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Another Video: Adam Lambert leaving Bootsy Bellows Nightclub in Hollywood

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, September 29, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, September 29, 2013


Anonymous said...

seemed like a group of decent people. Glad Adam got to sign a few autographs.

Anonymous said...

what a difference in how Adam handles the paps compared to say..Kayne West..Adam has such class...

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is the classiest!

Anonymous said...

who is the snuggle bunny in the backseat of the car?

Anonymous said...

It's a guy, does snuggle bunny imply something?
You don't generally ride in front with the driver when you call for a car to pick you up, you sit with your friend.

Anonymous said...

I think that that red headed guy that asked Adam for an autograph was the same one that tried the day before in the lavender sweat jacket and then called Adam that name when Adam ignored him.