Well they said they met adam on Sunday when he was in Seattle and then flew to NYC. The choir tweet was sent from la. So if they met it was probably just crossing Paths in an airport.
OT but I think it's ridiculous when Glamberts who have 300 followers on twitter are telling fans who have 5 times or more followers what they can say on twitter. Get real.
2.16, 252, 3.26 do you trolls have a life at all. Nothing you say rings of any truth so just blank off! AFL doing fine and will be here through many era's so stop filling this site with utter BS. If Tommy with Adam or not Adam will be here for years to come.
Adam's face is priceless!lol
wow some tat on that guy.
Ok Adam, what are you up to? Anyone have any ideas?
Tweet by The Mississippi Mass @MassMissChoir: @adamlambert Great meeting you today. https://twitter.com/MassMissChoir/status/364272071477428228
The Mississippi Mass @MassMissChoir 4 Aug
Stay tuned to @gospelflava and @MassMissChoir for BIG announcement come later this week. #mmc25th
yay...clean shaven...:)
This was May
9:27 no idea but interesting tweets, maybe tweets not even assoccciated with each other tho
10:05 yeah I see that... :/ oh well still gorgeous!
9:37 np, I think if he shaved I would be excited about it too. But I still like the new and improved Melvin from his first try. :)
Interesting tweet by MassMissChoir........could this have anything to do with Glee and remembering Cory?
Interesting thought!
@ GMT,
I think so:)
Good thinking my dear!!:)
My eyes where so drawn to the bottom of the pic I almost missed the finger touch
Hmm, I hadn't thought about the choir visit having to do with Glee, but it's a possibility. Interesting theory!
Pictures of Adam: sublime.
Well they said they met adam on Sunday when he was in Seattle and then flew to NYC. The choir tweet was sent from la. So if they met it was probably just crossing Paths in an airport.
OT but I think it's ridiculous when Glamberts who have 300 followers on twitter are telling fans who have 5 times or more followers what they can say on twitter. Get real.
As long it's a good opinion or comments doesn't hurt at all.:)
Speculations are part of conversation and views everyday so just chill @ 1:52 PM.
Totally bad news is that Tommy announced he will be in the era #3 with Adam. There goes hope for the future then.
@2:07 Huh? I was referring to the fandom police on twitter. Glamberts who are incurable control freaks and who have lost their sense of reality.
I like the healthy self confidence of the guy in the picture. Adam with a guy like that Tommy would stay far away.. :)
oh boy does it ever end?
Since this site/this thread is not Twitter, could you perhaps be a bit more specific?!
@2:46 For your relief, it will end in the era #3.
Could someone write out what does it say in that hunk of a man's tattoo - can't enlarge the pic from my stupid phone...thank you.
Obviously we all die alone, but I like to think the guy has a good old warrior attitude.
Adam's tattoo says "music soothes the savage beast". In reality Tommy's charming guitar solos have made Adam a spineless wimp..
A new guess for Idol judges panel. Keith, Adam and Kimberly Perry
Thank you very much!
Have to write that down...
2.16, 252, 3.26 do you trolls have a life at all. Nothing you say rings of any truth so just blank off! AFL doing fine and will be here through many era's so stop filling this site with utter BS. If Tommy with Adam or not Adam will be here for years to come.
What's that thing being held at the bottom of this picture? Is it the not-so-big glambulge???
What a good looking guy Adam has next to him, that body! Finger touch!
Heard this guy is a regular at Evita...
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