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Some Glee Rumors About Adam Lambert: Henry?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, August 2, 2013

Posted at : Friday, August 02, 2013


Anonymous said...

What is the role of Henry?
I can't wait for Glee!
Adam on my TV screen every week!

Anonymous said...

oh no this is going to be worse than the AI rumors . First Adam's role was a man possible 40-50 years old and now a boy. Benjamin Button lol

Anonymous said...

Lÿndsey Parker ‏@lyndseyparker
Okay I guess that last link didn't work. Let's try this one. Talking about #Idol judge rumors on @studio11la:

Adam mention on FOX11LA News.

Anonymous said...

Well, I heard what Lyndsey Parker has to say.
She and Adam are the same ginger head but I didn't see any freckles.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 10:50pm, it will be great to see Adam on TV (hopefully) every week! Not TOO fond of the name Henry for Adam's character, if thats what it is. He needs something MUCH sexier.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

That's all he needs is more stereotypical gay bullsh*t rolls to keep him forever in that box. Look at Neil Patrick Harris. He plays a straight guy in his TV show, and now in a movie. Come on Adam. Does everything you do have to scream gay?? Thought you didn't like to be put in a box. Well now's your chance to prove it.

jackie said...

well one good thing, if he is playing a boy he has to get rid of all that facial hair that he's had for the last few months. Lets be honest here handsome man but that hair on the face ages him by ten years. I am still hoping Lay Me Down will be a single, think the album will be a hit.

Anonymous said...

It might be a little too early for Adam to play a straight guy; as this is his first tv serial role. It's better in my opinion for Adam to play a persona reflective of his personality. Yes he should do other roles other than a gay person but probably not in his first tv acting role. But if the director thinks he should play a straight guy, it's okay too. Adam can project his persona as Henry; he naturally behaves in a masculine manner; he's such a gentleman. Not to worry, the director will do his job and probably with some input from Adam himself. Adam is not just a singer/actor; he's an expert resource person who knows theatre musicals and how to be convincing.
Laura, don't worry about Henry not being a sexy name; believe you me, he'll change your perception in no time. We'll get to see a sexy Henry! lol! See it sounds sexy already when you picture him as Henry. Hey King Henry V111 was a lustful king, wasn't!


Anonymous said...

I agree with Jackie, of course he's a really hot guy (He still looks like he's 27-28) but facial hair would have to go if his role is going to be a "boy".

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of whiners!!!
@1:27 especially, YAK to your post!

Anonymous said...

Adam's first appearance on TV was as a an artist, dressed as a vampire.. Then he was in a comedy skit in how to become a diva... So what's next...

Some gleeks may be hoping that there is a gay storyline with Adam's character.. just to put some spice in the gay Kurt/Blaine storyline.

Personally I hope Adam's character gets more involved in the Rachel- storyline about musical theater... which also may involve Kurt.. because Kurt and Rachel live together... And Rachel used to date Kurt's stepbrother.. played by the late Cory Monteith.

Anonymous said...

The whiners are up !!!:)

Drink your coffee first he!he!


Anonymous said...

Just curious...exactly how many "stereotypical gay bullsh*t rolls" (sic)has Adam played on TV so far? And why should a gay actor be considered more relevant because he depicts a "banging chicks/bro code" type of persona? How about we judge all actors on their ability to play any kind of role-regardless of their orientation? It sounds like you are the one putting him in the "straight jacket"...and ps..he doesn't need to prove anything to us...

Anonymous said...

Just curious...exactly how many "stereotypical gay bullsh*t rolls" (sic)has Adam played on TV so far? And why should a gay actor be considered more relevant because he depicts a "banging chicks/bro code" type of persona? How about we judge all actors on their ability to play any kind of role-regardless of their orientation? It sounds like you are the one putting him in the "straight jacket"...and ps..he doesn't need to prove anything to us...

Anonymous said...

Geez, the talons are out on this thread! For goodness sake, don't be so sensitive and defensive. Just because someone has a point of view that differs from yours doesn't mean their thoughts are alien, and therefore it's your right to be nasty as possible in return. Civility costs nothing.

Anonymous said...

Prince Harry's real name is Henry so perhaps they'll call Adam Harry .... haha!! ;-D

Anonymous said...

I don't care if the call him Late For Supper. Let's get this show on the road.

Anne Marie said...

@5:23 You hit the nail on the head. WE are not writing the script. Glee must have asked Adam if he had any problems acting as a gay person. hahaha.

Anonymous said...

How about a bisexual role to please all parties? That would really be a killer role for him to play!

Lots of intense moments with men and women!!!

Anonymous said...

Please somebody, with wisdom, knowledge and eloquent way of putting words together --- comments like @1:27 are not about different point of view but about totally something else...

And about Adam's acting skills: I say they are excellent, he fooled most AmIdol watchers during season 8 pretty good... :)))) - and it seems most of those have still not recovered or accepted the truth...

Anonymous said...

@5:35 AM
Adam having any problems acting as a person ........... that's hilarious!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

6.01am hereW
WHOOPS!! I should've typed .......
Adam acting as a gay person.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has to agree on this site, otherwise they're called a troll and told in unpleasant terms to leave.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has to agree on this site, otherwise they're called a troll and told in unpleasant terms to leave.

Anonymous said...

@6:09 AM
You really got to Get A Life. REALLY!

Anonymous said...

I would assume that the producers, etc. of Glee will try want to give Adam a role that is suitable to his age, his look, his personality, whether it's gay or straight. I'm more interested in the development of his acting skills. I hope he gets some good coaching so he can do well. Regardless of the role itself, I want him to get some respect as an actor so he can move on to more acting roles. The Diva show and the PLL show were not really showcases for much real acting.

As for the name Henry, I have known a Henry for years who is good-looking and has a great personality. He carries the name quite well, and it isn't the slightest bit dorky on him. A friend of my brother just had a baby and she named him Henry. It's an old -fashioned name that apparently is coming back into fashion. Adam would be the sexiest Henry I've ever seen, if he gets that name. Sometimes I get a little weary of all the cutesy, trendy, oh-so-cool names that seem pretty silly after a while. So, if Adam is Henry, so be it!!!


Anonymous said...

at 6:18 AM

Come on, who has got a life? REALLY?

Those who never come here!!!

Anonymous said...

I personally don't care about how the character is displayed. Seeing Adam on my television every week is what excites me the most.

Anonymous said...

@6:23 AM I bet you laid awake all night thinking of trash talk.

Anonymous said...

Adam wouldn't say a word about Glee at the twitter party. I thought he sounded happy about whatever the role is going to be.

Anonymous said...

6:09 / 6:10
That's not true and I'm sure you know it too.
You can disagree all you want but do it in a civil manner and in a way that respects other peoples' (hopefully) respectfully written views that differ from yours. That way the discussion is kept interesting and alive...

Here at AL 24/7 it seems that being positive, playful and loving is seen as something negative & laughable, which I find very odd (and I definitely don't live in an Adam bubble, I'm painfully realistic in my RL)...

This is the spirit (quote from a photo I saw):


Anonymous said...

maybe his nickname will be Hank.

Anonymous said...

that first tweet doesn't make any sense, one of the females is name Ryan?

Anonymous said...

I think Henry is a good name by itself. Doesn't need a nickname.

Anonymous said...

I am just thrilled about Adam being on Glee, now matter who he plays or what his name is it will be great. Also Nile's dance party in the Hamptons August 19th now includes Adam and Avicii! It is starting guys,big things to come for Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

i would rather he plays a straight guy,you know mix things up.whatever role he plays,i will be cheering him on

Anonymous said...

this name calling must stop!jeez...why i should i be labelled a troll and other ugly names because i am stating a fact my opinion?.a lot of people here need to cool it except a person uses derogatory names or is homophobic,i dont think contrary opinions be labelled as insults.argue out your point or disagree politely to a contrary opinion.

Anonymous said...

I don't know where this info came from but I am sure Adam is not playing a boy, as in student! He was turned down for a student role when he auditioned in 2007 or 8, because he didn't look young enough then, well he def doesn't look young enough now!

Anonymous said...

Adam's character should a straight guy that every woman falls in love with.
Unavoidably of course.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited about Adam performing with Nile again on Aug. 19. And Adam's connection with AVICII is really tremendous. AV is at the top of his game now and is very popular. Seems like doors keep opening for Adam is new ways. Top producers and writers recognize his talent and really like working with him. Nile is such a legend. Hope all this leads to more big opportunities.

Just one Idol comment: Is the JLo, WIA, KU panel now the final one??? There is no fourth judge who will be named? There are no ifs, ands or buts about this panel? The new Idol PTB sure didn't do that big make-over and shake-up like they said they would. Maybe they'll change the format of the show itself? Just seems like they're sticking with the same old same old. Maybe there's more to come. Of course, for me, if there's no Adam, I'll just skip the whole thing.


Anonymous said...

Growing up as a gay teenager, I'm sure Adam felt he had to hide a lot of himself. Don't you think maybe he doesn't want to hide anymore. Maybe Adam wants to play "himself" as he has said many times. There is room for all genders in tv and movies. I adore Adam the way he is - that's what I'm looking for. If Adam plays a straight character, fine if he's okay with it. Either way, Adam will be hot as he was in Wicked. It will be my dream to see Adam on tv every week. I'm so excited!!!!!
p.s. Adam would turn "Henry" into the world's hottest name - ala "Oh Henry!" oolala!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@DRG I've been reading all that is offered here while you were gone and searched the internet in my own simple way. What I'm hearing is that Keith is a done deal and JLo and Wil are "almost a lock". I don't think they will go with Adam but I don't think it's written in stone yet.

Anonymous said...

I read that there are 4 new male characters to be introduced in Glee S5 namely:

Jim Elliott...good-looking teacher, forty+ of age

Roderick Eastern...talented, egotistic, also 40 to 50

Jurgen...with Austrian or German accent

Henry...only name given, age, description not given

Adam could plausibly play the teacher or Henry. Could it be that's why he's keeping the moustache if he plays the teacher. There is a recent photo of him in studded boots, semi-dark glasses and moustache...does look like a stylish, artistic teacher. lol! So he could play a straight character. Actually not so difficult for Adam to play a straight character; he did so well as Joshua, got rave reviews from critics. Henry seems to be the mysterious one though. Hmm, getting quite intriguing. lol!


Anonymous said...

OMG, what us wrong with most of you? Adam's too gay, Adam's too straight, his character needs to be some sort of political statement, I don't like the characters name, he can't play the role looking like that, he needs to shave, blah blah blah. It's a goofy tv show for petes sake. And none of you are writing it. And these negative comments from the group that is always complaining about negative posters. Until it's your negative opinion. BTW, these are unsubstantiated rumors at this point. And boy can be used interchangeably with male especially in a quickly composed tweet.

Anonymous said...

I like the description of Roderick, maybe he can be 30-40 y/o and that can be Adam's role.

Anonymous said...

9:01 chill, I think this has been a pretty fun thread so far. We all know the bottom line is what the creators and producers of Glee choose it to be.

Anonymous said...

I'm for Jim Elliott.

Anonymous said...

7:54, what is this about Adam playing with Nile?

Anonymous said...

Adam and Avicci at the fundraiser Nile is doing in the Hamptons:

Swedish sensation Avicii will join legendary producer and musician Nile Rodgers in an event that Rodgers is calling the “greatest dance party the East End of Long Island has ever seen.”


Nile Rodgers
Thanks to the 100's of thousands of fans who've come out for us so far. See you in the Hamptons Aug 19 w CHIC, Adam Lambert, funny man Russell Peters, Chromeo, Prince P, Mystery Skulls, and a secret super-headliner !

Anonymous said...

9;54 thanks for the links, sounds like my type of benefit.

Anonymous said...

Not fond of the name Henry and hope he plays a straight character. Against type is acting. Henry is not a cool name and straight would both be different than him. Anyway, hope it showcases his massive talent, personality and voice. Rest is unimportant.

Anonymous said...

Adam does not look, talk or act gay. He is a masculine alpha male so playing it straight would fit.

Anonymous said...

Just because Adam is gay, does it follow that he has to play a gay character on Glee? Matt Bomer and NPH are both gay and don't play gay characters on their respective shows. I am sure there are other actors I can't think of now who are gay and play straight roles with a love interest. Since Glee does have a central theme with gay characters and then the NYC scenes with Broadway roles and some gay characters, is that going to be where he fits in? Whatever the role or the name, ultimately I will be happy to see Adam on tv as a recurring character on this show. I have not been watching Glee as much the last season or so, but will be back because Adam will be appearing on the show.

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to have Adam play a homophob.

Anonymous said...

How about a trollophob ?

Anonymous said...

I hope he doesn't play a gay character and love interest of Colfer's. Just let him "act" and be good friends with Lea's character. He won't try to fill in for Cory's character but just be a friend in NY. I only want Adam's talent to shine and have the light on his sexuality dimmed. I mean, he wants to be known as a singer, not a gay singer. It is time already.

Anonymous said...

Why do people not understand calling a gay person a masculine alpha male is offensive???? It's like calling a guy an effeminate homosexual or a woman a butch lesbian. Get it now?

Anonymous said...

disagree. There are many gay people that do not fit the 'look' of being gay. Adam is proud of his masculinity and I seriously doubt he would take offense being described as a masculine alpha male. I doubt if Rock Hudson took offense being described that way either.

Anonymous said...

I do not think that Adam will have a very big role on Glee, at least to start..they will need to test the waters with him to see public's reaction and check ratings..after all, he is not known for acting..but I am sure he can carry it off no matter what the all is good!!

Anonymous said...

I hope they get him comfortable with acting and ease him into a decent role.

Anonymous said...

11:29, Rock Hudson was in the closet and never came out publicly, that's how comfortable he was with being gay.

Anonymous said...

Alpha male is a heterosexual term with heterosexual connotations and that is why it is offensive to the LGBT community.

Anonymous said...

11:29, there is no "look" to being gay. Your homophobia and ignorance is showing.

Anonymous said...

you don't know me, so I will let your comment slide, however I can assure you that there is no one on the planet who is less homophobic than point being: my beautiful granddaughter, who is a real girly girl, is gay - and her girlfriend is completely butch..some homosexual people do not come across as such and others do..and that is a fact there!!!

Anonymous said...

Honestly, do you think Adam ever gets SICK of his diehard fans dissecting every friggin thing he says or does? He will be acting on Glee. He will do what the director tells him do, because he is a professional. No wonder he's staying tight lipped. Give the guy a break. I love him as much as you all do.

Anonymous said...

12:43, then ask your granddaughter if it is offensive to call her a girly gay or to call her girlfriend completely butch. Just because you love her doesn't mean you aren't using offensive terms. My lesbian cousin hates all the terms that try to categorize her and told me it is offensive to her community to do that.

Adamluv said...

@8:33 - gay is normal!!!! Your comment was offensive. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1 45

News flash girlfriend. Your overly pc cousin doesn't speak for the entire gay community. You sound like an idiot

Anonymous said...

Yes this is such a wonderful site where someone trying to be sensitive to a relative is called an idiot.

Anonymous said...

You can go ahead and continue to call me and people that agree with me homophobic (I am 10:31), but you are the ignorant one 10:55. 1:45, 12:11, etc. Quit beating up on people like me who are NOT homophobic, prejudiced or ignorant. Thank you to those that agree that saying alpha male or masculine is not offensive to a gay man. Honestly, you need to look at yourselves and see how terribly rude, judgemental and ignorant you are. Quit beating up on people on this thread who state an honest opinion. Where is the humanity? Like 12:43 said, you do not know me. And I say right now, that Adam would not appreciate the way his fans treat each other. You should be ashamed by your offensiveness and acting as if you are the authority. Adam is a masculine, handsome, strong man that can handle anything and does so with grace, dignity and honesty. Learn kindness from him.

Anonymous said...

2:16. Agree completely. Ignorance comes in all forms. TY :)

Anonymous said...

2:16, you took the words right out of my mouth. Like any group, gays have a wide range of opinions on things, including how they want to be perceived or talked about. It's one of the points Adam has been trying to make since we've known him. One person cannot speak for a whole group and represent them accurately. There are too many variables. Adam could play a gay role or a straight one. I just want his role to show his talents and get new people to notice him in a positive way. With luck, the Glee gig could lead to bigger acting jobs and other media opportunities. He's willing to give it a try.


Anonymous said...

2:34 Perfectly said. We just want the best for Adam. TY.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said many times that we need to celebrate the diversity in the gay community..and I would go one step further and say that we all need to accept each other in our unique and wonderful differences..

Anonymous said...

then if an expression is offensive to part of the community maybe it shouldn't be used in general. I know there are black people who are not offended by the n word but I would never use it. same with the f word within the gay community.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the name Henry. Henry Fonda was considered a hot and sexy guy in his day.

Anonymous said...

The part of Roderick Easton (40-50 yrs) was later changed to 30ish. This may be Adam's part. We could call him ROD!!

Anonymous said...

Or Rick or Derick

Anonymous said...

pray tell..where are you reading this about the Roderick Easton age change..can you post a link????

Anonymous said...

@3:35 Love it!

Anonymous said...

didnt know mr spock is gay

Anonymous said...

Yes he is....and Mr Sulu in the very first version of Star Trek, is also gay.

Anonymous said...

how did we veer away from Adam and on to Star Trek???? haha

Anonymous said...

Hi! Laura here again, It's been fun and certainly interesting reading over all the posts since last night!

3:35pm, if Roderick is changed to a 30-something character, then Adam could play it. ("Rod" would be an added bonus. haha.) Adam is TOO young to play the 40 - 50 year old parts, facial hair or not.

Shout-out to 10:44am and 10:52am. Very funny.

Okay, Okay those here that like the name Henry ... I give in. The name Henry CAN be sexy. Totally forgot about Henry the 8th, and I was BEHEADED by him in a past life! You'd THINK that would make an impact! Or did it? Dun, Dun, Dun...

I think it would be very interesting to see Adam play a fun but very professional teacher or vocal coach (I mean here just NOT a student) where the sexuality was not hinted at or the issue. After all, as a teacher he would be around young, impressionable folks who are in an inferior position. Relations would be inapporiate. UNLESS it's me ... ahh .. a relationship that develops over a long period of time and becomes truly equal.

And, many of us didn't know Adam was gay when he was on Idol, tho' the clues were there...hence his statement to Rolling Stone that "It should not be a surprise to anyone I'm gay". (Maybe gay folks could spot the signs?)

Anyway . . .
A sex-on-legs, FANTASY teacher for ALL!! That's what I vote for!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous August 3, 2013 at 6:32 AM,

About LOL = Love our Lambert.. So nice !! And thousand thumbs up to your post....

I remember in an interview that Adam would love to play the role of an obnoxious coach... I also would love to see Adam in a villain role with some good in his heart.. because he wants who just want to be be tough to his students so that they become better and better... and maybe he also is tough because he has something to hide.


Anonymous said...

"(Maybe gay folks could spot the signs?)"

And here we go with another ignorant comment that sounds homophobic.

Anonymous said...

@Laura... ok.. after reading your post, then I want Adam to play a teacher or coach, who is obnoxious, knowledgeable, and sexy.

and whose sexuality is implied but he is not really out of the closet as gay or straight... This reminds me of some of my friends who are straight but they are a bit on the feminin side...

Anonymous said...

Sorry: August3, 2013 at 5.20 pm is signed Axel.

Anonymous said...

Whatever role Adam plays will be a smash; so no complaints there. Hmm the third episode in honour of Cory Monteith's passing, Adam could sing...Candle In The Wind. Whoa! Get ready your tissue-box. Also follow up with The Prayer...Adam/Lea duet. If Adam plays the teacher and in his class, sitting right at the back, Kurt/Colfer has a secret teacher/student crush; and Adam plays a bisexual or straight character...oooh-la-la! Quite steamy already, need to grab my morning coffee, followed with tea. lol!


Anonymous said...

I didn't know Adam was gay on AI. Bur then it didn't matter. He isn't defined by his sexuality. Just talented, gorgeous and kind.

Anonymous said...

I just read on another thread, Henry' a new favourite bar of Adam's in NYC. Hmm...kaypoh king lol!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my, that crazy person is wrong, the new bar/nightclub is in LA.

Anonymous said...

Okay. But the name Henry of the new character in Glee, could have been suggested by Adam and that also suggests he may play Henry, a bartender/owner. Oooh...Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Well, 5:06pm, I didn't mean to sound homophobic. Ignorant, what can I say, entirely possible. Some folks have "gaydar", some don't. I most certainly lack in that area unless it's too obvious to ignore. And WHO CARES!

I never watched Idol after the second season. My brother and his family brought him to my attention, and even then I watched it there only a few times, Mad World and Whole Lotta Love nights. I was mainly worried about him screwing up two of my favorite songs. After that I did investigate who Adam was.

Homophobic and ignorant....
Years ago an interior designer named Christopher Lowell had a TV show that I absolutely LOVED. He was brilliant. I watched one day with my then 5th grade nephew, and he started to giggle. He informed me that Lowell was gay. Ohhh ...? I couldn't believe I didn't know, it was quite obvious. And, I didn't care. I no longer watched the show with my nephew because I didn't want to perpetuate the "that's so gay" stuff going around in his school.
Today he is totally chill about the subject, and he remembers our talks about why he was no longer invited to watch the show.

My gay friends are treated no differently than my straight friends. I hate them all. haha...

Maybe chill out a little bit. This is an Adam Lambert fan site, for heavens sake. That's why I thought 10:44am's post was so funny.

The rest of the comments (Axel, ha)
are fun. Was not expecting yours, 5:06pm. I think we just have a misunderstanding, my friend.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I think 10:44 AM and 10:52 AM are funny, too. It would certainly be a huge acting challenge for Adam. If he pulled those off, he'd have an Emmy.

Anonymous said...

The jumps of logic amaze me.

Anonymous said...

If you want to be a serious actor you'd better be open to any role.

Anonymous said...

Hoping Adams part will be Lea's love interest in NY.
This is acting you know, even still
Ryan Murphy you better not have him doing scenes that will damage his career, to much gay.
Shows ratings went down when they get into that. The show is watched by many youngsters.

Anonymous said...

2xo laura . . . you're Anne Boleyn in the past???

Anonymous said...

Or maybe Catherine Howard - Henry beheaded both of them!

Anonymous said...

@Axel, Aug3 4:53
Thank for your thumbs up way back up in this thread!
Been meaning to say this earlier:
Good to have you onboard this Crazy Train of Adam's! The ride is getting wilder and wilder... lol

Anonymous said...

Oooops, above, forgot to sign...:)))
Aug 3, 6:32

Anonymous said...

All the more reason to deal with gay issues, when the show is watched by younger people... to help and learn from young age that it's ok to be who you are and to educate the ignorant and homophobic people of all ages!