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Adam Lambert, Nile Rodgers, Avicii Just Finished A Song!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Anonymous said...

Creative juices flowing!!!
More power to you guys!
When can we HEAR it???
Adam, you're always my #1 singer/performer!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Another hit!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy and very exited that these three are working together! :)


Anonymous said...

I love behind scenes pic just as much if not more than when they have to be in front of the camera. Lots of good energy being generated and we'll get it back tenfold. Awesome pics thank you so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pic of Adam and hope we get to hear the new song soon.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the new wave and will stay
for his natural creativity!!:)

He is the man to command the stage!!:)


Anonymous said...

OMG! This man is gorgeous. I love these pics that Nile takes. He really gets Adam.

Anonymous said...

I love the genius of these three super talented men! Because of Nile, Adam has this great opportunity. Nile saw the greatness in Adam and now more will see. Adam cannot be denied any longer. Love the pics and I have to say, can Adam possibly get any more adorable!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

K, trolls, whiners, nitpickers, negative nellies etc. - time to come clean and aplogize for all the nastiness posted by you about Adam not working, only clubbing, drinking etc...

Here (during this whole week) are just a few examples of the work Adam puts in ensuring his longevity in music business. Remember these the next time you feel an urge to post something negative or hurtful about Adam's professional and/or private life... The man works crazy hours (even more kudos to Nile all things considering!!!) - so let him also "mingle" (LOL!) as much as he sees fit and is able to!

The lives of performers and artists in general should not be measured and judged by us 'ordinary people living our ordinary lives' (not to insult anyone, I'm sure you know what I mean). Expecting Adam to live like you or me (or the non-flamboyant LGBT person who adapts to living like the mainstream folks, wasn't that what someone posted not so long ago...) is just very LOL.

Anonymous said...

Avicii has a "Don't bug me man, I'm working!" look on his face. He must be pretty intense when he gets into mixing up the music. It probably takes an earthquake to grab his attention.

Anonymous said...

This collaboration is a dream come true.

Anonymous said...

Now we're heading in the superstar direction!

Anonymous said...

So, the three of them have done ANOTHER song!!! For Adam to have the chance to work with these two guys is amazing. The planets are in alignment. And not only is he working with them, but they respect the hell out of him. Avicii probably never heard of Adam before this collab. Now they're making music together. And Avicii hears that voice, too.


Anonymous said...

4 55

Oh I agree! ! Poor adam worked three whole days this week. He's gonna need a whole lotta bar hopping this weekend to recover from all that effort.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me like a winning colaboration. Now to find out what they came up with .......who it's for........oh my! Come on Nile give us a clue.


Anonymous said...

Now we're talkin: Brian and Rodger and THESE are the kinds of musicians Adam should be creating with. His voice can become (like Ella Fitzgerald or Al Jarreau)-- one of the instruments -- one that can create new sounds. That's what Brian once called Adam's voice: "an instrument."


Anonymous said...

Adam must be looking at the phone all the time. He has to keep up on everything. Important people texting him, friends, family. I wonder how Adam keeps up with all of this. Even the stress to write a good album. Glee, and performing with Queen.

Anonymous said...

I don't post snarky comments, but I can't control my fingers on the keyboard...Wonder what the mediocre guitarist Pitman thinks when he sees Adam with Dr. Brian and Nile...hmmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

So thrilled for this new song and Adam as gorgeous as ever!

Anonymous said...


I'm with you, my dear.

funbunn40 said...

@ 11:17, Haha. My dark side wonders too! Wonder if Monty's wife now has regrets for her contribution!Haven't heard if he's still on tour with Madonna. I don't think his album did that well. His vocal ability is pretty ordinary, but he can play the guitar and did a great job as Adam's musical director on the GNT. A shame that greed got in the way and destroyed an over 10 yr friendship as well as their musical collaborations.