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Adam Lambert LIKES Sauli Koskinen's Skating Pictures

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, September 29, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sauli Koskinen is currently competing in a Skating Competition Show in Finland. He seems to be doing very well!


Anonymous said...

Sauli is up to a lot of things. He looks like he likes ice skating. Hope Sauli and Adam keep in touch, he seems like a nice guy.

Anne Marie said...

So glad Adam saw Sauli's skating pictures. Hope he watched the video, I am sure he did. I am also sure he had only one word to say, after watching, "WOW" :))

Anonymous said...

Oh, Adam, you are the best!
Doesn't Sauli look great, that body, those eyes and that smile!
I so often use the same exact words of you, BB!

YAY for Sauli and Nea!!!

Anonymous said...

Can somebody please post the possible youtube links here? Would love to watch their skating when I get back. Thank you!

The pic of Sauli skating alone...Looking sooo good, Sauli!

Anonymous said...

Sauli and Nea came in second place, really good for first week, also up against a professional ice hockey player, who was very used to being on the ice. Sauli hadn't ice skating since 9th grade he said. So he was starting this from zero. Judges said the pair had great chemistry. Sauli plans on being back here in November, after the skating show ends.

Anonymous said...

skating is very common here in usa- first place second place doesnt matter- skating is skating-not really impt. ordinary person can skate also.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sauli...super-duper-do! lwl! You look so happy as usual and handsome! Adam must be happy to see you having so much fun.


Anne Marie said...

Sauli said they wore blue and white colors for their outfits, Finland colors, and Sauli added the red color, as a nod to the USA. I wish I knew how to bring the link over for the video, it is just great. It reminded me of how Adam puts his heart and soul into his singing, and you could see Sauli put his heart and soul into his skating. Not bad for a beginner learning this in 4 weeks. Now they have only one week to prepare for the next program.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:23
This show is the same as USA Skating on Ice show we have. The pairs are set up with one prof. skater, and one ordinary person as you say, who hasn't done ice skating before. That means Sauli is the ordinary person. Also, it does matter who wins. This is a paid job, and it is televised, with professional judges. It seemed like you were sneering at the whole thing. Hope I mistook your opinion. I thought it was great, and so were Sauli and Nea.

Anonymous said...

I love it when there's a Sauli post <3333

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool that Adam is keeping himself updated on Sauli's career. I wonder if he still has feelings for him....he likes Sauli's pics every week.

Anonymous said...

A lot of the other teams let the professional do the fancy work, but sauli really went for it and had a challenging skate. Good for him. It was a very cute routine.

Anonymous said...

I really, REALLY hope now the "Sauli posts" won't get so much grief. So many of us have always rooted for Sauli, as Adam's friend and as a good soul in and of himself. It's wonderful that Adam keeps up on Sauli news... I think theirs was a true love connection. So classy that they remain friends. Heartwarming.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Yea I watched the Sauli skating video...he did exactly what he learnt and so brave of him to do that after learning it for only 4 weeks. Whoa, he almost slipped but that in fact is the candidness of it. Go go go Sauli...lwl!


Anonymous said...

Like Sauli said Adam is his best fiend. Just because the romantic love may be gone does not mean every feeling is gone. I think they just still like each other as friends I doubt that will ever change not everybody that way so it's a nice thing. So glad Adam saw Sauli's skating pictures. Hope he watched the video, I am sure he did. I am also sure he had only one word to say, after watching, "WOW" :))

Anonymous said...

Part of 6.50 is mine Sue. Up to not everybody that way so it's a good thing. Then it got mixed up with someone else's! Wonder how that happened second half not mine. Sue

Anonymous said...

6:50 is that you also at comment 5:08?

Anonymous said...

No not me I just wrote the first half and the rest just appeared out of the blue. 6.50. Look like it some how got mixed up with 5.08 so far a part do not get it I guess it was 5.08 looks the same. Sue

Anonymous said...

Sauli is the epitome of the word "cute". I saw the vid of the couples routine......he skates like what he is, an adorable amateur giving it his very best effort....his personality shines thru in everything I've ever seen him do.

I want to hug him!......JAK

Anonymous said...

Sue that is really strange I guess we will never figure it out. lol

Anonymous said...

Sauli's skating partner is very relaxed and pretty and knows how to accommodate Sauli.


Anonymous said...

7.03 I guess a lot stranger stuff as happened on here than that. No big deal at least both posts were nice.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to have a t shirt like Sauli's

Anonymous said...

I think the explanation for mysterious mix up was Gremlins.
They are pesky little tricksters..... JAK : )

Anonymous said...

NVM, tricksters or not, this is a happy post. It would be nice for Sauli to win but the main thing is that this show increases his profile and the other show about Finnish friends in LA gets good ratings and Sauli gets a second season :) Then he can come back to warm climate for the winter. Then he can get more work and be a Finnish correspondent in the US.

He is a go-getter. Like Adam.

Anonymous said...

Addy likes Sauli's pics while he takes other guys home.
Life goes on.

Anne Marie said...

I guess part of my post, got mixed with another persons. I am as puzzled as you. :)
Why do you have to be snide. Of course Adam has friends he takes home, that has nothing to do with him liking Sauli's pics. Adam likes a lot of pics every week. He also goes to his friends shows, wouldn't be surprised if he went to see Sauli skate. Of course he won't, he is too busy, and Finland is a very long trip. Adam has his life, and Sauli has his, and they are still friends.
If you want to see the skating video, go to Adamtopia, Sauli central.

Anonymous said...

I think it is great that they are still friends. But I still wish we could all just move on from the Saulbert stuff. Sauli is a nice guy and I am happy he is happy. Adam is happy too. Pet Peeves: Saulbert and Addy names. He is a guy - Adam.

Anonymous said...

@7:47 PM
Yes, that is life. They are friends but not boyfriends. Sauli may take guys home in Helsinki but still like Adam as a friend.

Sauli was a little "shaky" and wondered how he made mistakes in the easy parts and the more difficult parts went well. The theme of the evening was "who am I, or what song matters much to me" and Sauli had picked a song called "On the other side of the world" which he posted to his mom on Fb when he moved to Hollywood. It says "don't worry mom, I'll take care of me".

@5:23 PM
Yes, skating is very common everywhere but this is a TV-show (I know Finland is a small country and it is not a big deal, lol). I have been skating too when I was in school but they did not ask me to skate in television in front of a live audience. It really does matter if you are first or last; this is a competition and one couple is dropped out every week. It's not over yet. They are learning all the time. It continues for weeks.

Anonymous said...

8:07 PM
Can't you just scroll when you see Sauli's name in the headline? There are lots of topics of Adam's friends. If I'm not interested, I don't open the topic and read. Some other's may be interested, still. On the base of their friendship.

Anonymous said...

I just watched Sauli's TV show, where he spends a day making a friend. I love this show, and you don't really need it to be translated, you can follow it just by all the things they do. This week it was in Las Vegas, with one of the Chip'n'dales. very interesting and funny . I don't care if Adam marries someone, I will still follow Sauli, as long as
they continue to put him on this site or other sites. Adam doesn't just drop his friends, I have only seen Adam drop a friend once, and that was Monte.

Anonymous said...

I hope admin sees the mix up in the comments. Yes I know this is a happy thread but information disarray could happen on another thread.Admin will decide on how big of a deal it is.

Anonymous said...


Sauli skates on ice
With a pretty dancer to guide
Much like Adam, Sauli is forthright
He may literally slip and fall
So what...don't we all
While they're still good friends
Let's just take it as and when...
Things happen, beyond one's control
They're simply living their now and tommorow
Enjoy their platonic relationship
Try, forget about the split
When an opportune time arrives some day
They could decide to stay or nay
I's difficult to let go
Oft bogged down by sorrow
But as with pruning, you cut one part
Another shoot starts
Feel free and chuck the crutch


Anonymous said...

Can somebody link the video here please. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

8:25 PM
I've watched all three shows that they have showed and I love them; they are interesting and tell a lot about the people he meets. There will be interesting people still; for instance Janne Kouri, who is in wheel chair b/c of some accident, chef Stefan Richter and actress Anna Easteden. Sauli is so natural, smiley and fun. I hope he gets to make the second season.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, Nice one again! Love your poems. Sauli is so cute and just bursting with personality and enthusiasm for life. It's so easy to see how he and Adam were attracted to each other. Love that they're still friends. Once you have Adam in your life, it's hard to let him go completely. Don't we know that, Glamberts?? LOL.


glitzylady said...

I agree with @laura, @JAK and others.. Sauli is a cutie and I love seeing his skating routines. He's doing a great job and I'm rooting for him and his partner Nea. I follow them on Facebook so get all the latest info and updates on their practices in the competition. For anyone on Facebook who would like to follow their progress, here's the link to their page:

Facebook Page: Dancing On Ice Sauli & Nea

The first dance routine is also on there. I watched it on the Dancing On Ice official page yesterday but when I went back to look for it just now it was gone..perhaps pulled by the show. But still on Facebook. Probably on You Tube somewhere tho...

Anonymous said...

8.29 it would be not so great if it was a nasty post but thank goodness it was not. I agree it could be a problem to have a nice post mixed up with a not so nice post.hopefully it was a isolated case. If it happens again it should be looked into. But when I said it was not a big deal I meant there was no reason to get upset about it because it turned out ok. If Admin wants to look into it that's fine. Sue

Anonymous said...

Hey DRG!
Thanks! again. Yea you're right. Though I sound quite adamant in my poem but I personally find, letting go of anything dear to me, very difficult! I'm happy though both Adam and Sauli found their own respective niche. One of the reasons could be Sauli needs plenty of freedom, he's young and vibrant and Adam as well, his singing being his top priority. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

we have some very talented poets on this 24/7 site. You guys are great!! I am a little jelly. LOL Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

7:47 PM
I would take this one sweet skater to home even if I had a chance to take ten of those harsh-looking guys on the latest video of Bootsy Bellows. But I'm not Adam. "Different stokes for different folks", right?

Anonymous said...

I just watched all of Sauli's videos on Adamtopia under 'Sauli Central', for those of you asking. It's great because all the interviews, etc. have been translated. Sauli is just such a happy and upbeat person. Nice to know that both he and Adam are enjoying their own careers but still stay connected a bit.

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my.....JAK here....boy, that poem hit home with me!
My daughter and I have been grieving the loss of a potential forever and ever sweet redhead, since my g'son "pruned" her off his list. Darn that kid, he finds wonderful girls and I fall in love with them, then.....he moves on. He's breaking my heart!

But, as your poem says " you cut one part and another shoot starts"'s been 6 wks. since the "pruning" and he sent me a photo of his "new shoot". She's a brunette this time but she's just in the States interning in hotel management....she's a UK cutie. So now I'll worry she's Miss Right and he'll marry her and move to England! Waaaaah!

Anonymous said...

JAK I know how you feel it is never ending, nevah !!

Anonymous said...

Facebook link doesn't work for me and I don't want to go to adamtopia where all the crayness is. Are those my only choices?

Anonymous said...

Lets not jump to assumptions about the so called rough looking guys from BB. Adam did not seem that interested in them. He was more intrigue with his cell phone. I suspect they were friends. On the other hand he entitled to a private life with whom ever he chooses to be with. Some people may look one way and be another Cant always judge a book by its cover. But Adam L. Is one person that looks like a beautiful man and that's what he is.

Anonymous said...

Hey JAK!
I love your paraphrasing of my poem; that was really smart to adapt it to your handsome grandson's 'pruning' of his pretty girlfriends. He must be quite a Romeo! No wonder it hit you. lol! Come to think of it, you just gave 'pruning' a whole different concept. lwl! Yea I do share your, Waaaah! sentiment. Not only that, your potential grand-kids will speak to you with a British accent...Waaaaah! lol!


Anonymous said...

If I don't get some soon, I won't be strong enough to pick them up! : )))))

Anonymous said...

About Adamtopia, On Sauli central there's no crays. I quarantee!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:17 PM
As I (9:23 PM) said: "Different strokes for different folks" (sorry, there seems to be a typo) or "to each his own".

Anonymous said...

Happy to see their friendship is still alive and all these nice comments make me feel happy too :)
They are both enjoying live to the fullest.

Anonymous said...

This link should work.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:21 AM
Blocked in the US...

"This video contains content from Warner Chappell and EMI, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

Anonymous said...

Oh, too bad it doesn't work in US :(
But try this one, there is some commercial first tho

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:07 AM
Thanks! That one works :)))

Anonymous said...

Sauli and Nea came second. I enjoyed his and Nea's skating. Sauli's personality is just adorbs and his partner is cute too. Sauli was the only one who jumped.

Sinuhe who got the best points has been before a goalkeeper and I think it's not fair to the other rivals who are beginners.

Anonymous said...

I mean Sinuhe is a nice guy but it shows clearly that he is not a beginner on ice like the others.

Anonymous said...

I simply entered "dancing on ice Sauli and Nea" into YouTube and saw all the videos.

Anonymous said...

Adam has introduced us to quite a few interesting people. It is nice to see some of the things they do. This is a bit like Dancing with the Stars only on ice. I am happy for Sauli that his life is full of opportunities. He is making the most of them.

Anonymous said...

Did you guys see the interview of Sauli with those really GORGEOUS close ups...His EYES, he truly seems such a sunshine and gentle sweatheart!!! You don't even need to understand what he says, just bathe in the Sunshine of his Persona!

Anonymous said...

Yours the only rude post on this thread, happy now?!
Also please do not use nicknames you are not entitled to!

Anonymous said...

Addy .... that's a really disrespectful way to address or refer to Adam. Please treat Adam with the respect he deserves.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see this thread is mostly happy and positive. There's only few small and unessential exceptions which doesn't deserve any attention IMO

Anonymous said...

I guess Adam likes the pics because he has many loyal fans in Finland and he don't want to piss them off. But the truth is most Sauli's fans don't give a sh*t who Adam takes home.

Anonymous said...

Another good one girl !!!!....rose petal

Anonymous said...

6:47 AM
I don't get your point. I love Adam. I am a Finn. I love also Sauli. I loved when they were together, but I'm being realistic and believe that they are not meant to be together any more. It's not in my interest to know whom Adam takes home. Or Sauli. But I don't mind if people speculate. When they start dating steadily, I love to know who they date and what kind of people their partners are.

At this point, I just enjoy and care of both Adam's and Sauli's happiness, although they are apart.

I don't need to know the motives why Adam likes Sauli's pics,but Adam is very liked in Finland. We would listen to his music even if he went to bed with every guy in WeHo and didn't like Sauli's photos. I can hear his music every day on radio. And they don't play the songs because of Sauli, but because Adam was liked here before Sauli and his songs are good. Sauli has his own career and I have two wonderful men to follow. Both guys are doing just fine and I am happy (with who ever they spent their nights).

Anonymous said...

Hey there Rosepetal!
Hope everything's okay with you. You're really one helluva strong-minded gal! The difficulties you went through built up your resilience. Thank you!!


Anonymous said...

Kindly asking:

Could one of those people who keep suggesting that news re Sauli should not be here (even when Adam is Liking Sauli pics and Admin has chosen to headline the news) EXPLAIN yourself why does it bother you so much??
It's obvious you are not able to just scroll by and move on to other threads - you even read the posts and want to post the same comment in one way or another (of not wanting Sauli news here, not even when Adam is the 'instigator' of the news)...

Please explain?
Don't see this happening to any other people in Adam's circle of friends, ex's and 'one-two-night-stands' included... (and of course Tommy should not be mentioned either...feels like pre-teenage stuff, sorry)

Grown up people can usually give reasons for their opinions & actions... Please somebody?

Anonymous said...

@7:03 That's pretty much what I meant. @6:47

Anonymous said...

This liking thing is confusing to me.. Why Adam keeps liking Sauli`s pics and Sauli don`t do that at all.. Is Sauli liking other`s pics? Does someone know? I can understand that if he isn`t doing that in general. Somehow I think Sauli is more into fb. He doesn`t tweet much either. Or mayby he don`t want people to think he is using Adam. I also love them both and Sauli has always been very quiet about his personal things. And somehow I think Adam has learned that lesson too. Fans don`t need to know everything! Good luck to them both seperetly and if they want to try again good luck for that too!

Anonymous said...

9:03 AM
You have answered yourself to your questions, I think. Sauli does not use Twitter much, he likes to do things private and he does not want people to think that he is using Adam. There are people who start yelling "attention whore/fame whore", every time he hints something they think is about Adam even it is not - and he does not do that often. I'm sure he likes Adam's photos and talks a lot privately in fb, but he wants to keep private things as private as he can. It is easier for Adam to like his pics cause no one starts blaming him for being some AW or FW.

Anonymous said...

Sauli's Instagram is probably more for the fans. He posts his pictures there, but likes somebody else's very rarely.

Anonymous said...

Sauli like's Adam pics on FB which dedicated Adam's fans know even though it supposed to be secret but it's not and Adam knows it. Sauli is using FB to communicate with his friends. He closed his personal FB when he started his relationship with Adam.

Anonymous said...

7:13 AM
I came to see if anyone had answered to your kind question and explained, but no. I have wondered the same thing as you. Why does Sauli bother so many people when there are so many Adam's other friends that do not. Adam and Sauli just happened to fall in love and had some "amazing years" as both have said. They did not hurt each other as far as I see from their behavior. Adam has the right to choose his friends. You don't have to like his friends but some people maybe want to talk about those people you don't like. I've been thinking if it is b/c Sauli is a foreigner? And from an unknown small country near Russia? Why do people read those threads and not just ignore and scroll? Many questions. No answers.

But this must be the lifetime issue. And as long as Sauli is mentioned, these same people have to remind others that this is only Adam-site.

Sorry this OT-rant. This thread has been quite nice today. Thank you all! And enjoy everyone who is able to see the iHeart this evening!

Anonymous said...

Well I guess this thread eat my post to u.... Anyways thanks for asking I'm doin darlin has been sick and work sucks as always ...but I've got Adam and my cyber glam buddies so all in all doin pretty good....rose petal

Anonymous said...

As long as it says Sauli on top of a thread I am going to post nice things about Sauli. No one except for admin can stop me from doing that.

Therefore, all you negative nellies, stay away from Sauli, he is the cutest and sweetest guy who spreads nothing but joy around him and if you can't take that, then stay away and enjoy the numerous other threads admin provides us with on a daily basis. There's plenty to choose from.

Anonymous said...

11:33am, A life time issue, I guess so too. These skating pictures Adam liked are really beautiful, I have enjoyed Sauli´s DOI-performance too, over and over again I get a special happy feeling from it. And now I´m going to listen to Adam´s WWTLF before I go to sleep:))).For me this was a wonderful day, have a good evening fans.

Anonymous said...

AD wants a piece of that cold ice doesn't he??

Anonymous said...

The careers of both men seem to be going great guns. Sauli appears extremely mature and likeable. He appears to be a media darling in Finland, involved in multiple projects at the same time. The Ice Dancing is beautiful. Adam's career is great, post-RCA and the prospect of new music in the future is tantalizing. Both seem to have respect for each other and personal privacy. Neither owes fans every part of their lives, good bad or indifferent. Being able to see both advance in their chosen careers is a nice thing. Those that don't want to follow one or the other go to other websites of those you do like.

Anonymous said...

Sauli wants to be on top, so perhaps he was too hot to handle and Adam couldn't take it any more....lololol. :DDD

Anonymous said...

6:02am Nice to hear Sauli talk English! :D

Anonymous said...

I can imagine it may be difficult if both want to be on the top :D Adam has said so many times, this is the first time I have heard Sauli speaking of it. Of course they were joking with his quest but there may be a truth on that what he is saying.

Anonymous said...

I'd say Sauli is as good or better in his job than many who have done tv shows for years. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

Well maybe they couldn't agree who is the top and who is the bottom.

Anonymous said...

7:38 AM
Believe me, they are just joking. Sauli will never tell us anything about his sexual life, I'm quite sure of that. And before anyone asks, Stefan Richter is straight. He is a TOP chef, lol.

Anonymous said...

I @7:48AM meant the Saulin Paras Kaveri tv show but I enjoy watching the Dancing On Ice as well.

Anonymous said...

7:48 AM
I agree.He is really good. So natural and fun, gets people to talk and relax. I have loved all the three shows and I'm eagerly waiting for the next program on Saturday. The promo-vid is so crazy. And Stefan Richter is a funny person. He has so different and interesting people in these shows.

Anonymous said...

"people" = quests.

Anonymous said...

As expected, Sauli is back at the top. (most popular post ranking, nothing sexual! lol)

Anonymous said...

Oh nooooo, Stefan Richter, our new American son-in-law!!!!! LOL!!!!! :DDDDDDDDD

Anonymous said...

Lol! Adam liked the same picture on saulikoskinen pictures instagram. It`s fan account I believe..

Anonymous said...

@10:28 AM Aww that was sweet of him. I wondered why Adamliked the same picture twice but it's a different account.

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli has the better image/reputation. Is rarely seen with men and I'd think is working too hard to be looking for a relationship right now. 3 TV shows and doing blogs for Finnish Press and modeling also. I'd like to think the breakup was behind work, but not to be a hater, Glee, Queen and a New Year's Eve gig are not really substantial amounts of work, when one wants to do their own music. And while doing vocals on another person's cd is great, it's not the same as having your own. That's the issue that still has to be resolved for Adam. tdilenmamna th

Anonymous said...

8.50 PM I think they both are doing great.I rather wait and let Adam make a record he's satisfied with than force him publish something just because the fans demand him for a new music. He is making his name more known with Queen, Glee etc.

Anonymous said...

Please stop comparing these two lovely guys in any way, in anything, k? They are both two unique human beings and YOU (like we all) know very little of them for real... You only "know" what media and twittering fans feed you. So please, however nicely you put your words, stop with the totally useless comparison. The scale alone and the differences between their 'working areas' and the size of their 'markets' should make you realize this.

Let's just be happy for both of these guys for doing so well.

Love & Sunshine to ya'll!

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli is very happy with the smaller scale and works hard to achieve his goals. He doesn´t try to be a worldwide star. I´m glad he is content with the promising aspects he has. I am also really excited of Adam´s future, We have been lucky, Adam has shared a lot of his incredible life with us and he seems to be content with his life aswell, no doubts!:)

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, next on DOI: the song is about a morning session with the person you love. Sauli, you're killing us again... but then again, what a great way to kick the bucket. :D

Anonymous said...

Sauli and Nea are just adorable :D

Anonymous said...

Yes they are and their ice dance was really beautiful. So cool, I can´t wait to see them next Saturday again!:) Good luck for Sauli and Nea!

Anonymous said...

I'm so pleased there are some happy things going on as well. Sauli can do no wrong. He is the sweetest, nicest and funniest guy there is. He makes you smile every single time. :)

Anonymous said...

It is already freezing cold now in Finland and it´s cold on the skating arena too, hope Sauli stays healthy there. I know he is a fighter in spirit so he tries his best. I wish Sauli and Nea luck!:))

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh how adorable Sauli and Nea were yesterday! You can see it here: