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New Picture: Fan Bravely Asked Adam Lambert for Picture

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, August 5, 2013

Posted at : Monday, August 05, 2013

VIA stephers621:
Date Night LA Style! Saw Amanda Seyfred, Mr.Big, and Seth Cohen! Built up my braveness to ask Adam Lambert for a pic. #datenightlastyle #hangingwiththestars #moviepremiere #adamlambert


Anonymous said...

In the five years since the beginning of Idol, I think I've only seen one picture of him that was (to me) questionable...otherwise they are all like this one: Absolutely Effing Fantastic!! That kind of beauty is a gift.
Hey to Adamluv, Glitzy and MGF...Love you guys!

daydreamin said...

Hey PRS!! Hi! You need to check in more often!!

Very nice pic she got there of her and Adam! That's a keepsake for sure!

glitzylady said...

Hey to you too!!! :)))) Hoping you're making this a habit, popping in here... Love ya too! Hoping to see you again soon.

And yes, it's really really hard for Adam to take a bad pic... He was especially handsome and "old Hollywood"-ish tonight.. just stunning..

More pics from tonight: 35 or so from Adam Pictures.

glitzylady said...

And a VERY VERY nice "gif" of Adam at the Lovelace premier...

I think a >>>THUD!!!!<<< is in order here:

glitzylady said...

Oh, heck, here's one more great BIG pic of Adam...Very close up, stunning eyes........and lip freckles................

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! GLITZYLADY! That was SHOCKINGLY stunning!
The biggest close-up I've ever seen!
Love, love love it! Thanx!

Anonymous said...

Haha!! The gif and oh my, such a HUGE photo!!! O^O Many thanks glitzylady.

Anonymous said...

daydreamin: Hello and thanks for the nice comment. I do drop in on occasion, but need to more regularly. I realize that the often negative environment here shouldn't stop me from posting. Maybe if more of us "originals" frequented the site with our positivity, who knows...we might help to change it for the better. Take care of you.

Jadam NZ said...

Well said PRS, that is the attitude we must all adopt and not be chased away.