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Nile Rodgers mentions Adam Lambert in new interview with My Fox New York

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, August 5, 2013

Posted at : Monday, August 05, 2013

Skip to around 2:30 into the video to hear the Adam mention!


Anonymous said...

You go Nile, talk up our Adam! \0/


Jadam NZ said...

Yes, what a blessing for Adam to have Nile in his corner, especially while Nile is having a massive comeback. So cool.

Anonymous said...

What a fascinating interview! Nile is soooo cool. Nile really likes Adam! Keep mentioning him whenever possible please! Adam said in a tweet that Nile invited him to write on the track for LMD so Adam is a co-writer too. I sure hope they play with Avicii at the Aug. 19th concert. Nile seems really excited about LMD...Yay!


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert to Join Nile Rodgers for AFTEE Dance Party
by Renee Snyder
August 05, 2013

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam's timing is certainly fortunate with Nile being very active and visible lately. What a great guy for Adam to be associated with! Can't wait to see the performance.


Anonymous said...

Nile and Brain May are the greatest cheerleaders for Adam,not bad! I want Lay Me Down to be a single so badly!

Anonymous said...

It's not a surprised for me that Adam is very in demand right now!!:)

He is the only or few American artist that can sing live!!!:)

But of course, for me he is the best!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Please don't skip anything of this vid, Nile is a gem and true inspiration, just like Adam.
I could have listened to him for hours, just like w Adam!

Excellent interview, Nile - fantastic news re your health and wishing you so much happiness with your current & future projects!

Oh, I wish I could join you all on Aug 19...

Anonymous said...

Policy Mic calls Avicii's Lay Me Down "a radio-destined hit with Nile Rogers & Adam Lambert!"


Anonymous said...

Chic is sophisticated, timeless and awesome. Is Pharrel going to be at the August In The Hamptons? Omg, think if they'd perform Kickin In..

Anonymous said...

anon 3:56

I was thinking the same thing! What if Adam & Pharrell perform Kickin In! Such a great dance of my favs on Trespassing. I wonder who the Super Star that Nile is keeping a secret is? David Bowie???


Anonymous said...

I envy some of you Glamberts going to this concert. I love the line up so much and ha special surprise well Niel said it Daft Punk. You guys whi don't know who Russell Peter is you will love him. He is hilorious. Watch some of his videos on youtube. Adam and Avicci. Bunch of other ones. Just WOW!

Anonymous said...

Nile is a fasinating person.. plus he seems to really like Adam. So obviously smart too.

Anonymous said...

This is too short of a notice for me. I hope Nile has a good turn out he works so hard. Is anyone going from here?

Anonymous said...

I am unable to go but will make a donation to AFTEE.

Anonymous said...

Yeah for the Adam mention ! Axel.

Anonymous said...

Fasinating interview! Nile is a special soul.

xo laura

leilani Aloha said...

Sweet Nile Rogers has lots of love & respect for Adam! & visa versa!!!
Will be an awesome dance party!!!

Anonymous said...

the one thing i get from nile rodger is the genuine love and support he gives Adam.i do wish them all the best in his career.And wish Adam surrounds himself with true people like him and not famewhores!

Anonymous said...

meant wish them (adam@nile) the best in their career

Anonymous said...

I too could listen to Nile talking for hours and hours. He has a lovely speaking voice.