album will be immensely helped by being on Idol. Even thought the show is on the wane, it still is high-profile, and those judges get big-time interviews and exposure on the big talk shows. There would be no downside for Adam. I think there is still a big part of the current AI audience who remembers and loves Adam from his own sseason. Many would love to see him again. And many like us would come back to the show. It's all business strategy. It's a MAJOR achievement to be chosen as an AI judge. I'm sure many celebs would kill to get it. I'm just happy that Adam's name is still being mentioned. Levine is an example of how that show made him a household name and got him fame that could last a long time. I just wish the same opportunity for our Adam. If it doesn't happen, he'll just have to take advantage of any opportunity that comes his way.


Anonymous said...

adam lambert on AI grea- ill watch the AI every night- with out adma lambert Ai is not good. boring.

Anonymous said...

UPDATE: I just read on MSN Entertainment that JLo is close to signing a deal for AI, asa, Keith and JHud..possibly no adam in the mix...THIS SHOW HAS NOW OFFCIALLY JUMPED THE SHARK..I would be shocked if they managed to keep many viewers next year..they definitely will not get me to watch..the blithering idiots!!!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe they would have 2 attention seeking divas on again. Look how the Mariah- Nikki mess unfolded.
I also am surprised that JLo would want to come back, that's sort of like saying I didn't find the world outside Idol so welcoming so please take me back!
It appears the new guys plan to shoot themselves in the foot too. Ryan promised a surprise, I hope he delivers.

Anonymous said...

Adam never had a chance unless they were going with an all alum panel. It is nice they considered him, gives him a bit of publicity. I know it is frustrating for fans and I hope adam didn't get his hopes up

Anonymous said...

JLo? Bleah. We'll just get more comments like beautiful and that gave me goosies.

DRG, Maroon 5 was huge before Levine was on The Voice. Certainly being on The Voice or Idol helps with sales but it didn't make Maroon 5 or Aerosmith.

Anonymous said...

If JLo is coming back to Am. Idol I will not be watching at all! They are fools not choosing Adam as a judge. All they do is put his name out there, and get his fans all excited just to get many hits on their website. They use Adam's name and that is not fair!! I guess this show will crash and burn for sure!

Anonymous said...

Using Adam's name in their "rumor mill" about AI judges and then not choosing him is just so ironic. If he generates that much buzz with the rumors, it must mean that he's got an enormous number of fans who want him on the show. Oh well.

10:30, you're right that AI certainly didn't "make" Aerosmith. They've been a huge success for decades. But STyler on AI DID increase their sales. That's the point I'm making. Being an AI judge even helps the veteran acts. Maroon 5 may have been big before Levine got on The Voice, but they weren't nearly as well-known as they are now. AI REALLY boosted that band bigtime. Again, it goes to show what being a judge on AI can do. That's why I want it for Adam. Doesn't look good right now, though.

Both Jennifers are not interesting to me at all. But it looks like they'll both be on as judges. If it still COULD be a four-judge panel, maybe Adam still has a chance, but it's looking slim.


Anonymous said...

Has American Idol ever mentioned Adam or is it just gossip reporters and fans mentioning Adam?

Sounds like nobody really knows anything and we will need to wait to see who is officially announced.

Anonymous said...

Well adam said himself that he had talked to idol about the judging job last year. The hollywood reporter is a reliable source that breaks story's all the time. It is not a gossip site.

Anonymous said...

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.

AI knows its viewership dropped after Season 8 because no one could come close to Adam's talent. He broke the show. Bring him back to fix it.

He was a great mentor for Elvis week Season 9 - too bad none of the contestants listened to him. Remember Lee Dewyze? No? Thought so.

He was a judge on Project Runway and was spot on in his critique of the designers' creations. He was a judge on Ru Paul's Drag Race and was hysterically funny and at the same time also spot on.

I will not watch AI unless Adam is a judge or the permanent mentor.

Anonymous said...

Why can't it be what Adam can do for AI, instead of what AI can do for Adam? It's insulting to insinuate that Adam needs AI or Glee to further his career. Those are two nice gigs if he can get them, but if not, Adam will continue to do well. Some fans with good intentions are belittling Adam and they don't realize it.....

Tall Tree

glitzylady said...

@Tall Tree
I agree with you and disagree at the same time.. Adam could do much for Idol, but Idol would be a good opportunity for him to expand his fan base by being visible to many more people world wide. And Glee can do the same thing. Everything is a two way street. I suspect that Adam may feel the same way. He has a good career that would be enhanced by Idol and Glee. It doesn't seem that it's insulting to cheer about any new opportunity he may have. Just my take on this......

Anonymous said...

Tall Tree-glitzylady, I share both opinions, valid for the benefit and artistic realization of Adam, allowing you to perform other facets that also love, such as acting, be guided teaching of other singers, increase your fans and we enjoy more of his art and presence.! HH