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Adam and Brian backstage at iHeartRadio (CONCERT AIRING ON CW RIGHT NOW and TOMORROW)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, September 30, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 30, 2013


donnaw said...

AMAZING!!!!! Love you Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

I am soooo beat this was my first time watching a program and doing twitter at the same time. Good program and loved Adam once again.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam will be on tomorrow too!!! Whoopee.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the fabulous Adam again on Tuesday night!.nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Adam was fabulous with Queen. He looked so good on TV. Nothing like live TV appearances. He sounded so good. I will just be thankful for what they showed. Maybe one day we will see them perform WWTLF.
For now, I think those two songs really showcased his voice. Especially for people who have not been keeping up with him, or for new viewers. Such a strong beautiful voice. Going to go Watch Adam & Queen again before I hit the sack.

Anonymous said...

Did they say Adam would be on Tues night? I figured just the second night performers.?

Anonymous said...

The way I understand it, Adam and Queen WILL be on again tomorrow night. Hope that's correct.


Anonymous said...

Yes I am hearing they will be on tomorrow night with Adam and Fun doing the "Fat Bottom Girls" duet.
They know how to keep Glambert's attention. "If you have him; we will come."

I wonder if they are the only artist returning second night?

Very cool!

Anonymous said...

If prayers work he will be. But I'm a skeptic. :(

funbunn40 said...

Adam won't be on tomorrow. Night #2 with those artists will be featured. Don't know where Fat Bottom Girls rumour started, as the 2nd night artists are supposed to be featured unless iHeart will add Queen, which I would love to see, but doubt. I'll watch anyway, as Bruno Mars should be on and so far the show and all artists have been great.

funbunn40 said...

I just saw that Adam will be on tommorow night on another thread. I was mistaken. Apologies! Yay!!

Anonymous said...

No, don't think so.

glitzylady said...

How about we wait and see :)))) I'll vote for Adam and Queen on tomorrow night....... Hoping!

Anonymous said...

If you didn't watch through the credits on CW tonight, you missed a message to tune in tomorrow for more Adam and Queen. He's Gonna be on again!!!!!!!!!!