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Adam Lambert's Latest Tweets (9/30/2013)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 30, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 30, 2013


Anonymous said...

Well, that settles that.

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand. He said that it was going to be different than live stream footage. Different in what way?

Anonymous said...

@3:16PM just watch it, you'll find out about it. Let's not be greedy. Two nights we'll get to see Adam on our TV. Be happy! Don't worry!

Love, Light & Peace

Anonymous said...

Possibly different camera views, close-ups, audience reaction, interesting shots and angles, as I recall seeing cameras behind Adam's
performance that showed on the iHeart video. Though forming a bothersome backdrop to a gorgeous Adam, it must have been necessary for optimal filming. I have to take Adam at his word as he was closer to the source.

Anonymous said...

If they don't show WWTLF, that's just downright shameful!

Don't like to sushed.
So I'm just gonna say it:
From an non-US perspective, this fun. singer should've never been together on stage with Queen and with Adam & the Queen NEVAH!!! So not deserving.

Anonymous said...

I'll be spending part of my birthday today watching the CW and esp. looking for Adam and Queen. I have seen the entire Queenbert show with fun and saved the video, so I don't know how much difference there will be. WWTLF is my favorite song of the show and if anyone(who is not a fan) watching Adam perform this song doesn't become a fan, there must be something very wrong with them. Call me a snob, but I really don't care too much about the other performers although I will watch the entire show.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon September 30, 2013 at 3:26 PM

Please please don't do that. It's not helpful to Adam. I'm not sushing you my fellow fan, just politely asking you to join me (another slightly passionate Adam fan) in keeping in mind that this is a public blog and we want to welcome music lovers here who enjoy seeing Adam make music in various ways, collaborations included... especially with a hot current chart topping singer. Others singers don't diminish Adam's successes. Peace.

Anonymous said...

3:37 is to the first 3:26 post. And again, I make my post with all due respect and consideration, not trying to shush you fellow fan.

Anonymous said...

I have a great feeling that it'll be fabulous no matter what they'll show. If they show WWTLF fine. If not, still it'll be awesome cause Adam will be on TV. I can't wait to watch Adam.

Anonymous said...

I hope the last day will include Adam too. Something bothers me about day 2.

Anonymous said...

I will always hurt for Adam when I feel like he's being dismissed or shunned. But I have to take Adam's lead and suck it up, focus on the "half-full", especially since I feel all of this uphill climb, though slow, is best for its steepness. My life is marked mostly by struggles, but the small triumphs along the way are what I treasure, and the defeats, my attitude is to console myself for even being in the arena, because many people, even those wishing my downfall, are not players, but spectators. They are not my competition.
Adam's arena is fraught with all kinds of ugliness, and thank God he has so much talent, gumption, and stamina. As a spectator on his side, even when he cheers others on and it's his opinion, not necessarily ours, so we shouldn't call it "pimping", which is an insulting innuendo, I know he is on the side of what he considers his truth, telent in all its permutations. There's no right or wrong in music. I happen to gravitate toward Adam's because I know the source, and I trust it.
So, if you're bellyaching about the diss Adam seems to get even at the height of his glory, just know that the diss is what probably makes him stronger, and ironically, more compassionate.

Anonymous said...

Since Adam is excited about it that send a tweet to watch it then I am happy and can't wait for it. I'm sure it'll be awesome.

Anonymous said...

i took it that he meant it was not the full 35 min set, so perhaps behind the scenes, commenters, etc. will be interesting (hopefully) as to what they pull out to show on TV

Anonymous said...

Wow, 4:03pm, so heartfelt. And I agree on the use of the word "pimping" when used to describe Adam's notice of other artists. Very insulting to Adam. Well done!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

It was 1 million times better on TV than on the videos!!!!!! He rocked it. I am not mad any more.

Anonymous said...

just wish they would have shown was a stunning and shining moment for him..but..everything he did was a all is okay..

Anonymous said...

Yes, he ROCKED it but it looks like the Fun. guy closed the show and not Adam. But, hopefully Adam will close the show tomorrow night!

Adam was simply AMAZING tonight! I was standing in front of my TV and clapping like a fool.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so different than when he started out fresh off Idol..he really has grown from a boy into a man..and..what a man he is!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the 'fun' guy is exactly Adam's age and yet he looks so young by comparison..just a boyish looking fellow I guess..he was really getting into it..but, Adam is my main man..and always will be

Anonymous said...

cannot wait for tomorrow night ...thank you iheart and CW..Adam was looking so good on TV and sounded so good as always..loved it ..jut absolutely loved it

Anonymous said...

just absolutely loved it...correcting my lost post..

Anonymous said...

Just loved watching Adam. He is mesmerizing. You can't take your eyes off him as he moves across that stage. He and Brian have such a great respect and admiration for each other as does Roger. WWTLF was the highlight of the show which will probably be on tomorrow. It was probably one of the best vocals I have heard from Adam. Hopefully after seeing Adam on the show it will bring him some new fans. How can you ignore someone who is so talented and outshines most of the performers in music today.

Anonymous said...


Love love your post. One of the most sincere and meaningful posts I've read here.
Just like you, I feel the same way about Adam's struggles why I never stop praying for his success.
One day, our dreams for Adam shall come true.
That will be the day!

Anonymous said...

@ 4:03 come on, those wishing your downfall? How conceited are you?