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GLEE Fan Promo Poster: "NEMESIS"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, August 11, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, August 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

Is this an old pic, or has Adam shaved? Love it.

Anonymous said...

I like this poster; so Adam will most likely take on this clean-shaven image to be Chris' nemesis. Yea good. I've an inkling Chris actually suggested Adam play this part on Glee. Chris has voiced out he wants to sing/act with Adam quite often. Have an enjoyable werk/work time on Glee. I feel their working stint together benefits both tremendously.


Anonymous said...

this is a fan made poster.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts-get your TV on because Oprah's "Where Are They Now" show which features American Idols is coming on in 1/2 hour. It is 9:32 PM here in Scottsdale, Arizona. Oprah made many of the hour long "Where Are They Now" shows and she has been showing them back to back for the last 6 hours. Each hour long show features many famous people. The American Idol show is next, at 10:00 PM Scottsdale, AZ time, which is 3 hours behind East Coast time. Hope this helps!!!

Anonymous said...

8:37 get back to us if he is on the program another fan said she watched it and he was not on it. thanks

Anonymous said...

Didn't 9.37 just explain all that?

glitzylady said...

Sad to say, Adam wasn't on the Oprah show about past Idols tonight, according to those who watched it... :((

Anonymous said...

Lol, Lammy, it's not official but from a fan!

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize Chris showed an interest in singing with Adam. I knew Lea did. That is great news. I think AI is going to sink without Adam as judge so this stint on Glee is the best career move ever. So happy he won't be part of the show that treated him poorly for the last few years. Anyway, cute fan poster. Great pic to use. Talented Glamberts for sure. I think Adam is going to help heal the cast and crew.

Anonymous said...

Shocking that Adam was not mentioned in any form way or manner on the Oprah show, "Where Are They Now", American Idols. Only Justin Guarini from season #1 and Reuben Studdard from season #2 got the big scenes. Crystal Bowersox also got a mention because she is going to play Patsy Kline in a movie or a play, I don't know which. Shame, Shame, Oprah!!!

Anonymous said...

I can never complain about Oprah she had a beautiful program about Adam sometime ago. Maybe someday she will feature him again.

Anonymous said...

Yea perhaps not so much about singing with Adam, but Chris has always voiced his high regard for Adam. Adam will be the Glee glue eventually lol! like the way AI crew likes him so much. Alas, Adam might just have to abandon his favourite sinking ship for a while but he's always back, at least once a year to help with some ship repairs; lol! perhaps as a mentor or to promote his new single or album in the making. He's now on board a rather sturdy ship that can withstand tidal waves with 'floundering' sharks. lol! I think from now on Adam finally will shake off that AI runner-up title which now sounds so endearing. He'll be known as Glee superstar. lol!


Anonymous said...

@Lam-my or Emmy winner

Anonymous said...

I watched that Oprah special and BB was NOT on it for sure!!It showed a glimpse of him at the beginning,I think,but that's all.It was called,"Where are they now?",so maybe most people know Adam is still he didn't fit into that category( I am kinda glad he didn't),but I do think we were led to believe he would be on the show tonight.Oprah was very nice to him on that show a few ys. ago,& sang his songs,or mouthed them( not loudly,but she seemed to love WWFM and IIHY,I think.He was on her show the whole hour.)

Anonymous said...

Yes exactly! and highly feasible. Glee has opened a new set of doors to Adam.


daydreamin said...

OT Nile Rogers and Chic were in San Francisco today performing for a huge event called Outside Lands. Saw this in my paper this morning.

Anonymous said...

It was a "where are they now" show which is usually for people out of the spotlight. It's good Adam wasn't on the show.

Anonymous said...

I have thought the very same. Adam seems to draw people to him as he did with his AL group. I think he fits Glee and Glee fits him. I feel that anyone with whom he works with walks away a better person. He has a natural nack for setting the bar high so that people want to reach for it to. He is one of the most iconic singer we've had in a long time.

I am interested in music again, oh how I've missed you!

Anonymous said...

We must have been good friends but I can't recognise your name. Anyway, it's so nice to hear from you. Thank you for dropping by. Come by more often; I have very good memory and always remember all my 24/7 friends here. Once in a while at an opportune time, I would list them out to thank them even the Anons who I give names to and I respect that they wish to remain anonymous. I think Adam might have a special magnetic field and that's why many people are drawn to him. lol! Thanks! :)


Anonymous said...

So Oprah, like American Idol, is using Adam as part of their advertising but not as part of the show. I honestly don't know what to think anymore. But it worked for Oprah, too. Lots of us watched something we normally wouldn't. What's our other options when they use Adam for a carrot?

Anonymous said...

Yes, if Adam is the carrot, I will bite. I did, in fact, watch the show, but it was basically for those who did not make it big. Adam is everywhere so no need to say where he's going. He's a superstar!

Anonymous said...

Love this "fan made" poster. Maybe they should use it to promote the show. It will be interesting to see if Adam will appear on Glee with the facial hair he has now or if he will be clean shaven. Either way, I can't wait to see him on the show.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Oprah did use Adam as bait for her show. I could't watch last night, but I was lookiing forward to some vids here this morning from some of you. Oh well. It probably got big ratings due to the Glamberts who tuned in. Adam has some big fish to fry in the coming months. I hope Glee is a stepping stone to more big opportunities. I love the fan-made poster! Perfect! I also would like to see Adam whisker-free on the show. Next stop: Adam and Nile and Avicii on the 19th!!!


Anonymous said...

Movin on from AI. Just watch Adam soar as he takes a new route. Leaving RCA has to be the best thing possible because now Adam can unleash his worldwide genius multi-talent in the direction that's close to he's heart. Lovin the Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert I hate you!

glitzylady said...

This blog post was just shared by Shoshanna Stone. Another life touched in a beautiful way by Adam Lambert:

"How Adam Lambert Saved My Life"

Anonymous said...

I'm 4:54 AM. I feel it's just fine that Adam is a bit of a 'carrot' and that we respond. I now see it as a part of having Adam's back. Another public show of support.

Looking forward the Adam in Vegas!

Anonymous said...

Hi 4:54am

Do you have tix to see Adam in Vegas? Are you one of the lucky ones who got tix when they went on sale? I'm still trying hard to find a way to buy tix. The resale ticket sellers haven't reduced ticket prices at all yet.....maybe as it gets very close to the show date. Have a great time!


Anonymous said...

8:41, I agree completely! If Adam has such power as "bait," that is a very good sign. It would be nice if Oprah actually realized it and got him on her network in a big way.
Thanks for the link, glitzylady. I love all the testamonials to Adam's power to change people's lives. The comments on the site were very supportive, too.


Anonymous said...

Of course, we have Adam's back! But, that was false advertising by OPRAH WINFREY! She knows how popular Adam is and she blantantly used his persona to rope in thousands of viewers. I have never once watched any of her shows and only watched that show because I thought Adam would be on it. BTW, the shows were not about losers, they were about people who have overcome many obstacles in life and have really come out on top. I am very angry because Oprah had a mission when she showed Adam's pic in the advertisement of the upcoming show. I will not watch her "BUTLER" movie because she did this dishonest deed using our beloved Adam.

The Dark Side said...

The Oprah show was on Idols who have not made it or are struggling and people don't know where they are. Adam would not have fit into this type of show. Perhaps we should want for Glee to do their own promo.

Anonymous said...

9:23, I think so too.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:18 AM
Oprah Winfrey has helped so many people throughout the many years she has been on TV, has donated millions of dollars to various causes, and has overcome many challenges in her own life. She can certainly be excused for using Adam's picture in the promo of the "where Are they now" Idols show. I was slightly disappointed that he wasn't featured on the show, but in the whole scheme of things, no big deal. To be fair , she may have had nothing to do with the pictures used in the promo. Whatever the case, I loved seeing the pics of Adam. Hopefully you can forgive her. She had Adam on her show shortly after the AMA's, when things were a little bleak for him. She gave him a voice to talk about his journey and she clearly adores him just like we do. I'll always be grateful for that. She's a good person. This is nothing...

Anonymous said...

Some of you are so childish.
I won't watch Idol because they aren't letting Adam be a judge.
I won't watch Oprah in a movie (which looks pretty good)
because we mistakenly assumed Adam would be on the show last night.
I won't play ball unless I can pitch.
I won't play dress up unless I'm the princess.
Grow up!

Anonymous said...

There is a new Pop Crush vid of Adam and Markus Molinari & Friends enjoying a night out (leaving) at the Chateau Marmont. And pics of Adam walking to the restaurant alone.

Oh dear! Who called the paps? Sauli, you naughty boy! (Note: sarcasm).

Anonymous said...

@10:58-Oh, and I suppose in your beautiful complacent life that you have never been angry for being dissed! You are the one that needs to grow up! Whether Oprah knew or did not know that Adam's persona was being used to advertise her show-she is the commander-in-chief of that show and I am sure that she makes those decisions or knows of the decisions that are made. It was wrong to use Adam as her bait!!

Anonymous said...

11:18 Actually I've never been "dissed" so no reason for anger. Do you mean you don't think it's childish to say
"I won't go to see her movie or I won't watch Idol"?
Just what will that accomplish? Oprah won't know, Idol won't miss you. It's juvenile to think you are punishing them and you are getting "even". Doesn't it seem a little paranoid?

Anonymous said...

Yes her reaction was silly but I don't really think we need another granny lecturing people. We already have the glitzy granny to put everyone on the right path.

Anonymous said...

The new avicii single is not Adams. Now you can all cry about that.

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam's fans were smart, generous and bonded. I can see from some of the accusatory, mean-spirited and judgmental remarks, this is not the case. How about letting people say what they want and quit commenting on comments. Just say what YOUR thoughts are if you must. We all have different views and if we are disappointed or thrilled, we all have the right to express ourselves accordingly.

Anonymous said...

@10:58 AM
That's right. I won't watch Idol unless Adam is a judge, because it just plain stinks without him.
You're wrong about playing ball. I won't play ball unless I get to bat. NANANANA!

Anonymous said...

11:53 You just proved my point!

BTW for 11:39 - give me a chance to finish college before calling me a Grannie. I'd consider it a compliment since Gran is paying my tuition.

Anonymous said...

No, I won't get to personally be in Vegas, but I'm really hoping for lots of feedback from the lucky people that do get to go and from the media.

glitzylady said...

I was giving my opinion and my personal reasons behind it... I guess I don't get to have one. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Sh*t...Chris Martin is front of Coldplay will attend Nile's 8/19 Dance Party. F***! I love him. OMG you lucky fans going to this dance party please make a video of Chris too. Please!

Anonymous said...

If "Some of you" (ex. 10:58 AM) would learn to scroll on by, you wouldn't have to criticize anyone.

Anonymous said...

11:41 which song was picked? There are many good songs on that album. I hope everyone preorders it from iTunes. Yes I love Chris Martin too.

Anonymous said...

idol uses adam lambert also ophrah using adam lambert- were smart fans of adams-we wont awatch american idol either-u got that?

Anonymous said...

11:41 sorry about your cold heart.

Anonymous said...

you make me is the new avicii single

Anonymous said...

Boycotts were invented long ago to put pressure on different situations. Why would Oprah deserve my loyalty now to watch her "Butler"? I have every right in the world to boycott her if I choose to do so. Sure, it will make no difference to her network, but in my own heart, I am stubborn like Adam. I will never be labeled as a complacent individual, never to rock the boat! I love Adam too much and I will defend him to the end when his name is wrongly used. BTW, if Oprah's AI show was about forgotten AI singers, she definitely had no right to use Adam's image. He is alive and well and soon will be fronting Queen with fans paying enormous ticket prices. I paid a huge scalper price just to see him live for a short stint of fame on the Las Vegas stage.

Anonymous said...

the media-AI and ophra use adam lambert name- dont like to watch AI we all are-we dont want to watch ophra- a sneak yera born ophra seems to be shes a user just like american idol.

Anonymous said...

T he new avicci singles is not adam ?if its that so- we wont buy avicci single his voice want adam lambert voice on the single.

Anonymous said...

oh boy do the trolls on here ever sleep?

Anonymous said...

Read on AO earlier today that the new Avicii single wouldn't be announced till early tomorrow. Hmm. Maybe with the time change, it's already been announced?? Too bad if it's not Adam song. Oh well. The one that was picked must be good, too, I guess. Next time...


glitzylady said...

The new Avicii single has not been announced yet..... Another 10 hours or so until "The Big Reveal".

Anonymous said...

10:58 AM, you make far too much sense for the crazy people here who have no sense of reality and can't figure out how much comes from fan rumor and hold grudges for ridiculous reasons. Nice try though. Wish there were more people with common sense like you here.

Anonymous said...

This is going to be hard to believe, but I don't have time to watch or listen to everything not-Adam. So I will just limit myself to following Adam. Shoot me now!

Anonymous said...

Yes the new single has been announced on several European radio sites and you can buy the single as of August 30. Available for pre order now. You make me.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, they flashed several American Idol contestants pics for that Oprah show. Are fans of these other contestants also boycotting and hating Oprah now? How childish and ridiculous. If you can't see that I don't know what else to say other than your life must be filled with disappointment and anger.

Anonymous said...

2:28 That is how I feel. I appreciate other artists but the one I invest in is Adam Lambert. He takes up my time/money. :)

Anonymous said...

A slightly different opinion from my first one; I don't think Adam will portray the clean-shaven look as showed in the poster. I feel Adam will look like the Chateau Marmont personality I just saw up-thread. He seems to look serious like trying to embed that persona in his psyche. Actors have to do that to feel their role as authentic as possible. As the nemesis role, the moustache look is more convincing than the above poster image. My opinion only.


Anonymous said...

I watched the entire show waiting for Adam. Despite the very very very short clip of Adam that was shown, it was a pretty interesting show. Never watched Idol until season 5 , so I had no real interest in any of the ones that were highlighted. That Justin guy was not a very good singer ( they had him singing and playing his guitar). He seemed like a decent guy though. The other one, Ruben, seemed nice. The rest of the show was pretty good. I will always watch anything if there is a chance of seeing MY IDOL ADAM!! No regrets.

Anonymous said...

Depending on how the 'nemesis' plays out, perhaps towards the later part we might still be able to see clean-shaven Adam. The Chateau Marmont, moustache look however, is sexy. The clean-shaven look is handsome. Take your pick or both. lol!


Anonymous said...

Lol most Adam fans are grannies or immature judgmental hypocrites, with just a few sane leval-headed ones thrown in the mix...somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lam-my. I'd like to throw in my guess. I think Adam will shave clean for Glee. It looks to me he has really gotten into liking facial hair and is going to keep it as long as possible. I think we will see a hair style change, too, but I don't know what it will look like. Maybe if I'd ever watched Glee, I might have an idea what to expect.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, what has changed? You used to one of the sane ones here. Now you are coming up with crazy stories too.

Anonymous said...

Kooky brain wants to know
What is sane or not sane lol!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
What's to be seen, remains


Anonymous said...

8:16.....Okay, fine with me too. :)


Anonymous said...

8:12 ohhh that kind of talk really stings when it comes from an internet troll with sociopathic tendencies. lol

Anonymous said...

Give me the same thing Lam-my is drinking tonight. LOL!

Anonymous said...

@8:47 PM
You forgot to add "NOT!" to the end of your post. hee hee hee

Anonymous said...

8:50.....Very observant and cute! lol!


Anonymous said...

@8:47 oooooh, that stings. Like a bee. A bumble bee. Lol. Adam makes fun of his whacked fans, in case you haven't noticed. Then he laughs. All the way to the bank.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:12 pm - who gets to decide which fans are sane?

Anonymous said...

Good question. What is sane? What is normal?

Anonymous said...

I'll decide who is normal and about half of you are out ;)

Anonymous said...

When I looked at Adam's last concert sold out in California 3/4 were young men and woman, and nice older ones. Thank God the sociopathic lol 's could not afford the tickets to mess up everyone's night.

Anonymous said...

Adam was on for a second but at least it got him some publicity.One small mention of his name is better than nothing at all one flash of his face gets people talking so all is good.

funbunn40 said...

Hope we'll see Adam's naked face on Glee. He sure is hiding the goods behind the scruff and huge yellow lens glasses. He can't hide from the Glamberts! lol